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Quran burning is a crime in China

Equating the state to a religion is extremism. Its the basis for the foundation of Daesh n thats what the chinese government is rooting out.

I wont able surprised when people like I.R.A ends up as a Mujahideen.
Well said .
Such hate speech and acts done with pure intention of Offending a group of people and provoke them to cause unrest should be treated by 10 days of jail?
he can speak against Islam as much as he wants if we is not a Muslim but doing such acts to desecrate something intentionally only for the purpose of causing unrest should be given harsh punishment by law and public apologizing is the best humiliation for such person.
By the local law finally!!! Canada just adopted new law that make some drugs from illegal to legal which is not acceptable in any circonstance in CHINA!

People should respect every religion.
In condition that this religion does not teach people to kill other people or kill themselves.

More stupid nonsense from you.
It is yankees who are killing muslims not Chineses!
Chineses have the right to dislike muslims or like muslims,that is our rights!

If a han chinese man want to be muslim to marry a muslim girl,that is his choice, and i respect it.

if a child from a muslim family does not to be muslim any more,China gov protects his rights to be non-beleiver!
Muslim family has no rights to make all their offsprings to be muslims if the later refuse it directly and clearly!
That is why CHina gov does not allow Children under 18 years to go into a mosque.

Of course, if someone uses pork to insult Chinese Muslims, Chinese law will also punish the perpetrators.
Such hate speech and acts done with pure intention of Offending a group of people and provoke them to cause unrest should be treated by 10 days of jail?
he can speak against Islam as much as he wants if we is not a Muslim but doing such acts to desecrate something intentionally only for the purpose of causing unrest should be given harsh punishment by law and public apologizing is the best humiliation for such person.
Your book talks against atheists and apostates. It threatens them with divine punishment. And somehow they are supposed to respect that?
Your book talks against atheists and apostates. It threatens them with divine punishment. And somehow they are supposed to respect that?
Who asked you to Respect it? or read it in the first place if it offends your feelings?
There are many books in the world that regard Atheists and Apostates as heretics. Why you bother reading it or any of those books if it hurts you? Bible also Terms Atheists as apostates and hell fire material, Now what reading bible and burning bible to offend all the Christians for no reason?
Why Read it and Burn it just to offend a 1 4th of world population. why not just leave it alone if so much people are offended by you doing such things for no benefit to anyone?.
Whats the purpose of this except cheap attention grabbing Publicity tactics and inciting unrest?
Search hate speech on google and you will find such portions in almost all ancient religious texts that were context specific to the situation of those times. What should we do Read them all get angry and started burning them?
Thats lame logic if a book have something against your beliefs you should burn it and show it to public to incite unrest among those who find it sacred.
Who asked you to Respect it? or read it in the first place if it offends your feelings?
There are many books in the world that regard Atheists and Apostates as heretics. Why you bother reading it or any of those books if it hurts you? Bible also Terms Atheists as apostates and hell fire material, Now what reading bible and burning bible to offend all the Christians for no reason?
Why Read it and Burn it just to offend a 1 4th of world population. why not just leave it alone if so much people are offended by you doing such things for no benefit to anyone?.
Whats the purpose of this except cheap attention grabbing Publicity tactics and inciting unrest?
Search hate speech on google and you will find such portions in almost all ancient religious texts that were context specific to the situation of those times. What should we do Read them all get angry and started burning them?
Thats lame logic if a book have something against your beliefs you should burn it and show it to public to incite unrest among those who find it sacred.
You talk against me, I talk against you. You hit me, I hit you. Do you respond when someone on the street curses you, or do you just keep walking?
You talk against me, I talk against you. You hit me, I hit you. Do you respond when someone on the street curses you, or do you just keep walking?
A book is not some one in the street. Book don't hit you. Go fight with the Muslims who abuse you say bad about your faith. Fair game. they hit you you hit them. Someone speaks against you on internet speak against him. Nobody is stopping you.
But this cheap Attention grabbing tactics and offending a whole group of people is not the way. If you want an answer that is it. If you want argument for the sake of argument. Be my guest and put your time to something useful. I have a feeling you are not speaking for freedom of speech or social problem but out of pure hate and Islamophobia. For that i cannot help you. I hate Islamophobes as they are all about offending others publicity grabbing and creating civil unrest instead of actual Criticism on thinking of some redicle modern muslims , but i don't hate the faith they have, Atheists, Budhists, Hindu who ever you are i have nothing against your holy Books and Figures.and thats the way it should be for people of other faiths as well. Many Muslims have this behavior like your mindset of blind hate. Neither i can help them nor of your sorts.
You talk against me, I talk against you. You hit me, I hit you. Do you respond when someone on the street curses you, or do you just keep walking?
Devine right to propagate hatred against atheists or other non believers want nothing but respect and nothing else from the same ..How is it possible ?
Your book talks against atheists and apostates. It threatens them with divine punishment. And somehow they are supposed to respect that?
The Quran is a confusing text to read. It is not written in normal prose but rather poetry. So it is highly interpretative. This idea of kuffars being condemned is probably added on by later scholars. Historically, most Muslim populations lived in peace with non-Muslims. Look at India. The Mughals could have massacred all the Hindus but they chose not too. Unless there is clear evidence, I do not presume that Islam is backward and Muslims are dangerous. That said, SOME groups are extremist -- no doubt about that. Those groups and ideologies must be countered by re-education camps.
Devine right to propagate hatred against atheists or other non believers want nothing but respect and nothing else from the same ..How is it possible ?
I don't need your respect for my faith. Who cares what your faith is. And you should not care what my faith is as well. Stop Burning and Disrespecting the relics that incite unrest. And it is not specific to Reigion. Think it this way Some white dude Setting Gandhi's Picture on fire because he believes Gandhi was a racist in south africa against Black? what to gain except massive anger amoung those who believe he was a sacred man? If you don't like Gandhi why bother reading about him? Just leave him alone with his followers. If you have problem with Indians Doing something wrong to you even if it relates to some words spoken by him in his life sometimes. Go hit that indian back. Dont Hurt everyone like a barbarian. Same goes for say Culture of some region.
A book is not some one in the street. Book don't hit you. Go fight with the Muslims who abuse you say bad about your faith. Fair game. they hit you you hit them. Someone speaks against you on internet speak against him. Nobody is stopping you.
But this cheap Attention grabbing tactics and offending a whole group of people is not the way. If you want an answer that is it. If you want argument for the sake of argument. Be my guest and put your time to something useful. I have a feeling you are not speaking for freedom of speech or social problem but out of pure hate and Islamophobia. For that i cannot help you. I hate Islamophobes as they are all about offending others publicity grabbing and creating civil unrest instead of actual Criticism on thinking of some redicle modern muslims , but i don't hate the faith they have, Atheists, Budhists, Hindu who ever you are i have nothing against your holy Books and Figures.and thats the way it should be for people of other faiths as well. Many Muslims have this behavior like your mindset of blind hate. Neither i can help them nor of your sorts.
Doesn't the book provide the believers with material(propaganda /revelation) against non believers? Atheists have every right to protest against the source of that hate.
Plenty of Bibles have been burnt throughout the world too, by people who don't agree with the message.
Burning books is a well known method of protest.
Doesn't the book provide the believers with material(propaganda /revelation) against non believers? Atheists have every right to protest against the source of that hate.
Plenty of Bibles have been burnt throughout the world too, by people who don't agree with the message.
Burning books is a well known method of protest.
Good luck with your Methods then. Go burn every religious text in the world because it contains something against some one. Also burn all the War history books as it contains Hate speech toward the opponents. Sorry to engage you in discussion. Always avoid your sort. But well Not always one can escape these baits
That's just the thing, they don't see themselves as Chinese citizens, they see themselves as citizens of their Uighur Terroristan. Like the world needs another Central Asian failed state shithole. Not to worry though, China is going to crush the last iota of resistance and defiance out of them, grind them into powder, and then remake them into functioning human beings. :)
Hui Muslims are much more moderate than the Uighurs. Extremists must be dealt with but Chinese atheists should not be become intolerant toward religion and spirituality. People have a right to practice their religion in their homes while respecting the religious (or atheist) choices of other people. At the end of the day, atheism is the official state ideology because CCP members must be atheists.

Let the moderate religious folks live their lives in peace. If anybody acts extremist deal with them harshly. No need to publicly insult religions like this fool did when he burned the Quran for a public show -- that's like atheism "converting by the sword".
I don't need your respect for my faith. Who cares what your faith is. And you should not care what my faith is as well. Stop Burning and Disrespecting the relics that incite unrest. And it is not specific to Reigion. Think it this way Some white dude Setting Gandhi's Picture on fire because he believes Gandhi was a racist in south africa against Black? what to gain except massive anger amoung those who believe he was a sacred man? If you don't like Gandhi why bother reading about him? Just leave him alone with his followers. If you have problem with Indians Doing something wrong to you even if it relates to some words spoken by him in his life sometimes. Go hit that indian back. Dont Hurt everyone like a barbarian. Same goes for say Culture of some region.
Hurt is the unsuspecting guy who bought the book to gain knowledge and found it's propagating hatred against him ..What about his feelings ? His reaction is not extreme unlike indoctrinated religious terrorist..Like you want to spread hatred against him he too want spread awareness with his fellow athiest about hatred inside . If that hurts your feelings then what about other 3/4 of humanity whose feelings are hurt because of the content ?
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@sweetgrape please keep your hatred to yourself(ref post #42). Do not express your extremist views that hurt billion of Muslims. I hope you change with time and learn to respect other religions.
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