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Question regarding Smoking


Dec 20, 2006
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I used to jog 15 min everyday. Two months ago I started smoking because of all the stress I was in due to some family problems. I knew I was making the wrong choice but still continued to smoke heavily since then. Now I'm beginning to realize that It's not worth it. I want to be the same old me again who used to jog 15 min everday. Will I be the same again.

Pls take some time out and contribute towards this thread as the question above (in blue) is really starting to bug me.
stop it immediately, it is not too late. 2 months is not too long and you will find it alot easier to quit this habit. it will ruin your life.
Depends upon how do you smoke, I used to think I inhale correctly but my running potential didn't went down significantly I still manage to run like 30-40 mins in one go.
My inhaling style is wrong and I got to realize when I was in LA with my friends and they were smoking pot and getting high and when I tried it nothing was happening to me and then everyone concluded I smoke in wrong way.
Anyway I enjoy smoking and I am also not getting that badly affected by it.
Cheers :cheers: :cheers:
Take this from someone who puffed for decades.

Just Quit.

Do not touch the bloody thing again. No medicines, chewing gum or any other gimmick works - the will power you need is in you.

Once you give up, you will after a few weeks experience marginal to severe coughing - no fear. Soon Flem will come in your cough - those are the dead cells in your lungs being expelled.

You will see your vital capacity ( power of your lungs ) increase with time.

Just Quit.
lol 15 mins jog is not that much of exercise, you can smoke as well as jog. quit smoking if ur athlete or something.
how many fags you smoke day?? if you just started two months ago, then it shouldn't be that hard to stop it. it's all in the mind. just do not imagine that you are addicted to it. smoking doesn't mean you can stop doing ur exercise. i used to smoke 25 to 30 fags a day for 12 yrs & still continued with my gym work. didn't do any harm to me. it's another story that i stopped smoking completely now.
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I have to agree with Ahmad.

I am addicted to nicotine and have been for 25 years. Fortunately it is the smokeless variety which, while still dangerous, is not nearly as bad as cigarettes. Nicotine is one of the hardest drugs to quit because after a while, it PERMANENTLY alters your brain chemistry. The production of "feel-good" chemicals like dopamine is halted, and the nicotine replaces your natural brain chemicals. And if you use it too long, the ability of your brain to heal becomes far more difficult.

The reason I say this - I once quit for an entire year, and was stressed, depressed, and unmotivated the entire time. It was horrible. I started up again.

My father smoked 35 years, and quit about 6 years before he passed away. I asked him "Do you miss smoking?" He said "I'd start up tomorrow if I knew it wasn't bad for me." He still craved them after 6 years.

Quit now, it's not too late after only a few months. Do it.
I was addicted to smokeless tobacco, then one day I planned to quit. I thought smoking is easier to quit than habbit of dipping tobacco and I wont even feel crave of smokeless tobacco (cuz both contains nicotine, the main drug), so I started smoking.

At first, Medium sized cigerrette was big for me and 3-4 cig enough for a day, then after few days it turned 1 pack a day. Just when it was abt to go out of control (I loved the smell of cig on my clothes, hair, trust me its amazing its like Tandoori [roasted] chicken), mom came to know abt this. There is Taboo attached with tobacco products, mostly low class people use this in Punjab, Rich people are addicted to drinking and Opium. She convinced me to quit. Again it was too tough to quit, I went back to smokeless tobacco for few days and then quit both.

It's nightmare. Now I only smoke booty (pot) occassionaly and smoke cig after drinking only, which is 2 times a week.

Key is dont keep it in pocket, dont bring it home. You wil never catch addiction this way.
Oh man just dont do it.....it will paradoxically suck ur productive life and and make u dependent on others.....if u are lucky u will get only BP, HT, DM, MI, Stroke if not possibly cancer.....these are all proven with all evidence....its not that u will get it or not its just the matter of time before u get it.........its early hence I am warning u.....for after some time it WILL be too late......
Most of the time I used to smoke 25 cigarettes in half a day, other times in 1 day.

my friend i was a chain smoker for 12 yrs. i had go thru a personal crsisi as well & two choices in front of me. either dwell on that & destroy myself or come out of it completely. to come out of it you have to bring changes in your life & it's not easy. one fine day i got up & stopped smoking & boozing completely. just start imagining that you are not that week to be addicted by this thing. you will be fine. do not think that you need help or you need one of those patches or non nicotine fags, that will only pull you back. just be strong.
Depends upon how do you smoke, I used to think I inhale correctly but my running potential didn't went down significantly I still manage to run like 30-40 mins in one go.
My inhaling style is wrong and I got to realize when I was in LA with my friends and they were smoking pot and getting high and when I tried it nothing was happening to me and then everyone concluded I smoke in wrong way.

What's the correct way of smoking?
Most of the time I used to smoke 25 cigarettes in half a day, other times in 1 day.

Anything above 20 cig/day is toooo risky. Its bad no matter how many, still 10/day is considered safe.
What's the correct way of smoking?

I always thought if I exhale from nose, I am doing right and even Malboro red never affected me much but my other friends used to say it's way too strong for them.

I realized I just exhale from nose without taking much into my lungs. So good for me, just I feel the rush in my brain which is good for keeping me awake and active since I am grad. student. :cheers:
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