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Question from Iranian-American members ???? position of Iranian community in USA ??

I would disagree with this. The only reason iran has survived all these years is because of the management of the iranian supreme leaders. The real enemies inside iran are some other people who have recieved high possions in the gov, are corrupt and have been stealing iranian money all this time. The economic problems iran is suffering from is because of Rouhani and his friends stealing the money and their very bad management. I hope everything is fixed once Rouhani's presidency ends and another corrupt guy doesnt get the position.
If that's what you think then you don't know our history or politics.
If that's what you think then you don't know our history or politics.
I just said what I think is the current situation, based on all the news I had read about the situation in iran. A president is incompetent when he says he woke up a Friday morning and saw the petrol price suddenly rose up. A president is incompetent when he suddenly says the gov lost 5 billion dollars and need to get a loan now. Rouhani promised alot of stuff and didnt deliver them. That's why I think the president has a role in Iran's current problems.
Kastor dude lol, man you hit the nail of the head so succinctly it's not even funny.

To any and all Iranians (or non-Irooni) on PDF wondering what many Iranians in the United States are up to it's exactly what Kastor just said. Money, money, money....nothing but pool. Kinda said too since many Iranians are usually out for themselves so badly that they will actively seek to undermine each other or at the very least want to one-up one another just so they can feel better about themselves, can't even being too fucking tell you how many self-righteous asshole Iranians with their nose so stuck high-up in air I've met here in the states. I really do feel that there just isn't any sort of unified Iranian-American presence. It all feels superficial, all fake or duplicitous... or if there is one like NIAC, it just isn't enough and is largely insignificant.

Well you know, what can you do man...What can you do?

They way AIPAC works is to seek out weak or up and coming candidates, ie: immigrants, gays, young inexperienced or cash poor candidates etc...think about it, Cruz, Rubio and Menendez, all of them Cuban. Sen Cotton has no previous govt experience. I remember there was a useful idiot named Mark Kirk (now retired due to bad health), boy was he a good stooge for Israel....sort of like Cotton a full time Iran hater, I wanted to know why this guy hated us so much, so I researched him till I finally stumbled on rumors of him being gay. That's when I figured they must have dirt on him, probably pictures of him and some gay prostitute. :-) Also check out the disgraced Sen Mark Foley (left congress due to gay sex scandal), If you look at his voting record it's easy to spot he had an Israel bias...so many of the bills he sponsored were against Syria, Lebanon and Iran..why? Why not concentrate on bills for the benefit of his home state or just the U.S.? Because he was being delivered already written bills by AIPAC to sponsor. So basically, they approach these weak candidates and then they offer to help fund their election, they offer them first class expertise and consultancy to run their campaigns, ads and commercials all for free or little cost that they'll cover anyway. In return they will ask them to pledge to push through AIPACs agenda. (this is the same blue print they've used in other countries as well, UK, Canada, Aus)

The other side of the coin is, they will spread money around as much as possible, and if someone decides not to take the money or dare to speak up or against Israel's influence they will quietly go to war against that politician. First they look for scandals, bribes, ex lovers, spousal abuse, gambling or something in their private life to embarrass them. If they can't take them down that way, they will start funding and grooming a candidate to run against that person, providing them with huge campaign funds and expensive experts to run a professional campaign.
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I would disagree with this. The only reason iran has survived all these years is because of the management of the iranian supreme leaders. The real enemies inside iran are some other people who have recieved high possions in the gov, are corrupt and have been stealing iranian money all this time. The economic problems iran is suffering from is because of Rouhani and his friends stealing the money and their very bad management. I hope everything is fixed once Rouhani's presidency ends and another corrupt guy doesnt get the position.

I love how people are (without realizing) destroying the American political system, and endorsing the Iranian one.

not that im saying Irans political system is perfect. far from it. but at least its Iranian. it has corrupt people, it has thieves like anyone else. but at least ITS IRANIAN. it looks after the interests of the Iranian nation, and decisions are made in Tehran (not Washington DC, or Zionist think tank lobbists).

these so called "democratic systems" are de facto aristocracies that are heaviliy infiltrated by foreign and business lobby interests. a politician to get elected has to sell themselves out to so many different lobby groups, that by the time they are elected they are essentially warm bodies acting as vassals of the puppet masters behind the scenes.

this is what leads to the situation we have today. people in the west think they have democracy, and can control their governments. but are completely dumbfounded and confused as to why whatever government they elect runs off and does pretty much its own thing immdiatly after "elections". and makes bizarre decisions that makes the average man sick, but has the mainstream leftist "media" clapping their arms...

western people also have been propagated to believe that everything their "free media" tells them is the truth. and anything they hear from "lesser media" or "dictator media" is lies, tyranny, and propaganda.

only recently with trump have they begun to slightly become aware of this.
The best thing they can do is a lobby for Iranian Americans. Too optimistic to outright lobby for Iran. Even Russia and China do not have a real lobby. You can’t really lobby until Iran is considered a friendly country.

Don’t forget Iranians are mixed of older generations, students, bikhial, saltanat talab, agnostic, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Baha’i. They have different political and even local beliefs. You can find a lot of wonderful people among the older generations or Jewish Iranians too.

Iranian Americans should focus on their common problems first.

Beverly Hills is mostly Iranian Jewish. Lots of cities with Iranian students who are usually agnostic or Muslim. Many cities are mostly Baha’i.

Focus should be common issues.
Well, there is NIAC but Iranians don't support them enough. You don't have to lobby for Iran in one huge leap. You can first lobby for Iran by paying the media to publish your own articles that dispute the lies spread by the Zionist lobby in the US/Canadian media, then you can push for little improvements in our ties like opening an electronic embassy, then reestablishing flights between Tehran and NYC/LA and little by little the situation will become better.

At the very least, you should be able to put pressure on the US to stop their ridiculous sanctions on transferring money to/from Iran.

Yes, I agree, but expat Iranians are all about money here, very few care about U.S. politics and even fewer care about Iran and it's politics.....part of the blame goes to the ayatollahs for making everything and anything Western haram......it's even taboo to be western educated, look at what they did to the environmental expert guy Madani who left his cush job and life in Europe to go back to Iran to help them conserve water, they literally ran him out of the country.

The way I see it we have 2 enemies....one is the Israeli/U.S. axis the other is the backward Iranians (hardliners) running our country.....as long as these guys are at war with anything Western (including us) the brain drain will continue. Not counting the rich Iranian Shah supporters, (The L.A. and DC set) Iranian Jews who rather align with Israel than us, The Iranians here in the U.S. are pretty disconnected from politics. They're living a pretty good life, they're hardworking, educated and upwardly mobile. While for 40 years our people back home have made very little economic progress. Are you not shocked to see Singapore or the UAE? Singapore is an amazing place with fantastic standard of living, and they're Muslim, how did that happen? UAE is a patch of sand in the gulf.....We're 100 times better, bigger and more resourceful than those places yet they've passed us up by a few decades in growth. Again because we have religious zealots with very limited knowledge of the outside world (farang) dictating our country's policy. It's going to take new leadership for Iran to realize it's potential...preferably leaders that are educated in Switzerland or London instead of Baghdad and Cairo.
LOL. It's a taboo to be Western educated in Iran? You've been living in a cave since you left Iran. Haven't you?

Here are a few famous examples of Iranian high ranking officials that have returned to Iran after graduating from Western universities after the 1979 revolution. The list is not comprehensive.

1- Ali Akbar Salehi (The Head of the Iranian Atomic Agency): PhD in Nuclear Engineering from MIT.
2- Mohammad-Javad Larijani (The Founder of the Iranian Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences and the Top Advisor to the Supreme Leader on Foreign Affairs): PhD in Mathematics from UC Berkley.
3- Mostafa Chamran (The Iranian Defense Minister in 1980s): PhD in Plasma Physics from UC Berkley. Employed in the R&D Departments of Bell Labs. and the Jet Propulsion Lab. at NASA.
4- Mohammad-Javad Zarif (The Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs): PhD in International Law and Policy from University of Denver.
5- Mohammad-Ali Najafi (Minister of Education): M.Sc. in Mathematics from MIT. Dropped out of the Math PhD program at MIT to return to Iran after the 1979 revolution.
6- Mohammad Reza Aref (Minister of Post, Telegraph, Telephone and First Vice President of Ahmadinejad): PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

And here's a short list of Iranian academics in my major (pure mathematics) that have returned to Iran after graduating from top Western universities after the 1979 revolution. These are only the people that I can remember now, the list is at least 3 times longer than this:

1- Arash Rastegar (PhD in Mathematics, Number Theory): A faculty member at Sharif University of Technology. Graduated from Princeton University under the supervision of Andrew Wiles, a famous Fields medalist who proved Fermat's Last Theorem.
2- Eaman Eftekhari (PhD in Mathematics, Low Dimensional Geometry): The Vice Head of the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). Graduated from Princeton under the supervision of Gang Tian who was part of the team that verified Pereleman's Proof of the Poincare's Conjecture. He spent three years at Harvard as a Benjamin Pierce Assistant Professor until he returned to Iran.
3- Massood Pourmahdian (PhD in Mathematical Logic): A faculty member of Amirkabir University of Technology and the Head of the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). Graduated from Oxford University under the supervision of Frank Olaf Wagner.
4- Ali Rajaei (PhD in Mathematics, Number Theory): A faculty member of Tarbiat Modarres University. Graduated from Princeton under the supervision of Andrew Wiles.
5- Omid Hatami (PhD in Mathematics, Number Theory): Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). Graduated from University of Cambridge under the supervision of Tim Gowers (a Fields medalist).
6- Iman Setayesh (PhD in Mathematics, Algebraic Geometry): Researcher at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). Graduated from Princeton University.

As for Kaveh Madani, he went on and on about how Iran should not invest in agriculture because precipitation in Iran is low in most regions and instead we should lease farming lands abroad in countries like Turkey and then import our products from our farming lands abroad. Even a village idiot realizes that this proposal is nothing but a security matter.
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As for Kaveh Madani, he went on and on about how Iran should not invest in agriculture because precipitation in Iran is low in most regions and instead we should lease farming lands abroad in countries like Turkey and then import our products from our farming lands abroad. Even a village idiot realizes that this proposal is nothing but a security matter.

As usual you like to argue just for the sake of arguing...very little substance in most of your post. more often than not just dissenting views regardless of what is being discussed. Now to answer you (I'll be specific unlike you) My argument was Iran's government doesn't want Western ideals even Western educated individuals. In other words management by theology, rather than scientific or established principles. Principles like that of which Madani was proposing, or in as in other areas like democracy...letting candidates run in primaries and having the people weed out the less desirable by the novel idea of voting instead of using the expediency council to choose who can run and who cannot.
Now that I had to simplify my point in that post for you to understand let's to scrutinize your post, you've listed a bunch of university faculty members in the 2nd paragraph......which one is in charge of making govt policy? I already know the answer.....NONE.

In the first column, only Larijani is in good graces.....Salehi and Zarif have been called traitor more times I can remember....(thanks for making my point) the other is Larijani!!? Larijani and his family wield more power than almost anyone in Iran....he's an integral part of the regime, heck he probably advises against all the things I railed about. His entire family fortune has been made from closing off Iran. Lol
Now google some more and find examples of young politicians and policymakers that have graduated in the last 10-15 years from a western institutions or have lived abroad and returned and successfully ran for office. then get back to me.

But hold on I'm not done with you yet,


At 36, Madani was the youngest and the most educated government official at his level. His resignation and decision to leave the country has sparked a huge reaction online.

When Iran carried out mass arrests of environmental activists in February, Madani was detained for 72 hours. It also emerged at the time that an Iranian-Canadian environmentalist, Kavous Seyed-Emami, died in custody in mysterious circumstances. At least 13 other activists remain behind bars.
Madani has been critical of Iran’s past policies on water, believing the country has passed the time of crisis and entered an era of water bankruptcy. He has been particularly critical of Iran’s aggressive dam building and cloud seeding. Many such policies have been propagated by the Revolutionary Guards through its industrial arm, which has benefited from the projects.
This meant Madani fell foul of the Guards, who act independently of Rouhani’s administration and have huge influence within the judiciary and the intelligence apparatus.
Abbas Milani, an Iranian-American historian and the director of Iranian studies at Stanford University, said on Twitter that Madani’s departure was an instance of a 38-year battle between elites “who want good for Iran and know how to rescue it” and those who were hiding their hunger for power and self-interest under the cover of Islam.

Iran's biggest security threat in the next decade will be water shortage.
He proposed radicals ideas such as having a govt water management policy and a supervision board. He wanted an ongoing policy to monitor water levels and manage them in different regions. He wanted to monitor/balance water usage to make sure it was not over drawn. He wanted to promote responsible water consumption culture through education of the public.....terrible, scientific, western, radical ideas. Yeah he was a bad guy who needed to be ran off....in the mean time I hope you're still around in 10-15 years so we can revisit this topic.
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As usual you like to argue just for the sake of arguing...very little substance in most of your post. more often than not just dissenting views regardless of what is being discussed. Now to answer you (I'll be specific unlike you) My argument was Iran's government doesn't want Western ideals even Western educated individuals. In other words management by theology, rather than scientific or established principles. Principles like that of which Madani was proposing, or in as in other areas like democracy...letting candidates run in primaries and having the people weed out the less desirable by the novel idea of voting instead of using the expediency council to choose who can run and who cannot.
Now that I had to simplify my point in that post for you to understand let's to scrutinize your post, you've listed a bunch of university faculty members in the 2nd paragraph......which one is in charge of making govt policy? I already know the answer.....NONE.

In the first column, only Larijani is in good graces.....Salehi and Zarif have been called traitor more times I can remember....(thanks for making my point) the other is Larijani!!? Larijani and his family wield more power than almost anyone in Iran....he's an integral part of the regime, heck he probably advises against all the things I railed about. His entire family fortune has been made from closing off Iran. Lol
Now goggle some more and find examples of young politicians and policymakers that have graduated in the last 10-15 years from a western institutions or have lived abroad and returned and successfully ran for office. then get back to me.

But hold on I'm not done with you yet,

Madani was

At 36, Madani was the youngest and the most educated government official at his level. His resignation and decision to leave the country has sparked a huge reaction online.

When Iran carried out mass arrests of environmental activists in February, Madani was detained for 72 hours. It also emerged at the time that an Iranian-Canadian environmentalist, Kavous Seyed-Emami, died in custody in mysterious circumstances. At least 13 other activists remain behind bars.
It seems that I hit you somewhere that hurt really bad that you suddenly lost your control and became all defensive and angry. LOL

I was unspecific? I named 6 high ranking officials in the Islamic Republic that had graduated from top US universities like MIT, Stanford and Berkley. As well as 6 academics in my own field that studied under the supervision of the most renowned scientists in their fields of study at universities like Princeton, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. And those lists were far from being comprehensive.

Your argument is futile as I just proved you wrong by showing you how many Western educated people are holding or have previously held important positions in Iran. It doesn't matter that some people have called Zarif and Salehi traitors. It remains a fact that both Salehi and Zarif are currently holding important positions in the country.

The majority of new faculty recruits at public universities in Iran are graduates from top Western universities. So, there is obviously no taboo regarding a Western education in the Iranian system.

You can watch Kaveh Madani's conferences, seminars and speeches at different Iranian universities on YouTube. Here is his speech at the Department of Environmental Sciences at Sharif University:
Watch it to see how ordinary his speech is.

He may be a hero for you, but we have many scientists in Iran that dwarf this guy academically. For example, Majid Abbaspoor which is strongly tied to the system has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and he has been the Head of the Environmental Science Department at the Islamic Azad University for decades. He also is a faculty member at Sharif University. There are many such people in Iran.

Kaveh Madani is famous for using mathematical ideas like game theory to solve problems in Environmental Science. It is quite surprising for me that as a person familiar with game theory he cannot see and analyze the consequences of relying on your regional rival for food security. You don't have to have an academic degree to understand that the idea of relying on your neighbors for food security poses severe national security issues. An illiterate from a small village can understand it. You don't need fancy degrees for that.

The Rouhani administration is full of clowns like Kaveh Madani actually. Isa Kalantari famously said that 50 million Iranians should immigrate to foreign countries in the next 25 years :omghaha: And he said that almost 5 years ago. So, by 2040, 50 million Iranians will have migrated to other countries because of water stress in Iran. :omghaha: (An average of 2.5 million people per year :omghaha:)

Even Kaveh Madani makes fun of him in that YouTube video I sent, saying that such a thing has never happened in history. Not even in African countries. Kalantari claims to be an environmentalist who condemns human intervention in the environment such as dam construction, yet he supported selling transgenic products in the market without even a warning label on them.

As for Kavous-Seyed Emami, he was caught spying on our missile program by placing cameras with internal sensors near our missile and nuclear sites.

The merit of an argument is based on its validity and its foreseeable consequences, not the person who has brought it up. Kaveh Madani had a strong academic background, but 1. Unlike what you think, his academic background isn't superior to the scientists we have inside Iran, 2. You can't name even one thing he did for Iran except holding speeches here and there, 3. His proposal of relying on neighboring countries for importing food and agricultual products was treasonous to say the least.

If someone wants to serve Iran, they should help Iran in technologies like water desalination, reforestation or many other environmental issues that we face today. We don't need people with fancy degrees to tell us their ridiculous opinions framed as scientific facts while we already have good scientists in Iran. We already have environmental science departments in almost any major university in Iran. Iran is not Africa that we need foreign expertise to know what environmental science is about.
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As usual you like to argue just for the sake of arguing...very little substance in most of your post. more often than not just dissenting views regardless of what is being discussed. Now to answer you (I'll be specific unlike you) My argument was Iran's government doesn't want Western ideals even Western educated individuals. In other words management by theology, rather than scientific or established principles. Principles like that of which Madani was proposing, or in as in other areas like democracy...letting candidates run in primaries and having the people weed out the less desirable by the novel idea of voting instead of using the expediency council to choose who can run and who cannot.
Now that I had to simplify my point in that post for you to understand let's to scrutinize your post, you've listed a bunch of university faculty members in the 2nd paragraph......which one is in charge of making govt policy? I already know the answer.....NONE.

In the first column, only Larijani is in good graces.....Salehi and Zarif have been called traitor more times I can remember....(thanks for making my point) the other is Larijani!!? Larijani and his family wield more power than almost anyone in Iran....he's an integral part of the regime, heck he probably advises against all the things I railed about. His entire family fortune has been made from closing off Iran. Lol
Now goggle some more and find examples of young politicians and policymakers that have graduated in the last 10-15 years from a western institutions or have lived abroad and returned and successfully ran for office. then get back to me.

But hold on I'm not done with you yet,


At 36, Madani was the youngest and the most educated government official at his level. His resignation and decision to leave the country has sparked a huge reaction online.

When Iran carried out mass arrests of environmental activists in February, Madani was detained for 72 hours. It also emerged at the time that an Iranian-Canadian environmentalist, Kavous Seyed-Emami, died in custody in mysterious circumstances. At least 13 other activists remain behind bars.
Madani has been critical of Iran’s past policies on water, believing the country has passed the time of crisis and entered an era of water bankruptcy. He has been particularly critical of Iran’s aggressive dam building and cloud seeding. Many such policies have been propagated by the Revolutionary Guards through its industrial arm, which has benefited from the projects.
This meant Madani fell foul of the Guards, who act independently of Rouhani’s administration and have huge influence within the judiciary and the intelligence apparatus.
Abbas Milani, an Iranian-American historian and the director of Iranian studies at Stanford University, said on Twitter that Madani’s departure was an instance of a 38-year battle between elites “who want good for Iran and know how to rescue it” and those who were hiding their hunger for power and self-interest under the cover of Islam.

Iran's biggest security threat in the next decade will be water shortage.
He proposed radicals ideas such as having a govt water management policy and a supervision board. He wanted an ongoing policy to monitor water levers and manage it in different regions. He wanted to monitor/balance water usage to make sure it was not over drawn. He wanted to promote responsible water consumption culture through education of the public.....terrible, scientific, western, radical ideas. Yeah he was a bad guy who needed to be ran off....in the mean time I hope you're still around in 10-15 years so we can revisit this topic.
Man, are working for BBC? Why don't you change your flag to British? You're spewing British nonsense.
It seems that I hit you somewhere that hurt really bad that you suddenly lost your control and became all defensive and angry. LOL

I was unspecific? I named 6 high ranking officials in the Islamic Republic that had graduated from top US universities like MIT, Stanford and Berkley. As well as 6 academics in my own field that studied under the supervision of the most renowned scientists in their fields of study at universities like Princeton, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. And those lists were far from being comprehensive.

Your argument is futile as I just proved you wrong by showing you how many Western educated people are holding or have previously held important positions in Iran. It doesn't matter that some people have called Zarif and Salehi traitors. It remains a fact that both Salehi and Zarif are currently holding important positions in the country.

The majority of new faculty recruits at public universities in Iran are graduates from top Western universities. So, there is obviously no taboo regarding a Western education in the Iranian system.

You can watch Kaveh Madani's conferences, seminars and speeches at different Iranian universities on YouTube. Here is his speech at the Department of Environmental Sciences at Sharif University:
Watch it to see how ordinary his speech is.

He may be a hero for you, but we have many scientists in Iran that dwarf this guy academically. For example, Majid Abbaspoor which is strongly tied to the system has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and he has been the Head of the Environmental Science Department at the Islamic Azad University for decades. He also is a faculty member at Sharif University. There are many such people in Iran.

Kaveh Madani is famous for using mathematical ideas like game theory to solve problems in Environmental Science. It is quite surprising for me that as a person familiar with game theory he cannot see and analyze the consequences of relying on your regional rival for food security. You don't have to have an academic degree to understand that the idea of relying on your neighbors for food security poses severe national security issues. An illiterate from a small village can understand it. You don't need fancy degrees for that.

The Rouhani administration is full of clowns like Kaveh Madani actually. Isa Kalantari famously said that 50 million Iranians should immigrate to foreign countries in the next 25 years :omghaha: And he said that almost 5 years ago. So, by 2040, 50 million Iranians have migrated to other countries because of water stress in Iran. :omghaha:

Even Kaveh Madani makes fun of him in that YouTube video I sent, saying that such a thing has never happened in history. Not even in African countries. Kalantari claims to be an environmentalist who condemns human intervention in the environment such as dam construction, yet he supported selling transgenic products in the market without even a warning label on them.

As for Kavous-Seyed Emami, he was caught spying on our missile program by placing cameras with internal sensors near our missile and nuclear sites.

The merit of an argument is based on its validity and its foreseeable consequences, not the person who has brought it up. Kaveh Madani had a strong academic background, but 1. Unlike what you think, his academic background isn't superior to the scientists we have inside Iran, 2. You can't name even one thing he did for Iran except holding speeches here and there, 3. His proposal of relying on neighboring countries for importing food and agricultual products was treasonous to say the least.

If someone wants to serve Iran, they should help Iran in technologies like water desalination, reforestation or many other environmental issues that we face today. We don't need people with fancy degrees to tell us their ridiculous opinions framed as scientific facts while we already have good scientists in Iran. We already have environmental science departments in almost any major university in Iran. Iran is not Africa that we need foreign expertise to know what environmental science is about.
I didn't get angry.....I just said your full of shit very calmly.
As usual you like to argue just for the sake of arguing...very little substance in most of your post. more often than not just dissenting views regardless of what is being discussed. Now to answer you (I'll be specific unlike you) My argument was Iran's government doesn't want Western ideals even Western educated individuals. In other words management by theology, rather than scientific or established principles. Principles like that of which Madani was proposing, or in as in other areas like democracy...letting candidates run in primaries and having the people weed out the less desirable by the novel idea of voting instead of using the expediency council to choose who can run and who cannot.
Now that I had to simplify my point in that post for you to understand let's to scrutinize your post, you've listed a bunch of university faculty members in the 2nd paragraph......which one is in charge of making govt policy? I already know the answer.....NONE.

In the first column, only Larijani is in good graces.....Salehi and Zarif have been called traitor more times I can remember....(thanks for making my point) the other is Larijani!!? Larijani and his family wield more power than almost anyone in Iran....he's an integral part of the regime, heck he probably advises against all the things I railed about. His entire family fortune has been made from closing off Iran. Lol
Now goggle some more and find examples of young politicians and policymakers that have graduated in the last 10-15 years from a western institutions or have lived abroad and returned and successfully ran for office. then get back to me.

But hold on I'm not done with you yet,


At 36, Madani was the youngest and the most educated government official at his level. His resignation and decision to leave the country has sparked a huge reaction online.

When Iran carried out mass arrests of environmental activists in February, Madani was detained for 72 hours. It also emerged at the time that an Iranian-Canadian environmentalist, Kavous Seyed-Emami, died in custody in mysterious circumstances. At least 13 other activists remain behind bars.
Madani has been critical of Iran’s past policies on water, believing the country has passed the time of crisis and entered an era of water bankruptcy. He has been particularly critical of Iran’s aggressive dam building and cloud seeding. Many such policies have been propagated by the Revolutionary Guards through its industrial arm, which has benefited from the projects.
This meant Madani fell foul of the Guards, who act independently of Rouhani’s administration and have huge influence within the judiciary and the intelligence apparatus.
Abbas Milani, an Iranian-American historian and the director of Iranian studies at Stanford University, said on Twitter that Madani’s departure was an instance of a 38-year battle between elites “who want good for Iran and know how to rescue it” and those who were hiding their hunger for power and self-interest under the cover of Islam.

Iran's biggest security threat in the next decade will be water shortage.
He proposed radicals ideas such as having a govt water management policy and a supervision board. He wanted an ongoing policy to monitor water levers and manage it in different regions. He wanted to monitor/balance water usage to make sure it was not over drawn. He wanted to promote responsible water consumption culture through education of the public.....terrible, scientific, western, radical ideas. Yeah he was a bad guy who needed to be ran off....in the mean time I hope you're still around in 10-15 years so we can revisit this topic.
I dont understand why do you really think the west has all the knowledge and that whatever they are doing that is related to science is always the best. Iran has managed to reach this point with the help of no one but it's own scientists and engineers, and most of then graduated in iran.
Iran's leader keeps saying that you shouldn't trust the west, but some people dont want to listen. He has alot a couple decades of experience in several fields, which means that he knows something when he says it. It's always better to have a fully independent nation than depending on someone else and that's what the iranians should focus on.
You lost it again lol
I won't even bother to report your post. I'll let others see what kind of a lowlife you are and how vain your initial claim was.
Oh home girl.....thanks for not reporting me.
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