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Quasi ballistic missiles


Jan 18, 2009
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A missile is a guided weapon having the ability to control its trajectory. It may or may not be propelled by a rocket.
Many (but not all) guided missiles use rockets as their principal source of propulsion eg sidewinder

______________________BASED ON TRAJECTORY

* A quasi ballistic missile (also called a semi ballistic missile) is a category of missile that has a low trajectory and/or is largely ballistic but can perform maneuvers in flight or make unexpected changes in direction and range.

At a lower trajectory than a ballistic missile, a quasi ballistic missile can maintain higher speed, thus allowing its target less time to react to the attack, at the cost of reduced range.

* A ballistic missile is a missile that follows a sub-orbital ballistic flightpath with the objective of delivering one or more warheads to a predetermined target.

* cruise missilies are terrain hugging missiles which are self-navigating, and can fly on a non-ballistic, extremely low altitude trajectory

_______________________BASED ON RANGE

*tactical ballistic missile : range is less than 300 kilometres
*(BRBM): Range less than 200 km
*(TBM): Range between 300 km and 3500 km
*(SRBM): Range 1000 km or less
*(MRBM): Range between 1000 km and 3500 km
*(IRBM) or long-range ballistic missile (LRBM): Range between 3500 km and 5500 km
*(ICBM): Range greater than 5500 km
*(SLBM): Launched from ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), all current designs have intercontinental range.


Once thrown, there is no further correction for the trajectory of that rocket

The term "rocket" has been used ever since the Chinese first built them with black powder 500 years (?) ago even though they relied on the oxygen in the air to burn. In modern day dialogues, the use of the word "rocket" implies that a liquid fueled engine has it's own oxidizer on board, typically LOX. But not always.

Solid fueled boosters are said to use a propellent that contains it's own oxidizer so the inconsistency spreads the confusion. They too are rockets but we call them "boosters". Why? I haven't a clue!

projectile, bullet
Cannon shells are referred to as "projectiles" or "shells" when over a certain diameter and bullets when smaller.


Pakistani Quasi ballistic missiles and comparison with their contemporaries

Hatf IX (NASR) - pakistan

Operationalrange range of 60 +km, carries tactical plotonium based nuclear warheads of appropriate yield

Guidancesystem INS , GPS and electro optical guidance seeker for terminal giudance -
high accuracy, shoot and scoot attributes.

Platform--SINGLE TEL--2 box tubes launcher/ vehicle

Manouverability-- control surfaces behind the nose and at the tail

Propellant [as in most missiles , read the above qoute before spamming]- solid state rocket

Pakistan Military Review: Hatf IX NASR Multi Tube Ballistic Missile System


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Hadès (missile)

Place of origin France
Operationalrange 480 km
Guidancesystem Inertial guidance system,Digital terminal guidance (GPS),TV digital scene matching
Launchplatform wheeled platforms composed of a tractor and a trailer with two missiles

9K720 Iskander- Russia

Operationalrange 280-400 km
Launchplatform Mobile TEL
Guidancesystem Inertial, optical homing
no, last hope, its a thread like my previous 2 threads on missiles here, just give me time to collect more data!
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS) - U.S.
is a surface-to-surface missile (SSM), range over 100 miles[range of 128 km] with solid propellant

OTR-23 Oka - Soviet Union

Operationalrange 500 km
Launchplatform Mobile TEL
Guidancesystem Inertial with terminal active radar

Shaurya missile India

The Shaurya is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile achieves hypersonic speeds very soon after launch, then cruises to its target at an altitude of 40 km, following a quasi-ballistic path.

It has a range of between 750
Guidancesystem --

The Shaurya missile (Sanskrit: Valour) is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)

What is a difference between quasi and tectical missiles
What is a difference between quasi and tectical missiles

i think the criteria is not the range, rather the trajectory ,maneuverablity and delivery system

if you use the simple range criteria, they might endup in the same range category
What is a difference between quasi and tectical missiles

Tactical missiles are those which are used on a higher profile when Rocket artillery shells are not enough to cause havoc, but Quasi Missiles are those which show un predicted and un expected changes in speed, Direction and range. Highly maneuverable and low trajectory and It compromises its Range to make it almost impossible for a counter.. Some even change there altitudes
Tactical missiles are those which are used on a higher profile when Rocket shells are not enough to cause havoc, but Quasi Missiles are those which show un predicted and un expected changes in speed, Direction and range. Highly maneuverable and low trajectory and It compromises its Range to make it almost impossible for a counter.. Some even change there altitudes

thanks for info
Do we have any quasi ballistic missile or any in development ????

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