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Qatar is part of UAE: Dubai security official

Reread my post again. When I said we stand with Egypt and its people as a whole no matter who is in power I mean it. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait have all contributed before, during, and after the role of the MB for the sake of Egypt's economy and its stability. Who should rule Egypt and who should take power is an internal matter of the Egyptian people only. Other's internal affairs are non of our business period.

You don't give two shits about the people, that's not how politics works.
Oh the irony! same county that supports anti-UAE/KSA Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda elements everywhere.


I want to tickle this qatari guy into unconsciousness.:partay:
This is a dangerous game Khalfan is playing. He claims Qatar as an integral part of UAE, he can't be serious. :crazy:
The flag was prophet Muhammad(Pbuh)banner not ISIS

It's the seal of Prophet Muhammad (saws) but today it is mainly associated with ISIS. So choosing another Islamic avatar would be better if you ask me but that's your choice. I just wondered if you were trolling.
This is a dangerous game Khalfan is playing. He claims Qatar as an integral part of UAE, he can't be serious. :crazy:
Reread my post again. When I said we stand with Egypt and its people as a whole no matter who is in power I mean it. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait have all contributed before, during, and after the role of the MB for the sake of Egypt's economy and its stability. Who should rule Egypt and who should take power is an internal matter of the Egyptian people only. Other's internal affairs are non of our business period.


Take note, this guy is an even bigger gay then the other.
Dahi Khalfan is a policeman not a statesman. Arab nikkaz goin' crayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Seriously cracks are being seen within the mighty( or is it?) GCC.

Tsk tsk tsk, looks like Iran is winning.
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Dahi Khalfan is a policeman not a statesman. Arab nikkaz goin' crayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Seriously cracks are being seen within the mighty( or is it?) GCC.

Tsk tsk tsk, looks like Iran is winning.

Which cracks? Just because Qatar is making a bit of a fuss on 1-2 issues that KSA has dealt with now?

Qatar is 300 people and a TV station. It will belong to KSA in the future. Just a question of time.

UAE should annex Qatar

KSA should annex both UAE and Qatar.

Which cracks? Just because Qatar is making a bit of a fuss on 1-2 issues that KSA has dealt with now?

Qatar is 300 people and a TV station. It will belong to KSA in the future. Just a question of time.

KSA should annex both UAE and Qatar.

UAE and Qatar on one side, the powerhouse economies of the Middle East and KSA, Shia'rain and not-so-relevant-Kuwait on the other side.

Tsk tsk tsk GCC is going downhill, Iran is succeeding.
UAE and Qatar on one side, the powerhouse economies of the Middle East and KSA, Shia'rain and not-so-relevant-Kuwait on the other side.

Tsk tsk tsk GCC is going downhill, Iran is succeeding.


Oh i know you understand me doomed warrior. Your efforts are futile. The doom is in motion, the wheels are turning. Cracks have begun to appear. The Iranians are gloating. The dream of Safavid KSA is now a possibility.

Farewell my dear friend, no more racism toned posts :cray:
Oh i know you understand me doomed warrior. Your efforts are futile. The doom is in motion, the wheels are turning. Cracks have begun to appear. The Iranians are gloating. The dream of Safavid KSA is now a possibility.

Farewell my dear friend, no more racism toned posts :cray:

NEEEEEVEEEEEERRRR. Over our dead bodieeeeeessss.

We need another all-conquering invasion on all fronts.

Trolling aside, did not knew that you knew Khalfan. That real life troll. :lol:

I am still waiting for a Qatari to show up on PDF. That's why I am trolling Qatar from time to time because I hope that this will attract an Qatari here. To no avail yet.
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