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Quran burning is a crime in China

I think most Chinese are more of agnosticism.
Most Chinese, when they travel, pray in any sort of temple once they see one....
I myself think God cannot be proved existent or inexistent, I just hope every sort of God, exists or not, one God or multiple, wishes me good luck.

Therefore I don't say anything bad about any sort of God, fake or real, man-made or existent.....
In past there was a person in Pakistan who believed that if Pakistani government allowed him to meet Mao Zedong .... both will learn a lot from each other. But Pakistan's government didn't permit him. That person thought that Mao in his thoughts and approach is very close to Quran's message.

You are right with huge number of people misunderstandings and grievances are bound to happen, governments can only legislate and control to provide peaceful environment to everyone.

State that looks after well being of its people ....... ensures their security, welfare and provides them opportunities to prosper and propagate.

Religion ........ I cannot talk on everyone's behalf. What I can tell you is that Islam is a challenge to religions.

I know what I am saying and what you are saying.

Read your comment as if it was posted by me directed at you .......... what would you think of me?



U r equating the state to a religion- thats incoherent. I standby what i said, as can anyone here by looking up the definition of a state n a religion.

U playing the symphathy card now(by asking me to be in ur shoes) has got nothing to do with me bring intolerant. Are u insinuating i should just hush up?
just image if half of the Chinese are Muslim and the other half are Christian, shit wilm happen and te country will split in no seconds. to be athiest is.the.best choice until now.

I daily see Chinese here in Islamabad, in my gym, in markets, some of them own their own shops here. Now you cannot expect these Chinese to remain close and not get influenced by our culture and norms, they will borrow few of our traits if they spend long time here, they may (even when they remain like community and groups) become friends with people here, there have been marriages as well .......... this same thing applies to every other place where Chinese visit. When these Chinese will go back to their country they will be bringing foreign influence with them .......... now gradually and slowly this number will go up ........ I hope China is ready for that.
Be frank, Chinese muslims break a lot of Chinese laws but most times they escaped from punishment due to the damn religious policy. Do you think every Chinese national feel good about it. Not at all.
if they break the law, shall be brought to justice.

I daily see Chinese here in Islamabad, in my gym, in markets, some of them own their own shops here. Now you cannot expect these Chinese to remain close and not get influenced by our culture and norms, they will borrow few of our traits if they spend long time here, they may (even when they remain like community and groups) become friends with people here, there have been marriages as well .......... this same thing applies to every other place where Chinese visit. When these Chinese will go back to their country they will be bringing foreign influence with them .......... now gradually and slowly this number will go up ........ I hope China is ready for that.
still those are minorities. and i bless their choice.
U r equating the state to a religion- thats incoherent. I standby what i said, as can anyone here by looking up the definition of a state n a religion.

You can go by what others define for you ........ I will go by what I understand and think.

State cannot be just piece of huge land with closed borders. It has other functions primarily focused at well being of its people. And you can find it hard to believe but Islam has the same goal, well being of people.

U playing the symphathy card now(by asking me to be in ur shoes) has got nothing to do with me bring intolerant. Are u insinuating i should just hush up?

You can keep posting your arguments ........ my response depends on how civil you are. I don't need your sympathies by the way. If I remember correctly in past you have labelled me a non Muslim.
political seperation of church and state is the most important thing in China, this principle shall be followed strictly at any circumstanc.
if they break the law, shall be brought to justice.

still those are minorities. and i bless their choice.
Atheism is not a dictation- its a personal choice.

No one, no government or even ur own parents can ever stop u, if u believe in going to heaven or hell after death. Its all ur choice.

Me? My personal belief is my corpse would just decay n feed the uncountable amounts of insects n bacteria in the soil, if im buried.

You can go by what others define for you ........ I will go by what I understand and think.

State cannot be just piece of huge land with closed borders. It has other functions primarily focused at well being of its people. And you can find it hard to believe but Islam has the same goal, well being of people.

You can keep posting your arguments ........ my response depends on how civil you are. I don't need your sympathies by the way. If I remember correctly in past you have labelled me a non Muslim.
I asked whether u r a muslim urself, n u refused to answer my question on what does the https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shahada says when u said there is no Islamic god and that every god in this world- is the same.

Your constant evasion at all my simple questions proves u r at total loss of addressing all the points that i have listed out, such as:

1)Was there a Chinese muslim dynasty?(when u hinted china was governed for 1300 years by the laws of the Quran). U refused to answer this.

2)what is the definition of a state n a religion. U atrociously created your own version of what they are, even the wiki n google links are there for all to see.

Are your posts coherent or not? I will let others make their own evaluation
the Ming dynasty. the emperor and his wife in 13th century "HONG WU Emperor". but besides that. Having a muslim empror or king is was never required. Muslims won hearts of chinese when Prophet's Uncle led the islamic mission in China. 630 i think or 627 A.D

Chinese not only accepted Muslims and their beliefs many adopted them and hence Hui community came into being. Many modern people think why the name "hui" or hui hui zhao. its because ancient religion on china in which they call the cretor of the universe as ( Lao Tian) meaning Ancient of the heavens. who we call ( Allah) and jews call Him (Adnoi) or YHWH. since chinese discovered that the pricipals of the faith were similar and so true. Islam was given the Name Zhen Zhiao (meaning) true religion. it's God (Allah) is called (Zhen Zhu) meaning True God. Hui zu name hui was selected or givien to chinese people of faith who knew the anceint chinese religion and hence they did'nt have to convert they were just called Reverts . becasue their faith was essentially the same as islam.

Muslims generals. Admirals of navy were very famous . and in some cases some dynasties prefered Muslim and jew soliders as they were more loyal than opposition parties or civilians who could double cross. it was ancient time many chinese empires were fighting among each other. North and north east basically had Muslim rulers or elite even. while south ghuanzhou and its alikes became Islamic centers for knowledge.

Arabs and Muslim faith was very very desirble for that community in that time. just read or google islam in china. there was an emperor of China in ming dynasty who had a muslim wife and then reverted to islam. he also wrote a poem in honor of Prophet (PBUH) i saw that poem pasted on the shenyang capital imperial Palace . it was in chinese spoke of Prophet Mohammad and the true God of the world in great details.

its called Bai zi zan in chinese literature very famous.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hundred-word_Eulogy <<< this is one link u can read about. Just google it. islam had a Golden age in central asia and china. only later when smaller people and armies started battleing in india and Mongolia then islam lost its spark.

today modern chinese view islam as a foreign religion. because of xinjiang political mess.

in truth Best of the Muslim teachers, scientists , soliders inventors were Chinese and central asians. Islam is deeply routed in chinese society . just because of communism u dont' see people preching islam or Christianity for example communist party of china says only law is chinese comunist party is super power. no one else no religion or political party can ever challenge that. and this party fears Religion can be a very powerful tool to destablize china so they are harsh on religious stuff.

before 1949 it was different. not only for Muslims but for every one in china. but today's communist party is okay i guess they are harsh but a muslim can be a chinese practicing Muslim without fear. only if u endulge in political activities and gathering than no matter Muslim or christian u are going to jail or worse.
No, my friend, the Chinese emperors used to regard religion as a threat and a tool to use in order to maintain their imperial power. China has always been a country where politics is separated from any religion. The Chinese emperor considers himself/herself(WU ZE TIAN) to be the son of God, so he NEVER Allow any religion to transcend the imperial power.

In some cases, Chinese emperors use religion as a tool to turn subjects into more obedient citizens. Once the religion threatened their emperor's power, the Chinese emperor would mercilessly eradicate any religion.
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People should respect every religion.

Completely unnecessary, and an imposition.

It is only enough to mind your own business and keep your religion and faith to yourself.

All religious conflict stems from people who do not.

But it becomes even more bigger an intractable problem if the tenets of the religion itself clash with these two principles.

All conflict in human history has been about the politics of religion.

Or more accurately politics that passes for religion. As time passes and the lines get blurred ...

Cheers, Doc
In a Muslim or Christian country, if I want to do something with non-muslim or non-christian customs, do you think it's possible?
As an atheist country, China is tolerant of religion. We believe Equality and respect eachothers are the path of common development.
Thats true .

Completely unnecessary, and an imposition.

It is only enough to mind your own business and keep your religion and faith to yourself.

All religious conflict stems from people who do not.

But it becomes even more bigger an intractable problem if the tenets of the religion itself clash with these two principles.

All conflict in human history has been about the politics of religion.

Or more accurately politics that passes for religion. As time passes and the lines get blurred ...

Cheers, Doc
Rightly said.
if China breaks apart, its not a good news for Pakistan either.
Muslim territory will expand as it happened in past. Maybe not good for China but Muslim will not leave opportunity. That’s why I think China is against policy of state religion. Even in Pakistan there are some people who prefers religion over country and I hate these hypocrites.
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I asked whether u r a muslim urself,

And I told you yes I am a Muslim .......... but somehow you found it difficult to accept, why, because per you (an atheist I guess) a person cannot be Muslim if he believes that Quran is the only divine message. And all rest is man made stories.

when u said there is no Islamic god and that every god in this world- is the same.

Not my statement. 'There is only one God' has remained my belief forever and I am not going to change it.

1)Was there a Chinese muslim dynasty?(when u hinted china was governed for 1300 years by the laws of the Quran). U refused to answer this.

Again not my statement .......... why would I say China was governed 1300 years by the laws of Quran. What I said that there may be some commonalities between the end goal.

2)what is the definition of a state n a religion. U atrociously created your own version of what they are, even the wiki n google links are there for all to see.

Again it's not my fault if you are willing to blindly follow what is being fed to you by others. I am free person capable of thinking and arriving at on my own definitions and conclusions ....... why would you have an objection on that?
You are not the first neither the last to say such things in those last 1400ish years...
Central Asian saying "Push the Sheep too much and don't be surprised to find a Wolf"

or What Muslims are familiar with "They plan, and Allah plans…. & Allah is the best of planners."
More stupid nonsense from you.
Equating the state to a religion is extremism. Its the basis for the foundation of Daesh n thats what the chinese government is rooting out.

I wont able surprised when people like I.R.A ends up as a Mujahideen.

Your assumptions ............ hardly matter.
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