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Quetta: LEJ bombs University bus & siege BMC.

I had posted the video below in the thread about the Ziarat Residency attack and I will post it here again because the video is very relevant to this thread as well. Enough of conspiracy theories, interpretations of Islam etc in this thread. The video barely touches on political, strategic, ethnic, and security aspects but still manages to cover a lot in less than 60 minutes.

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I don't want to divulge too much here because of the hindus present on the thread.

You have given away enough already. ;)

PS: There is nothing important that you can tell here that anyone interested can't find out. And more. ;)
A few points from the video posted by me above and from subsequent news:
1) The attack on the Residency was not expected. Very much sounds like work of BLA.
2) The attack on the university bus was probably unrelated to #1. Looks like LeJ (or some sectarian) outfit took its 'revenge' (for the recent Khoratabad operation where women got killed by agencies in crossfire). Not only the female students were killed but, as the SOP is for the terrorists, they killed officials and others in the hospital.
3) Hospital could not have been secured because of the mob of relatives.
4) Karzai has admitted to providing safe havens to some militants from Swat--they still plan attack on Pakistan. Karzai's reasoning is that Pakistan provides safe havens.
5) Indians think Pakistan still supports Kashmiris via militants. So very likely Indians would hurt Pakistan through Afghanistan.
6) The latest BLA violence is to discredit the new nationalist-led govt. in Baluchistan.
QUETTA: At least 25 people, including the deputy commissioner of Quetta, 14 students of a women’s university and four nurses were killed on Saturday when a bomb tore through a bus, followed by a suicide attack and a gun battle in the Bolan Medical College hospital, where the injured students were taken for treatment.

Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fateh Mohammad told Dawn: “We cannot tell the exact number of deceased persons at the moment, but can confirm around 25 casualties. We will be able to share the figure of the dead on Sunday morning after checking from the BMC hospital.”

Four armed assailants were killed in an exchange of fire with security forces and their two associates blew themselves up in the BMC hospital, while one attacker was captured alive. Two personnel of Frontier Corps also died in the clash.

Banned outfit Lashkar-i-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the bomb blasts on the bus carrying students of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University and in BMC hospital. Its spokesman Abu Bakar Siddique called journalists at the Quetta Press Club and said it was a revenge of last week’s operation in the Khrotababad area.

An explosive device was planted in the bus of Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University and it was detonated when the bus carrying girl students was ready to leave for their homes.

Capital City Police Officer Mir Zubair Mehmood said that about 40 to 45 girl students were in the bus parked in the university premises when a powerful explosion took place, killing 11 students and injuring 22 others.

The powerful blast was heard across the city. The bus caught fire and it was destroyed completely.

Police and rescue teams took the dead and injured to the Bolan Medical College hospital complex.

Then another blast took place outside the hospital’s emergency where ambulances, which had brought the injured students there, were parked. It was followed by heavy firing by armed assailants who had taken position at first and second floors of the hospital. They took the doctors, paramedics and other people hostage.

The armed men opened fire at security forces and government officials who had reached there.

Deputy Commissioner of Quetta Abdul Mansoor Kakar, along with his guard, was killed in firing. He died on the spot, having received multiple bullet wounds in his head and chest. Assistant Commissioner Anwar Ali and two police officials suffered bullet wounds.

Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fateh Mohammad, Inspector General of Police Mushtaq Sukhira and other senior officials had left the hospital just about two minutes before the attack took place.

Eyewitness Nasir Ahmed said the suicide bomber blew himself up when the chief secretary and IGP were leaving the hospital.

Heavy contingents of commandoes of Frontier Corps and Anti-Terrorist Force were called in to assist police when armed assailants started gun battle.

Four FC men were killed in firing, while a captain of FC suffered injuries.

Armoured vehicles of FC and police were also moved to the hospital, while a helicopter kept vigil on the operation.

Sources said after the suicide blast outside the emergency, armed men entered the hospital and started indiscriminate fire, killing head nurse Iffat Faqir Muhammad and three trainee nurses.

“Four female nurses were killed in firing,” said Riaz Louise, the President of Balochistan Nursing Federation, announcing a three-day mourning.

The entire hospital and adjacent area presented a picture of a battleground as exchange of fire continued for over six hours. The assailants also hurled a hand-grenade at security forces that claimed lives of four FC men.

Security forces entered the hospital in armour vehicles and got a portion of the first floor cleared after a heavy gun battle in which four armed men were killed. Then security forces reached the second floor where an armed man blew him up outside the operation theatre, injuring at least five security personnel.

After clearing all floors of the hospital, security forces took doctors, nurses, patients and their relatives, government officials and journalists outside the hospitals safely.

Several critically injured people were later taken to the Combined Military Hospital.

Reports suggested that some medical staff of BMC hospital, including doctors, were missing.

Mir Jan Mohammad Buledi, a spokesman of the Balochistan chief minister, said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called Dr Abdul Malik Baloch and expressed sorrow and grief over the killing of girl students, security personnel and officials.

He said the attackers were equipped with sophisticated weapons and ammunition.

Balochistan Governor Mohammad Khan Achakzai and the chief minister condemned the incident and ordered the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The President of the Pakistan Medical Association, Balochistan chapter, Dr Sultan Tareen, condemned the killing of medical staff and other people and said the PMA had called its meeting on Monday.

"http://beta.dawn.com/news/1018629/ovarsity-bus-bombed-osuicide-attack-in-hospital-olj-claims-responsibility"]http://beta.dawn.com/news/1018629/ovarsity-bus-bombed-osuicide-attack-in-hospital-olj-claims-responsibility]Home - DAWN.COM - Latest News, Breaking News, Pakistan News, World News, Business News, Science and Technology News , Entertainment News, Sports News, Cricket News

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'alaa) Says in the Noble Qur'an;
"Who, when afflicted with calamity say: "Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."" [The Qur'an; Chapter 2 (Al Baqarah - The Cow) : Verse 156]
"Allatheena ithâ asabat-hum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"

Didn't Nawaz release Lj leaders few days ago for few dinars, i like to congratulate Nawaz for the murder of innocent young ladies and Man.

Mr Nawaz you and you alone are responsible for this slaughter.

They say justice is dead how can be it dead in pakistan terrorist have spokesperson who call press conference and lay out there message without the fear of getting caught now this is called free and fair society.

I say lets give Nawaz Sharif a chance to go after these thugs. If he doesn't, we'll know he has sold out to LeJ's Saudi masters. And then we'll just have to hope the military(having woken up from its slumber) takes matters into its own hands.
I say lets give Nawaz Sharif a chance to go after these thugs. If he doesn't, we'll know he has sold out to LeJ's Saudi masters. And then we'll just have to hope the military(having woken up from its slumber) takes matters into its own hands.

I agree with you about Military waking up but i cant see House of Saud puppets Nawaz doing anything about this.
this is the real test of Balochistan government & Federal government! how do they react to LeJ! if they totally crack down on it good! if not then sadly we are doomed to our fate of past 5 years where we watched helplessly as Zardari & CO enjoyed!

Well , then it may come as a shock for you .

Chaudary Nisar has once again shown his willingness to talk to the ' angry brothers who have gone to the mountain ' as well as assorted militant outfit , so expect more negotiations now .
Well , then it may come as a shock for you .

Chaudary Nisar has once again shown his willingness to talk to the ' angry brothers who have gone to the mountain ' as well as assorted militant outfit , so expect more negotiations now .

To be fair, there is a important difference between baloch militancy and the Salafi-inspired mayhem wrought by LeJ and TTP.

The nationalists are ostensibly fighting for rights for the baloch community and their grievances can possibly be discussed within the framework of the constitution and state , if they agree to a ceasefire.

However the Salafi-inspired thuggery is simply about imposing a fascist regressive tribal ideology imported from Saudi on the country, and insists on decimating the state, the constitution, our cultural values and democracy. How on earth do you negotiate with such barbarians?The answer is you don't.
Don't understand when govt of Pakistan knows all string of these terrorist are pulling from three middle eastern countries, then why not control them. Non insurgency in the world can run on that broad scale without outside help. Through these wahabi salafi back to their middle eastern masters . Pakistan should ask Afghan to secure their border along Central asian republic or Pakistan should take over that patch . Its little patch and has big flow of terrorist in Pakistan and rest of world. But according to media reports , BLA has link with Lej. It seems Pakistan is satellite state for arab countries to provide trained men power to fight their proxy wars in different countries. Lots of dead Pakistani alkaida fighters found in Syria.
A few facts for your benefit.

Salafi -inspired is where the problem lies. Most of the so called deobandi groups like LeJ are funded by Saudi. It doesn't matter what branch you belong to. The Salafi doctrine as a whole is anti shia and vilifies any sect that does not conform to the Salafi doctrine. The history of the Salafis/Wahabis goes back to the 1800s where they became known for rape, pillage and murder. They became known as the Ikhwan in the early 1900s and served as the thugs for the Saud tribe. Of course, once Saudi Arabia was formed, the Salafis became the junior partner in a ruling alliance that eventually led to the havoc that is currently being wreaked globally in the name of salafi jihad.

We all know LeJ and ASWJ has been getting funding from the Salafis in Saudi to kill shia Pakistanis for the last two decades! Everytime that LeJ scumbag, Malik Ishaq goes to Riyadh, he comes back with piles of cash. Who is giving him that cash??

Importantly, since 1979, the Saudis had been officially exporting this vicious ideology to wreak havoc in other countries. Its only when these thugs started attacking the royal family in 2003 is when the monarchy woke up, changed its tune, and started to appreciate the monster it had spawned. Just like in Pakistan, there are non state actors in Saudi who are pursuing a salafi jihaxist agenda to this day.

Its not too different from the what happened to the Pakistani military, which foolishly enough, helped spawn local jihxdis infected with the Salafi doctrine, and then watched all these dogs go rabid and attack the very hand that fed them.

In a nutshell, we all know LeJ is the Punjabi militant arm of TTP. There is a clear ideological and operational nexus. Both hate other sects including the shia, sunni barelvis among others, and both are fighting to establish a Salafi- inspired fiefdom in the country. Both share the 'same grandmother'. Period.

All your "facts" came from you @ss I think. Yes, LeJ may be terrorist but Malik Ishaq had been in Jail for 15 years and just released. He doesn't go to Saudia.

Saudis are anti-shia like LeJ but huge difference in doctrine. LeJ is closer to Al-Qaeda (anti-saudia).. LeT is salafi and closer to Saudia (but not anti-shia.. read latest interview or LeT commander Lt. Col (ret) Nazir Ahmed (http://criticalppp.com/archives/269927?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter) The wars are very complex. Iran funds shia extremists like SMP and TNFJ while yes Saudia does fund LeJ but not at state level. There is a huge support amongst the people for Al-Qaeda type fundos but not at state level.

Oh and if LeJ is punjabi TTP, why and how can it be so effective at apparent terror in Balochistan?? Balochistan right now is hell for Punjabis and they can't operate there... so LeJ is All Pakistan and different from TTP. They both have some common goals though.

There is Ticker on Geo new

"there were Two terrorists who attacked Bolan Medical Complex"

WOw ... things are changing so fast
Fcukin cowards terrorists they can't fight mens so they attack womens. Lakh Lanat on terrorists & on PML-N govt who failed to protect these martyrs. NS must answere on both tragedies i.e Quetta Women's University attack as well as Ziarat Quaid-e-Azam Residency attack.
Regardless of who did it, those who are involved in this murder need to be killed. Whither they are Muslims or not is irrelevant.

If you commit murder, you need to be killed.
I agree with you about Military waking up but i cant see House of Saud puppets Nawaz doing anything about this.

Meengla tells me that Sabaz Sherif turned Lej/ SSP into a plump back in the 90s whereas the reality is that just a single picture sent by the top terrorist murderer called Riaz Basra scared Shahbaz sherif enough to call off the pursuit

Shabaz had put money on Riaz Basra's head and Riaz Basra in response sent him a picture where he was few steps away from him in a public gathering. telling him that he has enough support to be that close to the throat of Shabaz sherif.
Sipah Sahabah or LeJ never suffered any blows, at most it went underground and suspended its operations after kill shias in very large quantity and waited till the shia protests died down.

its stature rose to new heights when it took over the role of sole representation of Al qaeda in Pakistan. the video of Colonel Imam showed that now even the devout Sunnis were on the menu no matter how influential. in almost all high profile attacks on Pakistani installations it has provided its highly trained men and other logistics that has given our "special forces" run for their money.

LeJ and SSP never ever died. to date not even a single LeJ/SSP murderer has been found guilty by our courts. Meengla tells me that PMLn destroyed SSP whereas the fact is that its leadership had all the witnesses and their relatives executed even while in police "custody". its top killer Malik Ishaq follows a cult following and is charged with personally killing over 100 shia members over the years he considers ASWJ (new name of Sipah Sahabah) partition in elections as a waste of time as it takes the "faithful" away from their "real mission", the culling of shias. but sadly since the recent past, all innocent Pakistanis are in their cross hair even if they are not shias.
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