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Question from Iranian-American members ???? position of Iranian community in USA ??

they blend in well with the larger community
That is part of our culture, and for that reason we survive for more than 7 thousands years in history.

we have proverb in farsi say:
@925boy stay safe bro
@BlueInGreen2 Sorry brother I forgot to add u

Thank you so much man!!! and no problem lol :-)

I always kinda thought I wasn't liked here but I guess I was wrong xD!

most Iranians look "White". they blend in well with the larger community

Yeah man I don't know about that Nahtan, many of the Iranians I know look decidedly non-White, at least I know I don't lol.

Thanks god we have several Iranian American members, and also Iranian Canadian members in this forum.
What is happening in US, and what is Iranian community position in current crises ???
Are you feeling racism against Iranian community in USA as well or not ???
@Shawnee @Rukarl @Kastor @TheImmortal @925boy and all other Iranian and American members.

To be completely honest dude....it feels like dystopia has finally touched ground on our American soil. Funnily enough apart of me always wanted this sort of chaos to come here but now that it is here I feel like an imbecile for even wanting it in the first place. One can only hope to gleam some sort of learning lesson from this literal coast-to-coast lawlessness/violence which is often dolled out by CIA and Co. in other countries....

As far as what's going on, on the ground well....lol: I'll quickly compile a list of what's gone down as far as I know:

  • Gun-fights in St. Louis
  • Car Ramming left and right of both civilians and cops
  • Store owners as well as rioters killing each other
  • Arson on a nationwide level (personally know someone who went to Downtown Cleveland and burned cars there)
  • Widespread destruction and vandalism of private property
  • So far I think around 6-10 officers have been sent to the hospital
  • At least 1 or more officers have died
  • A store owner also died by cops
  • Trump wants to mobile heavily armed troops all over the country (literally all-over) in order to control/stem the violence.
  • Protesters are marching in most big cities
  • Rape has undoubtedly gone up exponentially but we won't hear any of it until much later
  • We might see some of rioters spread into suburban areas (where I live), that's gonna be interesting
  • Also mysterious pallets of bricks showing up in major cities as well, don't know where they're coming from. Some people are saying this is a "psy-op" to undermine Trump but idk honestly. Juries still out on that one
  • etc, etc, etc....
It's a total shit-show for now, all I know is that I will defend my family and property to the death but I sure as hell wont risk my life going into the big-cities since most of the violence and mayhem has been localized to Metropolitan areas and Downtown areas.

What else can I really say....2020 has been the biggest cluster-**** of my life thus far. I think many others here would also agree with this sentiment.

Just pray that someday in the future things will be better....I'm beginning to lose all hope for humanity across the board.

P.S.: Whatever sorts of casualties we see are almost certainly underreported any many more incidents have been happening without it being record. So please do keep that in mind.
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That's the case everywhere. I guess those of us who decided to migrate have had it with politics.
Yeah. Many of you were ashamed to accept responsibility for the actions of the Islamic republic and you decided to turn your back on your country. At least that's how I see it.

Iranian Americans and Iranians in Canada can lobby for Iran, but they don't. Not only they don't, they purposefully make Iran look worse than it is to distance themselves from the Islamic republic. That's treason in my opinion. No offense though.
That's the case everywhere. I guess those of us who decided to migrate have had it with politics.

Personally I think the issue goes more deeper than that.

Iranians within the United States, as far as I'm concerned, have to play it somewhat careful with their politics. Many Iranian expats here in the states are Shah supporters so speaking in a way that would support the current Iranian government could alienate Iranians in the states from other Iranians and then there's the unbelievably strong American-Jewish (those who side with Israel) controlled political spectrum to take into account.

Here if you express any sort of political ideology that could be viewed as "pro-IRI" then you can expect to be attacked and labeled/monitored by such groups who will seek to delegitimize you as a person (seen this happen to several people personally). Other than that many Iranians do indeed seem to vote or lean more on the Liberal/democratic side compared to republican but I could be wrong on that.

What I'm really trying to say is that Iranians in the United States have to watch what it is they say about certain things as their livelihoods could be placed in danger both by the usual suspects as well as other Iranians who might seek to ostracize them because of their views. So from my stand-point, Iranians have an intrinsically harder time getting into the political field given all the "bad blood" surrounding our name and background so to speak.
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Yeah. Many of you were ashamed to accept responsibility for the actions of the Islamic republic and you decided to turn your back on your country. At least that's how I see it.

Iranian Americans and Iranians in Canada can lobby for Iran, but they don't. Not only they don't, they purposefully make Iran look worse than it is to distance themselves from the Islamic republic. That's treason in my opinion. No offense though.
Its ok. What you say is mostly true. I'm not proud of my migration. Just so you know, I might not try to influence or lobby for Iran, but I definitely don't do anything against Iran.
Other than that many Iranians do indeed seem to vote or lean more on the Liberal/democratic side compared to republican but I could be wrong on that.

Well, most neighborhoods in California with sizeable Iranian population voted red in the last presidential election. Westwood and Beverly Hills were two of the few neighborhoods in California that voted for Trump. I can't show you the map now, but I remember when Trump won (and I predicted him to win), I checked the map and I wasn't surprised when I realized that areas with a sizeable concentration of Iranian-Americans were red.
Personally I think the issue goes more deeper than that.

Iranians within the United States, as far as I'm concerned, have to play it somewhat careful with their politics. Many Iranian expats here in the states are Shah supporters so speaking in a way that would support the current Iranian government could alienate Iranians in the states from other Iranians and then there's the unbelievably strong American-Jewish controlled political spectrum to take into account.

Here if you express any sort of political ideology that can be viewed at "pro-IRI" then you can expect to be attacked and labeled/monitored by such groups who will seek to delegitimize you as a person (seen this happen to several people personally). Other than that many Iranians do indeed seem to vote or lean more on the Liberal/democratic side compared to republican but I could be wrong on that.
It is less so here. I have personally signed several petitions in support of reestablishing the diplomatic relations between Iran and Canada. That was actually one of Trudeau's promises.
Well, most neighborhoods in California with sizeable Iranian population voted red in the last presidential election. Westwood and Beverly Hills were two of the few neighborhoods in California that voted for Trump. I can't show you the map now, but I remember when Trump won (and I predicted him to win), I checked the map and I wasn't surprised when I realized that areas with a sizeable concentration of Iranian-Americans were red.

Yeah I thought so, I was probably wrong about Iranians voting blue since even some of my own family members have an affinity for Trump and his posse.

It is less so here. I have personally signed several petitions in support of reestablishing the diplomatic relations between Iran and Canada. That was actually one of Trudeau's promises.

Unfortunate that Canada even severed ties with Iran to begin with, totally stupid move given the sizable Iranian-Canadian population in Toronto and what not. Israel's influence through the Americans are truly cancerous....**** them.

Idk guys, it's quite an interesting dilemma being an Iranian expat or first generation American-Iranian/Canadian-Iranian or whatever country. The challenges that it brings up are difficult to overcome sometimes since our Iranian blood somewhat requires us to defend our ancestral homeland regardless of the context.

lol, humanity is such a fickle thing....
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I don't think Iranian Americans are getting much involved. Considering that they own huge swathes of West LA, I don't think it is in their interest to see massive numbers of their properties looted and burned. Most Iranian Americans I've met have been very business oriented and tend to stay apolitical, rarely bringing up issues pertaining to the US Iran relationship.
Most from what I have seen of Iranians in the US, and Afghans too, they do not represent their countries back home. Many are minorities like Zoroastrians, and Muslims have become Atheist or Christian.

They regularly speak against Iranian regime and Mollahs, or in Afghan case against Taliban and Pakistan.

One of my best friends growing up was Iranian and he was one of the few I met who was religious. A couple of times some extremist Arabs tried to stop him from coming to masjid, but because I was close to the Imam,, I put a quick end to that alhamdulilah. His brother who was a successful engineer had totally left Islam and became Christian at the insistence of his white wife.

Their parents came from Iran to visit them both, they were very proud of the religious son, who was in medical school at the time, but the state of the lack of Islam of his other son really hurt him badly. He cried alot for his son and prayed long nights in qiyam until he couldn't stand. That daughter in law was so cruel, she would feed him pork by hiding it in his food.

Needless to say, when he left from US, he said he never wanted to come to US again.

So yes, there is a big disconnect with Iranians in America and those in Iran. Islam is probably the main difference.

Yeah I thought so, I was probably wrong about Iranians voting blue since even some of my own family members have an affinity for Trump and his posse.

Unfortunate that Canada even severed ties with Iran to begin with, totally stupid move given the sizable Iranian-Canadian population in Toronto and what not. Israel's influence through the Americans are truly cancerous....**** them.

Idk guys, it's quite an interesting dilemma being an Iranian expat or first generation American-Iranian/Canadian-Iranian or whatever. The challenges that it brings up are difficult to overcome sometimes since our Iranian blood somewhat requires us to defend our ancestral homeland regardless of the context.

lol, humanity is such a fickle thing....

I observed that some of the more recent immigrants were stronger Muslims, especially who told me they are from Caspian, I guess they are Azeris, though I never asked.
And I apologize - I didnt know that you were Nigerian, I thought your some Pakistani guy living in America. Anyway good to know.
No worries at all...PDF members already made me Iranian due to "Nationality-by-passionate posting".

Tbh, i get accused of being an Iranian false flagger OR Iranian hiding his identity because most people who know Iran the way i do are either Iranians, or Middle Easterners, or people who have lived in Iran, or dated/married someone from Iran, all of which i have not done, but i just love reading and understanding world and middle east politics, especially Iran(offcourse).

Welcome back to PDF, but please get ready, because this forum has gone crazier since you left.
I observed that some of the more recent immigrants were stronger Muslims, especially who told me they are from Caspian, I guess they are Azeris, though I never asked.

Azerbaijan is not near the Caspian Sea. They are probably Mazandarani people as they tend to be generally more religious than an average Iranian person and they have the largest coast with the Caspian Sea among our northern provinces.
No, he is anti-Pakistani.
if this was true, i would have been perma banned on PDF by now, no question about it. if u detect any lie please let me know.

It is less so here. I have personally signed several petitions in support of reestablishing the diplomatic relations between Iran and Canada. That was actually one of Trudeau's promises.
Iran will establish relations with Canada........as soon as Canada stops acting like America's proxy or ally.
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