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Putin vows to boost Russian military supplies to Vietnam amid South China Sea dispute

Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal. When push comes to shove, expect other Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, etc. and also China.

Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, South Korea have good relations with China. Japan and America don't have enough population to challenge China.

They wont do shit and they know it. Only real one there is Pakistan. You think Taiwan, etc. is going to do shit to China? But Japan might.

And Nepal? Really? You dont even need a visa to go back and further from Nepal and India. And Nepalis like the Gurkhas come from Nepal and fight for India.

There are some problems, but nothing like Pakistan-India relations.

When push comes to shove, expect other Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, etc. and also China.

To go against India in this scenario? :lol: Why would they even care? :lol:
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They wont do shit and they know it. Only real one there is Pakistan. You think Taiwan, etc. is going to do shit to China? But Japan might.

How many people does Japan have? 127 million. China has over TEN times that. Talk about a mouse going up against a cat. :woot:
How many people does America have? 315 million. China has over FOUR times that many. Talk about a mouse going up against a ferret. :woot:

Population doesnt matter.

India has a billion people too, but if the US choices too, they can cut off India from the rest of the planet.
Population doesnt matter.

India has a billion people too, but if the US choices too, they can cut off India from the rest of the planet.

How about America be cut off from the rest of the world, as it was from 20,000 BC to 1492 AD? :-) America is SO far away from the rest of the world. :usflag:

Americans are already turning inward with isolationism. :-)
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China has over 1.35 BILLION people. China can build 10,000 J-20 fighter jets in a week. Mess with China and be vanquished. :yahoo:

Yeah, good luck with that. :lol:

@Water Car Engineer You come off as a very rational, common sense person. This "superboy" on the other hand, in addition to being the biggest cheerleading bootlicker on PDF, also lives in his own little fantasy land. Take what he says with a grain of salt.
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If there's a military opponent of US in this planet. It must be Russia.
J-20 is nothing but a flying machine painted with Chinese dream.
Even if Vietnam buys 10,000 Su-30, its air force would still be no match for PLAAF. China can build 10,000 J-20 per week. How long do you think Vietnamese air force can last against PLAAF? :-)

Sorry but i don't agree. When you see our Human War History, it says clearly that Countries with advanced military fall in hands of basic weapons held by civilians. Latest example will be USSR in Afghan and Vietnam War.
US, USSR, China can make the weapons, but It's Vietnam who become experts in using them.
That's why, in 1979 conflict the ratio China 10 vs Vietnam 1 make the final result Vietnam won, more damage level to Chinese elite troops, less damage to Vietnamese local militaria.
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