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Quasi ballistic missiles


Rawalpindi - February 11, 2013:

Pakistan today conducted a successful test fire of Short Range Surface to Surface Missile Hatf IX (NASR). The test fire was conducted with successive launches of two missiles from a state of the art multi tube launcher. NASR, with a range of 60 km, and inflight maneuver capability can carry nuclear warheads of appropriate yield, with high accuracy. This quick response system, which can fire a four Missile* Salvo* ensures deterrence against threats in view of evolving scenarios. Additionally NASR has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems.

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan on Tuesday successfully conducted the test fire of indigenously developed Short Range Surface to Surface Multi Tube Missile Hatf IX (NASR).

NASR, with a range of 60 km, can carry nuclear warheads of appropriate yield, with high accuracy, and possesses shoot & scoot attributes. This quick response system addresses the need to deter evolving threats, especially at shorter ranges.

The test was witnessed by Director General Strategic Plans Division Lieutenant General Khalid Ahmed Kidwai (R), Chairman NESCOM Mr Irfan Burney, Commander Army Strategic Forces Command, Lieutenant General Tariq Nadeem Gilani, Senior Officers from the Strategic forces and scientists and engineers of strategic organizations.

The Director General Strategic Plans Division, Lieutenant General Khalid Ahmed Kidwai (R), terming the NASR Missile as a weapon of peace, said that the test was a major development which will consolidate Pakistan’s deterrence capability at all levels of the threat spectrum, thereby ensuring peace in the region.


Islamabad: Pakistan on Monday successfully tested the nuclear-capable Hatf-IX tactical missile with a range of 60 km, designed to defeat all known anti-tactical missile defence systems.
The test consisted of “successive launches of two missiles from a state-of-the-art multi-tube launcher”, the military said in a statement describing the test of the short range surface-to-surface missile as successful. The Hatf-IX or Nasr, which has “inflight manoeuver capability”, can carry “nuclear warheads of appropriate yield with high accuracy”.
“This quick response system, which can fire a four missile salvo, ensures deterrence against threats in view of evolving scenarios. Additionally, Nasr has been specially designed to defeat all known anti-tactical missile defence systems,” the statement said.
The test was witnessed by joint chiefs of staff committee chairman General Khalid Shameem Wynne, Strategic Plans Division chief Lt Gen (retired) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Army Strategic Forces Command chief Lieutenant General Triq Nadeem Gilani, senior officers from the armed forces and scientists and engineers of strategic organisations.
The statement did not say where the test was conducted. Addressing scientists and military officers of strategic organisations, Wynne congratulated them for a high standard of proficiency in operating the Nasr weapon system.
He said the armed forces were “fully capable of safeguarding Pakistan’s security against all kinds of aggression”. The successful test was appreciated by the President and Prime Minister, who congratulated the scientists and engineers. The first test of the Hatf-IX was conducted in April 2011.
At that time, experts and analysts said the short-range nuclear-capable missile was primarily aimed at deterring India’s Cold Start military doctrine, which envisages quick thrusts by small integrated battle groups in the event of hostilities.
Experts said the Hatf-IX would be deployed with a mobile multi-barrel launch system that has “shoot and scoot attributes”, or the ability to fire at a target and immediately relocate to another position to avoid enemy counter-fire.

april 2011


may 2012


credits to original uploaders

Pakistan has successfully conducted the first flight test of the newly developed Short Range Surface to Surface Multi Tube Ballistic Missile Hatf IX (Nasr), much to the chagrin of Indian defence planners, as is evident from the Indian Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) report: ‘Pakistan: Making Sense Of Nasr Ballistic Missile Test – Analysis’. The IDSA report tries to nullify the analyses by Pakistani experts. Undoubtedly, Nasr has been developed to add deterrence value to Pakistan’s Strategic Weapons Development programme at shorter ranges. With a range of 60 km, Nasr carries both tactical nuclear and high-explosive conventional warheads. It is powered by a high-thrust single-stage solid-propellant rocket motor. Nasr's launch platform is a double-tube transporter erector launcher (TEL) capable of carrying two missiles with high accuracy and shoot-&-scoot attributes. This quick response system addresses the need to deter evolving threats. The test of Nasr is a very important milestone in consolidating Pakistan’s strategic deterrence capability at all levels of the threat spectrum.
This is a new and a very significant development because this latest missile system is in the category of tactical nuclear weapons. It is a low yield battlefield deterrent, which is capable of deterring and inflicting punishment on mechanized forces comprising armoured brigades and divisions. This was made possible because of miniaturizations to smallest level and it forecloses the Indian Army’s options of Cold Start and proactive operations. Indian military used to perceive gaps in the Pakistani side and was obsessed with finding space for limited war under the nuclear umbrella. Thus it was amassing conventional weapons and had developed its “Cold Start” doctrine to be able to deal Pakistan a telling blow before it could retaliate with its nuclear weapons.
India has been testing its Cold Start doctrine in various war games and military exercises including the current Corps level Exercise “Vijayi Bhav”, in the Rajasthan desertand at the same time has been browbeating Pakistan. However, Nasr or “help” which is also the title of one of the Quranic verses, will ably plug that gap and ensure that India is deterred from any such adventurism. With the development of Nasr, Indian planners will now think twice before considering options of limited war. Indians start beating their chests and crying hoarse with their battle cries prematurely. In May 1998 too after conducting nuclear tests at Pokhran, Indian defence planners as well as politicians were so convinced that Pakistan did not have nuclear weapons capability that they became ballistic with their threats and jingoism, forcing Pakistan’s hand in crossing the nuclear threshold and coming out of the closet. Having learnt no lessons, the previous Indian Army Chief, General Deepak Kapoor had announced that “the time has come for teaching Pakistan a lesson”. General Deepak Kapoor had become blinded by the so called success of Indian war games testing Cold Start and thus he had broken into rhetoric.
A few details of Nasr, gleaned from overt sources; it is akin to a guided artillery shell in the form of Surface to Surface Missile (SSM). The Soviets had developed and used various types of such missiles as a propellant and heavily fortified fixed installation target clearance weapon system in the battlefield. Nasr however can successfully target armoured and mechanized columns on the move with nearly pinpoint accuracy. Judging from the test flight video released, Nasr appears to follow a depressed trajectory rather than typical ballistic trajectory which makes a lethal combination, when married to the high maneuverability, high speed and short range; which will cause nightmares and throw a challenge to any Anti Ballistic Missile system.
Comparing Nasr to the earlier versions of Hatf 1B and Hatf 1A, Nasr appears to be more stabilized in its flight. The use of terminal guidance enables the Nasr to be projected as a quick response precision guided ballistic missile with extremely low circular error of probability (CEP) to take the heavily defended targets in a 60 KM radius. Its quick reaction time, low CEP, terminal guidance and lethal warhead makes it far superior to a simple unguided multi barrel rocket launcher system. The test fire and diameter of the warhead suggest that Pakistan has achieved the capability of deploying sub-kiloton yield tactical nuclear warheadappropriate for a sub-kiloton nuclear detonation, which if boosted with 4-5 g of tritium, could yield a 10-20 KT nuclear detonation. When produced in bulk, it will wreak havoc in any battle field scenario, penetrating the fog of war and striking a telling blow upon any belligerent.
The box canisters are really just dressing for Rails -- Why still rails?

Fixed fins.. You cannot really canisterize(cold launch type) a missile unless the canister fits like a glove and give that pressure to generate the push needed to throw the missile out of the compartment. After all, if the cold or hot launch gases have other places to go.. they wont be pushing the missile out.

However, many modern canisters are also just dressing for guide rails or guide curves.


A Canister is simply a place to keep the missile safe from the environment.. More sophisticated powers like the US have monitors within the canister such as humidity or built in fault test systems.
Nasr being a crude system has each canister built custom.. and hence looks odd.

Missiles like the MGM-140 have folding fins that allow the missile to fit in cleanly int the canister thereby allowing much more to be carried .
NASR or Prahar etc.. all these photos do not belong to any quasi ballistic missile.
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