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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

Ask this question to Russian security forces too who didn't bother to arrest 300 Muslaas from mosque.

I thought they have been detained? Any charges pressed against them?

Man I think the Moscow theater thing really got you guys in the zone when it comes to dealing with these dingbats.
Female suicide bomber carried out Quetta attack: Security sources – The Express Tribune

QUETTA: The bomb attack on Sardar Bahadur Khan University, Quetta – which killed 14 female students – was carried out by a female suicide bomber, Express News reported, quoting security sources on Sunday.
On June 15, a bomb was detonated in the parking lot of the university, killing 14 female students and injuring as many as 19 other students.
When these victims were shifted to the Bolan Medical Complex, a second blast took place and as many as 14 terrorists stormed the hospice. They killed four FC personnel and the deputy commissioner who responded to the attack.
Security forces surrounded the hospice before commandoes stormed the complex and killed the attackers. At least four attackers were killed while one suspect was arrested.
The outlawed sectarian extremist group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), claimed credit for the grisly attacks.
A lot of Pakistanis made similar conspiracy theories about 26/11 and 9/11 on how RAW organized the mumbai attacks and how CIA engineered 9/11.. The shoe on the other foot seems to suddenly have become uncomfortable...

Idiots are aplenty in the world!

SOG wing of FC?

7-8 terrorists manage to escape

Nobody is reporting that number...no media or anchorperson.
PAK army has killed more of its own then any other country in the region ave used their OWN religion !

please dont get emotional and get your facts right, Iranian authorities under shah, Sri Lanken Army in its war against Tamils (same religion), Sadam Hussain against Kurds (same Sunni Muslims) .... list goes on.. the killings and suppression of domestic dissent was far more bigger with more deaths and destruction than Pakistan.

dont qualify your condemnation on the basis of who is the victim and who is the accused. will you show same emotions if the LeJ had killed Hazara or Ahmedis's? I dont want to put you on the spot here but sadly many people I know dont consider the right to live for anyone who is not a Muslim and specially not a Sunni Muslim.

this brings us to a new discussion now. first we had good Taliban and Bad taliban and now we have good Lusker Ghangvi and Bad lashker jhangvi... the good ones are those who only target shia community all across Pakistan with total impunity, bad ones are those who carried out this attack on girls and who executed Colonel Imam ( a Devout Sunni) and video taped his death.

now regarding previous involvement of military with militants & Deobandi terrorists like Sipah Sahabah etc
ISI and army personnel are paying with their lives for all the "dirty work" and liaisons military leaders had in the past (most of whom are now retired (like Hamid Gul) or are not in this world any more). this relationship doesnt exist anymore.

why? because Military believes in self preservation and thats only possible through keeping ideological and physical boundaries of Pakistan intact. if it doesnt then it wont survive long enough to receive your condemnation & you will need to blame zionists, Americans and anyone else in the world BUT "yourself.

now that its being reported that a female suicide bomber carried out the attack then it shows you that the hatred for human life has crossed the sectarian boundaries for these fiends. in the pst Sipah Sahbah / LeJ successfully used female bombers to kill shia female gatherings during their Moharram but now the ordinary Muslim population is also getting the taster of what it is like being a targeted by these terrorists.
Very sad, why can't they understand their mother is also a woman and was once a girl.

Very sad, why can't they understand their mother is also a woman and was once a girl.


did you miss that it was a female suicide bomber who attacked the bus? these terrorists are equal opportunity employers, they use females and even children in their suicide attacks and also dont discriminate while killing both.

when they are out killing shia doctors then they kill their family members as well no matter what age, but they are the good LeJ in the eyes of the radicalized Pakistani society.
did you miss that it was a female suicide bomber who attacked the bus? these terrorists are equal opportunity employers, they use females and even children in their suicide attacks and also dont discriminate while killing both.

when they are out killing shia doctors then they kill their family members as well no matter what age, but they are the good LeJ in the eyes of the radicalized Pakistani society.

Now that hit me like a powerful blow in the face for sure.

Surely the almighty may not have place in his abode for such people, i solemnly wish they have all kinds of punishments given to them in hell every day for eternity.

I Sincerely pray to god this madness stops, its sickening.
I hope these cold blooded morons gets a place in the deepest potion of hell itself..... They should all be burnt alive .... i feel so bad now..
this is the real test of Balochistan government & Federal government! how do they react to LeJ! if they totally crack down on it good! if not then sadly we are doomed to our fate of past 5 years where we watched helplessly as Zardari & CO enjoyed!
please dont get emotional and get your facts right, Iranian authorities under shah, Sri Lanken Army in its war against Tamils (same religion), Sadam Hussain against Kurds (same Sunni Muslims) .... list goes on.. the killings and suppression of domestic dissent was far more bigger with more deaths and destruction than Pakistan.

dont qualify your condemnation on the basis of who is the victim and who is the accused. will you show same emotions if the LeJ had killed Hazara or Ahmedis's? I dont want to put you on the spot here but sadly many people I know dont consider the right to live for anyone who is not a Muslim and specially not a Sunni Muslim.

this brings us to a new discussion now. first we had good Taliban and Bad taliban and now we have good Lusker Ghangvi and Bad lashker jhangvi... the good ones are those who only target shia community all across Pakistan with total impunity, bad ones are those who carried out this attack on girls and who executed Colonel Imam ( a Devout Sunni) and video taped his death.

now regarding previous involvement of military with militants & Deobandi terrorists like Sipah Sahabah etc
ISI and army personnel are paying with their lives for all the "dirty work" and liaisons military leaders had in the past (most of whom are now retired (like Hamid Gul) or are not in this world any more). this relationship doesnt exist anymore.

why? because Military believes in self preservation and thats only possible through keeping ideological and physical boundaries of Pakistan intact. if it doesnt then it wont survive long enough to receive your condemnation & you will need to blame zionists, Americans and anyone else in the world BUT "yourself.

now that its being reported that a female suicide bomber carried out the attack then it shows you that the hatred for human life has crossed the sectarian boundaries for these fiends. in the pst Sipah Sahbah / LeJ successfully used female bombers to kill shia female gatherings during their Moharram but now the ordinary Muslim population is also getting the taster of what it is like being a targeted by these terrorists.

QUETTA: Intelligence officials revealed today that a female suicide bomber carried out the first attack on a bus carrying students of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University earlier on Saturday.

At least 25 people, including the deputy commissioner of Quetta, 14 students of a women’s university and four nurses were killed on Saturday when a bomb tore through a bus, followed by a suicide attack and a gun-battle in the Bolan Medical College hospital, where the injured students were taken for treatment.

Banned outfit Lashkar-i-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the bomb blasts.

An intelligence official, who requested not to be named, told Dawn.com that a female suicide bomber managed to sneak into the university bus. "When all the students gathered inside the bus, she blew herself up", he said.

Officials said they had no information about the identity of the female suicide bomber.

Moreover, intelligence officials said after the female bomber blew up herself in the bus, a second male bomber followed suit and struck inside the crowded Bolan Medical Complex Hospital to wreak maximum damage.

According to the intelligence personnel, the male suicide bomber was waiting inside BMC Hospital ward for the arrival of high level officials, including the Chief Secretary, and blew up himself when they reached.

Quetta Police Chief Mir Zubair Mehmood also told Dawn.com that the Deputy Commissioner of Quetta Abdul Mansoor Kakar was killed as result of firing outside the hospital.
Hon Irfan Baloch, you have hit the nail on the head.

It appears that traditional ethical values of the Muslims in general and of Pakistani people in particular, have also been influenced by the Taliban heretic belief. Killing women & children has always been considered most abhorrent of crimes against humanity. No longer in Pakistan! Here organizations such as Lej & Taliban think nothing of attacking female students. Attack on Malala Yusufzai and now attack on college bus in Quetta and even boast about it afterwards! All this in the name of Islam???

ROOT cause of this insanity is the poison of intolerance and bigotry that started spreading in Pakistan during the bigot Zia ul Haq era. When you make cold blooded killer of Salman Taseer a hero and you try Musharraf for taking action on Lal Masjid extremists who fought Pak Army Commandos with guns; you are actually sending a message that extra judicial killing and imposing your religious beliefs on others using force is justified. Society is therefore indirectly encouraging extremist groups to ignore law of the State and use whatever they can to have their way.

However no matter what happens; everyone only condemns the deed but never the perpetrators, an action akin to shedding the crocodile tears. For heaven’s sake! Ghosts are not killing Pakistanis; these are Pakistani Taliban & their allies who also openly brag about their exploits.

Leader of JI, Munawwar Hassan still declares his admiration for Taliban. Rana Sana Ullah of PML-N happily keeps in close contacts with SSP and even Imran Khan has never dared to condemn Taliban openly. There are many members of this forum who would write lengthy post quoting Hadith & Quran each time a terrorist is killed in drone attacks but find it difficult in their heart to condemn Taliban & Lej outright.

In the opinion of these heretics and all those who hold a soft spot for them, no one has a right to live in Pakistan unless he is a Sunni Muslim holding Deobandi/Wahabi belief. Quaid e Azam would have been shot dead on the spot as he was a Shia and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who believed in education for all Muslims including women (declared a ‘Kafir’ by some Deobandi ulema in his lifetime) would not have been allowed to live long enough to start Aligarh University.

In my view these people and all those who have a soft spot for killers of innocent female students are beneath contempt and not even worthy of belonging to the human race.
Society is therefore indirectly encouraging extremist groups to ignore law of the State and use whatever they can to have their way.

This is the most important point...when you get called to court for killing terrorists, the message that it sends out to the public is not a good one.

And then other people who are affiliated with the accused or jailed are hesitant to pull the trigger or take action later on.

video uploaded on daily motion by Mr Waqas
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PMLN in power means these terrorist have a free hand in funding and arming. Soon they will turn into a wing of Free Pakistan Army! Just wait and watch!

this seems to be the aim, and out ill-informed and misinformed Muslim brothers frm across the globe will see some select footage on AL Jazeera and CNN and decide that LeJ and TTP are true Muslims and need all financial help, there will be face book pages setup to fund the attacks it will all depend on who shouts loudest and constantly to dull the senses of the world and fail to differentiate truth from lies.

PMLn has never hidden its support for sectarian terrorists, their leadership mocks the people in the news programs to come up with proof and witnesses, in one such program Rana Sanaullah even smiled and made a suppressed laugh because whoever has dared to come and testify against the terrorists has met a violent end along with his family members.

the discussions will keep on going towards Military's previous patronage of these scumbags but thats the past now and now our sons are paying the price for the sins of their fathers (sorry for using the clinch-line but its very fitting here) ISI operatives have been executed on daily bases by the terrorists once they (terrorists) declared war against the state of Pakistan.

not get emotional or feel guilty on moral grounds (let me explain what I mean) Indians and Soviets used that element on ethnic grounds in East Pakistan successfully so they celebrate that, we had a partial success in kicking Soviets out of Afghanistan but were not conveniently thousands of miles away like Saudis and Americans so took the brunt of the aftershock. now our liberals and all people of the world on the morality chair pass judgements on us because our beasts turned on us and our forces have a thankless task of differentiating them from civilians.

they attack whenever they please and whatever target they chose, nothing is out of reach from them, be it targeted communities, sensitive military bases, places of worship, education, health or trade, everything is fair game and easy picking.

that said, there is no choice but to stand and fight, and this falls on the shoulders of the security and intelligence agencies, we can condemn and bicker over Saudi and Iranian proxy wars and Indian and American designs etc but that wont solve the problem alone. stating the obvious but cutting the tumor from its food source and then killing it will be the only solution.

I witnessed an army jeep being spat at and its occupants being harassed with angry gestures and curses . no it wasnt dera Bughti, no it wasnt Quetta either. it was in Islamabad near that controversial Mosque where the radicalized occupants spit on the word of Pakistan army and even concept of Pakistan their Imam gave a fatwa of banning Islamic burial for Pakistani soldiers that die at the hands of TTP and said that they should be left to rot on the streets, he is back preaching and never took that fatwa back. the guy who ordered the operation against him faces daily humiliation at the hands of the judges.

coming Back to Nawaz league, these leaders are basically businessmen and want to survive to prosper, Shabaz Sherif back in the 90s took on Lashker Jhangvi and its then top terrorist killer Riaz Basra made a point so well that Shabaz backed off from perusing this organization and eventually became its public apologist and supporter. (Riaz Basra sent him a picture of himself very close to the CM in a public gathering, showing him that he was never safe from LeJ, that message was well understood).

war continues. may sense and Humanity prevail,
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