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Question to Indians

Yes i didnt know india spent like 2% i thought more after reading here on getting like 100 ships .

and i was criticizing on why india has so many different jets when they could of get like 3 types but more quantity . e.g SU's Indian own fighter and new PAKFA - and for lets say until PAKFA comes order more SU jets

btw I think the number of ships is not hundred but around 40.
Yes i didnt know india spent like 2% i thought more after reading here on getting like 100 ships .

and i was criticizing on why india has so many different jets when they could of get like 3 types but more quantity . e.g SU's Indian own fighter and new PAKFA - and for lets say until PAKFA comes order more SU jets
I've got 2 questions to you as well:
1. Will or is Turkey provide/providing any help to those Ugiher Terrorists in some way or not?
2. Does most Turkey people support Ugiher should be partitioned from Peoples republic of China?
Yes i didnt know india spent like 2% i thought more after reading here on getting like 100 ships .

and i was criticizing on why india has so many different jets when they could of get like 3 types but more quantity . e.g SU's Indian own fighter and new PAKFA - and for lets say until PAKFA comes order more SU jets

What would you suggest as the role of the Sukhois? You evidently intend them to replace the MiG 27, the Jaguar, the Mirage2000, the MiG21 - is that correct? Will Sukhois cover all the different tasks that these other aircraft undertake?
What would you suggest as the role of the Sukhois? You evidently intend them to replace the MiG 27, the Jaguar, the Mirage2000, the MiG21 - is that correct? Will Sukhois cover all the different tasks that these other aircraft undertake?

Actually this is one place where I have a different opinion about the large number of platforms being used.There is a common criticism that this makes it more expensive & unwieldy. While not disputing that, I believe that a country like India is better served by a larger number of platforms than normally suggested. We have both a better & constant access to newer technologies & upgradation is spread out, relatively suffering less restrictions. Having a large number of a single platform (when not our own) only serves to be an additional pressure point against us. That is all very fine when countries use their own platforms or those of treaty allies (not ideal there either) but restricting ourselves when we have a choice is not necessarily a good idea.
Actually this is one place where I have a different opinion about the large number of platforms being used.There is a common criticism that this makes it more expensive & unwieldy. While not disputing that, I believe that a country like India is better served by a larger number of platforms than normally suggested. We have both a better & constant access to newer technologies & upgradation is both spread out relatively suffering less restrictions. Having a large number of a single platform (when not our own) only serves to be an additional pressure point. That is all very fine when countries use their own platforms or those of treaty allies (not ideal there either) but restricting ourselves when we have a choice is not necessarily a good idea.

Spot on, but you gave away the ambush! :cry:
I've got 2 questions to you as well:
1. Will or is Turkey provide/providing any help to those Ugiher Terrorists in some way or not?
2. Does most Turkey people support Ugiher should be partitioned from Peoples republic of China?

I really liked and surprised by your questions :D hope you get the REAL answers soon.
And mean time you can understand the concept of "religious brotherhood" ;)
I really liked and surprised by your questions :D hope you get the REAL answers soon.
And mean time you can understand the concept of "religious brotherhood" ;)
I unserstand whatyou mean by. But sorry non Paksitani will support if Turkey really with those Uginher terrorists against China. Chini Pakistani Bha Bha......
Hindi Language is very interesting, but it looks so difficult to learn:china::pakistan:
I unserstand whatyou mean by. But sorry non Paksitani will support if Turkey really with those Uginher terrorists against China. Chini Pakistani Bha Bha......
Hindi Language is very interesting, but it looks so difficult to learn:china::pakistan:

That's not even a problem, population of Uighur in Xinjiang is 9.4million, 43% population of Xinjiang, how do they dependent???Drive other 57% people out of Xinjiang??Or some country will welcome Uighur go to Turk??? No one county will be found by terrorist attacks.

Hui(9.5million) has not problem with Han and other ethnics, they live all over the country;

population of Tibetan in Tibet is only 2.8million(they has 0.8 million in 1951)

Uighur + Tibetan=12.3million population , 0.9% population of China, any one can image what they can do to China except make some noise out China;

only if Chinese think that PRC should be over, then PRC will die, China renames from PRC to another **C, but Xinjiang and Tibet will never change whether PRC live or die; Bcs no one gor of China dare to lose Xinjiang and Tibet, if that they will be thrown into the Pacific Ocean
Your toys cannot possibly prevent the inevitable. India should re-think it's strategy. Perhaps Machiavelli would revise his art of war if he were alive today.

It's better to be liked than feared in my opinion.

Better learn Chanakya Machiavelli came long after Chanakya. :)
That's not even a problem, population of Uighur in Xinjiang is 9.4million, 43% population of Xinjiang, how do they dependent???Drive other 57% people out of Xinjiang??Or some country will welcome Uighur go to Turk??? No one county will be found by terrorist attacks.

Hui(9.5million) has not problem with Han and other ethnics, they live all over the country;

population of Tibetan in Tibet is only 2.8million(they has 0.8 million in 1951)

Uighur + Tibetan=12.3million population , 0.9% population of China, any one can image what they can do to China except make some noise out China;

only if Chinese think that PRC should be over, then PRC will die, China renames from PRC to another **C, but Xinjiang and Tibet will never change whether PRC live or die; Bcs no one gor of China dare to lose Xinjiang and Tibet, if that they will be thrown into the Pacific Ocean

It will be hard for them to divide china But they will make miserable life for Chinese by terrorizing you , keeping bomb in Beijing , hijacking plane , chain bombing in cities , kidnapping foreign nationals , and of source slowly Pakistan will be center of that(they have center of every T.Org. in world) . best luck :pop::mod:
I unserstand whatyou mean by. But sorry non Paksitani will support if Turkey really with those Uginher terrorists against China. Chini Pakistani Bha Bha......
Hindi Language is very interesting, but it looks so difficult to learn:china::pakistan:

No you don't understand. I wasn't pointing to any specific country. But was pointing to a specific behaviour among certain religious extremist.

Well about Chini Pakistani Bha Bha ..... :rofl: I am sure you are bad at Hindi. Correct it please ;) or use English ( better option )
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