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R&D neglected in Muslim countries

But it still does not answer the questions I have asked:
Again, I ask, who carried out national IQ tests in Bangladesh? When was it carried out?

If no tests were carried out, you can not claim that Bangladesh's national IQ is X, Y or Z or any number. You have to carry out extensive tests over different period across the country to claim that you have some sort of dataset to work with.

You need to consult the various books on this topic, all have references to the empirical evidence. IQ is a very old concept, and globally tests have been done since the 1930's. One pattern is clear: IQ is positively correlated with a societies standard of living, and contribution to the arts and sciences. Unless one's nation is gifted with resource.

You can deny the evidence via semantics, but by simple observation the nations that are building and designing your cars, engines, computers have a greater emphasis on education and top the IQ charts.

There are also Bengali people in India. Tests have been carried out on various Indian states. Please consult google.

Also you may be surprised to know IQ is inversely correlated with Religiosity according to studies.

Here is a wiki article with references.

Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, we as individuals are not in a position to carry out those IQ tests but we can estimate. And by estimation we can conclude that a country in which children has healthy and ample upbringing + early education will have higher IQ on average than a nation in which such conditions are unavailable.

Well that is up to speculation. The chicken and egg argument resurfaces. Are these societies in their current state due to lack of a higher average IQ or is their average IQ the effect of their current living conditions.

As a note intelligent societies are generally better are group work. The world witnessed how the Japanese handled their recent disaster, in comparison to Haiti, which today still lays filled with debris.

Bangladesh has a lot of malnutrition, just like other South Asian countries, among the poor masses. When these people get proper nutrition and education, like first world countries, then we can compare.

What I wonder about is why people of European origin being so intelligent and high IQ, trashed the whole planet with chemical pollution, greenhouse gas and radio-active waste? Who is going to clean it up? We the low IQ Muslims did not do it.

Why the food supply in USA is so full of chemical, hormones etc.? Why do so many of these high IQ people eat this garbage and become obese?

Also I wonder why people of European origin are helping China and India who are big nations of billion plus population and eventually will kick the behind of Western countries? Why commit suicide or at least shoot at your own foot? Is it because of the super smart 1% with significant Ashkenazi element in it and the greed for money and power that goes with being in the 1%? Lets say its because of the super smart Zionists and their greed, when the West goes down under Chinese and Indian Hindutva boot, who will protect Israel? What is the guarantee that India will care about Israel and Zionist concern then and not consider it a liability, when they will have nothing to gain from this group?

you are confusing intelligence with morality.
They went to the moon in the 60's. You still dont have a Launching vehicle.

You are confusing technological superiority with morality.

Where have you gotten your launching vehicle from, and where have the ones you have copied have got it from too?
without the vital Muslim contributions in sciences you'll still be navigating aimlessly, be it at sea or in the air.

For your second response, it was the Iraqis themselves who helped you out of ignorance of your ill intentions, so it has nothing to do with superior technology.
If they would have fought you from day one as a nation, you would have lost the war in few months, and at least half of your 500 000 soldiers despite any virtual technological superiority.
And the Iraqis would have lost at most 200 000 lives -instead of one million- and kept their infrastructure almost intact.
I hope you got the point.
Who measured Bangladeshi average national IQ? When was it done? Nobel prizes are a Western subjective award. Who selects Nobel laureates? Is there any objective pre-determined transparent set of criteria one can check to verify if any bias in selection process exists (which is proven to exist and can be proven by extensive statistical calculations by any knowledgeable and interested person)?

Iran's main export is oil (and gas) because of its economic policy, which is dependent on international relations, where Western countries have interfered directly. Still Iran's rate of scientific growth is faster than the entire infidel world (multiplied by 10) even while it is under sanctions, threats and political pressure.

1. The nobel organization is globally renowned, and is considered the ultimate prestige. You cannot smear an organizations credibility due to your inability to win awards according to the set criteria.

- Note Jews have a lot of winners in the sciences. Jews also are overrepresented in the top institutions in the states. The pattern is consistent. You can contact the Nobel organization to ask questions via another Jewish creation "google".

Iran may be doing well according to its regional average in the scienes. But let me ask you, who were the scientists who came up with the equations that Iran is using? Not Iranians themselves.

One look at patents per capita will show Iran is nowhere near the top. Look at the recently published scientific papers. Again Iran is not at the top.

I'm sorry, Iranians as much as I admire them have a habit of exaggerating their achievements.

Where have you gotten your launching vehicle from, and where have the ones you have copied have got it from too?
without the vital Muslim contributions in sciences you'll still be navigating aimlessly, be it at sea or in the air.

For your second response, it was the Iraqis themselves who helped you out of ignorance of your ill intentions, so it has nothing to do with superior technology.
If they would have fought you from day one as a nation, you would have lost the war in few months, and at least half of your 500 000 soldiers despite any virtual technological superiority.
And the Iraqis would have lost at most 200 000 lives -instead of one million- and kept their infrastructure almost intact.
I hope you got the point.

As they say history is written by the victors.
I love when "Americans" (who don't even know where there country is on the map) try talk as if they know 'something' :lol:

We're so glad you left Pakistan and came here to enlighten us infidels. ( I love that word !!):pakistan:

Where have you gotten your launching vehicle from, and where have the ones you have copied have got it from too?
without the vital Muslim contributions in sciences you'll still be navigating aimlessly, be it at sea or in the air.

For your second response, it was the Iraqis themselves who helped you out of ignorance of your ill intentions, so it has nothing to do with superior technology.
If they would have fought you from day one as a nation, you would have lost the war in few months, and at least half of your 500 000 soldiers despite any virtual technological superiority.
And the Iraqis would have lost at most 200 000 lives -instead of one million- and kept their infrastructure almost intact.
I hope you got the point.

The only point there is is on your head. You just made up all the stuff you posted above when history (and facts) show the complete opposite.:rofl:
The only point there is is on your head. You just made up all the stuff you posted above when history (and facts) show the complete opposite.:rofl:

So your answer is that you are an ignorant chap, and you do not know what to say, so you are pulling more ignorance on you head to hide from the utter ignorance that afflicts you, and you are bragging about technological advancements!!!
Do not write/speak about something you have no knowledge of. Cutting and pasting from infidel sites without investigating what you posted only makes you look like a typical illiterate Indian. Nowhere does the Quran say that the Sun sets in murky water or anything like that. Watch your Zakir Naik's debate with William Campbell to understand infidels' arguments have no basis.

I think Zakir Naik is a fool.

I have given the references.

All sites are kaffir, internet is kaffir and cutting and pasting is a kaffir concept.

Now don't try taqiyya and explain what I posted if you can.
1. The nobel organization is globally renowned, and is considered the ultimate prestige. You cannot smear an organizations credibility due to your inability to win awards according to the set criteria.

- Note Jews have a lot of winners in the sciences. Jews also are overrepresented in the top institutions in the states. The pattern is consistent. You can contact the Nobel organization to ask questions via another Jewish creation "google".

Iran may be doing well according to its regional average in the scienes. But let me ask you, who were the scientists who came up with the equations that Iran is using? Not Iranians themselves.

One look at patents per capita will show Iran is nowhere near the top. Look at the recently published scientific papers. Again Iran is not at the top.

I'm sorry, Iranians as much as I admire them have a habit of exaggerating their achievements.

As they say history is written by the victors.

I assure you it was not American and European who come up with mathematics and Algebra .
We're so glad you left Pakistan and came here to enlighten us infidels. ( I love that word !!):pakistan:

Actually yeah ;) When I came here , I had to take state-testing in my school and I was also tested on U.S History. I haven't had taken U.S History class yet because I was late...guess what? .. I STILL got 'advance' level while dummy Amreeeekaaannnnn kids got way lower scores than me. Put your high school kids with Pakistani high school kids...give them same environment...Pakistanis will THRASH Americans academically. Your advantage lies in great progress of your country. Great resources , top-tier higher education system , 100% literacy rate etc etc. Americans (your ancestors) were indeed hardworking great people that made your country great but today , young Americans only know two things : Kim Kashdarian and getting as many 'romantic partners' as possible and loosing their virginity before they turn to 15 :lol:
The state of a (or any) people at a single point in history can not portray their true potential.

History provides a wonderful example. There have been two watershed events in human history which defined how human beings control the nature to bring a change in their lifestyles.

1. The biological control, i.e. agricultural revolution (including cattle domestication). It happened independently in all the major population groups: New Guinea highlands, Yangtze river delta (China), Indus valley (Indian sub-continent), Fertile Crescent (Middle East), Niger river delta (sub-Saharan Africa), North, Central and South Americas.

But it never happened in Australia or Europe. At that point in time, Europeans (along with Aboriginal Australians) were the least developed people on earth. Agriculture was introduced in Europe by Middle Eastern migrants.

2. The physico-chemical control, i.e. Industrial revolution which in true sense was started only by Europeans. The whole world followed them to the Information age. At this point in time, Europeans and their diaspora are considered the most developed people in the world, but, (Aboriginal) Australians have missed the boat, they are still the least developed people on earth and are living as a marginalised community in their own homelands.

How are we to judge the Europeans - should it be by their progress in the Neo-lithic age when they were not able to develop agriculture at all?

How are we to judge Africans, who, unlike Europeans, were able to develop agriculture independently - by their plight in the 21st century?
Why are we living in the past? :lol:

True, early Muslims did have their contributions in Science and Mathematics until the Mongol invasion. But then, much of that knowledge is derived from other cultures.

As far as the Western World is concerned, they did not know much. Complete savages living in the dark ages in fact. It was after the Renaissance that things changed. They did not know everything, no civilization alone can.

What they did was that they went around the world, gathered knowledge from different cultures and combined them to form one model. That is how they became what they are now. They didn't achieve all that from doing nothing.

The Muslims tried that - in fact they were close, but failed due to the Mongol invasion and their leaders kept fighting one another.

The bottom line is that R&D is almost non-existent in Muslim countries in general.

Who measured Bangladeshi average national IQ? When was it done? Nobel prizes are a Western subjective award. Who selects Nobel laureates? Is there any objective pre-determined transparent set of criteria one can check to verify if any bias in selection process exists (which is proven to exist and can be proven by extensive statistical calculations by any knowledgeable and interested person)?

Iran's main export is oil (and gas) because of its economic policy, which is dependent on international relations, where Western countries have interfered directly. Still Iran's rate of scientific growth is faster than the entire infidel world (multiplied by 10) even while it is under sanctions, threats and political pressure.

Muhammad Yunus doesn't count? Yes? No?

And no, you are wrong on the Iran part.
You need to consult the various books on this topic, all have references to the empirical evidence. IQ is a very old concept, and globally tests have been done since the 1930's. One pattern is clear: IQ is positively correlated with a societies standard of living, and contribution to the arts and sciences. Unless one's nation is gifted with resource.

You can deny the evidence via semantics, but by simple observation the nations that are building and designing your cars, engines, computers have a greater emphasis on education and top the IQ charts.

There are also Bengali people in India. Tests have been carried out on various Indian states. Please consult google.
This IQ thing is quite interesting. I will go into it in details in a later post.
Also you may be surprised to know IQ is inversely correlated with Religiosity according to studies.

Here is a wiki article with references.

Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From above wiki article:
An analysis of World Values Survey data[17] showed that in most countries, there is no significant relationship between education and religious attendance.
However, in 65 former socialist countries "there is a negative relationship between years of education and belief in God", with similar negative correlations for other religious beliefs while, in contrast, there were strong positive correlations in many developed countries such as England, France and the US. They concluded that "these cross-country differences in the education-belief relationship can be explained by political factors (such as communism) which lead some countries to use state controlled education to discredit religion".
The study also concludes that, in the United States and other developed nations, "education raises religious attendance at individual level," while "at the same time, there is a strong negative connection between attendance and education across religious groups within the U.S. and elsewhere." The authors suggest that "this puzzle is explained if education both increases the returns to social connection and reduces the extent of religious belief," causing more educated individuals to sort into less fervent denominations. [18]
This correlation between highly educated people having high levels of religious behaviour in Western nations is supported by other studies: in Australia, 23% of Christian church attenders have earned a university or postgraduate degree, whereas the figure for the general population is 13%.[19] Commentators on the survey attribute the educational levels to sociological factors, such as age, class and income, making no claims about intelligence.[19] [20] Similarly, studies of Mormons in the US show that Mormons with higher education attend church more regularly than uneducated Mormons. Survey research indicated that 41% of Mormons with only elementary school education attend church regularly, compared to 76% of Mormon college graduates and 78% of Mormons who went beyond their college degrees to do graduate study attending church regularly.[21]
From above article it seems, religiosity of the moderate kind is associated with higher education as well as higher IQ, whereas religiosity of the fundamentalist kind decreases IQ, or it could be that high IQ people choose religion but practice it with moderation, whereas low IQ people choose fundamentalist religious view. Atheism is a kind of fundamentalist view which claim with certainty that there is no supreme being, whereas being agnostic is more of a moderate position in the same vein. Atheism accompanied with arrogance and disrespect for people with religious view, I think is not very helpful for social harmony and cohesion.

Well that is up to speculation. The chicken and egg argument resurfaces. Are these societies in their current state due to lack of a higher average IQ or is their average IQ the effect of their current living conditions.

As a note intelligent societies are generally better are group work. The world witnessed how the Japanese handled their recent disaster, in comparison to Haiti, which today still lays filled with debris

History had a major role in shaping the current world system:
World-systems theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How did the world become this way, I have my hypothesis on this:

About effect of genetics and race on IQ, I will comment on this on a later post.

you are confusing intelligence with morality.

How can you separate the two? So you are saying trashing the planet with chemicals, pollution and radio-active waste is intelligent? If that is intelligence then I think human beings are better off without this kind of intelligence. Earth is like a little space ship, you cannot waste and destroy its resources and call it intelligent. Morality and ethics is based on humanity's collective need, and following good environmental stewardship is not only moral but also intelligent and I would call trashing the planet as supremely stupid.

As I said before somewhere else, people need clean chemical free air, water and organic food to develop their body and good information source, proper education and training to develop their understanding of the world around them and how to tackle the challenges and solve them in a creative way. It has little to do with how much money, toys and material things people accumulate in their life time, which our consumerist society consider as success in our current world system. We need to redesign this system along with the value system that goes with it. If all 7 billion people (9 billion by 2050) start having American life style, and produce about 100 ton trash per person in their life time then the world will look like:
WALL-E - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are we wasting time on hate-obsessed detractors who don't understand history or the basics of the scientific process? To claim that Islam is incompatible with science is to deliberately ignore history and empirical facts. Muslims played an indispensable part in the history of science -- modern physics, chemistry and mathematics would not be possible without Muslim contributions.

However, the other reality that we also accept is that R&D is woefully under-subscribed in current Muslim countries. There is no point denying it and taking refuge in the past.

There is a rejection of Western cultural imperialism and some Muslims mistakenly believe that science and technology are Western concepts. Hence they reject them (and modernity) outright. That mindset needs to change radically if Muslim societies ever hope to climb out of the current morass.
Well, we as individuals are not in a position to carry out those IQ tests but we can estimate. And by estimation we can conclude that a country in which children has healthy and ample upbringing + early education will have higher IQ on average than a nation in which such conditions are unavailable.

That is totally invalid in scientific terms. Guessing or second guessing does not provide you with any reliable dataset to base your calculations on.




R&D spending in Muslim countries needs to go up, specially the major Muslim economies like Indonesia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to make any sorta impact.

If you add up all the Muslim countries in that list, you see R&D investment of about $22 Billion. India alone(which is not that great itself) spends $36 Billion!

You need to consult the various books on this topic, all have references to the empirical evidence. IQ is a very old concept, and globally tests have been done since the 1930's. One pattern is clear: IQ is positively correlated with a societies standard of living, and contribution to the arts and sciences. Unless one's nation is gifted with resource.

You can deny the evidence via semantics, but by simple observation the nations that are building and designing your cars, engines, computers have a greater emphasis on education and top the IQ charts.

There are also Bengali people in India. Tests have been carried out on various Indian states. Please consult google.

Also you may be surprised to know IQ is inversely correlated with Religiosity according to studies.

Here is a wiki article with references.

Religiosity and intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means you do not have any evidence just like most Western BS claims throughout history? Again, when were national IQ tests carried out in Bangladesh? Who carried it out? Where are the results? What is the statistical validity? Over what time period were those tests carried out? What corrections were made for various social, political and other factors to account for these variations across countries?

All you post are 'simple observations' because you have nothing more than simple observations. If you do not possess the intelligence to make anything other than 'simple observations', how can you think of making accurate, scientific calculations based upon precise observations across time and location?

Is designing a car a sign of intelligence? Then, how would this design affect your calculation of Bangladeshi IQ?

Pretty much every country with a few years of stability and a few million people in the middle class or higher have produced or designed some car, appliance, electronic device or similar 'simple device'. Only people that are limited in intelligence to making 'simple observations' would think that designing these devices has much to do with national IQ.

Also, I am not surprised that you do not have the intelligence to separate Western tripe from reality. A good example of that is you having to rely on Wikipedia.
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