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Qasem Sulemani's Associate Assasinated in Iran

every little town, village in Iran has a local basiji office, and a local basiji head.

honestly never heard of this village before. why the hell would some random village basiji guy have links with Soleimani? makes no sense whatsoever...

damn.. they don't make mountains out of molehills anymore these American propagandists... they make everests out of half a mole hill these days...

"Soleimani associate" LOL..... propably bluffed to his friends that him and Soleimani were tight in the war, and he personally helped him shape strategy or something........ and the media ran away with it?? LOL
every little town, village in Iran has a local basiji office, and a local basiji head.

honestly never heard of this village before. why the hell would some random village basiji guy have links with Soleimani? makes no sense whatsoever...

damn.. they don't make mountains out of molehills anymore these American propagandists... they make everests out of half a mole hill these days...

"Soleimani associate" LOL..... propably bluffed to his friends that him and Soleimani were tight in the war, and he personally helped him shape strategy or something........ and the media ran away with it?? LOL

If some random basiji guy slips on a banana peel, they'll create a headline "Soleimani's chief adviser killed in action".
1499 To go to . One less Coward who ordered firing on kids, women, and unarmed civilians.

Thank you recognizing a child that was murdered in cold blood.
things not looking good but iran invited this . if you can go other countries and fight proxies then others have right to come and kill you out or inside iran
These kind of incidents are signs of internal power struggle within Iranian power structure. When Hitler wanted to kill popular General Erwin Rommel , he made sure General Rommel remained a hero in front of the public eyes and received a state funeral. History repeats itself, first as tragedy and second as farce, Marx once wrote.
Sooner or later the US was going to strike Iran. Trump was itching since he shredded the nuclear deal. Behind the scenes Netanyahu is dictating the moves.

I think that Iran and the US are going to face off before the elections. Until then, Trump is banking on a weakened Iranian regime. Such attacks are meant to eliminate high value targets one by one. That is if the news story is credible.
They should have gone after a high rank American or Israeli office holder as a tit for tat but they didn't.
........not yet....

And what if he was killed by Irani regime herself?
Why would Iranian govt kill him like this? cant they arrest him and kill or jail him via Revolutionary court?? It doesnt make any sense for Iran to carry out a secret execution like this of its military(IRGC)member while within the country. no good logic detected.

MEK, Israel, USA. Anyone of them could be involved.
problem with these attacks is that there is already a chance now that Iran will find the killers. IF they do another attack soon, Iran will definitely pick up who is behind the attacks...

Some folks are "cleaning" their own house...
You're probably seeing an illusion here.

Sooner or later the US was going to strike Iran. Trump was itching since he shredded the nuclear deal. Behind the scenes Netanyahu is dictating the moves.

I think that Iran and the US are going to face off before the elections. Until then, Trump is banking on a weakened Iranian regime. Such attacks are meant to eliminate high value targets one by one. That is if the news story is credible.
US cant come out with 1 clear "win" against Iran in the near term. if you dunno that then we cant help you find your way cuz ur SO LOST.

If trump attacks Iran will either bog US down, or attack back. US has no money for an invasion war, so thats out of the way. The only place where almighty US can crush small Iran is on paper, not reality.
Why would Iranian govt kill him like this? cant they arrest him and kill or jail him via Revolutionary court?? It doesnt make any sense for Iran to carry out a secret execution like this of its
Some times, message should be loud. I think this guy was involved in Qasim Suleimanis death.
Inshallah, what goes around comes around. Abdolhossein Mojaddami has met Allah's justice.
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