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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

Meanwhile Baloch Fighters have attacked a Police Checkpost in Chaman Killinga atleast 3-4 Policemen.
Firing still continues.
According to the intelligence personnel, the male suicide bomber was waiting inside BMC Hospital ward for the arrival of high level officials, including the Chief Secretary, and blew up himself when they reached.

Quetta Police Chief Mir Zubair Mehmood also told Dawn.com that the Deputy Commissioner of Quetta Abdul Mansoor Kakar was killed as result of firing outside the hospital.

they think like a true hunters and predators. knowing where the victims will go and how the help will come. they are always one step ahead. in DI Khan they killed few shias, then waited for their funerals, then attacked the funerals and then funerals of the funerals and then funerals of the funerals of the funerals. likewise they attacked Ahmedis, then they attacked the hospitals.

the moment I heard about hospital attack I knew it will be our LeJ but I remained quiet because my hatred for this sectarian outfit is well known which some members consider as Saudi hatred but my assumption was proven right. same modus operandi and all the rituals of known enemies of Islam throughout history. e.g. I am unfortunate enough to see a ritual of beheading from the back of the neck it causes delayed death and the victim experiences the blade and the death for a longer time, this ritual was performed by Shimr the killer of Imam Hussain r.a , according to armymen, some shia soldiers have been beheaded that way as well. and then there is a ritual of impaling the unborn babies out of the wombs of their mothers (do I need to explain what became of the mothers? ) that has happened to shia community of Parachiner again that ritual was performed by the Kharjites during their war against 4th Caliph of Islam Ali r.a and the victims didnt have to be Ali's followers but anyone was a legit target if he wasnt a kharjite. still.... the free syrian army men are uploading videos with another ritual, the ritual of Hinda the cannibal who ripped the heart out of Hamza r.a the uncle of Muhammad PBUH. there are some sickening comparisons that strangely fall in place against the same group of people who have been prophesied to spill the blood of innocent Muslims like water.

so who will talk to them? would Amir Jamat islami or JUI step up and go and talk to them? what are the chances that that the other guy wont blow himself during the talk? so what will be the deal? we stop army operations and they stop attacking general public and only devote their energies on selected communities?
they think like a true hunters and predators. knowing where the victims will go and how the help will come. they are always one step ahead. in DI Khan they killed few shias, then waited for their funerals, then attacked the funerals and then funerals of the funerals and then funerals of the funerals of the funerals. likewise they attacked Ahmedis, then they attacked the hospitals.

the moment I heard about hospital attack I knew it will be our LeJ but I remained quiet because my hatred for this sectarian outfit is well known which some members consider as Saudi hatred but my assumption was proven right. same modus operandi and all the rituals of known enemies of Islam throughout history. e.g. I am unfortunate enough to see a ritual of beheading from the back of the neck it causes delayed death and the victim experiences the blade and the death for a longer time, this ritual was performed by Shimr the killer of Imam Hussain r.a , according to armymen, some shia soldiers have been beheaded that way as well. and then there is a ritual of impaling the unborn babies out of the wombs of their mothers (do I need to explain what became of the mothers? ) that has happened to shia community of Parachiner again that ritual was performed by the Kharjites during their war against 4th Caliph of Islam Ali r.a and the victims didnt have to be Ali's followers but anyone was a legit target if he wasnt a kharjite. still.... the free syrian army men are uploading videos with another ritual, the ritual of Hinda the cannibal who ripped the heart out of Hamza r.a the uncle of Muhammad PBUH. there are some sickening comparisons that strangely fall in place against the same group of people who have been prophesied to spill the blood of innocent Muslims like water.

so who will talk to them? would Amir Jamat islami or JUI step up and go and talk to them? what are the chances that that the other guy wont blow himself during the talk? so what will be the deal? we stop army operations and they stop attacking general public and only devote their energies on selected communities?

So truly said brother!
Pakistan's state support to terror groups has well and truly backfired but they still for some reason will not let go of their state assets which is mind boggling.

Please don't mix your apples and oranges, how did and against whom Pakistan supported such groups as LeJ or BLA, who are behind the current evil.....these scum bags somewhat fall in the same category as your Maoist menace.
they think like a true hunters and predators. knowing where the victims will go and how the help will come. they are always one step ahead. in DI Khan they killed few shias, then waited for their funerals, then attacked the funerals and then funerals of the funerals and then funerals of the funerals of the funerals. likewise they attacked Ahmedis, then they attacked the hospitals.

the moment I heard about hospital attack I knew it will be our LeJ but I remained quiet because my hatred for this sectarian outfit is well known which some members consider as Saudi hatred but my assumption was proven right. same modus operandi and all the rituals of known enemies of Islam throughout history. e.g. I am unfortunate enough to see a ritual of beheading from the back of the neck it causes delayed death and the victim experiences the blade and the death for a longer time, this ritual was performed by Shimr the killer of Imam Hussain r.a , according to armymen, some shia soldiers have been beheaded that way as well. and then there is a ritual of impaling the unborn babies out of the wombs of their mothers (do I need to explain what became of the mothers? ) that has happened to shia community of Parachiner again that ritual was performed by the Kharjites during their war against 4th Caliph of Islam Ali r.a and the victims didnt have to be Ali's followers but anyone was a legit target if he wasnt a kharjite. still.... the free syrian army men are uploading videos with another ritual, the ritual of Hinda the cannibal who ripped the heart out of Hamza r.a the uncle of Muhammad PBUH. there are some sickening comparisons that strangely fall in place against the same group of people who have been prophesied to spill the blood of innocent Muslims like water.

so who will talk to them? would Amir Jamat islami or JUI step up and go and talk to them? what are the chances that that the other guy wont blow himself during the talk? so what will be the deal? we stop army operations and they stop attacking general public and only devote their energies on selected communities?

sir first has lej accepted the responsibility and as long as we remain part of this war on terror we can't defeat these sectarian jerks because they have all mixed up now we new to talk and separate as many of them as we could in this process we would have to take help off ulemas and ulema should form some united party this would isolate the most and also take help off mullah Omar this would give them final blow and only than we would be able to defeat them
Idiots are aplenty in the world!

Nobody is reporting that number...no media or anchorperson.

When these victims were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex, a second blast took place and as many as 14 terrorists stormed the hospice. They killed four FC personnel and the deputy commissioner who responded to the attack.

Female suicide bomber carried out Quetta attack: Security sources – The Express Tribune

Quetta blasts: Militant attacks kill 25 people

By Web DeskPublished: June 15, 2013

When victims were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex a second blast took place and as many as 14 terrorists stormed the hospice. They killed four FC personnel and the deputy commissioner who responded to the attack.


despite 6 hour operation and tight security cordon, 7-8 manage to slip away, shows their homework and extensive planning. Intelligence agencies once again fail to intercept LeJ attack
QUETTA: At least 25 people, including the deputy commissioner of Quetta, 14 students of a women’s university and four nurses were killed on Saturday when a bomb tore through a bus, followed by a suicide attack and a gun battle in the Bolan Medical College hospital, where the injured students were taken for treatment.

Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fateh Mohammad told Dawn: “We cannot tell the exact number of deceased persons at the moment, but can confirm around 25 casualties. We will be able to share the figure of the dead on Sunday morning after checking from the BMC hospital.”

Four armed assailants were killed in an exchange of fire with security forces and their two associates blew themselves up in the BMC hospital, while one attacker was captured alive. Two personnel of Frontier Corps also died in the clash.

Banned outfit Lashkar-i-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the bomb blasts on the bus carrying students of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University and in BMC hospital. Its spokesman Abu Bakar Siddique called journalists at the Quetta Press Club and said it was a revenge of last week’s operation in the Khrotababad area.

An explosive device was planted in the bus of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University and it was detonated when the bus carrying girl students was ready to leave for their homes.

Capital City Police Officer Mir Zubair Mehmood said that about 40 to 45 girl students were in the bus parked in the university premises when a powerful explosion took place, killing 11 students and injuring 22 others.

The powerful blast was heard across the city. The bus caught fire and it was destroyed completely.

Police and rescue teams took the dead and injured to the Bolan Medical College hospital complex.

Then another blast took place outside the hospital’s emergency where ambulances, which had brought the injured students there, were parked. It was followed by heavy firing by armed assailants who had taken position at first and second floors of the hospital. They took the doctors, paramedics and other people hostage.

The armed men opened fire at security forces and government officials who had reached there.

Deputy Commissioner of Quetta Abdul Mansoor Kakar, along with his guard, was killed in firing. He died on the spot, having received multiple bullet wounds in his head and chest. Assistant Commissioner Anwar Ali and two police officials suffered bullet wounds.

Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fateh Mohammad, Inspector General of Police Mushtaq Sukhira and other senior officials had left the hospital just about two minutes before the attack took place.

Eyewitness Nasir Ahmed said the suicide bomber blew himself up when the chief secretary and IGP were leaving the hospital.

Heavy contingents of commandoes of Frontier Corps and Anti-Terrorist Force were called in to assist police when armed assailants started gun battle.

Four FC men were killed in firing, while a captain of FC suffered injuries.

Armoured vehicles of FC and police were also moved to the hospital, while a helicopter kept vigil on the operation.

Sources said after the suicide blast outside the emergency, armed men entered the hospital and started indiscriminate fire, killing head nurse Iffat Faqir Muhammad and three trainee nurses.

“Four female nurses were killed in firing,” said Riaz Louise, the President of Balochistan Nursing Federation, announcing a three-day mourning.

The entire hospital and adjacent area presented a picture of a battleground as exchange of fire continued for over six hours. The assailants also hurled a hand-grenade at security forces that claimed lives of four FC men.

Security forces entered the hospital in armour vehicles and got a portion of the first floor cleared after a heavy gun battle in which four armed men were killed. Then security forces reached the second floor where an armed man blew him up outside the operation theatre, injuring at least five security personnel.

After clearing all floors of the hospital, security forces took doctors, nurses, patients and their relatives, government officials and journalists outside the hospitals safely.

Several critically injured people were later taken to the Combined Military Hospital.

Reports suggested that some medical staff of BMC hospital, including doctors, were missing.

Mir Jan Mohammad Buledi, a spokesman of the Balochistan chief minister, said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called Dr Abdul Malik Baloch and expressed sorrow and grief over the killing of girl students, security personnel and officials.

He said the attackers were equipped with sophisticated weapons and ammunition.

Balochistan Governor Mohammad Khan Achakzai and the chief minister condemned the incident and ordered the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The President of the Pakistan Medical Association, Balochistan chapter, Dr Sultan Tareen, condemned the killing of medical staff and other people and said the PMA had called its meeting on Monday.


Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'alaa) Says in the Noble Qur'an;
"Who, when afflicted with calamity say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."" [The Qur'an; Chapter 2 (Al Baqarah - The Cow) : Verse 156]
"Allatheena ithâ asabat-hum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"

Didn't Nawaz release Lj leaders few days ago for few dinars, i like to congratulate Nawaz for the murder of innocent young ladies and Man.

Mr Nawaz you and you alone are responsible for this slaughter.

They say justice is dead how can be it dead in pakistan terrorist have spokesperson who call press conference and lay out there message without the fear of getting caught now this is called free and fair society.
When these victims were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex, a second blast took place and as many as 14 terrorists stormed the hospice. They killed four FC personnel and the deputy commissioner who responded to the attack.

Female suicide bomber carried out Quetta attack: Security sources – The Express Tribune

Quetta blasts: Militant attacks kill 25 people

By Web DeskPublished: June 15, 2013

When victims were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex a second blast took place and as many as 14 terrorists stormed the hospice. They killed four FC personnel and the deputy commissioner who responded to the attack.

Quetta blasts: Militant attacks kill 25 people – The Express Tribune

despite 6 hour operation and tight security cordon, 7-8 manage to slip away, shows their homework and extensive planning. Intelligence agencies once again fail to intercept LeJ attack

Seems a bit fishy. If 8 managed to get away then lakh di lanat. Although I don't think any such thing happened else it would have gotten mass coverage.
they think like a true hunters and predators. knowing where the victims will go and how the help will come. they are always one step ahead. in DI Khan they killed few shias, then waited for their funerals, then attacked the funerals and then funerals of the funerals and then funerals of the funerals of the funerals. likewise they attacked Ahmedis, then they attacked the hospitals.

the moment I heard about hospital attack I knew it will be our LeJ but I remained quiet because my hatred for this sectarian outfit is well known which some members consider as Saudi hatred but my assumption was proven right. same modus operandi and all the rituals of known enemies of Islam throughout history. e.g. I am unfortunate enough to see a ritual of beheading from the back of the neck it causes delayed death and the victim experiences the blade and the death for a longer time, this ritual was performed by Shimr the killer of Imam Hussain r.a , according to armymen, some shia soldiers have been beheaded that way as well. and then there is a ritual of impaling the unborn babies out of the wombs of their mothers (do I need to explain what became of the mothers? ) that has happened to shia community of Parachiner again that ritual was performed by the Kharjites during their war against 4th Caliph of Islam Ali r.a and the victims didnt have to be Ali's followers but anyone was a legit target if he wasnt a kharjite. still.... the free syrian army men are uploading videos with another ritual, the ritual of Hinda the cannibal who ripped the heart out of Hamza r.a the uncle of Muhammad PBUH. there are some sickening comparisons that strangely fall in place against the same group of people who have been prophesied to spill the blood of innocent Muslims like water.

You hit the nail on the head. There can no talks with these thugs who don't think twice before murdering college girls, nurses, policemen, doctors and civil servants. We are in a state of war with Salafi-inspired LeJ and their TTP brothers in arms. You are also right to point out their links to the Salafi establishment in Saudi, who continue to fund these dogs to kill Pakistanis. Is it a coincidence that the Kharjites rose from the same region as the current day Salafis?

Perhaps our new PM needs to re-evaluate our friendship with Saudi - our supposed friend!

These LeJ scumbags only understand the way of the sword. So its time we put them to the sword.

The state must ensure all LeJ thugs in Quetta, Lahore and across the country are shot or hung from the highest trees. No more excuses, no more prisoners.....no quarter must be given!
LeJ is a deobandi group like Sipahe Sahaba and Lal Masjid.

TTP is a Qutbi wahabi group [ their ideology is known as Qutbi salafism / ikhwanism ] within Islamic religious circles

the non-violent ikhwanis are the jamate islami people in Pakistan and India, or the president of Egypt, Morsi and his group.

the leaders of Qutbi wahabism [ TTP ] are these individuals of the past

1) Sayyid Qutb
2) Mr Abul Alaa Maududi
3) Abdullah Azzam, the Palestinian who settled in Peshawar, and began the Afghan so called jihad
4) Osama bin Laden
LeJ is a deobandi group like Sipahe Sahaba and Lal Masjid.

TTP is a Qutbi wahabi group [ their ideology is known as Qutbi salafism / ikhwanism ] within Islamic religious circles

the non-violent ikhwanis are the jamate islami people in Pakistan and India, or the president of Egypt, Morsi and his group.

the leaders of Qutbi wahabism [ TTP ] are these individuals of the past

1) Sayyid Qutb
2) Mr Maududi
3) Abdullah Azzam, the Palestinian who settled in Peshawar, and began the Afghan so called jihad
4) Osama bin Laden

And you are a bareilvi i guess.
You hit the nail on the head. There can no talks with these thugs who don't think twice before murdering college girls, nurses, policemen, doctors and civil servants. We are in a state of war with Salafi-inspired LeJ and their TTP brothers in arms. You are also right to point out their links to the Salafi establishment in Saudi, who continue to fund these dogs to kill Pakistanis. Is it a coincidence that the Kharjites rose from the same region as the current day Salafis?

Perhaps our new PM needs to re-evaluate our friendship with Saudi - our supposed friend!

These LeJ scumbags only understand the way of the sword. So its time we put them to the sword.

The state must ensure all LeJ thugs in Quetta, Lahore and across the country are shot or hung from the highest trees. No more excuses, no more prisoners.....no quarter must be given!

LeJ are deobandis, not salafis.

In Saudi Arabia, there are two kinds of Salafis

1) Salafi Madkhali
2) Salafi Qutbi

The first kind, Salafi Madkhali are in favour of the King, and are against violence. The salafi establishment in Egypt is the same. The salafi leader Nasr al Din Albani was of this group.

However, Salafi Qutbi are the Osama bin Laden group. According to their leader, Sayyid Qutb, all Muslims have become apostates and are to be killed if needed. He was a genocidal maniac. They have made a group in the Arab world called Takfir wal Hijra. Basically they excommunicate all other Muslims from the folds of Islam, and declare only themselves as Muslims. So, they hold no respect for any other Muslim life, so would they even consider non-Muslim life?

TTP and its leaders are Qutbi salafis.
Please don't mix your apples and oranges, how did and against whom Pakistan supported such groups as LeJ or BLA, who are behind the current evil.....these scum bags somewhat fall in the same category as your Maoist menace.

LeJ has linkages with other Pakistani terrorist groups including LeT, JuA/HuM, HuJI and JeM

Now you can say one is okay as it fights Indian forces in Kashmir but the other one is bad, this double standard is the reason why these militants exist and will never be eliminated. There is no such thing as a good terrorists they all should be grouped together and hit hard btw the LeJ main leader was arrested and later released and im still confused as to why he was.

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