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Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

Here is something for all those Conspiracy theorists, this is coming from pakistan news paper Jang

'No guns, no glory'

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Samina Wahid Perozani

And so it is

Just like you said

It would be -- Damien Rice,

"The Blower's Daughter"

As the horrific terrorist attacks in Mumbai continued to play out well into the wee hours of the night this week, shock and disbelief gave way to sadness. "India's 9/11" was the common refrain being used by television channels and newspapers around the world for what is now being termed as the worst attacks of terrorism that India has witnessed to date. Who's to blame? The Deccan Mujahideen, a militant (Muslim) outfit in India that has graciously claimed full responsibility for these attacks.

There isn't much that can be written about this incident, and indeed about terrorism, that hasn't already been written before. You can't add more to this debate without sounding redundant. Still, as the mind-numbing visuals and reports on the Internet of these attacks poured in, the need to scream, to protest, to do something – anything, really – intensified. So I write about this. I write because there is absolutely nothing that can justify what was done to those people in Mumbai – not caste, not culture, and certainly not religion. You can't go around killing people simply because they're American- or British-passport-holders, even if you think they've "wronged" you. You cannot go on believing that it is perfectly all right to maim and mutilate because you want to teach a lesson – to show the world what you are made of.

Critics, who are undoubtedly on the defensive about the whole tragedy, are quick to say that this is yet another attempt at maligning Islam and its followers. That these attacks were probably not planned and executed by Muslims but by those posing to be Muslims – one of the terrorists was said to have a red sacred thread around his wrist. But in all fairness, I think it's about time we did away with the conspiracy theories. It's time we woke up and smelt the roses. There isn't some mysterious force that is out to get us. To be fair, in the grand scheme of things, we are not even that important, especially since we haven't done much to be proud of in recent years. If anything, we are our own worst enemies – the diabolical army that is determined to destroy us; the one we read about in sacred tomes.

It starts with the smallest of things, really – the age-old conditioning that makes us believe that we are superior because we were born into a certain creed. And by virtue of that we can do no wrong; our way is the only way to be. So we go through the motions with this exaggerated sense of self, telling others how to live their lives because, after all, we do know best.

This charity really does begin at home. For example, we tell our neighbours exactly what their child is doing wrong and how he/she should be raised, a friend why he/she should not be in the relationship that he/she is in (and suggest suitable partners for them), our own children why it's not "nice" to ask questions and relatives why they shouldn't make a public show of their happiness. We furrow our brows at those who don't listen and go out of our way to make them feel uncomfortable about their choices.

Soon enough, we realise that it's time to think "big." To tell others why they need to pay heed to us because we are the ones who can save them. We go to places far and wide and settle there because, even though we have the moral high ground, we don't have the opportunities just yet. Once we've got our break, we focus on what we set out to do in the first place – fix whatever we think has gone awry. We philosophise and sermonise about morality even if that means being politically incorrect. And when that doesn't work, we pull out the big guns (pun intended), because, really, how else will people listen and learn, whether they like it or not? How else will we feel like we've done our good deed? That we are heroes? Thus, bombs are set, bullets exchanged and plans are executed. Just so that we can be heroes. "Just for one day."
Investigations still need to show results about Pakistan's involvement in Mumbai attacks but Indian politicians are not letting this chance go away to cash this issue politically.

Watch Narendra Modi as usual barking about Pakistan to build anti-Pakistan opinion of general masses.

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They asked for UK and USA passport holders,looks like Al-Qaeda to me
Looks like there is something against ISI

PMO to brief world leaders on ISI's role

A Correspondent in New Delhi | November 29, 2008 | 14:16 IST

The Prime Minister's Office is drafting a detailed concept paper on the Inter Services Intelligence hand in the Mumbai terrorist attacks, which will be circulated to various world leaders.

The government hopes that with so many foreigners killed in the terror attacks, which External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee attributed to elements within Pakistan, the world leaders will take its documentation seriously.

This concept paper will be based on the interrogation reports of the lone terrorist to be arrested in Mumbai and on intercepts of various communications between the terrorists and their masters.
To conceal their in efficiency, indian police, intellince agencies and politicians always blame Pakistan for any mishap in India. Why would Pakistan support terrorism in India while it is itdelf fighting it and supporting fight against terror.....
MUZAFFARABAD: A leader of several separatist groups in Pakistani Kashmir called the slaughter of civilians in the Indian city of Mumbai 'reprehensible', and denied that any member of his alliance was involved, Reuters reported.

Syed Salahuddin heads the United Jihad Council, an umbrella organisation banding together around a dozen ethnic Kashmiri separatist groups.

'Let me be very clear once again that the United Jihad Council does not approve of civilian killings and under its code of conduct such an act is reprehensible,' Salahuddin said.
'I can say with utmost certainty that none of Kashmiri jihadi groups has any involvement with the events in Mumbai,' he told Reuters by telephone.
Dawood behind Mumbai attacks: ATS sources


THE HANDLER: The port from which the terrorists took the boat in Pakistan is controlled by Dawood.
Mumbai: Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, who is hiding in Pakistan, may be involved in organising the attack on Mumbai, claimed Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad sources.
The sources said that the terrorists, who attacked and took hostages at three places in Mumbai, included two UK-born Pakistanis while one of them was a Yemeni national.
They also added that the terrorists were heavily drugged and were using Blackberry to communicate.
The information was gathered by the investigating agencies following the interrogation of 21-year-old terrorist Ajmal Amir Kamal, a resident of Faridkot, Multan in Pakistan.
Kamal who was captured on Wednesday revealed that the group numbering 12 travelled from Rawalpindi to Karachi and them from Karachi to Mumbai.
The port from which they had boarded is controlled by Dawood. Sources said that all the terrorists trained and brainwashed in Pakistan.
Kamal's blood and urine test showed that he was under the influence of drugs, which reportedly helped the terrorists sustain themselves during the attacks by the security forces.
All the terrorists had also been instructed to kill till their death.
One group of terrorists had also done a recce of the targets that they planned to attack about four months ago.
All the terrorists were trained at Mangla Dam near Muzaffarabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. They also underwent marine training.
All terrorists were shown and given digital maps of Mumbai.
The sources also added that the terrorists travelled in two groups. While one group got off their boat at Sassoon Docks, another group landed at Badhwar Park near Gateway of India.
I found an interesting artical pertaining a theory presented by Ahmed Qureshi, let me share it with forum, hereunder:

EXCLUSIVE: Signs Of An Attempted Coup In New Delhi
With a traumatized nation and a paralyzed government, a core group of secular ideologues and Hindu nationalists are executing a ‘soft coup’ in New Delhi to bring to power hawks who want to pursue America’s agenda of grooming India as a regional policeman, sort out Pakistan and confront China. India will self-destroy in the process. India’s military and intelligence has been penetrated. The man who uncovered the plot, Hemant Karkare, the antiterrorism chief of Mumbai police, was the first target of the mysterious terrorists. Patriotic Indians need to wake up and save their country.

Saturday, 29 November 2008.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Preliminary signs emerging from India’s power center, New Delhi, paint a picture of an unstable situation. Security is already compromised. But a bigger story is taking place in New Delhi, not Mumbai. There are disturbing signs that India, a nuclear-armed nation of a billion people, is witnessing a ‘soft coup’ attempt involving secular rightwing ideologues and Hindu nationalists.

Exploiting the fears of a traumatized nation and a government caught sleeping at the wheel, a core group of rightwing ideologues within India’s military, intelligence and political elite are trying to overthrow Manmohan Singh’s government. The plan apparently is to help the rise of rightwing elements in power and firmly push India in a confrontation with Pakistan and some other countries in the region.

The objective of this core group is to see India emerge as a superpower closely allied with the United States. They are excited about American plans for India as a regional policeman and have no problem in confronting China and Pakistan to achieve this status. They think time is slipping and they don’t want a hesitant political leadership in their way. Already the instability in the wake of Mumbai attacks is being exploited to start a war with Pakistan. The fact that this will also help U.S. military that is facing a tough time in Afghanistan appears to be more than just a coincidence.

In the very first hours of the Mumbai attack, the unknown terrorists were able to achieve a singular feat: the targeted murder of Hemant Karkare, the chief antiterrorism officer in the Indian police. The man was responsible for exposing the secret links between the Indian military and Hindu terror groups. His investigation resulted in uncovering the involvement of three Indian military intelligence officers in terrorist acts that were blamed on Muslim groups. At the time of his murder, Karkare was pursuing leads that were supposed to uncover the depth of the nexus between the Indian military and the sudden rise of well armed and well financed Hindu terrorism groups with their wide network of militant training camps across India.

Curiously, a CCTV camera has caught on tapeone of the unknown terrorists when he arrived with his group at their first target: a train station. The man, dressed in a jeans and a black T-shirt and carrying a machine gun [see picture below], is wearing an orange-colored wrist band very common among religious Hindus. As a comparison, a recent picture of a Hindu militant activist taken during an event this year is shown to the right where the militant is wearing a similar band.


Left, a CCTV snapshot of one of the Mumbai terrorists, wearing the sacred Hindu armband and carrying a machine gun. Right, a picture of a typical member of Hindu terror groups, wearing the same armband. The band is sacred to fundamentalist Hindus who believe wearing it shows devotion and brings good luck from gods. [click here if you can’t see the pictures]

An aggressive advertisement campaign has already begun across India urging a scared population to rise against the government.

On Friday, front-page advertisements appeared in several newspapers in Delhi showing blood splattered against a black background and the slogan “Brutal Terror Strikes At Will” in bold capital letters. The ads signed off with a simple message: “Fight Terror. Vote B.J.P.”

The Indian, the Pakistani and the international media has not woken up yet to this ‘soft coup’ taking place in New Delhi. Some observers and journalists are beginning to catch its first signs. This is how a New York Times reporter, Somini Sengupta, has characterized it today:

“Mr. Singh’s government had lately hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party with evidence that its supporters, belonging to a range of radical Hindu organizations, had … been implicated in terrorist attacks. Indeed, in a bizarre twist, the head of the police antiterrorism unit, Hemant Karkare, killed in the Mumbai strikes, had been in the midst of a high-profile investigation of a suspected Hindu terrorist cell. Mr. Karkare’s inquiry had netted nine suspects in connection with a bombing in September of a Muslim-majority area in Malegaon, a small town not far from Mumbai. “

Evidence is emerging that Karkare knew he was facing the prospect of a violent death because of the investigation he was pursuing. What Karkare probably didn’t know is that his elimination would come in such a perfectly executed operation.

Only hours before Karkare’s violent death, his close friend, retired Colonel Rahul Gowardhan, received an envelope. Karkare called him to say he was sending him a confidential letter. This is how Times of India has reported the story:
Just some hours before that, Karkare had sent a letter to him in an envelop which had some “personal” content. “Hemant had called me up on Wednesday,” said Gowardhan, a top official with MSEDCL. “As I was in a meeting, we decided to postpone the talk. He hung up saying he would be sending me an envelope. When I wanted to know the content, he told me to just read the letter that’s inside it. I returned home and read it. I cannot share the content of the letter with anyone,” said Gowardhan.

The highly sophisticated nature of the attack in Mumbai, lasting for almost 60 hours, diminishes the chances of a foreign invasion and increases the possibility that influential elements in Indian intelligence and Hindu militant organizations might have helped orchestrate this incident, pretty much like they did in the Sept. 29 Malegaon attack, in which they tried to simulate a Muslim terrorist group. In that attack, in which three Indian military intelligence officers have been arrested, the objective was to provoke a Muslim backlash that could justify a massive state crackdown against minorities.

Observers are already seeing how the hawks within the Indian establishment and Hindu militant organizations have seized the initiative from a paralyzed government. The Indian army and intelligence are already penetrated. Now the real culprits are channeling the fears of a traumatized people toward Pakistan.

India is on the same path today that the Bush administration hawks took the American nation on after 9/11. But this time, patriotic Indians have the benefit of hindsight. They should stop the secular warmongers and Hindu militants from hijacking their country. The future of the entire region depends on it.
Zaid Hamid Inciting Pakistanis to break up India on Pakistani National TV

Who were the guys complaining about Indian news channels?

zcOcXN7WQus[/media] - Zaid Hamid: Brasstacks- Hindu Zionism Episode8 Part5

He is sure a delusional man. I have seen some of his other videos and his hallucinations and paranoia is beyond belief.

He imagines all the world to be conspiring against Pakistan and Pakistan being the leader of the Islamic world as it has the nuclear weapons. He fakes as if the Pakistanis are worshiped in Arabia ignoring the Arab racialism.

I don't know hoe much of a following he has in Pakistan but he surely has at least some hard core fans who like his BS.
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perhaps its the bollywood version of 9/11 attacks :lol:
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