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Question to Indians

that post of mine was a highly thoughtful well articulated reply-
since your upbringing could- only conclude to the hubby and wife part- i played along untill you showed the level of immaturity and bellicose to such low level of clatter- i found it unacceptable and deplorable- thus putting your upbringing to question-

Now after that extra martial things & **** ****** ***** ( fill in the blank stuff) you are telling me you were not trolling.

Seriously man I am sticking more & more to my intellectual & mental bankruptcy remarks (which i made on ya first post in this thread) as I read you !

And regarding upbringing stuff ...What they heck you know about me ?? better refrain yourself from personal remarks as it makes you look more stupid than you already are!
that post of mine was a highly thoughtful well articulated reply-
since your upbringing could- only conclude to the hubby and wife part- i played along untill you showed the level of immaturity and bellicose to such low level of clatter- i found it unacceptable and deplorable- thus putting your upbringing to question-

I can see you are having a very mature conversation. Please continue. :no:
India should invest more on solving poverty. I swear to mighty Lord Jesus we will never attack you at first. If one day CCP attacks India for no valid reason,I will stand for india and protest on street. Damn,trust is hard to build up!

Either you are too innocent to understand or you comment into thread without reading the posts...

We are shouting loud that "we are spending both on welfare and defence", still it doesn't reach ur ear.

In 10,000 year of Indo-chinese history neither India attacked china nor china attacked India. Its just insanity of communists who backstabbed us. No one trust Communists. For no further backstabbing we need to be vigilant..
indians spend so much on defence coz they feel threatened by much smaller country called pakistan.Other reason is to keep indians happy with display of all those weapon platforms during 26 jan republic day parade.

Not true mate. Rising China and traditional Pakistan :devil: are the challenges India is increasingly facing. India has to tackle this threat effectively.
Anyway if the defense spending is less than 3 % gdp it is ok.
indians spend so much on defence coz they feel threatened by much smaller country called pakistan.Other reason is to keep indians happy with display of all those weapon platforms during 26 jan republic day parade.

My family got 5 members but we are still afraid of that one crazy, religious fanatic cum bigot fidayeen(single) who is ready to blow himself.

I hope you got it. ;)
India should invest more on solving poverty

India does. But a smaller percentage goes to defense. As for poverty, you cant eradicate it without the means to do it. Taking money out of something and giving to someone is not gonna do anything. We need to build up our defence industrial base, and that will lead to more jobs etc., We are indeed working toward that.
Simple answer to a simple question. With every aircraft order, large artillery order, ship building contract or military tank order, our politicians and officials get a huge kickback. The first notably well publicised scandal was the Bofors arm scandal which involved a famous actor turned politician returned actor. It is not totally about arming India and keeping her on the defensive. It also involves a huge amount of "backhands" which ensures that politicians and officials create a financial dynasty.

Offcourse to the gullible public (as is evident in this forum), it is all about India having one more aircraft carrier than China, a generation or so advanced aircrafts over Pakistan and a few thousand tanks more than Bangladesh. In their lifetime, the chances are that none of the advanced weapons purchased will be used in any warfare against India's neighbors. But offcourse, alleviating poverty doesn't really win you votes or earn you huge kickbacks as buying weapons does.

Hopefully the thread starter will now understand in a nutshell why India invests heavily on unnecessary weapons. It is because it has 1,2 billion or so people to fool :D
My family got 5 members but we are still afraid of that one crazy, religious fanatic cum bigot fidayeen(single) who is ready to blow himself.

I hope you got it. ;)
nope thats wrong description...its not fiyadeen rathher its your coward nature which is the reason of all your timidity

In English: If you believe me, you will have eternal life! What will you get if you believe Christian? get terrorist attacks?
indians spend so much on defence coz they feel threatened by much smaller country called pakistan.Other reason is to keep indians happy with display of all those weapon platforms during 26 jan republic day parade.

2-3 % is okay with hostile Conspirous neighbours on west side & a peaceful but gaint dragon on north side.

India was ruled by invaders because it forgot Pricipals of Samrat Chandragupta & Samrat Ashoka.4 lions in Ashoka's Emblem suggest - Justice, Dharma, Strength & Peace !

Its always better to invest more & more on on building our muscles, irrespective of weather you have an enemy or you dont have or its size & strength.
Simple answer to a simple question. With every aircraft order, large artillery order, ship building contract or military tank order, our politicians and officials get a huge kickback. The first notably well publicised scandal was the Bofors arm scandal which involved a famous actor turned politician returned actor. It is not totally about arming India and keeping her on the defensive. It also involves a huge amount of "backhands" which ensures that politicians and officials create a financial dynasty.

Offcourse to the gullible public (as is evident in this forum), it is all about India having one more aircraft carrier than China, a generation or so advanced aircrafts over Pakistan and a few thousand tanks more than Bangladesh. In their lifetime, the chances are that none of the advanced weapons purchased will be used in any warfare against India's neighbors. But offcourse, alleviating poverty doesn't really win you votes or earn you huge kickbacks as buying weapons does.

Hopefully the thread starter will now understand in a nutshell why India invests heavily on unnecessary weapons. It is because it has 1,2 billion or so people to fool :D

The kickbacks exist, but defense purchases are not BECAUSE of kickbacks. Purchases are despite it. Yes the corruption needs to be curbed. But to say we dont need any modernization or spending after we have fought 5 wars, one just a decade back is ignorant to say the least.

What are unnecessary weapons btw? How do you deem a weapon necessary or unnecessary? How do you know what the army's requirements are? Why do you think India shouldnt position itself on teh world stage as a powerful nation? Whether you like it or not, the guy with the biggest stick gets the most respect. Its a fact. Stop pandering to some ridiculous comments that most people from the west make and undermining India's defense and regional needs.

I would love to live in La-la land and sing kumbaya around a camp fire where everything is hunky dory, but that isnt how reality really is. The moment we become weak, or our security lapses, you will have all the pissants from the western border flood into India and bomb every little city. Get real.

We actually need MORE defense spending than we currently have. For the zillionth time poverty cannot be alleviated by reducing military expenditure. Pfffft.
My question to u i, will Turkey support India or China in a Indo-china possible war in future ?

and remember east turkeystan or what ever that is called which is being ruled by china now and is under constant harassment by han chinese. i wish ur country was not a puppet in then name of NATO country, i "think" Iran is better off being independent and able to sustain constant multiple enemy threats from US bases all over and around it, traditional rivals with arabs, Turks, Jews and sunnis are the Iranians, on the other hand we have the most powerful force in the middle east region is Israel, they got the game changer :), and even ur country has a lot of fish to fry with ur neighboring countries thats why even turkey has a strong military and defence establishment ;)
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