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Question to Indians

The kickbacks exist, but defense purchases are not BECAUSE of kickbacks. Purchases are despite it. Yes the corruption needs to be curbed. But to say we dont need any modernization or spending after we have fought 5 wars, one just a decade back is ignorant to say the least.

What are unnecessary weapons btw? How do you deem a weapon necessary or unnecessary? How do you know what the army's requirements are? Why do you think India shouldnt position itself on teh world stage as a powerful nation? Whether you like it or not, the guy with the biggest stick gets the most respect. Its a fact. Stop pandering to some ridiculous comments that most people from the west make and undermining India's defense and regional needs.

I would love to live in La-la land and sing kumbaya around a camp fire where everything is hunky dory, but that isnt how reality really is. The moment we become weak, or our security lapses, you will have all the pissants from the western border flood into India and bomb every little city. Get real.

We actually need MORE defense spending than we currently have. For the zillionth time poverty cannot be alleviated by reducing military expenditure. Pfffft.

I agree with you on that. Kickback is one thing but one does not purchases so much weapons just for showoff. If india's intention were to showoff than we would have retired mig-21 long time ago and could have puchased f-16 or gripen to fill the space, but its our security that matters the most and with our huge border and unstable friendship with our neighbours our territorial security tells us to have a go only for the required weapons. Our friendship with china and pakistan has not been on an easy track since we had a border dispute with them, even now if pakistan's military becomes stronger than us they will attack india as they did in 1965 either for kashmir or even for no reason (revenge for 4 losses in the earlier wars thats what their ruler will say to them) on the other hand if our military becomes weaker ,then china will start more bulliying to us as they are doing it already with their weaker neighbours.
Though these questions have been asked/answered a no. of times here, i would like to answer these one by one, hopefully i could be of help :)

I would like to ask Indians some questions.

Most important is why is there such huge spending on defence, I think you are going over the top, like 2-3 AC, so many different jets and massive spending when you have enough deterrence and not an upcoming war..... Instead of buying so so much if you spend some of that on the poor it can help like build like a massive housing project for poor, like hundreds of modern flats will cost you like 1/10 of even one AC.

Firstly, Indian defence budget is not huge, it's just around 2% of the GDP (while world average, which consists of more poorer countries than rich, is 2.5%). Many armed force personnel, think tanks, defence experts, leaders, etc. have insisted time & again that GOI should increase it to atleast 2.5% of GDP (in consonance with the world average) if not more. Compare this to the spending of both Pakistan & China, which spends atleast 3.5% of GDP on defence. So the so called massive figures which turns out to be around $ 45 billion dollars on military expenditure in India is actually due to large Indian economy while the percentage spending on defence is still less than the world average.

Secondly, I always find this argument totally flawed that we should spend less on defence & more on socially beneficial schemes, no one is questioning schemes which benefits the poor but not at the cost of defence of a country, I mean if there will be no country remaining (if one does not spend on defence, & our enemy win a war with us) than what can a govt. do for the poor?? so in my opinion, defence of a country comes first than anything else, Thus all the social schemes should be run in parallel & not on transferred military funds. If there is one country that needs to boost up it's defence capability in the world, than it's India, since India has been attacked by outside powers since the time of Alexander. Britishers colonized India because of it's weak defence & drain out the entire wealth of the one time "Golden Bird" which resulted in the present day poverty, the very thing u are talking about, was actually because of the weak defence of India. After Independence we have been victims of 5 aggression by our neighbors, even then if we don't learn something from it & don't ramp up our defenses than world will only call us fools.

Thirdly, war doesn't comes with a 1 month notice so that India can be prepared for it, any country has to remain prepared for any contingency each second. Yes, in current scenario possibility of a war looks bleak when every nation is connected (globalization) to every other nation & wants economic prosperity through it, war is the thing they will never want, but that doesn't mean that we can remain complacent. History has shown that every time a country was attacked when the aggressor thought the country was in it's weakest position & victory will be just around the corner. To be seen as weak is the last thing India can afford.

Second is why is their buying so unorganised, you have so many different jets it looks very unorganised like soon rafale, Russian SU jets, Russian migs, Indian new jet coming up, New PAKFA, harrier, jaguar etcccc already counted so many instead why don't you have like 3 that can do many roles.

Buying is not unorganized, every thing/procurement is pre-planned at the highest levels of defence establishment of India, it's the way we look at the things. Since u raised the IAF procurement issue, than let me be clear, every nation's desire is to make it's air force complete in itself & ready for any contingency, this basically demands fighter a/c in 3 categories:

Heavy weight - fulfilled by su-30, FGFA (in future).
Medium weight - fulfilled by Rafale (in future), mirage 2000, mig 29, jaguar.
Light weight - mig-21, tejas (in future).

along with this various force multipliers like AWACS, refuellers, transport planes, etc. which makes any Air Force a modern day air force. It is with this respect that these procurement should be seen since IAF soon wants to be become the world's top AF with all modern weaponry.

Also I read that you will get 100 ships by 2017 is that serious? By ships do you mean everything even coast guards and little things or just big, if it's true I think that just mad spending to show off, we have a word ayagn yorganina göre uzat which mean do appropriate spending.


No, the count is not 100 ships till 2017, actually 49 ships are currently being constructed in various shipyards, with a further order for 45 more in the coming years, so IN will induct some 100 ships in a decade or so & not 5 years time as you said. By ships it can be anything from as large as an AC, to as small a coastal patrol ship. This is again NOT mad spending, if India wants to become a power to reckon with than it has to have control at sea, since every world/super power had controlled oceans to have a control at land (eg. Great Britain, US), so India should not lose on this count (to reiterate, this spending is also included in our defence budget which is 2% of GDP).
Its like a woman been given her husbands VISA card- and she went bezerk on a sensless shopping spree-

keep fighting in these forums the actually war spoils are going to zardari and gang
and sonia and her chamchas
hope you understand i am full of "wanting to say many things" aswell- :agree:-
God bless the censor and second thoughts- :D-

Hope you understand that we are full of "wanting to suggest many things whenever you are seized with this unwise wanting to say many things". God (wherever she might be) bless the moderators and discretion that is the better part of valour.
Let us be in indians' shoes, why not go for Rafale? We develop weapons by own own cause we are sanctioned by western world after they failed to overthrow our government in1989. Anyway, condolence to those innocent killed students in Tian An meng square, most of them utilized for dirty purpose and i stiil believe most among them are patriotic brothers and sisters. Although their appeal for corruption control and political reform is valid in some way.

We can't have a better future if WE DON'T HAVE AN POWERful and integral government. CCP runs china in a non perfect way, but it still works. To be Chinese, you are ready to be the enemy of the world. Westerners don't like us, Japan hate us, vietnam want to kill us, India don't trust us, Russia don't like us, USA want to tear us apart in every seconds.

If china can't be strong and powerful, who can secure the safety life of 1.3 billions chinese. For India member, if china is eradicated from earth forever. Guess who is the next gonna be blow away by NATO it's Russia, then who is the next?

Ever thought for a second why you are so hated in the world?
India is a regional hegemonist that likes to boss around her neighbors.Shr tried to invade tibet with nehru's forward policy but got bulldozed in the process. Not being able to go up with china she started to hinder the progress of her S.asian neighbors by funding backing terrorist and interfering in her neighbors internal political affairs. In short she is a big fish in a small pond.
Where do you learn your history man, outside your room in an asylum :cheesy:
Ever thought for a second why you are so hated in the world?

Why do not you want peace in the region?
Why do not you want peace in Asia?
Why do not you want world peace?

Ever thought for a second why you are so hated in the world?

Why do not you want peace in the region?
Why do not you want peace in Asia?
Why do not you want world peace?
Either you are too innocent to understand or you comment into thread without reading the posts...

We are shouting loud that "we are spending both on welfare and defence", still it doesn't reach ur ear.

In 10,000 year of Indo-chinese history neither India attacked china nor china attacked India. Its just insanity of communists who backstabbed us. No one trust Communists. For no further backstabbing we need to be vigilant..

Nope, India provoked China in 1962 with Nehru's forward policy.

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple answer: because they soil their pants when they think about Pakistan.
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