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Qadri Inqilab March | Updates and Debate


Oh Lord!! Can't stop laughing seeing this! Damn creative!

Dude, better than Zia-ul-Haq ruling from grave............... And personally, I feel that a lame mullah will be way better than a Takfiri Sharif!

Not you too, brother, not you too?! How can you fall for a guy like Qadri? He should be a non-entity. Irrelevant! He is like the Ross Perot of Pakistani political scene.
I have never voted for any PML parties but I strongly believe that the current govt. should be allowed to complete its term. If they won't perform then they too would be kicked out like the once-mighty PPP was kicked out.
Enough of these dramas!

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Did you just say IK is peaceful? Issuing threats like we'll take over the government, and threats against politicians, judiciary are considered treason across the globe. Only in Pakistan, this third class, undemocratic grandiose mentality is considered leadership. Please don't compare IK to "Peace", if that's the case, the threats and the scare of toppling the gov't etc, wouldn't have started to begin with. Peaceful leaders don't put their supporters and citizen's lives at risk. IK's been on it for his own greed for power when he's not done jack to show from where he actually won public support. Good going....SAD!

WTH? The FACT that you have kidnapped poor policemen speaks volume. This is crime on camera. Abducting and kidnapping police is a crime against the state and TREASON. This idiot mullah needs to be tried for treason and putting public safety and lives in danger!
Of course Imran can't be as pure as gandhi. But gandhi also wanted British to leave, as Imran. I'm not talking about photocopy, but showing that if Imran faces same destiny (gandhi was more popular than nehru, like Imran more than Qadri), then Qadri will be coming in power.
the way punjab police beat women , if it was karachi ............................................... :guns::guns:
as i said many times here sir. i am not only atheist but also political atheist also. no pakistani alive is my hero or i follow him all of them are same as m and you . imran nawaz zardari qadri and every politician is hungry of power money or his name . no one is here thinking abut pakistan . but here we have problem you know what ?
our country is full of arms
our people are not educated
our army is busy in war
our economy is in drain
we are on brink of civil war

so these imran +qadri are playing with fire just for power . do you know FSA political leaders already dead or run away . do you know libian rebels are bombing each other . do you know if sardar dawood use brain afghanistan was not as today . think long term sir . we need to calm down and we don't have chance to take matters on streets . i am 1000% sure if civil war happen imran nawaz zardari and co others will take first flight to go away from hell . try to understand matters will go out of hands means death of pakistan sir . think abut peaceful time of yemen libya syria iraq egypt tunis even zain - qaddafi- husni -bashar-saddam were worse animals on earth still people have better life then as today . think once more nawaz even if son of direct devil we have to calm down for sake of pakistan .

Great post!
Did you just say IK is peaceful? Issuing threats like we'll take over the government, and threats against politicians, judiciary are considered treason across the globe. Only in Pakistan, this third class, undemocratic grandiose mentality is considered leadership. Please don't compare IK to "Peace", if that's the case, the threats and the scare of toppling the gov't etc, wouldn't have started to begin with. Peaceful leaders don't put their supporters and citizen's lives at risk. IK's been on it for his own greed for power when he's not done jack to show from where he actually won public support. Good going....SAD!

WTH? The FACT that you have kidnapped poor policemen speaks volume. This is crime on camera. Abducting and kidnapping police is a crime against the state and TREASON. This idiot mullah needs to be tried for treason and putting public safety and lives in danger!

Honestly--perhaps only in Pakistan?!

Given that this idiot Qadri had taken a U-turn before (in Zardari era) and vanished, I put the smallest faith in him. The ****$r needs to be sent back to Canada with no option to come back--revoke his passport. Bhudda Waqa-he Sathiya Gaya!

As to Imran Khan: He was known for his mighty ego as a captain. Yes, he won the world cup. But without the likes of Miandad, Inzimam and W. Akram that wouldn't be possible. So get over the cricket hype! Do well in KPK and try your luck in 2018 based on that performance. Until then shut up! I am sick of you and your long marches and threats.
As to Imran Khan: He was known for his mighty ego as a captain. Yes, he won the world cup. But without the likes of Miandad, Inzimam and W. Akram that wouldn't be possible. So get over the cricket hype! Do well in KPK and try your luck in 2018 based on that performance. Until then shut up! I am sick of you and your long marches and threats.

I like this, someone else is using sense here. Not sure what's up with people. Shinny glitter is never gold so people should remember charm, fame and running a country are a LOT different things and require expertise in entirely different mindset, maturity and experience.

I don't support either of them(TUQ and IK) and especially not Nawaz Gullu, but:
Block Streets
Don't allow protests
Listen to no one
Call in the Army
Democrazy Zindabad.

^and no, that is not a typo

I AGREE. Democracy should run, the system should get strengthened without derailment, violence and innocents sufferings anymore. There are a LOT of foreign investments coming in, trust me, if these politicians didn't get their act right, the foreign investors will use their investor powers to get them to do the right things. Also, the system when develops at the end of this term (second full term hopefully) will get to a point where people will start to become much more democratic. ONLY people getting votes will be the ones who'll show a list of successfully completed public welfare projects to their voters. You can't treat 200 million people like fools anymore. And you definitely can NOT derail the system and destroy the progress that has finally come to Pakistan in the shape of investments, etc.
Of course Imran can't be as pure as gandhi. But gandhi also wanted British to leave, as Imran. I'm not talking about photocopy, but showing that if Imran faces same destiny (gandhi was more popular than nehru, like Imran more than Qadri), then Qadri will be coming in power.

I can ASSURE you that your religious nut job will never come to power. No other country will allow a mullah to run a country like Pakistan. Second, do you guys not get it? Religion and Church are two separate things, and one of the reasons are, the mullahs cause Jihad, a STATE need to make sure there is peace, stability, jobs, economic growth and prosperity for everyone. A State can have many religions like any decent country on the planet. A mullah would want to ONLY have one religion. Try to understand who you want as your leader because they'll f*ck up an already *****d up situation
why not 80000 ? everyone whom follow a mullah deserve death now a days . mullah terror bring this country at end
you sound like a mullah..n that too like an extremist suicide jacket wearing type Mullah...come on sir jee i never liked TuQ since the beginning as i heard my dad talking against him n guys in my uni who are confused about him i show them his soo feesad sach wali video so they stop taking him serious anymore..so chillax man you dont need to kill everybody..let the bubble burst itself
I can ASSURE you that your religious nut job will never come to power. No other country will allow a mullah to run a country like Pakistan. Second, do you guys not get it? Religion and Church are two separate things, and one of the reasons are, the mullahs cause Jihad, a STATE need to make sure there is peace, stability, jobs, economic growth and prosperity for everyone. A State can have many religions like any decent country on the planet. A mullah would want to ONLY have one religion. Try to understand who you want as your leader because they'll f*ck up an already *****d up situation
calm down there.

I don't like any party in Pakistan. But people do. They are too cheap to buy.
They have done it on massive scale, first orders were that each thana to capture 70 bikes of opposition's political activists.. now I hear that the crack down is more..
PDF members what is the condition in your cityes
in ISL almost every petrol pump(SHEL,CALTEX,ATTOCK,PSO except some pso pumps) is closed

same here, every petrol pump is closed, except PSO, which is supplying 100-200 for bikes and 500 for car. not more.

plus it take an hour to refill
In Pindi only one Caltex Pump on GT Road, near the gate of Bahria Town is giving full petrol!!! rest of the pumps are closed... PSO's giving for 1000 only..... very long queues
All pumps were closed yesterday in Lahore Shell, PSO. Day before yesterday the line was at least 2- 4 kms.



Now Imran follwoing the lead of turd TuQ

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