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Qadri Inqilab March | Updates and Debate

They don't have the guts or the stupidity to capitalize on those threats, but if they do, there will be bloodshed and they will be kept back.

Mob dynamics are different, doesn't take long for things to spiral out of control.
IMF weighs in. Warns of the results of this instability and states that it may scale back support.
Moody has warned that continuing protests may harm Pakistan economy (reducing rating)

And to mod who deleted my post, i was editing to fix it.
Mob dynamics are different, doesn't take long for things to spiral out of control.

It doesn't. But you don't realize who's leading the real mob, if TuQ tells his supporters to 'trip on their sword', a great many will do it. If he tells them to stay put, they won't move.
What respect are you referring to? Drone attacks, declared terrorist nation, do more. Even a country like Afghanistan regularly accuses us of terrorism. If this is what you refer to as respect, than we are better without it.

A pathetic attempt at OT and steering onto a needless tangent.
the situation appears anarchic. IK seems to have entered in a political abyss & in the bargain is pushing the entire country to the wall. In the process he has weakened democracy & is establishing a norm for mobocracy . He seems to be determined to make the nation pay any price for his political ambition. He has emerged as a political opportunist and adventurist. History may consider him as another misfortune for democracy of Pakistan. People who value democratic ethos, & understands the importance of the process of gradual maturity of institution's, knows that , there is no magic wand that could solve all the crisis of running a state overnight, that's why institutions needs time to grow, & democracy needs gradual evolution to become strong that's the only way forward, it is now up to people of conscience (the civil society) or the silent majority, who should say enough is enough , & stand up to this perilous movement through mobocracy before it becomes a trend, which if encouraged to harvest has the potential become a recipe for destabilisation years to come , & that is the last thing Pakistan needs
So i got banned from the thread. Way to go Chak when you cant debate logically ban the person

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the situation appears anarchic. IK seems to have entered in a political abyss & in the bargain is pushing the entire country to the wall. In the process he has weakened democracy & is establishing a norm for mobocracy . He seems to be determined to make the nation pay any price for his political ambition. He has emerged as a political opportunist and adventurist. History may consider him as another misfortune for democracy of Pakistan. People who value democratic ethos, & understands the importance of the process of gradual maturity of institution's, knows that , there is no magic wand that could solve all the crisis of running a state overnight, that's why institutions needs time to grow, & democracy needs gradual evolution to become strong that's the only way forward, it is now up to people of conscience (the civil society) or the silent majority, who should say enough is enough , & stand up to this perilous movement through mobocracy before it becomes a trend, which if encouraged to harvest has the potential become a recipe for destabilisation years to come , & that is the last thing Pakistan needs

Philosophers since Plato and Socrates have commented that Democracy (literally "Mob Rule" in Greek) eventually degenerates into Anarchy and then Dictatorship; and that demagogues play an important part in making it so.

It takes sensibility on part of the public to not let this happen. We can see sensibility level right here on PDF.
so apologize publicly that u delayed justice by cheap tactics .. Hang the people ( shahbaz sharif) who was involved in model town murders ... then crowd can go back

well if government of Pakistan elected starts accepting such nonsense. Then tomorrow TTP will say we wish to hang all parliament.

or maybe another Mullah will come say this whole Assembly is unislamic hang them all.

where will it end? any MOB should not be allowed to make decisions. bhai meray wrong is wrong.
It doesn't. But you don't realize who's leading the real mob, if TuQ tells his supporters to 'trip on their sword', a great many will do it. If he tells them to stay put, they won't move.

Point is simple here - what's happening is an illegal and an unconstitutional act(?) of show of force, threatening to virtually blockade the parliament and the heads of state is as unconstitutional as it gets.

What's stopping the police or the army from stopping this crowd? that is if it is an unconstitutional act in Pakistan.
No you $*(&^(^ I have more self-respect than to resort to things like that. In case you have noticed some threads have been closed. I did not do it.

So now you resort to personal insults just because i dont agree with you and not once have you answered me on merit but rather your personal rants. If you cant debate rationally don't quote me. You maybe a moderator i dont give a rats *** about that. Now ban me and show everybody the hypocrite that you are.
So i got banned from the thread. Way to go Chak when you cant debate logically ban the person

thought i was banned too, but it was error due to thread being combinedn

So now you resort to personal insults just because i dont agree with you and not once have you answered me on merit but rather your personal rants. If you cant debate rationally don't quote me. You maybe a moderator i dont give a rats *** about that. Now ban me and show everybody the hypocrite that you are.
he can't ban you, he can give warning. takes 3 warning for a ban.

If youlre desperate for a ban, i know a few who abuse their power that i can refer you to

Also both of you, stop swearing. it is against forum rules. Even censoring is against forum rules and carries equal penalty
thought i was banned too, but it was error due to thread being combinedn

I dont give a damn even if i am. My world will not stop if i am banned. This forum is not the same when i joined back in 2007.
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