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Qatar Emir calls for Arab Armed Intervention in Syria to Halt Conflict

And how come those citizens live 10-50 times better life than Turks?
As I said, without their support, Syrian uprising wouldn't have survived.

It depends on your definition of "better life" : I would never live in country people where people forced to wear white funeral suit , some bearded mullah knocking my door because of "devil music" i listen threaten me with death if i ever listen again , religious police coming out suddenly when i am walking with my friends telling me how close should i be with others or whats worse a worthless mullah telling my mother/sister/girlfirend what to wear or not wear.

What if someday i argue with someone important like mullah or royal family/king relaitive ? Who will save me from behaeding? You know i still remember one video very well : One guy buried in sand to his neck , worthless tribalists in white dresses kicking him spitting on him with AKs in their hands and at the end of video with their American made jeeps driving over the guy killing him.Do you also remember that scandal? Man's only fault was to argue with king's son in street , the one who was spitting him , yelling on him and finally driving over his head with his American made jeep none other than that son.I remember very well neither king or king's son take any punishment(now i am being stupid who will dare to punish king's son in first place :azn: sorry my mistake :coffee:) , so no thanks i am happy with avarage income city life within an avarage developed country. You think i would ever go your desert kingdoms? or i would allow anyone i love/care to go?
Your way of "better life" nothing more than slavery to kings and mullahs.
It depends on your definition of "better life" : I would never live in country people where people forced to wear white funeral suit , some bearded mullah knocking my door because of "devil music" i listen threaten me with death if i ever listen again , religious police coming out suddenly when i am walking with my friends telling me how close should i be with others or whats worse a worthless mullah telling my mother/sister/girlfirend what to wear or not wear.

What if someday i argue with someone important like mullah or royal family/king relaitive ? Who will save me from behaeding? You know i still remember one video very well : One guy buried in sand to his neck , worthless tribalists in white dresses kicking him spitting on him with AKs in their hands and at the end of video with their American made jeeps driving over the guy killing him.Do you also remember that scandal? Man's only fault was to argue with king's son in street , the one who was spitting him , yelling on him and finally driving over his head with his American made jeep none other than that son.I remember very well neither king or king's son take any punishment(now i am being stupid who will dare to punish king's son in first place :azn: sorry my mistake :coffee:) , so no thanks i am happy with avarage income city life within an avarage developed country. You think i would ever go your desert kingdoms? or i would allow anyone i love/care to go?
Your way of "better life" nothing more than slavery to kings and mullahs.

I am really tired of clarifying to people the difference of what they had said at first and what they stated in their next replies. Just to show you what I am talking about, you talked about kingdoms in your first post but here you are talking about only KSA, and there is a difference between Qatar and KSA and each one of them has it's own story. So, try to process your ideas well before opening your mouth next time.
I am really tired of clarifying to people the difference of what they had said at first and what they stated in their next replies. Just to show you what I am talking about, you talked about kingdoms in your first post but here you are talking about only KSA, and there is a difference between Qatar and KSA and each one of them has it's own story. So, try to process your ideas well before opening your mouth next time.

-Is Qatar ruling by royal family? Yes
-Is there any free opposition press who can criticize royal family/goverment in Qatar? No
-Is Qatar an islamic state and its civil codes based on Sharia Law? Yes
Qatar reminds me of a doctor who smokes a lot of cigars and he tells his patient don't smoke... because its bad..

Only coward traitors will call for the destruction of their country.... who the heck calls NATO and "Arabs" for help... aren't then men enough to fight for themselves and win their own "revolution"??
what kind of revolution that is fought by NATO and other armies.....

History books will remember Libya as NATO revolution country..... however history books will remember Syria as stronghold fought foreign terrorists and NATO rats...
It depends on your definition of "better life" : I would never live in country people where people forced to wear white funeral suit , some bearded mullah knocking my door because of "devil music" i listen threaten me with death if i ever listen again , religious police coming out suddenly when i am walking with my friends telling me how close should i be with others or whats worse a worthless mullah telling my mother/sister/girlfirend what to wear or not wear.

What if someday i argue with someone important like mullah or royal family/king relaitive ? Who will save me from behaeding? You know i still remember one video very well : One guy buried in sand to his neck , worthless tribalists in white dresses kicking him spitting on him with AKs in their hands and at the end of video with their American made jeeps driving over the guy killing him.Do you also remember that scandal? Man's only fault was to argue with king's son in street , the one who was spitting him , yelling on him and finally driving over his head with his American made jeep none other than that son.I remember very well neither king or king's son take any punishment(now i am being stupid who will dare to punish king's son in first place :azn: sorry my mistake :coffee:) , so no thanks i am happy with avarage income city life within an avarage developed country. You think i would ever go your desert kingdoms? or i would allow anyone i love/care to go?
Your way of "better life" nothing more than slavery to kings and mullahs.

Ummm, I would really much appreciate if you provide us with this video of yours.

And second of all What the hell are you talking about?? You must be taking about KSA in the 1960s or something because I have NEVER EVER heard or seen anything of the things you are talking about happening here. EVER. Who the hell fed you this crap??
Arab spring will never get to petrol-rich countries. They will be silent as long as they are fed.

Arab spring will never get to petrol-rich countries. They will be silent as long as they are fed.
Qatar should set an example by sending its Airforce to enforce No Fly Zone over Syria...So it will be good time for Syrian air defence system to test their skills....

Blah blah blah at UN won't work there is a Quote "When a shot Chinese Man stands up everyone sits down"... forget about big daddy Russian and now the President is Putin who hates these kings.

If Qatar think so much about Arabs why they are not helping Rebels of Saud who want democracy!....

Can't someone in Gulf kick Qatar's A$$.... They are helping to Kill so many innocent Syrian civilian.
-Is Qatar ruling by royal family? Yes
-Is there any free opposition press who can criticize royal family/goverment in Qatar? No
-Is Qatar an islamic state and its civil codes based on Sharia Law? Yes

Qatar is not an Islamic state, it is an American colony, everything else is right. But you have too many misconceptions. The only country which enforces these laws is Saudis Arabia. Qatar, UAE, Kuwait are much more liberal than the KSA and have hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims and Europeans residing there.
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