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PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

Not all but some in Turkey especially PKK- sympatizans. To take land from Turkey and form a State in those lands.

Can't there be a mutually acceptable solution to that ?

Perhaps making Kurdish Language, along with Turkish, the official or national language of Turkey & that maybe give some State patronage to Kurdish Culture as the State does to Turkish Culture so that the sense of alienation of some of the Kurds would go away !
much like the ataturk administration annihilated the bosniaks, cherkez, laz, Pontic greeks, armenians and Assyrians.

Go and say that against Bosniak, Cherkez and Laz. They are most nationalistic of them all in Turkey you silly Kurd. Because they are not traitors doesn't mean they disappeared. You are just ******** (some) Kurds are the only ones who are anti-Turk. All other nationalities in Turkey are one fist. A fist you had many times in your face.
I agree that based on "Pan-ism" you can't solve problems. However I just said comparing kurdish situation in Iran to other parts is totally wrong. Kurds were never genocided or massacred in Iran, and surely not attacked for being kurds (out of anti-kurdish racism). Some of their groups were attacked because of politics. As you know islamic republic has an anti-nationalist policy (they consider nationalism "pagan") and kurdish islamists are well accepted in their ranks, such as being ministers.

Al-Hassani, did you know that Kurds were negotiating for their own country after the fall of Ottoman empire and then they were put aside. Search for those agreements and maps, you will see that Iran was not part of them.

Well I think youtube and forums don't represent what Iranians think. Iran has provided relatively very good care for refugees according to UN and it has shown healthy signs of civil society when it comes to protecting and helping refugees (Organisations and activists who combat discrimination when that occurs). Afghanistan is indeed a mixed nation (majority Pashtun-tajik country, and I think there is a trend of assimilating into the pashtun-tajik pool when looking to linguage)

I do believe kurds deserve autonomy or even a country. Their nation is peacefull, one of the stable nations in middle east. But well that's also a Kurdish issue which they should solve themselfes. They helped the turkish ottomans a lot based on sunnism. After that they got disappointed because turks have been extremely anti-kurdish and their handling of kurds has been very harsh. That's why you've seen the most severe kurdish reaction in Turkey and also in Iraq.

We'll see which direction it goes. I hope the best solution for kurds while at the same time considering their situation and that of their homeland.

Well, I did not compare the situation all what I said, which was backed up by our Kurdish friend here (Syrian Kurd - I believe?) was that it would make no sense not to wish for the Iranian Kurdish areas to be part of the Greater Kurdistan if their dream of a independent Kurdish country could be materialized. But the Iranian Kurds and Iran has had their challenges too notably social, economical, religious and political. Another example is the Iraq-Iran war where a lot of Iranian Kurds were allied with Iraq while the opposite was the case in Iraq.

Well, that I know which is why I said that the current Iranian regime would never give the Kurds autonomy because that would then spread to other minorities who would wish for the same. Also it goes against their rule as you said.

Well, I read about that and they even had a short-lived Kurdish Kingdom between 1922-1924 ruled by Mahmud Barzanji in Northern Iraq.

Well, I never said that this was not the case - all I said was that the Afghan refugees cause problems in Iran and many Iranian members have also stated the same here. I know that none of us represent anything other than ourselves.

I know Afghanistan quite well. We have a few bit of Afghans in KSA and most of them are Pashtuns. Tajik-Pashtun relations are quite bad and the Pashtuns want Pashto to be the official language of Afghanistan since most Afghans are Pashtuns. I only know that the Pashtuns use an Arabic based alphabet.

Well, the Kurdish region was not stable historically and very impoverished. The only example of a successful Kurdish area is Northern Iraq and that is because it was the only real safe area of Iraq after the 2003 invasion, it receives billions of dollars from the Iraqi government in Baghdad and they have succeeded in playing out Iraq with Turkey etc. and also attracted investors due to being a peaceful region. But that is a good transformation and I have a respect for that but they are a special case due to those circumstances.

Well, Turks are very nationalistic this is the legacy of Atatürk. I have nothing against Turks rather the opposite but I know the Kurdish /Turkish tensions. Ironically most Kurds today live in Turkey.

Well, one thing is for certain. The tendency of this world is not for countries uniting but countries dividing. More and more nations are being divided and regions obtaining autonomy. That is only normal because most countries/societies were once based on centralism where the ruler exceeded central powers and every revolt be they ethnic, religious etc. were severely punished and oppressed be it in the Middle East or Europe..
Can't there be a mutually acceptable solution to that ?

Perhaps making Kurdish Language, along with Turkish, the official or national language of Turkey & that maybe give some State patronage to Kurdish Culture as the State does to Turkish Culture so that the sense of alienation of some of the Kurds would go away !

Government is trying for a peaceful solution as for now all includes the things you said. But if it comes to take land from Turkey... You know our policy.

The so called " massacres against humanity" is Total revolt in Kurdish regions, killing of Turkish state officials, killing or try to killing every Turkish soldier in the region for an Autonomy. Then army cames and clashes with rebels. Rebels die. And it becomes a genocide. Believe you Kurds are more funny. You even classify Halepçe massacre as a Genocide.

Nope we didn'T annihilated laz or cherkez people, you and your false propaganda is well known in this forum.
Your accusation conflicts, the whole Armenian gangs weren't able to resist despite of being backed by Russia but you resists. Infact there was no action against to make you resist anything.

Many but they are well integrated into society. And not traitors to country. (Not saying all of the Kurds are traitors.)

Revolt against state, you will face concequences.

Claims, claims, PKK killed more Kurdish villagers than State. If there were no PKK there would be no restricted zones and no need to displacement. If we tried to annihilate Kurds there will be no Kurds in Turkey today.

Because there were no massacres back than and no massacres today. It's all made up story by PKK sympathizans like you.

Wait, you mean to tell me that Halabja massacre was not a genocide? You want to deny that Turkey burned 4000 villages and displaced millions of Kurds? You want to deny that Turkey killed thousands of Kurdish intellectuals? Haha, you are so facist it hurts my eyes. I want every member on this board to see the true face of a kemalist denialist turk. Biggest part of kemalist turks are honourless people. They rape kids, torture people and burn their captured enemies.

Go read the case in EHRC: Turkey Vs Aydin. About a Kurdish girl from Mardin who was 16 year old when she got raped, tortured and sexually herassed for several days by honourless kemalist facist turks. There are hundred of cases like this.

Refworld | Aydin v. Turkey

About Turkish army burning and killing thousands of villagers and villages:

Kurds Are Finally Heard - Turkey Burned Our Villages - NYTimes.com
Turkey: "Still critical": Introduction
BBC ON THIS DAY | 16 | 1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack

About Turkish extrajudicial killings of Kurdish activists:

Turkey to Pay 330,000 Euros for Extrajudicial Killings - Bianet
HRW Report Calls for Turkey to End Impunity for State Killings

About Kurdish kids in turkish prisons being raped:

Alleged sexual abuse of Kurdish children in Turkish prison | Alliance for Kurdish Rights
The Kids of Pozanti Prison: No Happy Ending | Al Akhbar English

About 5 Turkish officers raping a Kurdish girl in Bingol:

LOCAL - One sergeant jailed in southeastern Turkey rape case

Yes, this is what the kemalist turks regard as a fair punishment for ''revolting against the state''. Their main victims are Kurdish children and women. You guys are really tough guys huh? When it comes to killing civilians and raping them, you seem really tough. But out in the field, against the PKK, you guys are nothing!, zero. Simple as that. You know, it is well known for weak countries to release their frustrations and hurt civilians when they are not able to defeat their enemies in the battle field.
Wait, you mean to tell me that Halabja massacre was not a genocide? You want to deny that Turkey burned 4000 villages and displaced millions of Kurds? You want to deny that Turkey killed thousands of Kurdish intellectuals? Haha, you are so facist it hurts my eyes. I want every member on this board to see the true face of a kemalist denialist turk. Biggest part of kemalist turks are honourless people. They rape kids, torture people and burn their captured enemies.

Go read the case in EHRC: Turkey Vs Aydin. About a Kurdish girl from Mardin who was 16 year old when she got raped, tortured and sexually herassed for several days by honourless kemalist facist turks. There are hundred of cases like this.

Refworld | Aydin v. Turkey

About Turkish army burning and killing thousands of villagers and villages:

Kurds Are Finally Heard - Turkey Burned Our Villages - NYTimes.com
Turkey: "Still critical": Introduction
BBC ON THIS DAY | 16 | 1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack

About Turkish extrajudicial killings of Kurdish activists:

Turkey to Pay 330,000 Euros for Extrajudicial Killings - Bianet
HRW Report Calls for Turkey to End Impunity for State Killings

About Kurdish kids in turkish prisons being raped:

Alleged sexual abuse of Kurdish children in Turkish prison | Alliance for Kurdish Rights
The Kids of Pozanti Prison: No Happy Ending | Al Akhbar English

About 5 Turkish officers raping a Kurdish girl in Bingol:

LOCAL - One sergeant jailed in southeastern Turkey rape case

Yes, this is what the kemalist turks regard as a fair punishment for ''revolting against the state''. Their main victims are Kurdish children and women. You guys are really tough guys huh? When it comes to killing civilians and raping them, you seem really tough. But out in the field, against the PKK, you guys are nothing!, zero. Simple as that. You know, it is well known for weak countries to release their frustrations and hurt civilians when they are not able to defeat their enemies in the battle field.

Lies, lies and more lies. You seriously need to learn to meaning of genocide. I'm not denying anything, i'm rejecting your false accusations.

I'm not gonna waste my time to falsify all of your sources. There is a lot of Turkish members who will do that as they did it in PKK's drug traffic thread.

Yes we nothing against PKK infact you shouldn't compare us with the monkeys on the mountains.

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Guys why the heck are you still trying?

Just say yes we did do genocide.
Yes we raped your las.

The enormous hurt that comes from behind this guy infected his brain.
Just don't feed the troll and he will disappear.
Kurdish are not organized . They love their mountains . Its like " even i have no country , but don t bother me in my territory and I don t bother you " .
Lies, lies and more lies. You seriously need to learn to meaning of genocide. I'm not denying anything, i'm rejecting your false accusations.

I'm not gonna waste my time to falsify all of your sources. There is a lot of Turkish members who will do that as they did it in PKK's drug traffic thread.

Yes we nothing against PKK infact you shouldn't compare us with the monkeys on the mountains.

Ahahaha! See, I knew it! You turks only know how to be 5v1 like you did in the turkish forum. Even when I stood up for my claims all I got was a lot of infractions from your racist mod and none of you could still not counter my very valid source which was from German Intelligence Service themselves. You kept repeating each other like a band of parrots.

Come, falsify my claims. Let us have a little fun. Or wait, are you waiting for your turkish friends to come to your rescue? Let them come too. Call on each on every one of them. At least we have a neutral mod around here who might actually give you infractions for your racist statements and not me for being factual.

Yeah yeah yeah. Another movie of your ''oh so great berdi boroler''. The beasts who are notorious for raping kids and killing civilians. Bravo turkish army, bravo! With all your modern equipment and weapons, with all your Israeli and American intelligence, you have still not beat 5.000 guerillas in the mountains for 30 years! Bravo! Come again, come to Qandil. We will give you another Oramar and Zap destiny as last time!

Ah I see olcayto joined too. Come guys let us have a fair discussion here at a neutral forum without your racist moderator. Freaking facists only know how to gank me with the help of their racist moderator. Of course you are going to admit that your facist military are notorious for raping and killing civilians. There is no need to deny it. It is the truth. Otherwise, prove us wrong.
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Ahahaha! See, I knew it! You turks only know how to be 5v1 like you did in the turkish forum. Even when I stood up for my claims all I got was a lot of infractions from your racist mod and none of you could still not counter my very valid source which was from German Intelligence Service themselves. You kept repeating each other like a band of parrots.

Come, falsify my claims. Let us have a little fun. Or wait, are you waiting for your turkish friends to come to your rescue? Let them come too. Call on each on every one of them. At least we have a neutral mod around here who might actually give you infractions for your racist statements and not me for being factual.

I clearly said that i don't want to waste my time. And Turkish members have provided you with many resources. For whom might be reading, http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey-defence/199537-massive-financial-blow-pkk.html

Yeah yeah yeah. Another movie of your ''oh so great berdi boroler''. The beasts who are notorious for raping kids and killing civilians. Bravo turkish army, bravo! With all your modern equipment and weapons, with all your Israeli and American intelligence, you have still not beat 5.000 guerillas in the mountains for 30 years! Bravo! Come again, come to Qandil. We will give you another Oramar and Zap destiny as last time!

Why don't you go to that places. We will send you gift from above. :D

Or if you don't want to be in danger just join the search teams to find pieces of your beloved terorists. :)

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If you want to discuss then discuss. Do not start a youtube video war like a little child. You can call on your turkish parrots if you want to, I will handle them too.
If you want to discuss then discuss. Do not start a youtube video war like a little child. You can call on your turkish parrots if you want to, I will handle them too.

Well, you started this by saying Turkish army is inferior to PKK and got your answer. And what if i start a youtube war, what have you got to post except blowing IED's or attacking remote control posts with hundreds of PKK terrorists.

No need to call them, they will see your BS and came eventually. They will supply you with genuine government reports and you will rejects those reports.

Guys why the heck are you still trying?

Just say yes we did do genocide.
Yes we raped your las.

The enormous hurt that comes from behind this guy infected his brain.
Just don't feed the troll and he will disappear.

Mate, i got your point but why allow him to do his propaganda and falsely accuse our nation.
Well, you started this by saying Turkish army is inferior to PKK and got your answer. And what if i start a youtube war, what have you got to post except blowing IED's or attacking remote control posts with hundreds of PKK terrorists.

No need to call them, they will see your BS and came eventually. They will supply you with genuine government reports and you will rejects those reports.

Mate, i got your point but why allow him to do his propaganda and falsely accuse our nation.

No, you started it by denying the atrocities and massacres your father figure ataturk committed against Kurds. And everyone knows that the turkish military is inferior to PKK. Nowhere else in the world do you see a military with the backing of American and Israeli weaponry and intelligence, like the turkish, having trouble against 5000 guerillas.

I could show you videos of PKK giving the turkish barbars a very hard time that would even convince you of how inferior the turkish barbars are, but i will spare this good topic and thread from becoming a childish youtube war.
No, you started it by denying the atrocities and massacres your father figure ataturk committed against Kurds. And everyone knows that the turkish military is inferior to PKK. Nowhere else in the world do you see a military with the backing of American and Israeli weaponry and intelligence, like the turkish, having trouble against 5000 guerillas.

I could show you videos of PKK giving the turkish barbars a very hard time that would even convince you of how inferior the turkish barbars are, but i will spare this good topic and thread from becoming a childish youtube war.
@Neptune there is something wrong in this sentence but i can't figured, can you sort it out ?
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:lol: Dude do not take it personally, but you are one silly guy. Are there anymore parrots you wish to call for? Seems like you can not stand up for yourself. I await a lot of turkish parrots to show up very soon :lol:
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