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Questions need answering plz

Suff Shikan

Oct 15, 2014
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Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?
Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?
Because Pakistan's economy can't afford army's budget so they have to generate some money for their own expenses and welfare.
Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?

There are more than half a million people employed by Army and there are at least 4 more people attached to those half million people so if Army is building shopping malls or banquet halls means that those half million people get those services. Here is an example. Every human need to eat to live and a major portion of every armies budget is based on paying the soldiers and by these small business Army get money back and thus can divert it to other projects. One more thing where ever there are Army established infrastructure the local economy has boomed thus bringing in more business and revenue for the Govt.
Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?

People will tell you that they need avenues to operate and fulfill their needs but let me quote three points:
1- Each avenue they build for themselves, it cut one opportunity from common man. For e.g if one area can support operation of one banquet, and if army build it, you loss that opportunity.
2- Even the budget allocated to them comes from public only, by creating parallel channels, government and public lose the control on their operations.
3- Operational efficiency may get impacted as the force intend to do security stuff become business minded and thus focus may get shifted.
Now here is the biggest example. Take a look at DHA Lahore. Army started the project and developed a very big housing society and in the end what has DHA become? It has become a multi billion Dollar organization and today how many business are supported by DHA. People are making a living out of DHA. Look at the conditions of Indian Army, Indian politicians are restricting the Indian Army to develop any business projects and in return Indian Army is totally dependent on budget and the Indian Govt now has no money for the modernization of their Army and they are circled in problems. Pakistan Army's projects are mostly located with in the cantonments established by Pakistan Army and those cantonments are the major factor of development in any city.
Fauji foundation is trust to cover up welfare cost of families of soldiers, retired, martyred, handicapped etc. - You must raise the issue wherever this trust/or corporations under this trust indulge in unlawful/illegal activity or get undue favor, but you can't stop a trust from doing business to generate funds.
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Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?

Simple answer=$$$ MIlitary Inc.
The revenue generated from Banquets and Shopping malls go as profit of whole investment or just drop in ones pocket?

Can anybdy give me doc or presentation type info of how this investment works, so that I can argue with ppl effectively
The revenue generated from Banquets and Shopping malls go as profit of whole investment or just drop in ones pocket?

Can anybdy give me doc or presentation type info of how this investment works, so that I can argue with ppl effectively

All the profits goes to Fauji Foundation http://www.fauji.org.pk/fauji/, not someone's pocket unless/of course he/she is doing corruption.

Fauji Foundation (also known as Fauji Group), is amongst the largest business conglomerate in Pakistan which "Earns To Serve" the interests of ex-servicemen.

    • It is basically a Charitable Trust founded in 1954 for the welfare of the ex-servicemen and their dependents.
    • It is incorporated under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890.
The history of Fauji Foundation dates back to 1945, when a Post War Services Reconstruction Fund (PWSRF) was established for Indian War Veterans who served the British Crown during WW-II. At the time of partition (1947) when Pakistan came into being, the balance fund was transferred to Pakistan in the proportion of its post WW-II veterans. Till 1953, the fund remained in the custody of the civilian Government, when in 1954 it was transferred to the Army.

The Army instead of disbursing the balance fund of about Rs 18.2 millions (USD 0.2 million) among the beneficiaries, invested it in establishing a Textile Mill. Later from the income of the textile mill, it established first 50 bedded TB hospital at Rawalpindi.

Fauji foundation is proud that from Rs 18.2 million in 1953, it today runs more than 18 industries, the income from which is utilized to serve about 9 million beneficiaries (5 % of country's population). Generally, more than 80 percent of the income goes towards the welfare activities every year.

The welfare is conducted through health care, education and vocational/technical training. To a limited extent welfare is also a by- product of employment generated for the beneficiaries through commercial and welfare activities. Presently, the welfare is conducted through 115 medical facilities, 100 Schools & Colleges, 65 Vocational Training Centers and 9 Technical Training Centers.

The commercial activities are generated through two categories of projects namely:

    • Fully Owned and Affiliated Projects
    • Associated Companies
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I have seen a website fauji food long time ago i cant find it now.

military should also open gym,sport facilities, youth camps, combine these infrastructure with healthy food stores/restaurants like juicing, organic healthy cereals, steamed/vegetarian, with herbal cures made from natural substances. vacuum sealing pre- long food expiry date.

here is an example.


Guys can you help me answering some questions asked from me regularly:
Why Army is building Banquets, Shopping Malls etc?
Why Army invests in Airlines, Foods etc?

Look at it this way: it is all investment in Pakistan, no matter who does it. Question answered. :D
because fauji generals have big fat stomachs and they need extra resources to keep their big ballies full!!
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