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Quran burning is a crime in China

Oh there was a Muslim dynasty in china?
Muslim was introduced into China during Yuan dyanasty, the Mongol empire. most of the ancestors of Hui is coming from the central Asia ruled by the Mongol empire. We call them Semu. strictly said, they are coming from outside, and later they mixed with local Hans.
Muslim was introduced into China during Yuan dyanasty, the Mongol empire. most of the ancestors of Hui is coming from the central Asia ruled by the Mongol empire. We call them Semu. strictly said, they are coming from outside, and later they mixed with local Hans.
No he said the Quran was the book of law for the past 1300 years in China. That's implying China was governed within the laws of the Quran for more than a millennium, even right up to early modern times(he mentioned 'before the Communist party took over') and hence, my question was directed at that.
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Oh there was a Muslim dynasty in china?

the Ming dynasty. the emperor and his wife in 13th century "HONG WU Emperor". but besides that. Having a muslim empror or king is was never required. Muslims won hearts of chinese when Prophet's Uncle led the islamic mission in China. 630 i think or 627 A.D

Chinese not only accepted Muslims and their beliefs many adopted them and hence Hui community came into being. Many modern people think why the name "hui" or hui hui zhao. its because ancient religion on china in which they call the cretor of the universe as ( Lao Tian) meaning Ancient of the heavens. who we call ( Allah) and jews call Him (Adnoi) or YHWH. since chinese discovered that the pricipals of the faith were similar and so true. Islam was given the Name Zhen Zhiao (meaning) true religion. it's God (Allah) is called (Zhen Zhu) meaning True God. Hui zu name hui was selected or givien to chinese people of faith who knew the anceint chinese religion and hence they did'nt have to convert they were just called Reverts . becasue their faith was essentially the same as islam.

Muslims generals. Admirals of navy were very famous . and in some cases some dynasties prefered Muslim and jew soliders as they were more loyal than opposition parties or civilians who could double cross. it was ancient time many chinese empires were fighting among each other. North and north east basically had Muslim rulers or elite even. while south ghuanzhou and its alikes became Islamic centers for knowledge.

Arabs and Muslim faith was very very desirble for that community in that time. just read or google islam in china. there was an emperor of China in ming dynasty who had a muslim wife and then reverted to islam. he also wrote a poem in honor of Prophet (PBUH) i saw that poem pasted on the shenyang capital imperial Palace . it was in chinese spoke of Prophet Mohammad and the true God of the world in great details.

its called Bai zi zan in chinese literature very famous.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hundred-word_Eulogy <<< this is one link u can read about. Just google it. islam had a Golden age in central asia and china. only later when smaller people and armies started battleing in india and Mongolia then islam lost its spark.

today modern chinese view islam as a foreign religion. because of xinjiang political mess.

in truth Best of the Muslim teachers, scientists , soliders inventors were Chinese and central asians. Islam is deeply routed in chinese society . just because of communism u dont' see people preching islam or Christianity for example communist party of china says only law is chinese comunist party is super power. no one else no religion or political party can ever challenge that. and this party fears Religion can be a very powerful tool to destablize china so they are harsh on religious stuff.

before 1949 it was different. not only for Muslims but for every one in china. but today's communist party is okay i guess they are harsh but a muslim can be a chinese practicing Muslim without fear. only if u endulge in political activities and gathering than no matter Muslim or christian u are going to jail or worse.
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Its pieces of paper...
In Pakistan people write verses of the Quran on walls and then dogs come and pee on them.. so much for respect

Its the intention that is deplorable and that is what matters with everything
the Ming dynasty. the emperor and his wife in 13th century. but besides that. Having a muslim empror or king is was never required. Muslims won hearts of chinese when Prophet's Uncle led the islamic mission in China. 630 i think or 627 A.D

Chinese not only accepted Muslims and their beliefs many adopted them and hence Hui community came into being. Many modern people think why the name "hui" or hui hui zhao. its because ancient religion on china in which they call the cretor of the universe as ( Lao Tian) meaning Ancient of the heavens. who we call ( Allah) and jews call Him (Adnoi) or YHWH. since chinese discovered that the pricipals of the faith were similar and so true. Islam was given the Name Zhen Zhiao (meaning) true religion. it's God (Allah) is called (Zhen Zhu) meaning True God. Hui zu name hui was selected or givien to chinese people of faith who knew the anceint chinese religion and hence they did'nt have to convert they were just called Reverts . becasue their faith was essentially the same as islam.

Muslims generals. Admirals of navy were very famous . and in some cases some dynasties prefered Muslim and jew soliders as they were more loyal than opposition parties or civilians who could double cross. it was ancient time many chinese empires were fighting among each other. North and north east basically had Muslim rulers or elite even. while south ghuanzhou and its alikes became Islamic centers for knowledge.

Arabs and Muslim faith was very very desirble for that community in that time. just read or google islam in china. there was an emperor of China in ming dynasty who had a muslim wife and then reverted to islam. he also wrote a poem in honor of Prophet (PBUH) i saw that poem pasted on the shenyang capital imperial Palace . it was in chinese spoke of Prophet Mohammad and the true God of the world in great details.

its called Bai zi zan in chinese literature very famous.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hundred-word_Eulogy <<< this is one link u can read about. Just google it. islam had a Golden age in central asia and china. only later when smaller people and armies started battleing in india and Mongolia then islam lost its spark.

U said China was governed by the laws of the Quran for more than a millennium. Was the Ming dynasty Muslim? Was the Hongwu emperor Muslim?

Do u know who the Hongwu emperor was before he he became an emperor?

U said China was governed by the laws of the Quran for more than a millennium. Was the Ming dynasty Muslim? Was the Hongwu emperor Muslim?

his wife was a muslim . Hong wu emperor was adivsed not to proclaim that he is a muslim. read his books. or that poem he wrote. one doesnt need to have a Muslim name or muslim father to be Muslim.
to me he and his opnion seems Muslim to me.

if you agree jesus christ was a musilm and moses (PBUH) then that definition of islam is what i follow.

Muslim name. and Muslim language and muslim dress and Muslim ancestory is not what makes one a muslim. you follow what is in the Quran and u are a muslim. to my knowledge and his books he was a practicing Muslim. he might have been a better Muslim than me. he built 21 mosques while he lived.

Lastly i never said China was governed by the Holy Quran. i said it was the Law of chinese emprors that Quran was considered Holy book to be Respected and followed. just like other chinese Religious texts present in that time. im not a very good expert on it. i spent time here in china 7 years. iv learned this much from history and visiting Museums and talking with my teachers at various universties.

chinese are very cool and good to Muslims. only communist party fears religion so they can act out at times.

one more thing. we Burn Quran in our homes too sometimes. not out of dis-respect but if the paper is torn off from the book. or is damaged beyong repair the best way and most respectful way to deal with it is. to BURN the paper that was torn out of the Quran.

i think common muslims even know this law. that to protect the Quran or its pages from disgrace or disrespect u can burn it.

it is only unlawful if act of buring Quran was done to disrespect or hurt feelings of Muslims.

also it is insane to ask for killing a guy or putting him in jail for a long time for buring Quran. just ask why he did it while he is in the jail for 10 days :P and try to reason with him.

there was not a single moment when Prophet PBUH said kill those who disrespect me or put them in jail.

if out of ignorance somone does it, we should exaust all possible ways of reasoning with him before you give ur opnionated verdict (fatwah) to kill or punish him in a harm way.

just read what Holy Prophet PBUH did when paper leaves or skin leaves were burn or when he was dis-respected. what did he do? just do what he did ... simple. i know what he PBUH did and its the best way.

and those people became muslim who dis-respected him or the Quran... life is meant to be lived in simple and harmoney way . why make it so harsh for everyone. The Creator protects his word (Quran) himself. dont u worry about it. slight punishment like chinese do for civli and moral reasons is the best i feel.
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his wife was a muslim . Hong wu emperor was adivsed not to proclaim that he is a muslim. read his books. or that poem he wrote. one doesnt need to have a Muslim name or muslim father to be Muslim.
to me he and his opnion seems Muslim to me.

if you agree jesus christ was a musilm and moses (PBUH) then that definition of islam is what i follow.

Muslim name. and Muslim language and muslim dress and Muslim ancestory is not what makes one a muslim. you follow what is in the Quran and u are a muslim. to my knowledge and his books he was a practicing Muslim. he might have been a better Muslim than me. he built 21 mosques while he lived.

Lastly i never said China was governed by the Holy Quran. i said it was the Law of chinese emprors that Quran was considered Holy book to be Respected and followed. just like other chinese Religious texts present in that time. im not a very good expert on it. i spent time here in china 7 years. iv learned this much from history and visiting Museums and talking with my teachers at various universties.

chinese are very cool and good to Muslims. only communist party fears religion so they can act out at times.
Tell me what does the word 'muslim' mean.

Then tell me did any Chinese emperor's, including the Hongwu Emperor submit themselves to that definition. Did they follow the rules of the Quran, follow halal dietary laws n mandate thenm throughout the empire.

Atually, I couldnt bear to continue reading your post anymore when I came to 'Islam is deeply ingrained in Chinese society's

Very painful to see such images such people should be hanged in public who burn and disrespect religious books and Prophets

Go hang Saudis then, who threw Quran in gutters.


And go hang Pakistanis who dump Quran in Lahore canal all the time. During bhall safai thousands of copies are seen in sludge at botton of canal

Also go hang Hazrat Usman (r.a) who also burnt Quran.
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With all due respects to islam,many ideologies more powerful than islam like zoroastrianism were eliminated in history and that too in times when people were more rigid,more unwelcoming of other faiths..we cannot say anything for sure about the future
Islam isn't a New religion... Never was. It's only a continuation.
It's quite Simple.

One God and Only One, No Affiliation.
No Mother, No Father, No Son, No Daughter.
Believe in all his Messenger and the Words coming from them.

And you have it.
@MOD fake news with no source. Trying to create hate using offensive images. This is hybrid war strategy. Please close the thread. They are trying to create hate in name of giving a good message. The actual intention of this thread is to make Chinese look anti Islam.
@MOD fake news with no source. Trying to create hate using offensive images. This is hybrid war strategy. Please close the thread. They are trying to create hate in name of giving a good message. The actual intention of this thread is to make Chinese look anti Islam.
Who are you?
The Truth?

Since when "Truth" or "Legitimacy" is your motto?

You can give your opinion... But imposing your views you don't
No need to cry every time something doesn't suit your "opinion"...
Tell me what does the word 'muslim' mean.

Then tell me did any Chinese emperor's, including the Hongwu Emperor submit themselves to that definition. Did they follow the rules of the Quran, follow halal dietary laws n mandate thenm throughout the empire.

Atually, I couldnt bear to continue reading your post anymore when I came to 'Islam is deeply ingrained in Chinese society's

yep. Hongwu and his 2nd wife followed Quran to the letter. but its history dude. anyone can write it up.
no point in arguing about history. point is Chinese aint bad. they were the best Allies of Muslims and Muslims were best allies of them for thousand years or more.

very basic defition of a muslim is . he or she who believes that Quran is word of God (one and only God) given to prophet Mohammad via angel Gabriel just like it was delivered to jews (Moses , Jesus, Israel , David etc)

Broad definition is a person who belives in the religion that came to Adam and Abraham and what ever adam and abraham followed Muslims follow that.

techincally jews are best muslims only they say Prophet Mohammad was a Lier and a false prophet they say this about jesus christ as well.

while muslims consider Moahmmad , Jesus and other Israeli prophets to be true Prophets and believe in Message that was given to all those 12400 human beings via angel Gabriel. Prophet Mohammad is just 1 of those 12400.

the empror and his wife belived in Quran and the old testiment thats what i can gather from his grave. and his books.

one of his famous work is this poem he wrote at the end of his rule.





























Chinese (with punctuation in paragraph form)[edit]

Since the creation of the universe
God had already appointed his great faith-preaching man,
From the West he was born,
And received the holy scripture
And book made of 30 parts (Juz)
To guide all creations,
Master of all rulers,
Leader of the holy ones,
With support from the Heavens,
To protect his nation,
With five daily prayers,
Silently praying for peace,
His heart directed towards Allah,
Giving power to the poor,
Saving them from calamity,
Seeing through the Unseen,
Pulling the souls and the spirits away from all wrongdoings,
Mercy to the world,
Transversing the ancient, Majestic path,
vanquishing away all evil,
His religion, Qing Zhen (the name for islam in chinese (especially at that time), which literally means Pure and True),
Muhammad, The Noble Great One.

Alternate Translations[edit]
"One Hundred Words of Praise," a new translation by Brendan Newlon[7][8][edit]
The universe began with the heavenly tablet recording his name.

The religion-delivering great sage, born in the western realm.

Conferring and receiving heavenly scripture in thirty parts, universally transforming all created beings.

Master of the trillion rulers, leader of the ten thousand sages.

Assisted by destiny, protector of the community. In each of the five prayers, he silently supplicates for their total well-being.

His intention is that Allah should remember the needy. Deliver them from tribulations to safety, Knower of the unseen.

Exalted above every soul and spirit, free from any blameworthy deeds.

A mercy to all of the worlds, whose path is preeminent for all time.

Renounce spiritual ignorance; return to The One – that is the religion called Islam.

Muhammad is the most noble sage.

منذ أن خُلق الكون،
قد قرر الرب أن يعيّن،
هذا الرجل العظيم الداعي للإيمان،
من الغرب قد ولد،
ليتلقى الكتاب المقدس (القرآن(
كتابًا يحتوي على ثلاثون جزءا
ليهدي جميع الخلائق،
ملك كل الملوك،
زعيم كل القديسين،
بدعم إلهي،
ليحمي أمته،
بخمسة صلوات يومية،
بصمت يأمل حصول السلام،
قلبه متجه نحو الله،
يقوي الضعفاء،
ينقذهم من الكارثة،
يرى من خلال الظلمة،
يسحب النفوس والأرواح،
بعيدًا عن جميع الذنوب/الاخطاء،
رحمة للعالمين،
سائرًا على طريق العظماء القديم،
طاردًا لكل الشرور،
دينه نقي وصادق،
الشريف والعظيم.

the poetry in chinese is Flawless.

the point is not that 1 or more chinese emprors were Muslim. it can be true or not true. there will be future Muslim rulers and presidents i am sure.

the point is Chinese know Islam and islam is in chinese society for past 1300 years or more.

Sahaba (companions of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH) are also burried and have graves in china. islam's second home after Arabia is china.

so even if Chinese communist party is afraid of foreign influences and religions they have a history and they so many people and so many mosques that they have to keep harmony among people

the most harmonous country on the plannet Earth is china. so organized and so good. no one says im muslim im jew im athiest . no one says im han im uyghur im manzu . all of them say we are Chinese (zhongguo ren) first . other things later.

just dont try to portray bad image of china cuz i know there is so much good. and very little bad that too because of politics in xinjiang (sinkiang) its politics they want to break china .

Anyone interested in furthur readings about chinese muslims or islam in china can read this here or google stuff. im tired of typing :P thanks

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Who are you?
The Truth?

Since when "Truth" or "Legitimacy" is your motto?

You can give your opinion... But imposing your views you don't
No need to cry every time something doesn't suit your "opinion"...

I am a citizen of a country which represents this forum and I am speaking my mind and The decision rest upon @MOD to decide I wrote what I felt. This threads title goes in favor of China but the content in this thread is to create hate for China. This is the new hybrid war west has launched to create hate towards China to focus terrorism in direction of China. West wants Muslim to fight their war with such propaganda and I am stating my opinion. Now who are you to question me?
yep. Hongwu and his 2nd wife followed Quran to the letter. but its history dude. anyone can write it up.
no point in arguing about history. point is Chinese aint bad. they were the best Allies of Muslims and Muslims were best allies of them for thousand years or more.

very basic defition of a muslim is . he or she who believes that Quran is word of God (one and only God) given to prophet Mohammad via angel Gabriel just like it was delivered to jews (Moses , Jesus, Israel , David etc)

Broad definition is a person who belives in the religion that came to Adam and Abraham and what ever adam and abraham followed Muslims follow that.

techincally jews are best muslims only they say Prophet Mohammad was a Lier and a false prophet they say this about jesus christ as well.

while muslims consider Moahmmad , Jesus and other Israeli prophets to be true Prophets and believe in Message that was given to all those 12400 human beings via angel Gabriel. Prophet Mohammad is just 1 of those 12400.

the empror and his wife belived in Quran and the old testiment thats what i can gather from his grave. and his books.

one of his famous work is this poem he wrote at the end of his rule.





























Chinese (with punctuation in paragraph form)[edit]

Since the creation of the universe
God had already appointed his great faith-preaching man,
From the West he was born,
And received the holy scripture
And book made of 30 parts (Juz)
To guide all creations,
Master of all rulers,
Leader of the holy ones,
With support from the Heavens,
To protect his nation,
With five daily prayers,
Silently praying for peace,
His heart directed towards Allah,
Giving power to the poor,
Saving them from calamity,
Seeing through the Unseen,
Pulling the souls and the spirits away from all wrongdoings,
Mercy to the world,
Transversing the ancient, Majestic path,
vanquishing away all evil,
His religion, Qing Zhen (the name for islam in chinese (especially at that time), which literally means Pure and True),
Muhammad, The Noble Great One.

Alternate Translations[edit]
"One Hundred Words of Praise," a new translation by Brendan Newlon[7][8][edit]
The universe began with the heavenly tablet recording his name.

The religion-delivering great sage, born in the western realm.

Conferring and receiving heavenly scripture in thirty parts, universally transforming all created beings.

Master of the trillion rulers, leader of the ten thousand sages.

Assisted by destiny, protector of the community. In each of the five prayers, he silently supplicates for their total well-being.

His intention is that Allah should remember the needy. Deliver them from tribulations to safety, Knower of the unseen.

Exalted above every soul and spirit, free from any blameworthy deeds.

A mercy to all of the worlds, whose path is preeminent for all time.

Renounce spiritual ignorance; return to The One – that is the religion called Islam.

Muhammad is the most noble sage.

منذ أن خُلق الكون،
قد قرر الرب أن يعيّن،
هذا الرجل العظيم الداعي للإيمان،
من الغرب قد ولد،
ليتلقى الكتاب المقدس (القرآن(
كتابًا يحتوي على ثلاثون جزءا
ليهدي جميع الخلائق،
ملك كل الملوك،
زعيم كل القديسين،
بدعم إلهي،
ليحمي أمته،
بخمسة صلوات يومية،
بصمت يأمل حصول السلام،
قلبه متجه نحو الله،
يقوي الضعفاء،
ينقذهم من الكارثة،
يرى من خلال الظلمة،
يسحب النفوس والأرواح،
بعيدًا عن جميع الذنوب/الاخطاء،
رحمة للعالمين،
سائرًا على طريق العظماء القديم،
طاردًا لكل الشرور،
دينه نقي وصادق،
الشريف والعظيم.

the poetry in chinese is Flawless.

the point is not that 1 or more chinese emprors were Muslim. it can be true or not true. there will be future Muslim rulers and presidents i am sure.

the point is Chinese know Islam and islam is in chinese society for past 1300 years or more.

Sahaba (companions of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH) are also burried and have graves in china. islam's second home after Arabia is china.

so even if Chinese communist party is afraid of foreign influences and religions they have a history and they so many people and so many mosques that they have to keep harmony among people

the most harmonous country on the plannet Earth is china. so organized and so good. no one says im muslim im jew im athiest . no one says im han im uyghur im manzu . all of them say we are Chinese (zhongguo ren) first . other things later.

just dont try to portray bad image of china cuz i know there is so much good. and very little bad that too because of politics in xinjiang (sinkiang) its politics they want to break china .
U were the one that brought up history with your claims that China was governed by the Quran for more than 1300 years 'before the Communist party took over', yet then ironically claimed history isn't important.

If China was indeed ruled by Muslims, whose definition u should know better than me, which is one who submits to god, the Islamic one because there is no other 'Gods' other than him, than there has to be a dynasty that MUST be Muslim in China with an emperor submitting himself, along with his hundreds of millions of subjects(mandatorily)- to the Islamic god because China has over 4 millennium of continous despotic(dynastic) rule.

I'm confused.

My question is : was any Chinese dynasty Muslim?

Yes or no? <=== Just a simple direct question
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