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[Question] About Education in Tibet


Apr 30, 2012
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United States
Hello PDF'ers

Can anyone briefly tell me how Tibetans are refusing Chinese educational system, if there's any?

Sorry for such bold questions, but recently I've heard stories about how Tibetans trying to declare independence, and all those nonsense. Then eventually, educational system was also brought into the conversation. So this makes me wonder what's exactly going on in Tibet right now.

Any help is very appreciated! I find Tibet is a very interesting topic, especially when you're living in the US lol.

EDIT: Also, how is Tibet part of China. What are the arguments from the Chinese side for such claim?
You as Chinese have to come to this forum for information on Tibet and its educational system? Interesting, lol. Recently you have heard how Tibetans are trying to declare Independence? Source? What Tibetans? Tibetans born in Tibet or born in U.S.?

Don't know the fact that you live in the U.S. has anything to do with this topic. You know how I responded to my coworkers when they asked me about Dalai Lama? Politics, it's all politics.
You as Chinese have to come to this forum for information on Tibet and its educational system? Interesting, lol. Recently you have heard how Tibetans are trying to declare Independence? Source? What Tibetans? Tibetans born in Tibet or born in U.S.?

Don't know the fact that you live in the U.S. has anything to do with this topic. You know how I responded to my coworkers when they asked me about Dalai Lama? Politics, it's all politics.

Yes, my Chinese history is pretty horrible. I'm kinda regret of not beefing up my Chinese ever since I came to the US since elementary XD

I see those stories flying around a lot, including in technology forum/sites, where politics shouldn't really be involved in the first place. But once a while, I do see people accuse Chinese gadgets by using Tibet, spying, hacking, all those nonsense, and tell others to stay away from Chinese products. I, personally often lurk on those tech forum/sites, and as a Chinese, it kinda pisses me off whenever I came across those BS.

And I blame myself for not taking the time to properly learn about those topics, thus I couldn't make a good F U comeback lol.

So here I am, looking to seek some quick answers, if possible, so I'll know what are the truth and what's not.

Source - See comment section, this is what I'm talking about. Maybe some experts from here will give them a good a$$ spanking with real knowledge.
Yes, my Chinese history is pretty horrible. I'm kinda regret of not beefing up my Chinese ever since I came to the US since elementary XD

I see those stories flying around a lot, including in technology forum/sites, where politics shouldn't really be involved in the first place. But once a while, I do see people accuse Chinese gadgets by using Tibet, spying, hacking, all those nonsense, and tell others to stay away from Chinese products. I, personally often lurk on those tech forum/sites, and as a Chinese, it kinda pisses me off whenever I came across those BS.

And I blame myself for not taking the time to properly learn about those topics, thus I couldn't make a good F U comeback lol.

So here I am, looking to seek some quick answers, if possible, so I'll know what are the truth and what's not.

Source - See comment section, this is what I'm talking about. Maybe some experts from here will give them a good a$$ spanking with real knowledge.

The Republic of China was the legal succesor state to the Qing dynasty. Tibet joined the Qing after a dispute involving the Dzunghars in the 19th century. The Qing signed over the entire country to the Republic of China government, and most people recognized the PRC as the Republic of China's legal succesor.

Not one country recognized Tibets declaration of independence in 1912. At the 1914 Simla Accords Britain said that Tibet was under Chinese suzerainty and on western maps, both Tibet and outer Mongolia were shown as parts of China. On the American government's "Why we Fight" videos during WW2 they showed both Tibet and mongolia as part of China.

Not a single country recgonized tibet as a state or kept a embassy in Tibet. They all recognized it as part of China.

India inherited many of its territories from the British. In fact its unity and existence is because of the British, without Britain India would be divided. Indian empures never ruled over the andaman islands or manipur. The british conquered it for them. The Philippines owes its unity due to Spanish colonialism and later America expanded the Philippines borders by attacking the Moro Sulu sultanate and annexing it. Indonesia owes its entire existence to Dutch colonists. Indonesian empires never controlled west Papua, they have it because of the Dutch. Anyone saying that Tibet is not part of China because the Qing are Manchu are being humongous hypocrites.

The entire United States, Canada, Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand were seized from the native people by westerners and colonized. The United States invaded Hawaii with no legal justification, even President Cleveland said it was shameful. The natives were demographically swamped and in Amerifa and Australia, native languages are not even recognized as official. In Tibet tibetan is an official language and Tibetans are still the majority.

Every year, China moves tens of millions of migrant workers from rural interior provinces to coastal cities like Shenzhen. It has the capability to swamp Tibet with 80 million Han people. Yet Tibet's population is around 3 million and is among the most sparsely populated region in China.

See these posts for information about Tibetans who oppose indepence. The khambas opposed the Dalai Lamas rule and worked for the Republic of China. Most Tibetans in Taiwan are khamba and against independence.




Tibet Improvement Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sweet! Thank you.

EDIT: @Wholegrain I have a question, can I use some of your quotes from those posts to flame the idiots? Because Your grammar and English level is so much better than mine lol. Jeez, this is embarrassing XD
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Tibet students mainly study Tibetan in the school and few Chinese + English lessons.

The primary school system in Tibet:








These "tibetans" are Chinese. Why would they refuse Chinese education. We got one of the better ones out there.

Separatists are around the world, even Quebec wanted to separate. So what?

It's really only the dalai lama and some extremists that want separatism.

Yea, we are so horrible, we bring science and knowledge to them, opportunities and wealth. Tibet has a per capita of 3000+ a little less than three times of India. Only slightly lower than India's highest, I think.

You think they would have gotten it without Chinese help? The tibetans that flee to Nepal and India never make no sense. At least go to EU or the Americas.
In Tibet even Maths lesson conduct in Tibetan language. In fact China is the only protector of Tibetan people. I am a Singaporean Chinese and my lect is Min Nan. My lect is not even taught in classroom as a separate language itself.

In Singapore, mandarin is taught and all other subjects are conducted in English. This is a cultural genocide.

There are lots of Tibetan in India, and India invented names for them such as "Ladakhi". Before all Ladkhi intellect studied Lhasa lect. Today India told Tibetan in Ladakh that there is no codified Ladakhi lect. Then India force Hindi and English to Tibetan community in India.

Dalai Lama conspire with India and keep quiet. Tibetan got shitt.

In contrast, China love Tibet so much that not only it protects Lhasa lect, recently it launches Amdo lect TV. China are protecting Tibetan Amdo dialect.

Other than that India split up Tibetan into various "races" like Bhotia, Ladakhi, Lepcha...etc. China could have create discord for Tibetan by inventing race such as Lhasa, Amdo, Kampa, Ladakhi...etc. China did not. China want an unified Tibetan people. All Tibetan lect speaker are called Tibetan.
The teachers come from two places:

1. Local Tibetan who received high education teaching children Tibetan language.

2. Han teachers who usually sent by government to support Tibet educations from Eastern China for 2-4 years (China government provide great rewards to these Han teachers), they teaching Tibetan children Chinese language, English language, math, and other sciences.

When these Tibetan children study to High School, now there'r two choice for these Tibetan children:

1. One way, some children continue studying in Tibet to finish his High School Education.

2. Another way, some learning well children will be funded by China government and to study in Eastern China Han's High School like in SiChuan, JiangShu, ZhengJiang, BeiJing, GuangDong etc, usually each year there'r hundreds of Tibetan children fly to Eastern China and continue their high eduactions in Han's High School, these Tibetan children learning in Han's High School named '西藏班/Tibetan classes'. Of course their parents don't worry about tuition fee coz the China government to fund these learning well Tibetan Children in High Educations.

After these Tibetan children finished their High Education, now they need to join College Exam but usually Tibetan student will select into local Tibet University and College coz the entrance of Tibet University is easy to pass. They also can register for other Han's University and College, usually the Tibetan student will get more 30 points on the total score coz they r Minority-Tibetan not Hans, the China government provide education subvention for Tibetan students.

After finished their University Education in Tibet or in other Han's College, now come into the socity.
Tibetans enjoy free education of charge while the Han Chinese take up big tuition debt. After receiving education from Chinese. smart Tibetan realize that Han Chinese languages offers more economic opportunities. Also Han Chinese is richer transmitting information. Moreover, China's immense subsidy towards Tibetan assure that any college educated Tibetan easily get a fat and comfortable civil service job.

All these good things are too good for Tibetan that many of the smart young man prefer Han Chinese over Tibetan language. Our good will erode their culture. We are too good.

I think China must do more calibration in education, and employment to preserve Tibetan culture.

There are many Tibet land in India and Nepal. They are now in shitt hole. Today Tibetans in China are the most educated Tibetan in whole planet. Excluding the Tibetan in western Europe, China Tibetan are the richest. Soon they will forget about the superstitious of Dalai group.

Dalai group have been screwing Tibet for long time until China bail Tibet out. Tibet land like Sikhim, Bhutan, South Tibet (Arunachal), are lost because Dalai group lick up British in order the betray China. Dalai group nearly got the the whole Tibet conquered by India, and India's ambition of Tibet was arrested because China won the 1962 Sino Indian war.

Nevertheless, the Chinese must be forgiving. I believe Dalai is part of the solution of Tibet. We must preserve Tibetan spirituality. I support inviting Dalai back to China and give him some power in Tibet. Developing Tibet without Dalai is not a win win situation. 100 years later, as Tibetan got more develop, they will rid themselves of more and more superstition.

I am not in favor of that. The Chinese has a lot of moral degeneration. We need to learn from Tibetan about values. To preserve Tibetan culture, we need to invite Dalai back.

The main gridlock today is Dalai demand power not only within Tibet province, but also Sichuan Tibetan land and Qinghai Tibet land. If Dalai can forgo that, I believe China and Tibet can reach an agreement fast.

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