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Featured Quetta: The death toll in the attack on FC post has risen to ten

Tbh I blame FATF and those who are telling us to restrain ourselves. Because of them we have to show strategic restraint. It's dumb. Massively dumb
Bro what are you saying. BLA or the one who attacked PC Gawadar is terrorists outfit. The rest can be deemed as terrorists too. FATF is no related to PAF air strike. Yes it can bar us going beyond LOC.

Anyway, responding to that FC post had killed all the insurgents, and no video wd have been surfaced. So, no media could run story later.
Any air support there now ?
Bro what are you saying. BLA or the one who attacked PC Gawadar is terrorists outfit. The rest can be deemed as terrorists too. FATF is no related to PAF air strike. Yes it can bar us going beyond LOC.

Anyway, responding to that FC post had killed all the insurgents, and no video wd have been surfaced. So, no media could run story later.
Any air support there now ?
I heard somewhere that due to the heavily politicised fatf and other 'actors' we have to show strategic restraint. Maybe they are wrong idk.

Also regarding the casualties of the terrorists. A terrorist will ALWAYS down play their causalties no matter what. Vids can still be uploaded but heavily edited (I wonder why).


Please oh please give us some good news.
While we all are hating Bajwa let's not forget the role of Mr Handsome our Prime Minister who gave extension to Bajwa. Same Mr Handsome opposed giving extension to an officer like Raheel Sharif

Lets not forget our PM too while we are discussing daily massacre of our soldiers
Problem is in afghanistan
Without that nothing will be fixed

Though lack of providing MRAPS and drone supports tell u about incompetence
this can be posted in some well guarded posts to help the under attacked ones. Anyway, I agree with waz that we are not using drones.
No, these terrorists have not been neutralized. And FATF is not stopping us from going after terrorists within Pakistan. That we are still not doing it, is entirely on our leadership. There is no one else to be blamed for it.
this can be posted in some well guarded posts to help the under attacked ones. Anyway, I agree with waz that we are not using drones.
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We are using Drones. Our own Burrag has limited range. And we would soon also start using Wing Long II when they are fully integrated. And lastly even when we use them fully inside Pakistan you won't hear any official admission from Government. Even if we use them 10 times in a single day. There would be no admission and no news would be allowed to come on media. No offence Mr waz is wrong here.
The FC need their own air assets, whether it be drones or manned platforms, but they need their own air protection, on 24 hour alert. The thread showing the series of events is devastatingly Damning on those in command, and their failure to TRY to provide support. An Inquiry is needed, because if lessons aren’t learned the brave men will have become shaheed in vain.
May Allah accept our martyrs. Inshallah different outcome next time. Outpost attacked by BLA terrorists. Attack drone and observation drone launched. Attack drone helps fight off attack. FC captures some terrorists to extract info. Observation drone sees where the rats flee to, attack drone/air attack/ssg on it. Just scorched earth on them so the few left don’t even think of doing this.

I am sure the army feels the pain more than we do for our brothers and I was not one to support the extension but getting angry with Gen Bajwa or other generals is just what the true killers such as Doval wants. Need someone in ISPR like Gen Asif Gafoor to reassure the nation that our hard fought gains aren’t being lost and that we are not ones to forget. The true killers must be made to pay…
We are using Drones. Our own Burrag has limited range. And we would soon also start using Wing Long II when they are fully integrated. And lastly even when we use them fully inside Pakistan you won't hear any official admission from Government. Even if we use them 10 times in a single day. There would be no admission and no news would be allowed to come on media. No offence Mr waz is wrong here.

Nobody is asking government to announce or admit using drones against BLA terrorists

We just want the government and military to use them for God's sake. That hasn't happened till now. Hopefully it would happen soon
No, these terrorists have not been neutralized. And FATF is not stopping us from going after terrorists within Pakistan. That we are still not doing it, is entirely on our leadership. There is no one else to be blamed for it.

This. This is what I have been saying for past few weeks since that attack happened

The terrorist's that you see in those pictures are alive. They are not dead. Nothing has been done yet to kill them. And the blame of them being alive is on our leadership
Problem is in afghanistan
Without that nothing will be fixed

Though lack of providing MRAPS and drone supports tell u about incompetence

Problem is in our leadership. Till that isn't fixed nothing would change
The PM is beghairat of the highest order. We still havent forgotten how his whole party was running pole to pole to get extension for their baap. Hell the minister for law resigned to fight the case in court for it. The level of shamelessness is just astounding.

The thing with Imran Khan that I noticed is that he is a hypocrite who only cares about himself and thinks of himself of all high and mighty who can never be wrong

Such kind of people don't learn from their mistakes and keep repeating them again and again
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Nobody is asking government to announce or admit using drones against BLA terrorists

We just want the government and military to use them for God's sake. That hasn't happened till now. Hopefully it would happen soon

This. This is what I have been saying for past few weeks since that attack happened

The terrorist's that you see in those pictures are alive. They are not dead. Nothing has been done yet to kill them. And the blame of them being alive is on our leadership

Problem is in our leadership. Till that isn't fixed nothing would change

The thing with Imran Khan that I noticed is that he is a hypocrite who only cares about himself and thinks of himself of all high and mighty who can never be wrong

Such kind of people don't learn from their mistakes and keep repeating them again and again
The use of Drones is happening and slowly increasing. The issue is we are not facing a very small group. That would be finished with one or two drone strikes. It's a slightly long battle. What we really need is to hit their main bases in Afghanistan and Iran and their ABBA India.
If a base comes under attack, at least a jet with a targeting pod should be scrambled ASAP to provide observational over watch and hopeful scare off the attackers, or drive them away to be taken out away from the base.

Even an older F-7PG or Mirage could be spared at each air base for these kind of operations. On 24 hour alert at air bases across Baluchistan with a targeting pod. That’s maybe 6 planes across the province at any given time (18 in total), with a targeting pod and maybe a few laser guided rockets. Give each FC base a laser designator to call in air strikes.

then a dedicated QRF air support can come in within 30 minutes (while trurboprop aircraft transit to the location) to provide continuous overwatch and knock out enemy assets until the job is done; manned Hurkus or unmanned UAVs.
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