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R&D neglected in Muslim countries

You wasted my time with your BS. You make your own assumptions, and start hysterical 'online' laughter based on that. Maybe you are unemployed or a student whose only recourse is to quote Wikipedia on online fora to prove yourself a fool time and time again.


Are you broken or something mate? WTF has that telecom data got to do with the R&D figures.

I ll break it down for you, if you think the figure for Saudi Arabia or any other country is wrong, you show me an alternate source which says otherwise and thats the end of the story. Its that simple really.

Cause I gave you figures from the The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries report. So the onus is on you alright. If you can't do that then well gluk with your tourettes fits of "infidel, evil Indian, zionist" and other crap.

Lmao, you are the fool if anyone is here. Bogus means fake. Now just because Muslim countries were not part of the study makes the data bogus? :undecided:

Since this thread is about Muslim R&D, then what's the point of posting a study which excludes Muslim countries?
Using or relying on Wikipedia only lowers one's own credibility. A good example of the uselessness of Wikipedia can be seen here.

List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A simple list such as this is also **** up.

Does the above ranking make any sense assuming that the source information is correct? Is 66 million greater than 69 or 68 million? Why is Turkey ahead of Thailand and Iran then? Is 58 million> 69 million, or is 58 mil>68 mil? Why is France ahead of Thailand or Iran then?

How is the number of cell phone users related to R&D?
Since this thread is about Muslim R&D, then what's the point of posting a study which excludes Muslim countries?

Yeah the very next sentence in that post of mine,

I posted that list so that you could cross check the wikipedia figures.

Besides I posted figures from the Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries report as well. Apparently Turks are worse than the Western Infidels(according to banglair) so those figures are useless as well.
Wright, stop wasting my time.

Don't waste time on him. He doesn't understand the basic concept that science and technology are cumulative efforts. Each group builds upon the foundations laid by previous generations. He can't get past his ingrained bigotry to get it through his head that current Western science is built upon Muslim contributions (which built upon earlier civilizations).
How is the number of cell phone users related to R&D?

A simple list such as the number of mobile phone subscribers is **** up in Wikipedia. That is a fine proof of how 'reliable' Wikipedia truly is.

Don't waste time on him. He doesn't understand the basic concept that science and technology are cumulative efforts. Each group builds upon the foundations laid by previous generations. He can't get past his ingrained bigotry to get it through his head that current Western science is built upon Muslim contributions (which built upon earlier civilizations).

That's all true but he made numerous logical errors and false claims which he can not back up with proof. I am waiting for him to provide the proof. He could not, so he asks me to go and find it. I know very well that his 'proof' is BS because I have read, in detail, all the so called studies and books on the topic, which are filled with scientific and methodological errors as accepted by even infidel Westerners today.

For example, if you did not read the book, you would not know that the so called IQ scores for Bangladesh and Pakistan were 'derived' by taking a test in India!!!! Is that scientific? Even a kindergarten student can see the huge scientific and methodological error in that approach, not to mention the numerous other shortcomings in those Western garbage, but I know very well that posters like him do not have the intelligence to understand such simple arguments (it's too difficult for him to understand), and they do not have access to those books either.

Yeah the very next sentence in that post of mine,

Besides I posted figures from the Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries report as well. Apparently Turks are worse than the Western Infidels(according to banglair) so those figures are useless as well.

Turks quoted WESTERN sources for their info.

Maybe now you can see it clearly.
I thought claims about national IQ were a banned topic. Maybe not.

I do not know if it is a banned topic in this forum, but I am just asking for proof. The so called studies are bogus, no student, and I mean no student who has studied only introductory statistics (and the mathematical foundations of it) would accept the enormous methodological flaws in those so called 'studies'. Edit: Anybody with greater knowledge on statistical studies would debunk those 'studies' altogether for their lack of scientific validity. *They are intended to be sold to imbecile Westerners most of whom are born from adultery and later turn to homosexuality, or some other perversions.

They obtain Myanmar's national IQ by taking the average of Indian and Thai IQs. How did they calculate Thai IQ? A few tests at random? No.

For five countries, they use 'reaction times of (about 100 or so) schoolchildren' to estimate IQ. The list of hilarity could be very long. Very briefly, those silly unscientific bogus books are hilarities all by themselves.

That member could not prove his claim. Then, he wrongly claimed that Bangladeshi designed car was designed using AutoCAD/CAD. And he made one blunder after another, which only proves that secularism can only breed 'low intelligence' (cretins) creatures.

Just out of curiosity, what source would be acceptable for you? You have already declared UNESCO a "western" source.

This thread is not to quench your personal curiosity. UNESCO is Western. If you did not know that, go educate yourself.
A simple list such as the number of mobile phone subscribers is **** up in Wikipedia. That is a fine proof of how 'reliable' Wikipedia truly is.

Well, any Tom, Dick or Harry can edit that crap :lol:

And if you want a "reliable" source, it is here:
Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) | Data | Table

The only Muslim country that has some significant R&D is Tunisia (surprisingly), standing at 1.10% of the nation's GDP. The rest of them are negligible or non-existent.

Please, for the love of God, don't say that the World Bank is an "infidel" site.
Well, in any case, the topic here is not IQ but R&D, so let's leave the IQ debate.

As for R&D, even though some individual Muslim countries may be pumping money into it, the unfortunate reality is that the broader Muslim world is lagging. Perhaps the lag is commensurate with other, non-Muslim countries of comparable economic level but, regardless, there is no harm in pushing for greater emphasis on education and R&D.
This thread is not to quench your personal curiosity. UNESCO is Western. If you did not know that, go educate yourself.

I was asking for the sake of the thread :lol: I would still like to know what you consider as a "credible" source.
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