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Questions on 9/11 remain unanswered

I do not aprove of the american govt as many of you guys by now realise. but guys i cant imagine any political leader would approve an attack of this magnitude on their own citizens. Not only that think of the logistics involved. how many people would be in the loop. someone in the chain would speak up or even after doing it how sould you guarantee secrecy. Lets knock the american govt where we believe they are wrong but supporting way out fantasies only serves to ridicule us when we make allegations where we have evidence. Also I know there are not many americans on the forum but can you imagine how we would feel if we were the victims and someone pointed to us carrying out the atrocities.Gambit doesnt count btw insult him all you want but lets not believe that the twin towers was anything other than a tragedy carried out by evildoers. Remember muslims died too.

From the start of the thread to the end of it you just keep bringing up crap that gets debunked one after another and now when your finally defeated you say this.

:yahoo: Bravo.
From the start of the thread to the end of it you just keep bringing up crap that gets debunked one after another and now when your finally defeated you say this.

:yahoo: Bravo.

well i came to share my views with people and learn. I still believe americans propagate injustice but comeon twin towers? In fact its people like you dilute genuine concerns that we have with america. Its like if you say 10 correct things do you know what I have a strong sense of justice and I really dont care what you think. and am certainly not scared or bothered that I may being monitored like you are:

Your post elsewhere:

Take this website as an example. If the servers are located in the U.S. and certian people seem to make threats agianst the U.S. or it's allies. The FBI can surreptitiously monitor and track the posters. If overseas then the NSA gets invloved. And if you think the Government doesn't bother itself with this little old website you would be very mistaken.
Original Post By Thomas
Lol. I know for a fact that the government keeps tabs on this site. The anti US rhetoric alone is enough not including joy over dead service members and support of terrorist organizations.
I didn't understand the your last sentence. Could you fix it?
well i came to share my views with people and learn. I still believe americans propagate injustice but comeon twin towers? In fact its people like you dilute genuine concerns that we have with america. Its like if you say 10 correct things do you know what I have a strong sense of justice and I really dont care what you think. and am certainly not scared or bothered that I may being monitored like you are:

Your post elsewhere:

Take this website as an example. If the servers are located in the U.S. and certian people seem to make threats agianst the U.S. or it's allies. The FBI can surreptitiously monitor and track the posters. If overseas then the NSA gets invloved. And if you think the Government doesn't bother itself with this little old website you would be very mistaken.
Original Post By Thomas
Lol. I know for a fact that the government keeps tabs on this site. The anti US rhetoric alone is enough not including joy over dead service members and support of terrorist organizations.

Why do you think me saying that means I'm afraid? I love the U.S. as much as Pakistan. This country has given so much to me and my family. And I know that America has made mistakes but that doesn't mean every other country should automatically be given a clean slate and a free ride to commit atrocities.

I see posts by you in threads created by Indians or Americans which bring up issues that are happening in Pakistan and instead of addressing the issue you simply just say "America invaded an innocent country like Iraq or America killed innocents in FATA". We all know they did but that doesn't excuse what goes on in Baluchistan or someplace in China or India.
Why do you think me saying that means I'm afraid? I love the U.S. as much as Pakistan. This country has given so much to me and my family. And I know that America has made mistakes but that doesn't mean every other country should automatically be given a clean slate and a free ride to commit atrocities.

I see posts by you in threads created by Indians or Americans which bring up issues that are happening in Pakistan and instead of addressing the issue you simply just say "America invaded an innocent country like Iraq or America killed innocents in FATA". We all know they did but that doesn't excuse what goes on in Baluchistan or someplace in China or India.

Yea rite. I complain abouty injustice wherever I see it. And comments from your type are not going to have any effect on me. I highlight americas as opposed to other because america has quite an effective propagand arm and portrays itself as some kind of do gooder which they are not. Anyway what is it with people like you instead of sticking to the topic you choose to make cheap pithy personal comments about people. discuss the topic amd principles not individuals. Your position seems to be look jack I got visa Im allright americas been good to me. So what for every visa that they have given to people like you they have killed lots. In any event I actually stated on this forum that on the twin towers I didnt buy the fact that american govt was complicit. did that statement really require a snidey comment from you? - No you had to do it because thats the kind of person you are.
Yea rite. I complain abouty injustice wherever I see it. And comments from your type are not going to have any effect on me. I highlight americas as opposed to other because america has quite an effective propagand arm and portrays itself as some kind of do gooder which they are not. Anyway what is it with people like you instead of sticking to the topic you choose to make cheap pithy personal comments about people. discuss the topic amd principles not individuals. Your position seems to be look jack I got visa Im allright americas been good to me. So what for every visa that they have given to people like you they have killed lots. In any event I actually stated on this forum that on the twin towers I didnt buy the fact that american govt was complicit. did that statement really require a snidey comment from you? - No you had to do it because thats the kind of person you are.

it was you who was shouting that it had been an inside job, so I didn't try to divert the topic I just commented on what you said. And as for the do gooder comment. America has done more positive things than negative. I'd rather have them as the sole superpower than any other potential country such as China or the former Soviet Union.

Also I'm a citizen not a visa holder :P
it was you who was shouting that it had been an inside job, so I didn't try to divert the topic I just commented on what you said. And as for the do gooder comment. America has done more positive things than negative. I'd rather have them as the sole superpower than any other potential country such as China or the former Soviet Union.

Also I'm a citizen not a visa holder :P

Wowee citizen? lucky you. You have made it when others take for granted. I and my family qualify for several european countries we take it for granted. Something you think as an achievement we take for granted. Ok so I have been converted. Isnt that why we are here to learn. I have an open mind whats wrong with that? I still say your comments were pithy and unnecessary.

In fact if you look carefully at all my comments and could connect the dots you would see that my objection is that the same arguments to suggested here to blame the attack is similar to the propaganda that america uses against pakistan. So let me spell it out for you. America says pakistan and ISI were complicit or incompetent re Osama. I dont buy that. I think that ISI could not be complicit and not be incompetent. So you could say the same about americans ie that CIA were complicit or incompetent. Please think about it I dont want to come on here again and find that you dont get my point.

I agree but how would you expect this to be carried out. If it was 1 person responsible I would probably be more interested in these theories. Because I think certain things could be suspect. However the logistics to carry out these attacks would have to involve hundreds of people and keeping something secret even when there are 10 people involved becomes difficult. I mean lets say Bush thought this was a good idea. just think how many people he would have to order delegate etc.
This is freaking ENDLESS.

It was an American Airlines 757 that hit the Pentagon. The rubble is indisputable. They matched serial numbers to the missing jet.





Unless missiles have 757 landing gear and 757 engine rotor casings, we can safely assume that it was, in fact, a 757 that hit the Pentagon.

Let... it... go. These conspiracies all fail, and badly.
This is freaking ENDLESS.

It was an American Airlines 757 that hit the Pentagon. The rubble is indisputable. They matched serial numbers to the missing jet.


Unless missiles have 757 landing gear and 757 engine rotor casings, we can safely assume that it was, in fact, a 757 that hit the Pentagon.

Let... it... go. These conspiracies all fail, and badly.

Hey, waaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttt a minute!

..................or it is a cruise missile camouflaged with 757 landing gear and engines?

No, how about this: These items were planted.

There, that fits now. :P

Come on Chogy, stop making so much sense! :D
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