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Question to Indians

I think if India put more on electricity supply, India will increase 1% ;

and China buy from Russia only emergency response, for China got Su-27 and S-300 in 1990s , then developed J-10 after watching Gulf War, bcs China had nothing one plane as F-15,F-16, the same as driver and Kilo-class submarines, but the main purpose is emergency response and developed our own 052 driver and 041 submarines; So is the engine, our own engine has some problem at cost and lifespan, but main energy on ws-10 and ws-15.

and India wastes a lot during defence spending, especially on weapon pruchase, and India has a habit to buy "the most advanced" and "the most expensive" weapon

yea, I said before in my introduction thread, but I am sure that my English is better than your Chinese

It's called development stage. I am not sure do you know the data about Chinese purchase in last decades. India emerges as no1 importer after you. China was no1 before India.
Then Chinese start reverse engineering due to obvious BANs on import and domestic need. And china achived the home production due to Single political power line which is not possible in India.
But India is marching and maching need in the same way. It will take India longer than china. But India has one thing that china lack even today. India can take help from other developed nations to build its own industries. So it's just a matter of time India will be on its feet in defence needs. Say another 8/10 years.

And your English doesn't make any difference till you are making a point. But it surely does if you are trolling like the Kid Kkacer
And plus there isn't anything wrong in improving language. You can communicate better with range of people
It's called development stage. I am not sure do you know the data about Chinese purchase in last decades. India emerges as no1 importer after you. China was no1 before India.
Then Chinese start reverse engineering due to obvious BANs on import and domestic need. And china achived the home production due to Single political power line which is not possible in India.
But India is marching and maching need in the same way. It will take India longer than china. But India has one thing that china lack even today. India can take help from other developed nations to build its own industries. So it's just a matter of time India will be on its feet in defence needs. Say another 8/10 years.

This is actually quite true. China spent a lot more than India did. When it comes to spending, India is a new kid on the block compared to China. But ofc the Chinese military spending is atleast 5 times more than India, which is another debate. Its just the % of GDP that matters really.
Not that advanced. Their F18s didnt even restart their engines in leh ladakh himalayan areas :lol:

What ??? Where did you get that info ??? Can you point to any link ???
F-18 is one of the goodies. And new F-18SE is very capable bird

This is actually quite true. China spent a lot more than India did. When it comes to spending, India is a new kid on the block compared to China. But ofc the Chinese military spending is atleast 5 times more than India, which is another debate. Its just the % of GDP that matters really.

Amount isn't matter here. He is talking about importing. But still your point too hold here. China big GDP big Spending
What ??? Where did you get that info ??? Can you point to any link ???
F-18 is one of the goodies. And new F-18SE is very capable bird

Here long article, and I was just joking. But engine trouble was one of them atleast that was one of the "for the record" comments if you know what I mean. But this article examines the political, technical and strategic aspects of India's decision. Its a good read. Although, it is an American argument, so they obviously will say how the IAF was wrong about their decision.



Although the F/A-18E/F Super hornet remained America’s best shot at making the down-select in the MMRCA competition, the IAF ultimately rejected this aircraft on four grounds: the maturity of its engine design, the growth potential of its engine, assorted performance shortfalls, and issues related to special preventative maintenance. Unlike the case of the F-16IN, where IAF reservations are easier to appreciate, the case against the F/A-18E/F Super hornet is more blurry, raising some doubts about whether the IAF gave the twin-engined fighter an equitable shot. These concerns arise in part because of the way the F/A-18E/F’s General Electric F414 Enhanced Performance Engine (EPE) was scored during the competition. Boeing offered this engine, which is in its final development stage, as the standard power-plant for the production version of the F/A-18E/F Super hornet because its 20 per cent greater thrust and advanced design — involving a two-stage integrated blade and disk fan, an advanced six-stage highpressure compressor, and a new highpressure turbine design — mitigated many of the flight envelope deficiencies that had hampered the airplane when equipped with the older F414-GE-400 engine. Thanks to the EPE, the F/A-18E/F’s climb performance, its transonic acceleration, its maximum sustained G, its maximum sustained turn rates, and its top-end speed all improve considerably, with beneficial impact on its performance in both the air-to-air and the air-to-ground regimes.The IAF, however, held the engine’s development status as proof of its immaturity, despite the fact that when it enters service it will be a substantially new engine with greatly improved performance and decades of active life ahead of it. That the IAF was unwilling to accept the engineering test results of the F414 EPE where the F/A-18E/F was concerned, even as it accepted the bench test results of the developmental AESA radars proposed by the Europeans, raises questions about whether the service may have interpreted compliance with some ASQRs a tad subjectively. The IAF’s judgment about the limited growth potential of the G414 EPE may also have been premature, given the significant increases in thrust that have been gained already by new technological insertions — but on this score at least, the IAF’s assessment is easier to concede in contrast to its judgments about the viability of the engine’s design. These judgments should not have been affected in any case by the F/A-18E/F’s engine start-up trouble during the highaltitude trials because the demonstration aircraft was still equipped with the F414-GE-400 engine. Most significantly, the F/A-18E/F was perceived to have fallen short in aerodynamic performance, especially with respect to those parameters that distinguish the nimblest of fighters from the rest. These assessments are not surprising. Although the Super hornet remains one of the most carefree aircraft in the world where handling is concerned, with a high alpha performance to boot, it has traditionally been hampered by weaker energy addition compared to its contemporaries. Further, it still remains qualified only for manoeuvres up to 7.5G, in contrast to the IAF’s ASQRs which specified a criterion of 9G.
I would like to ask Indians some questions.

Most important is why is there such huge spending on defence, I think you are going over the top, like 2-3 AC, so many different jets and massive spending when you have enough deterrence and not an upcoming war..... Instead of buying so so much if you spend some of that on the poor it can help like build like a massive housing project for poor, like hundreds of modern flats will cost you like 1/10 of even one AC.

Second is why is their buying so unorganised, you have so many different jets it looks very unorganised like soon rafale, Russian SU jets, Russian migs, Indian new jet coming up, New PAKFA, harrier, jaguar etcccc already counted so many instead why don't you have like 3 that can do many roles.

Also I read that you will get 100 ships by 2017 is that serious? By ships do you mean everything even coast guards and little things or just big, if it's true I think that just mad spending to show off, we have a word ayagn yorganina göre uzat which mean do appropriate spending.


1. First question has been asked a 1000 times, so go to any Indian thread you will get your answer.

2. We buy depending on needs and also Indian fighter project is going on.

3. Those 100 ships only include the big onesnot the small ones for coast guard. Currently India has 40-50 ships uc for Navy. These includes for 10 submarines(6 scorpenes + 4 arihants), 2 ACs, 3 destroyers, 3 Frigates, 4 corvettes, 2 merchant ships, 8 mine patrol vehicles, 4 opv and many more navy support ships. Cons of 7 more frigates, 6 more subs and 7 more destroyers is about to begin. Good thing is most ships are being built in house with in house materials and some equipment imported.
..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Current order book of Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard and recent deliveries

Other ships for coast guard are partol vehicles and we have something like 156 under cons and over 250 on order. These are being constructed by small and medium shipyards.
Indian Coast Guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

these are all new classes of patrol ships being built:
ABG fast interceptor craft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solas Marine Fast Interceptor Boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
L&T fast interceptor craft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cochin Fast Patrol Vessels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rajshree class inshore patrol vessel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Couach fast interceptor boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alcock Ashdown Survey Catamaran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GSL/GRSE series of Interceptor Boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India should have confidence that no one will attack India first now, just like since 1980 China believe that no one will attack China first, then China ask army to endure a lot, then put defence cost/GDP under 1.5%, and focus energy on economic construction. when your economic biger, you will find even you spend 1% , is more more than others spend 5%

Hat up for China´s peaceful rise.
Hm...which country attacked our border in 1979 and after that continued launching incursions until 1989?
The lession to be drawn is if you are weak, you are easiler blackmailed.
Hat up for China´s peaceful rise.
Hm...which country attacked our border in 1979 and after that continued launching incursions until 1989?
The lession to be drawn is if you are weak, you are easiler blackmailed.
That's the reason why you lost 2millions male in the Vietnam war. You are small, but belligerent as well.
1. First question has been asked a 1000 times, so go to any Indian thread you will get your answer.

2. We buy depending on needs and also Indian fighter project is going on.

3. Those 100 ships only include the big onesnot the small ones for coast guard. Currently India has 40-50 ships uc for Navy. These includes for 10 submarines(6 scorpenes + 4 arihants), 2 ACs, 3 destroyers, 3 Frigates, 4 corvettes, 2 merchant ships, 8 mine patrol vehicles, 4 opv and many more navy support ships. Cons of 7 more frigates, 6 more subs and 7 more destroyers is about to begin. Good thing is most ships are being built in house with in house materials and some equipment imported.
..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Current order book of Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard and recent deliveries

Other ships for coast guard are partol vehicles and we have something like 156 under cons and over 250 on order. These are being constructed by small and medium shipyards.
Indian Coast Guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

these are all new classes of patrol ships being built:
ABG fast interceptor craft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solas Marine Fast Interceptor Boat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
L&T fast interceptor craft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cochin Fast Patrol Vessels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rajshree class inshore patrol vessel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Couach fast interceptor boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alcock Ashdown Survey Catamaran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GSL/GRSE series of Interceptor Boats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

really , india only has 10 submarines now? 3 frigates and 4 corvettes???
I would like to ask Indians some questions.

Most important is why is there such huge spending on defence,

Where do you think the kickback coming from? The more defense purchase the more opportunity for taking bribes. It's a reflection of India's corrupted nature.
really , india only has 10 submarines now? 3 frigates and 4 corvettes???

He means from a procurement perspective. Indian currently has the Godavari class, Brahmaputra class, Delhi Class, Shivalik Class, Talwar Class, Rajput class. These are your surface combatants. The total will work out to something like 21 major surface combatants.

I am not inclluding the smaller ones below 1500 tons like Kora, Khukris and the like which can also carry guided missles.

Submarines are separate and so are landing ships.
really , india only has 10 submarines now? 3 frigates and 4 corvettes???

Thats additional requirement.

Currently we have:

Aircraft Carrier: 1
Submarines: 15
Destroyers: 8
Frigates: 14
Corvettes: 24
Amphibious Warfare Vessels: 16
Patrol: 31
Minsweepers: 8

According to wikipedia.

List of active Indian Navy ships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But wikipedia could be wrong and some numbers might be different. Anyone having reliable sources please post.
India is a regional hegemonist that likes to boss around her neighbors.Shr tried to invade tibet with nehru's forward policy but got bulldozed in the process. Not being able to go up with china she started to hinder the progress of her S.asian neighbors by funding backing terrorist and interfering in her neighbors internal political affairs. In short she is a big fish in a small pond.
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