yep. Hongwu and his 2nd wife followed Quran to the letter. but its history dude. anyone can write it up.
no point in arguing about history. point is Chinese aint bad. they were the best Allies of Muslims and Muslims were best allies of them for thousand years or more.
very basic defition of a muslim is . he or she who believes that Quran is word of God (one and only God) given to prophet Mohammad via angel Gabriel just like it was delivered to jews (Moses , Jesus, Israel , David etc)
Broad definition is a person who belives in the religion that came to Adam and Abraham and what ever adam and abraham followed Muslims follow that.
techincally jews are best muslims only they say Prophet Mohammad was a Lier and a false prophet they say this about jesus christ as well.
while muslims consider Moahmmad , Jesus and other Israeli prophets to be true Prophets and believe in Message that was given to all those 12400 human beings via angel Gabriel. Prophet Mohammad is just 1 of those 12400.
the empror and his wife belived in Quran and the old testiment thats what i can gather from his grave. and his books.
one of his famous work is this poem he wrote at the end of his rule.
Chinese (with punctuation in paragraph form)[edit]
Since the creation of the universe
God had already appointed his great faith-preaching man,
From the West he was born,
And received the holy scripture
And book made of 30 parts (Juz)
To guide all creations,
Master of all rulers,
Leader of the holy ones,
With support from the Heavens,
To protect his nation,
With five daily prayers,
Silently praying for peace,
His heart directed towards Allah,
Giving power to the poor,
Saving them from calamity,
Seeing through the Unseen,
Pulling the souls and the spirits away from all wrongdoings,
Mercy to the world,
Transversing the ancient, Majestic path,
vanquishing away all evil,
His religion, Qing Zhen (the name for islam in chinese (especially at that time), which literally means Pure and True),
Muhammad, The Noble Great One.
Alternate Translations[edit]
"One Hundred Words of Praise," a new translation by Brendan Newlon[7][8][edit]
The universe began with the heavenly tablet recording his name.
The religion-delivering great sage, born in the western realm.
Conferring and receiving heavenly scripture in thirty parts, universally transforming all created beings.
Master of the trillion rulers, leader of the ten thousand sages.
Assisted by destiny, protector of the community. In each of the five prayers, he silently supplicates for their total well-being.
His intention is that Allah should remember the needy. Deliver them from tribulations to safety, Knower of the unseen.
Exalted above every soul and spirit, free from any blameworthy deeds.
A mercy to all of the worlds, whose path is preeminent for all time.
Renounce spiritual ignorance; return to The One – that is the religion called Islam.
Muhammad is the most noble sage.
منذ أن خُلق الكون،
قد قرر الرب أن يعيّن،
هذا الرجل العظيم الداعي للإيمان،
من الغرب قد ولد،
ليتلقى الكتاب المقدس (القرآن(
كتابًا يحتوي على ثلاثون جزءا
ليهدي جميع الخلائق،
ملك كل الملوك،
زعيم كل القديسين،
بدعم إلهي،
ليحمي أمته،
بخمسة صلوات يومية،
بصمت يأمل حصول السلام،
قلبه متجه نحو الله،
يقوي الضعفاء،
ينقذهم من الكارثة،
يرى من خلال الظلمة،
يسحب النفوس والأرواح،
بعيدًا عن جميع الذنوب/الاخطاء،
رحمة للعالمين،
سائرًا على طريق العظماء القديم،
طاردًا لكل الشرور،
دينه نقي وصادق،
الشريف والعظيم.
the poetry in chinese is Flawless.
the point is not that 1 or more chinese emprors were Muslim. it can be true or not true. there will be future Muslim rulers and presidents i am sure.
the point is Chinese know Islam and islam is in chinese society for past 1300 years or more.
Sahaba (companions of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH) are also burried and have graves in china. islam's second home after Arabia is china.
so even if Chinese communist party is afraid of foreign influences and religions they have a history and they so many people and so many mosques that they have to keep harmony among people
the most harmonous country on the plannet Earth is china. so organized and so good. no one says im muslim im jew im athiest . no one says im han im uyghur im manzu . all of them say we are Chinese (zhongguo ren) first . other things later.
just dont try to portray bad image of china cuz i know there is so much good. and very little bad that too because of politics in xinjiang (sinkiang) its politics they want to break china .