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Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

The indians have blamed .

Ibrahim Dawood
Al Qaeda
Indian mujahdeen
Deccan mujahdeen
British born pakistanis
last but not least........the next door neighbours cat.

Please do add more people to blame........just as long it has nothing to with hindu terrorist.......anything but the truth
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Wait for the investigations to complete and some official statements.

Now news channels are simply churning out information from various sources as quickly as they can.
Wait for the investigations to complete and some official statements.

Now news channels are simply churning out information from various sources as quickly as they can.

Why did you not do that in the first place instead of blaming everybody.
I actually want the indian media to stay on a anti pakistan frenzy........it only makes the indian look bad infront of the world.

The western media is being very dimissive of indian allegations after been told total BS by the indians for the past couple of days.
Why did you not do that in the first place instead of blaming everybody.
I actually want the indian media to stay on a anti pakistan frenzy........it only makes the indian look bad infront of the world.

The western media is being very dimissive of indian allegations after been told total BS by the indians for the past couple of days.

Doesn't matter much what you want. They are doing a job and not too badly overall.

I am watching the Western media and you are plain wrong.

Why would you worry about the Western media so much in the first place? They are just doing their job. They may not be always right.

Why do you need their validation all the time?
Doesn't matter much what you want. They are doing a job and not too badly overall.

I am watching the Western media and you are plain wrong.

Why would you worry about the Western media so much in the first place? They are just doing their job. They may not be always right.

Why do you need their validation all the time?

If i quote the pak media you will say i am biased..........if i quote the muslim countries you will say it has a pro muslims tilt.
No point in getting the indian side of the story..we all know its going to be anti pakistani.
The western media went along with indian version of events until each and every "pakistani involvment" story turned out to be untrue.
I watch the western media 90% of the time becauce i live in the UK.......nothing to do with "need their validation".
I&B serves notice to TV channel for airing talk with fidayeen
29 Nov 2008, 0643 hrs IST, TNN

NEW DELHI: The government may have been found wanting in discharging its duty to protect our citizens, but it has got hot under the collar about
a TV channel broadcasting an interview with a terrorist something that many would regard as its legitimate reporting duty.

The I&B ministry on Friday served notice to India TV for broadcasting a conversation with a terrorist holed up in Nariman House on Friday. It has demanded an explanation from the channel for affording a “platform to terrorists to espouse their cause.”

The ministry has given the channel time till December 1 to reply and will consider taking “stringent action'' after that. India TV , often under criticism for other reasons, had broadcast a telephone conversation with a terrorist who claimed to be in Chabad House in Colaba.

In fact, this conversation was used by some security experts to analyse his accent and try and determine his origin. The minister has, however, said the channel has endangered national security, glorified terrorism and the action could have caused public disorder.

The ministry has sent an advisory to all channels asking them to exercise restraint and not show operational details of the rescue exercise conducted by the NSG something most channels heeded.

I&B serves notice to TV channel for airing talk with fidayeen-India-The Times of India
Why did you not do that in the first place instead of blaming everybody.
I actually want the indian media to stay on a anti pakistan frenzy........it only makes the indian look bad infront of the world.

The western media is being very dimissive of indian allegations after been told total BS by the indians for the past couple of days.

Which allegations have been proven BS?

As far as I know, the only official word as been

1. Involvement of Pakistani "elements"
2. The details regarding number of terrorists, their weapons, training. etc. etc.
3. The identification of one Pakistani national.

All the rest of the news is procured by channels from various sources and contacts within the intelligence and government and they cannot be considered official.
Israel sends defense, forensics team to Mumbai
30 Nov 2008, 1736 hrs IST, AP

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday he was pleased with India's cooperation throughout the deadly Mumbai siege, toning
down criticism voiced by Israeli security experts of the Indian military's handling of the standoff.

Olmert's comments appeared to be aimed at heading off tensions with India, a close and important Israeli ally. At least seven Israelis taken hostage in a Jewish center were among those killed during the three-day ordeal.

Speaking at the weekly meeting of his Cabinet, Olmert said there had been ``proper and correct cooperation'' with India throughout the crisis. Olmert said there was ``no doubt'' the attacks targeted Jewish institutions.

While noting that Israel had offered assistance, he said there was never any talk of sending in Israeli forces.

``At no stage was there a possibility that Israel would need to carry out, or would want to carry out, things that the Indian government, and its trained and powerful army, can do on their own,'' he said.

``I'm pleased with this cooperation and take this opportunity to thank the Indian government for deciding to keep us updated throughout the events.''

At least 174 people were massacred in the rampage carried out by gunmen at 10 sites across Mumbai starting Wednesday night. Nine of the victims were killed at Mumbai's Chabad House, a Jewish center targeted by the assailants. All were Jewish, and at least seven were Israelis, Israel's Foreign Ministry said.

Israeli newspapers and radio broadcasts Sunday included interviews with security experts who said India had bungled its response. And on Friday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said it was clear than Indian forces were not on par with elite Israeli units.

``I'm not sure it had to last three days, but that's what happened,'' he said Friday night. Earlier, Barak said Israel had offered India assistance in handling the attack but had been turned down.

Olmert's conciliatory comments appeared to be an attempt at ratcheting down the criticism of India, which has become a valuable ally and trading partner for Israel in recent years. Many Israeli high-tech companies have set up operations in India, and India is a major customer for advanced Israeli weapons.

There has been no public Indian reaction to the Israeli criticism. But on Sunday, India's top security official offered his resignation in the face of growing accusations of security failures.

Israel dispatched two high-ranking security men on Sunday to India to assist with the investigation in Mumbai.

The two security men, one a representative of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the other from the Shin Bet security service, are already in Mumbai, defense officials said. They are taking part in the investigation and also coordinating security at Israeli sites in India with local authorities.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the Israelis' presence was not officially made public.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said a seven-member forensics team was leaving Sunday for Mumbai to help identify the bodies of the Israelis.
An Israeli air force plane was to fly the team to India and return with the bodies.

Israel sends defense, forensics team to Mumbai-Gulf-World-The Times of India
Which allegations have been proven BS?

As far as I know, the only official word as been

1. Involvement of Pakistani "elements"
2. The details regarding number of terrorists, their weapons, training. etc. etc.
3. The identification of one Pakistani national.

All the rest of the news is procured by channels from various sources and contacts within the intelligence and government and they cannot be considered official.

Any proofs? No?

Without proofs every official word becomes bullshit. Esp, when threatening a nuclear power, which can smash the indian jaw in single blow.
If i quote the pak media you will say i am biased..........if i quote the muslim countries you will say it has a pro muslims tilt.

Not always true. There are some good Pakistani newspapers and journalists whom I respect, Dr Farrukh Saleem being one of them. I respect him though I may not agree with all his views.

No point in getting the indian side of the story..we all know its going to be anti pakistani.

Well you seem to be tracking it closely despite there being "no point".

The western media went along with indian version of events until each and every "pakistani involvment" story turned out to be untrue.
I watch the western media 90% of the time becauce i live in the UK.......nothing to do with "need their validation".

I just browsed the CNN and BBC sites and there seems to be nothing amiss. I don't see them rubbishing any Indian accounts.

British actor arrested after escaping real life Mumbai horror

8 hours ago

MUMBAI (AFP) — An actor who played one of the London suicide bombers in a TV documentary escaped death at the hands of real life terrorists in the Mumbai massacre before being detained as a suspect by police.

Actor Joey Jeetun, 31, who played suicide bomber Shehzad Tanweer in a television documentary 7/7: Attack on London, was in Cafe Leopold, the popular expat and tourist haunt near Mumbai's landmark Taj Mahal Hotel when attackers stormed both venues and other key targets on Wednesday.

The attacks left up to 195 dead, among them foreign hostages.

"I was scared I was confused I was distraught ... As an actor you can play a character but this wasn't playing, it was real," he told CNN.

In an interview with The Times, he told how he survived the attack after terrorists assumed that he was dead because he was covered in other people's blood.

"After about five minutes (the shooting) stopped and I opened my eyes. There were dead people next to me who had been shot in the head," he said.

In the bloody and chaotic aftermath, police arrested Jeetun on suspicion of being one of the terrorists, he said.

"I was held in a police cell for 13 hours with a group of Arab looking men. They thought I was a suspect even though I said I was a British tourist," he told the Daily Telegraph.

Jeetun was born and raised in London and his mother is from the island of Mauritius, according to his website.

According to media reports, Indian television news channel NDTV reported that "British citizens of Pakistani origin" were among the attackers who stormed two luxury Mumbai hotels and other key targets on Wednesday.

However these reports have since been denied.


This is the reason why the involvement of "British born" terrorists was reported in the media.
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