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Qadri Inqilab March | Updates and Debate

Breaking News: PAT workers trying to enter PM Secretariat, Police and PAT clash !!!
Ahmad Noorani ‏@Ahmad_Noorani
TuQ argument to rollback democracy because his"sons"&"daughters" were martyred on June17 is baseless. He was announcing same before June 17.

Qadri is a liar. He is deluding people with his demagoguery.
Sure qadri is liar , punjab, s noora govt didn't massacred any one in model town?
I mean, that's what you CAN describe yourself , as THE MODERATOR with a , difficult intellect.

Breaking News: PAT workers trying to enter PM Secretariat, Police and PAT clash !!!
Shabash! Juraat-o-bhadri = qadri qadri!
and civil disobedience is not anti state? Police is not stopping people in RED ZONE NOW.

did you see what they did? they are blocking our nation capital choking our economy making us a laughing stock of south asia.

Musharraf did Lal Masjid PML N did Model town. either condemn both or agree to both.

bro how can u compare both . be fair .. musharraf didnt provoke them.. they kidnapped policemen and chinese citizen, took them 7 days then operation .. in model town they went at night and in morning 18 people died and 90 shot.. neither did army use gullobutts and try to show that they were doing violence ...

civil disobedience was also suggested by NS .. his demands were met so they didnt call it .. imran said it after asking for his demand for 14 months ...

poilice and army is not helping them as they know how to used them and again blamed them in model town incident and kargil ... they want it in writing .. PMLN never give them in writing so later they can deny. army will never shoot people when they know nawaz rigged election
I am sorry, but I will not support a needless tangent. No matter what you say, this present situation is not tolerable in any case. There can be no excuse. In the end-analysis, it is the people who have to take ownership of governance by electing better people (1). The important thing is commitment to constitution and its process (2), not hankering after what is to come in ten years.

We put up with Zardari because the alternative was Army rule. That was a sacrifice on our part. (3) It better mean something today. Otherwise only way for civilians to govern would be through a never-ending series of NROs made with PA.

1) And who will make sure that the public is given education by time and to allow them to vote "freely" without any pressure or blind allegiance to any specif party?

A plate of biryani during election rally is enough to secure a vote, because the poor he will never care for the nation he will care for this stomach and the stomach of his family and the people standing in elections make sure that the voter remains like that all his life so as to not lose a voter.

Then there are some voters if you ask them why you vote for ABC party candidate the silly replies are like for example:

Becuase so and so candidate of his party helped me get my son out was in jail , so i will vote for him all my life no matter what.

So and so candidate paid for the treatment for my so and so family member so i will vote for him all my life no matter what.

My elders used to vote for him so why should i not vote for him.

2) And what about commitment to the constitution by the politicians in implementing the constitution at grass root level for each hand every citizen?

(3) I don't care what form of government we have, be it civilian, dictatorship, monarchy, military rule, one party rule, bipartisan or what ever. Important thing is how much is the citizen cared after and gets all his basic rights as per the constitution and his standard of living is raised and the nation develops in all sectors. And the resources of the nation and the human capital is used to the maximum and for the best.
What about the foreign nationals in the National Assembly, Parliament and the provincial assemblies and all those who stood in elections.

they must have Pakistan citizenship too

this guy is pure canadian :)
Democracy in Pakistan is weak and fragile, the last time we went through this, we had a tug of war between NS and BB, followed by a coup, military rule, before that, again we had elected reps, removed by a coup, and again same story before that.

The last 6 years have been the worst period in our history, we've been tested on all fronts, our people die daily due to an internal war, sectarianism and tore up communities and taken lives, our economy has been in the shitters, political instability is at an all time high, the security situation is a joke, we have India to the East, BLA types and TTP to the the west, then in every corner of Pakistan there's some local radicals and among them are militants. We have people who don't know anything about democracy, and who were bought into this new era for Pakistan solely on the call that democracy is the way forward, and since there has been nothing but suffering. The common man is fed up.

That is why when the last time force was used against these people in Model Town, many were killed, and an entire fiasco raged on and has been going on even today. It was a sad incident, but TuQ and others made a total meal out of it.

My point being, we are already at a point where a single bullet if fired in Islamabad right now, could change Pakistan's future in a massive way. But the army and the government have laid down the law, they've drawn the line and I don't think either TuQ or IK are daring and foolhardy enough to try and test that. But if they do, there will be bloodshed, and the constitution and laws won't matter to the guy on the streets when all hell breaks loose. Further escalation is firmly, in no-one's interests.

Ideally, I'd like to see TuQ go home, IK if he needs press on ECP reform and audit/recount in specific areas, NS should stay quiet as he has done well so far and so should the army. De-escalation is the way forward now.

I guess you are right, the situation needs to be handled softly.
BTW Pakistan could learn from India about how to handle democracy.

Not how to handle DEMOCRACY, but how to have TRUSTS in institutions which our founding fathers made.

No doubt our institutions are corrupt & have all the scumbags inside running those institutions.......

People may be corrupt, but institutions like Parliament, Election Commission, PMs house or President's house represents the ASPIRATIONS of millions of the people of that country.

You may hate people, but why harming the institutions that ultimately represents YOU??
they must have Pakistan citizenship too

this guy is pure canadian :)

If we take your words then why not accept his demands after all he will be having POC. But i doubt he does not hold Pakistani passport as well.
1) And who will make sure that the public is given education by time and to allow them to vote "freely" without any pressure or blind allegiance to any specif party?

A plate of biryani during election rally is enough to secure a vote, because the poor he will never care for the nation he will care for this stomach and the stomach of his family and the people standing in elections make sure that the voter remains like that all his life so as to not lose a voter.

Then there are some voters if you ask them why you vote for ABC party candidate the silly replies are like for example:

Becuase so and so candidate of his party helped me get my son out was in jail , so i will vote for him all my life no matter what.

So and so candidate paid for the treatment for my so and so family member so i will vote for him all my life no matter what.

My elders used to vote for him so why should i not vote for him.

2) And what about commitment to the constitution by the politicians in implementing the constitution at grass root level for each hand every citizen?

(3) I don't care what form of government we have, be it civilian, dictatorship, monarchy, military rule, one party rule, bipartisan or what ever. Important thing is how much is the citizen cared after and gets all his basic rights as per the constitution and his standard of living is raised and the nation develops in all sectors. And the resources of the nation and the human capital is used to the maximum and for the best.

Bhatti sb, in case you have noticed, I do not wish to engage you in a lengthy debate. We can have this later and in some other more appropriate thread.

All I can say is that we get the government we deserve. But with a commitment to constitution at least a process starts that eventually leads to a better environment by making people value their votes, biryani plates not withstanding. In case you have noticed, Pakistan's urbanization is proceeding unabated. There will be results over time. Why demand a perfect system? Why not push for reform without instability?

I did not ban you. The last mod actions taken by me have been deleting posts of no value and cautioning people on a Bangladesh thread.

You are needlessly accusing me because you fail to understand that some threads have been locked and merged by someone else other than me.

I could not be a mod if I could not participate in a civilized and proper discourse. I have a history and feel free to point out when and where I have taken such issues at a level that would occasion approbation and criticism.

I expect an apology from you for making unwarranted accusations.

I was replying to one of your post and when i hit the reply button i got this message of not allowed to do so. So naturally the first thing which came to my mind was that you banned me because its one hell of a coincidence that when a heated debate started between us, i suddenly got this message which is why it was only natural for me to quote you but you got personal and i replied in similar manner.

So no i dont owe you anything. If you had remained civilized i would have reciprocated in the same fashion.

By the way you did ban Batmannow from another one of your threads.

I have been on this forum long enough, to know the quality of this forum and the level of moderation which was done at the time. This is the first time in all these years i have ever come in a confrontation with a Mod. So spare me this holier than though attitude of yours.
I was replying to one of your post and when i hit the reply button i got this message of not allowed to do so. So naturally the first thing which came to my mind was that you banned me because its one hell of a coincidence that when a heated debate started between us, i suddenly got this message which is why it was only natural for me to quote you but you got personal and i replied in similar manner.

So no i dont owe you anything. If you had remained civilized i would have reciprocated in the same fashion.

By the way you did ban Batmannow from another one of your threads.

I have been on this forum long enough, to know the quality of this forum and the level of moderation which was done at the time. This is the first time in all these years i have ever come in a confrontation with a Mod. So spare me this holier than though attitude of yours.

Please quote me how I got 'personal' when you accused me of dishonesty? You were jumping even after my explanation, what else do you expect? Quote me how I abused you. There is nothing special about your perceived victimhood. I am not bound to cater to your misunderstandings or to accommodate you while you lie about my conduct.
It seems like NS will withstand this pressure and continue to govern. I have never really been a fan of him but i must say, i applaud his patience through this process. Lots of previous PMs would have brought down the hammer long time ago.
BREAKING NEWS: First Gullu Butt smashed cars after 14 were killed by politicized police. Then Pomi Butt threw stones on peaceful protestors.
Now, Billu Butt has attacked the house of Shah Mehmood Qureshi and PML(N) officials are openly promoting civil war.


Shame on PMLN
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