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Question for American Muslims

I will have to move out of my home state to get a job in my field. Moving between states is like moving to an entirely new country. I can't spot any difference between that and moving to the US except the maybe the distance and infrastructure.

My hopes and prayers are all on cracking UPSC exam and making it into the IAS cadre. But i feel less confident about my prospects with each passing day. I would drop all this nonsense in a heartbeat if i get selected into the IAS ( --Indian bureaucracy )

My brother graduated from the Indian military academy after getting through his degree. My family has a long line of bureaucrats and state government officials. Expectations are high---but sometimes i find their shoes too big for me to fill.

i can help you something in the regard of your dream to go to US/Western nations. first, you either have to have a Master level engineering degree from a US's institute itself and secure employment there in campus selection and then after few years of experience, you may qualify for Green Card, which also has a Cap limit. but even to file application for residency/GC, you do need to be able to be among the people of this category. and from my side, I would advice you to have little time on GRE/GMAT exams to secure high marks so that you may enter in an Institute which is at least among the top 500 in world, so that you may have easy campus selection to get a job there. otherwise having a degree from a lower rank institute does put you in the second line of interviews in US.........

or, I dont know from where you studied Chemical Engineering and whether you are working right now also or not, but if your degree is from IIT or even a State's Regional college of India, you are in the better position to get into a MNC, which may then post you overseas and then after 3-4 years of work experience there, you may qualifiy for Green Card or Permanent Residency for a Western country. there are many Walking Interviews also, if you have degree from just a private college of India, but here again, you do need to be competent enough to qualify in all the rounds of written/group discussion/face interviews etc to get into a credible company which may place you in US or in any other Western Country, where you may gain sufficient work experience to get western residency.

you would keep in your mind that you in competition with those who want to be on the higher income group/high position like IAS/High End Professionals with foreign experience etc, and hence you do need to prove your competency in this regard. best of luck :tup:
Come to U.S. bro, we own this place. :usflag::pakistan:

This is a beautiful country, you just want to avoid obvious racist places. Racist people can't do anything though than just be racist. You just need to be a better person when you front them.
I saw some very disturbing news about discrimination of Muslims in the US. Would it be a bad idea if i go over to the US for employment ? By profession--I am a chemical engineer.

That's was like my backup plan if i dont make it into the IAS/IPS cadre by 2014.

I live in Midwest and things r perfectly fine over here too, no discrimination against Muslims over here either. But then Minnesota is considered as Blue state (liberal state).
It takes some time to get settle no matter where you live . Discrimination exist everywhere in different forms

you are living in UK and I have lived in Australia for over 10 years so we may share some of our experience here. when a company wants to recruit a professional, they want someone from high ranked tech institute, i found German companies recruit only Master/PHD level engineers from a credible institute. but even to work for local companies, you need a BE degree from a western country, at least. and if they dont get the people of their interests within the country, then only they look for direct foreign recruitments.....

so where the racism exists, we both know it vey well. that is, when I was just an international student in Sydney and was looking for part time casual jobs, I faced enough problems due to 'racism', based on fluency in local english speaking capabilities, also i didn't have Australian driving license in beginning which was the major blow, but as i used to score almost 100 out of 100 in the small tests they used to conduct, so I could get a part time job after few months while studying there......:enjoy:

now, if you are in competition with labor jobs with local whites then you gotto understand that they are more physically fit also to do these jobs, (I also got a + point due to my gym membership). they have local accent with true english speaking fluency as locals, and they are given that level of preparation for small tests even from the schools to get at least low grade jobs. and also, there is a clear sense that Australian recruiters give first preference to the locals as it will ease pressure of 'Welfare' from the government, the benefits which their government gives to their 'citizens' only, not to visa holders like international students or to even Green Card holders/Permanent Residents also. hence I always found it very easy to get an engineering job as compare to getting a labor job in Australia. i had few interviews there when after sending my resume, only I was called for a position and after 15 min, get the job, which is not easy if you look for laborer jobs for what mainly locals try. and If Muslims dont fall in high end skilled category, then certainly there is a tough competition on low skilled jobs..... :wave:
To the OP:

Just pick a place to land, you will be fine. :D

These are your choices:

I saw some very disturbing news about discrimination of Muslims in the US. Would it be a bad idea if i go over to the US for employment ? By profession--I am a chemical engineer.

That's was like my backup plan if i dont make it into the IAS/IPS cadre by 2014.

It defend upon your location. You do not want be around red neck for sure. I suggest in tri-state area(NYC, NJ, PA, CT). You will be just fine among ample of south Asians.

There are full of south Asians in the field of Engineering. I think you will do just fine if you come with credible experience but job market is tight in USA now a days. So be cautious.

I get to travel a lot due to my Job. Some time, some prejudice in some Airport(?) due to "you know what"?
I live in Midwest and things r perfectly fine over here too, no discrimination against Muslims over here either. But then Minnesota is considered as Blue state (liberal state).

.... and all this time I thought Minnesota was called a "blue" state due to hands and feet turning blue due to the extreme cold in winters! :D
Go for Texas, it's the best place for any Muslim to be at in the US
If you have a beard and stuff you're gonna have trouble any where

But usually the bigger cities like NY, LA, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia etc. are OK
To the OP:

Just pick a place to land, you will be fine. :D

These are your choices:


The American dream has moved somewhere else that should yet to be found, maybe you can try Dubai (it means Hyena in Arabic).

Pretty much. :D Nothing to worry about though like Raz has said the police is on top of things especially in the North Eastern areas and worst case scenario you can sue a racist for cash. :smokin:

Here you go, if you can't find a job, just find a racist!

If I inshallah--get IAS/IPS i would drop everything else in a heartbeat. Especially if its IAS. But I'm really not very confident about myself. I have a good deal of GK--but when it comes to eloquent conversation i fail so hard.

I am actually going for classes on public speaking and etiquette :lol:

Yes. Thank you for that :lol:

Suing people for money sounds like a very lucrative side business :rofl:

seriously though, thank you:tup:

A few years back, a woman burnt herself (a part of her body) with a Mc Donald hot 50 cents cup of coffee, she sued and won 3 million dollars !!!!!!!
Actually, US cigars are horrible. The best cigars are in Cuba. Perhaps it is better there for Muslims too? :P

Rolled on the smooth soft laps of virgins! So the rumors say ;)

I saw some very disturbing news about discrimination of Muslims in the US. Would it be a bad idea if i go over to the US for employment ? By profession--I am a chemical engineer.

Where did you even get this idea? The Gas Station that I once worked in is run by a Pakistani (bless his heart!), and he proudly tells everyone that he is Pakistani. Mind you, this is in the heart of the Bible belt. And yet, people flock to the store in droves.

It all depends on how YOU treat people here. Remember that YOU are the guest and that its their country. So behave.
Rolled on the smooth soft laps of virgins! So the rumors say ;)

Where did you even get this idea? The Gas Station that I once worked in is run by a Pakistani (bless his heart!), and he proudly tells everyone that he is Pakistani. Mind you, this is in the heart of the Bible belt. And yet, people flock to the store in droves.

It all depends on how YOU treat people here. Remember that YOU are the guest and that its their country. So behave.

going to US/UK is too risky now days. first their unemployment rate is very high and at the same time their companies always need bail-out packages on time to time to survive. and for labor type jobs, even the US's own citizens are finding it hard. and at the same time there is now harder competition for professional jobs there as now US's companies itself dont get enough orders from emerging economies........

going to Australia/Canada would be more wise where the mining industries are always having shortage of engineering professionals. even labor jobs in australia is in shortage, too many British and New Zealanders I saw going to mine sites for low skilled jobs in Perth. unemployment rate of australia is less then 4%, which may be the reason why so many europeans get casual jobs so easily in sydney. but here again, Fate of Australia is always attached to growth rate of China, which may have more orders in future. most of the australian economic sections are only concerned with expected growth rate of China in future and then more :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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