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"Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. He is mighty to save"

Isaiah 59:1
I have no negative or positive thoughts. I have only thoughts. How others perceive them is not my problem. :D
that is nonesense...each thought is classified as negative or positive based on the effect it causes..
that is nonesense...each thought is classified as negative or positive based on the effect it causes..

One person's negative may be another person's positive. How is any effect defined? What is intended is not always what is perceived. Ever think of these possibilities? :D
One person's negative may be another person's positive. How is any effect defined? What is intended is not always what is perceived. Ever think of these possibilities? :D
Naah we take ya for face value... :P

Well if its negative for one then I dont see how it being positive for the other is a plus point :unsure:

Effect is an effect negative or positive...

What is intended if not clear is perceived wrongly :agree: hence always try to be clear and dont think that being mysterious is smart sometimes its just a smart way to look like a fool :angel:
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