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Quitting Gmail

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I dont know about your friends in China, but my Internet Service Provider (one of the most popular one, All ISPs are state owned) certainly bloacks FB. :hitwall:
I have to keep looking for web proxy servers to access my account.:cry::frown:

When did this happen? Is it just recently? I definitely remember exchanging fb messages with chinese friends not long back, if that's true it might be a "packaged" reaction to this google saga. But people know how to get around this though, just get a decent proxy service even if it costs a bit of money, or even rent a cheap server hosting service from outside and remote into that for checking those twitters etc if you can really be bothered, plenty of guys in China know their ways around.

I haven't given enough thoughts into this and would welcome some my chinese friends' inputs: many of us have all the access to the public information we want and frankly speaking after reading those materials etc, it's not that much a big deal, I still support my government -- you have limited political rights but not everything else, in exchange you get a stronger nation and greater personal wealth which I think it's more important for our Chinese people right now, the political rights are improving too compared with the past generations, it just takes time and that's fine with me personally. Thoughts?
I don't get asked for my phone number. I just created two accounts. May be its region specific.?

Not sure about gmail but a couple of weeks back when I tried to log into my orkut account I got a message stating that my account might have been compromised. So they wanted my mobile number and mentioned that they will sms a code on my cell which I would have to insert into my account to start accessing it again. Dont know what to make out of it.:confused:
Not sure about twitter cos I don't use it, but I use facebook to keep in touch with friends in china. Where did you hear the news that facebook is blocked?

It was reported in all the major news networks when the Google controversy broke out.
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