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Quran burning is a crime in China

U were the one that brought up history with your claims that China was governed by the Quran for more than 1300 years 'before the Communist party took over', yet then ironically claimed history isn't important.

If China was indeed ruled by Muslims, whose definition u should know better than me, which is one who submits to god, the Islamic one because there is no other 'Gods' other than him, than there has to be a dynasty that MUST be Muslim because China has over 4 millennium of continous despotic(dynastic) rule

I'm confused.

My question is : was any Chinese dynasty Muslim?

Yes or no? <=== Just a simple direct question

yep u said it. i think you are right, you ARE confused. please read my Posts again, you have got a message in ur head that i never said.

also there is no Muslim God or jew God or christian God or chinese God.
There is only 1 God , one and only. " The Creator" of the universe and everyting we can see and not see.

some call him Allah because they speak Arabic. some call him God cuz they speak English , Some call him Zhen Zhu or Lao tian cuz they speak chinese. Some call him pramatma cuz they speak Hindi . some call him Khuda cuz they speak Farsi (persian) some call him
Alpha and Omega. Al haiyu wal Qayoom.

he is one and the same. there is no such thing as Muslim God.
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yep u said it. i think you are right, you ARE confused. please read my Posts again, you have got a message in ur head that i never said.

Was any Chinese dynasty Muslim? <====
U are unable answer it.

Just as i thought, because we both knew the answer in our heads already(and anyone with a simple click to Wikipedia)


also there is no Muslim God or jew God or christian God or chinese God.
There is only 1 God , one and only. " The Creator" of the universe and everyting we can see and not see.

some call him Allah because they speak Arabic. some call him God cuz they speak English , Some call him Zhen Zhu or Lao tian cuz they speak chinese. Some call him pramatma cuz they speak Hindi . some call him Khuda cuz they speak Farsi (persian) some call him
Alpha and Omega. Al haiyu wal Qayoom.

he is one and the same. there is no such thing as Muslim God.
Really? Tell me what does the Shahada says ?Are you even Muslim yourself?
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what harms that Muslim had caused you in.life that you hate them so much? do you really think Islam as an ideology can be eleminated? are you serious?
Islam is a hindrance to human development and cause social progress to regress. Open your little eyes and see how "great" Islamic countries are. Since you are a baptized christian you know your religion is on the top 2 hit list by Islamic fundamentalists.
Good luck telling them you don't hate them as they start to behead you..
I am a citizen of a country which represents this forum and I am speaking my mind and The decision rest upon @MOD to decide I wrote what I felt. This threads title goes in favor of China but the content in this thread is to create hate for China. This is the new hybrid war west has launched to create hate towards China to focus terrorism in direction of China. West wants Muslim to fight their war with such propaganda and I am stating my opinion. Now who are you to question me?
A citizen of a country which represent this Forum.
National unity has a significant bearing upon tolerance for all factions. Needless to say, Muslims are as much Chinese as others, but keeping a check on Muslims is one thing and deliberately hurting their religious sentiments another. This was a flagrant attempt at provoking Muslim Chinese and the perpetrator has duly been penalised.
National unity has a significant bearing upon tolerance for all factions. Needless to say, Muslims are as much Chinese as others, but keeping a check on Muslims is one thing and deliberately hurting their religious sentiments another. This was a flagrant attempt at provoking Muslim Chinese and the perpetrator has duly been penalised.
yes the authorities did what they had to with an open demonstration of an atheistic society, because u have to be liberal in your thoughts in the first place(to know that gods do not exist n the unexplainable cannot simply be attributed to 'god's' doings) to be able to accept that others have their own entitlement to their beliefs

The point here was not how severe the man has been punished. Rather, the point was that he has been punished- n that punishments can only be meted out for wrongdoings n thus, the message here is that the man was wrong.

Is the man a criminal for burning his daughter's Snow White story book? No.

Is the man a criminal for burning the Quran/Bible? Yes.
Most Pakistanis reading on this Forum aren't Dumb...
Ignore this troll @BHarwana . He is hard line Islamist and he support hard rules, there are 75+ banned jihadi organisation in Pakistan. He is supporter of banned terrorist organisation LET Lashkar taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.
And you will find few more Pakistani supporting extremist elements but majority are against them. Officially we don’t support terrorism & extremism but few elements are threat for Peace , they are hard line Islamist. Their sympathies are with banned terrorist organisation such as “Lashkar e taiba, Jamat dawa, Jaish e Mohammed.
Majority Pakistani don’t support religious elements, in 2018 elections we rejected all religious leaders.
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Ignore this troll @BHarwana . He is hard line Islamist and he support hard rules, there are 75+ banned jihadi organisation in Pakistan. He is supporter of banned terrorist organisation LET Lashkar taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad.
And you will find few more Pakistani supporting extremist elements but majority are against them. Officially we don’t support terrorism & extremism but few elements are threat for Peace , they are hard line Islamist. Their sympathies are with banned terrorist organisation such as “Lashkar e taiba, Jamat dawa, Jaish e Mohammed

Dear friend do you think I am a softener? Sorry I am on no one's side here and I understand you actual point so keep me out of this. I am done with this thread. I have made my point.
Religion is a extremely powerful indoctrination tool. Depends on the teaching and who the religious teacher is, a faithful follower can be turned into a very highly tolerant peace loving person or a intolerant monster killer.

And I fully support China for not having a state religion, and forbid using religion teachings for the political gains ( main reason why government officials and employees are encourage not to get involve in active religious practice) because a religious inspired army can be very destructive and a great threat to peace, as shown by the wars between crusaders and the Arab armies, the destruction of the Inca and Mayan faiths by Spanish Jesuit army, the destruction of the Nalanda University, the root cause of the Boxers Rebellion, the Taiping Rebellion, the IS in Syria and Iraq etc.

A tone down religious practice, regardless of the name of the faith, non-involvement in politics and administration of a nation, is much desirable to a peaceful and progressive nation.
Chinese hypocrisy . Appeasing Muslim is wrong.
We are NOT appeasing them. When we need to be tough against jihadis we are tough like the re-education camps but we must treat all Chinese citizens fundamentally with respect. We cannot treat them as less than human beings or be cruel to them. Atheism can be extremist or intolerant too. People have a right to be religious as long as church (or whatever) and state are separated.
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