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Quranic versus found in burnt fire crackers

hahahaha....11 separatist movements (largest democrarcy in the world!)
yeah right!!!!

wats next saudia arabia peaceful country?!

Whomsoever, will question the writ of state would get bullet in his head. :whistle:
by the way what burnt verses of quran have got nything to do with pakistan defence?!

@syedali mr. you opted to serve indian democracy now deal with it...
Whomsoever, will question the writ of state would get bullet in his head


juat likw LOC is not a border... wat do you say?
sheshe... now blasphemy law but POTA was there!

*no blasphemy law but POTA was there!

I am the one who made those crackers and now I am going to make tissue paper to wipe

*** shining India ***

i really admire indian population growth, it is just another gift india has given ti this world , much like mars achievement.... useless!!!!!

whats news in india... indian army raping women? muslims burnt alive? **** flag hoisted? numbers killed in asam?
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Who cares..? Book a case against the cracker company . This hyper sensitivity for books can not be allowed..
For us Hindus it is a minor issue.you can find the pictures of various Hindu deities too on crackers.we sometimes make fun of our gods.we even allow atheists in our religion to criticise our gods.so we feel that people of other religions also are as liberal as us.You may be surprised once I burnt all religious books as a lot of garbage had piled up on my attic(it included both bible and Quran with some Hindu texts).
if you remember two nation theory " that was the main reason we had that" and we are not confuse if there is God or not. we worship him Respect Him more than anything cant allow anyone to disrespect the One we Believe is Almighty , like i said its a very sensitive issue you have no right to disrespect.

Muslims shouldn't take such matters seriously.Allah is powerful enough to take care of such matters.Muslims themselves are letting their enemies know that they can be provoked very easily .One should never allow others to take advantage of his weaknesses. In this era of internet and social media no group can escape criticism or mockery.Better learn to get used to it rather than running around like a monkey whose tail is on fire.
or maybe we sud make a examples so people will hesitate to say stuff which is extremly sensitive to Muslims. why critize when you know it will provoke.. intentionally people do that and No muslim sud allow that.
it goes same as how nazi did to jews in ww2 they are extremly sensitive over this .. compare us 100 times more to muslims over this issue.
Only Islamic Extremist would kill someone for such issues. If it was holy Gita i would not make a big deal about it.
its cuz you are not attached to your religion like muslims.. how do you feel if someone kill your mom dad or your son in front of you is it big deal to you?
disrespecting religion is same like you killing a muslim. our attachment to our religion is beyond your imagination.
its cuz you are not attached to your religion like muslims.. how do you feel if someone kill your mom dad or your son in front of you is it big deal to you?
disrespecting religion is same like you killing a muslim. our attachment to our religion is beyond your imagination.
@Lord Aizen , not every person can't be broad minded like you and me!! Killing in the name of GOD...Equating killing of one's parents to that of burning some writings.......:hitwall::hitwall: .....Now please don't advice to the block heads!!
For Pakistani's everyone other than them is a Terrorist. Hinduphob How come NaMo is a Terrorist?
@Lord Aizen , not every person can't be broad minded like you and me!! Killing in the name of GOD...Equating killing of one's parents to that of burning some writings.......:hitwall::hitwall: .....Now please don't advice to the block heads!!
i tried to explain you how sensitive issue it is..
people kill people for money , countries , women , it depends who do you want and love more
yeah , why should RSS/bajrangdal /shivsena activists bother abt muslims..reason why we formed this country... but not all india is like that.. same goes for pakistan too..good and bad both
if you remember two nation theory " that was the main reason we had that" and we are not confuse if there is God or not. we worship him Respect Him more than anything cant allow anyone to disrespect the One we Believe is Almighty , like i said its a very sensitive issue you have no right to disrespect.

or maybe we sud make a examples so people will hesitate to say stuff which is extremly sensitive to Muslims. why critize when you know it will provoke.. intentionally people do that and No muslim sud allow that.
it goes same as how nazi did to jews in ww2 they are extremly sensitive over this .. compare us 100 times more to muslims over this issue.
You want to make a non Muslim an example by giving him severe punishment for disrespecting Islam?That will further flare up non Muslims and instead of avoiding insulting Islam they always seek new ways to insult and provoke you people.Islam is the most hated religion in the world and is on its death bed.You can revive it only through your good behavior not by your belligerent postures.Remember this is an era of social media.you can't do a FCK to stop anyone from expressing their views.Thank god ,for he provided this generation with internet.
You want to make a non Muslim an example by giving him severe punishment for disrespecting Islam?That will further flare up non Muslims and instead of avoiding insulting Islam they always seek new ways to insult and provoke you people.Islam is the most hated religion in the world and is on its death bed.You can revive it only through your good behavior not by your belligerent postures.Remember this is an era of social media.you can't do a FCK to stop anyone from expressing their views.Thank god ,for he provided this generation with internet.
You are advising @shiekh Rauf ...:hitwall::hitwall: he is a known pro-extremist troll .
off course not for you, when killing minorities by thousands is not an issue how come disrespecting their religious would be a an issue, you don't have to be an asshole to prove you are an indian

Police is already looking into the matter. Not a major issue.

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