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Putin 'urges talks on statehood for east Ukraine'

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Jan 7, 2013
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BBC News - Putin 'urges talks on statehood for east Ukraine'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for talks to discuss "statehood" for eastern Ukraine.

He said the issue needed to be discussed to ensure the interests of local people "are definitely upheld".

His comments came after the EU gave Russia a one-week ultimatum to reverse course in Ukraine or face sanctions.

Russia denies Western accusations that its forces illegally crossed into eastern Ukraine to support separatists there.

"Russia cannot stand aside when people are being shot at almost at point blank," he added, describing the rebels' actions as "the natural reaction of people who are defending their rights".

He dismissed the EU's threat of further sanctions, accusing the EU of "backing a coup d'etat" in Ukraine.

The West, Mr Putin said, should have foreseen Russia's reaction to the situation, adding it was impossible to predict how the crisis would end.

Mr Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, later said the president's remarks on "statehood" should not be taken to mean an actual separate entity, and that the Ukrainian crisis was a "domestic" one.

The BBC's Steve Rosenberg, in Moscow, says raising the concept of statehood in the east may be one way of Mr Putin increasing pressure on Kiev to halt its military operations.

Pro-Russian rebels have made gains against Ukrainian troops in recent days in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Also on Sunday, Russian media reported that 10 Russian paratroopers returned home in exchange for 63 captured Ukrainian soldiers held by Russia.

Some 2,600 people have died in fighting since April.


Analysis: Steve Rosenberg, BBC News, Moscow

In his interview with Russian TV, Vladimir Putin called for "substantive talks" with Kiev on "statehood for south-east Ukraine".

So, does Russia now want south-eastern Ukraine to split from Kiev and become independent? Is Moscow now wedded to the idea of breaking up of Ukraine? Recent reports of Russian military activity across the border would seem to back up this idea.

But it may not be the case. Not yet, anyway.

There is no doubt that Russia is determined to retain a degree of influence in Ukraine and to ensure, at the very least, that Ukraine never joins Nato. Moscow is equally determined to make sure the pro-Russian separatists avoid a military defeat.

Promoting "statehood" in the east is one way of increasing the pressure on Kiev to stop its military operation and start talks with the pro-Moscow militants - and with Russia itself.

If Kiev fails to do this, the Kremlin may well press for south-eastern Ukraine (or "Novorossiya" as Moscow increasingly refers to the region) to break away from Kiev.

Angel Merkel says EU leaders are united in avoiding a military solution to the Ukrainian crisis

But Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb said the "jury is still out" on whether sanctions had worked, adding: "We need to find a ceasefire, a peace plan."

Federica Mogherini, named on Saturday as the EU's future foreign policy chief, said there could be no military solution to the crisis and that while sanctions were being worked on, the diplomatic process would need to continue.

Government forces have lost ground in recent fighting to pro-Russian rebels.

Western and Ukrainian officials say this offensive has been substantially helped by Russian regular troops, opening a new front. Russia denies the accusation.


War in eastern Ukraine: The human cost
  • At least 2,593 people killed since mid-April (not including 298 passengers and crew of Malaysian Airlines MH17, shot down in the area) - UN report on 29 August
  • 951 civilians killed in Donetsk region alone, official regional authorities said - 20 August
  • In some particularly dangerous places, such as Luhansk region, victims are said to have been buried informally, making accurate counts difficult
  • Rebels (and some military sources) accuse the government of concealing true numbers
  • 155,800 people have fled elsewhere in Ukraine while at least 188,000 have gone to Russia

well that sums up pretty much everything.

Luhansk and Donetsk need to cede to Russia.
If other people in the other regions want to be part of Russia they should pack up and move :D

well that sums up pretty much everything.

Luhansk and Donetsk need to cede to Russia.
If other people in the other regions want to be part of Russia they should pack up and move :D
Russians always seek to reach waters , if not hot waters , then cold waters like the black sea would suffice ...
I'm a huge supporter of Putin, but on this I believe he has been too weak. Russia needed to take a much tougher stance early on in the Ukraine conflict when the elected leader was toppled in Maidan protests. Russia went soft after it got Crimea back.

Russia must use the excuse of Kiev killing ethnic Russians to invade Ukraine and do regime change in Kiev.
West will not go to war with Russia and will do sanctions but Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia must never be allowed to join NATO and the EU. Putin made a mistake allowing the Kiev regime to fall into the hands of the West.

Putin was naive in agreeing to UN no-fly-zone in Libya.
Putin is being soft on Ukraine.

Putin has done the correct thing on most, but on these 2 events, Russia made 2 big blunders.
I'm a huge supporter of Putin, but on this I believe he has been too weak. Russia needed to take a much tougher stance early on in the Ukraine conflict when the elected leader was toppled in Maidan protests. Russia went soft after it got Crimea back.

Russia must use the excuse of Kiev killing ethnic Russians to invade Ukraine and do regime change in Kiev.
West will not go to war with Russia and will do sanctions but Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia must never be allowed to join NATO and the EU. Putin made a mistake allowing the Kiev regime to fall into the hands of the West.

Putin was naive in agreeing to UN no-fly-zone in Libya.
Putin is being soft on Ukraine.

Putin has done the correct thing on most, but on these 2 events, Russia made 2 big blunders.
That's what I thought before. But now it seems to me that Putin did the right thing. My fellow citizens will gain freedom and independence of their own hands. Such freedom is 100 times more valuable than gifted by someone. Most industrialized and scientific developed regions of former Ukraine will form New Russia, allied to Russia. And this alliance will be much more durable than the occupation even for the purpose of liberation.
Nobody don't know habit of stupid Ukrainians better than Russians .
Putin's game is unknown for analysts in the west ,so he put Brzezinski and Wolfowitz doctrines on toilet paper.
Ukraine if not be split on two part will be under Russian influence but political servants of west will have ugly fates because situation became different of that what has been expected.
That's what I thought before. But now it seems to me that Putin did the right thing. My fellow citizens will gain freedom and independence of their own hands. Such freedom is 100 times more valuable than gifted by someone. Most industrialized and scientific developed regions of former Ukraine will form New Russia, allied to Russia. And this alliance will be much more durable than the occupation even for the purpose of liberation.

With all those Russian deaths coming back from Ukraine, what you said is pretty much BS.
With all those Russian deaths coming back from Ukraine, what you said is pretty much BS.
90% of the militia - local residents from DPR and LPR, 5% - people from other regions of former Ukraine and 5% - volunteers from other countries, of which the most - from Russia.
Of course, if Putin sent troops in spring, there would be no war, everything would have ended like in Crimea, without firing a single shot. But true freedom and independence can only be won by sacrificing. If you will get it as a gift, as Ukraine in 1991 - it will mean nothing, so it will be sold as soon as possible.
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Russian must be made a state language in Ukraine like it is in Belarus.
Russian must be made a state language in Ukraine like it is in Belarus.
In Ukraine, about 80% of people prefer to speak Russian rather then Ukrainian. And while Russian - not the state language. All our legitimate (which were really chosen by the people, and not become president after Western made coups) presidents promised to return the status of Russian language, but did not kept their word. Russian language in Ukraine - is the language of science, industry, language of engineers. Without Russian language Ukraine is something like Romania, only poorer. But with Russian language Ukraine is a republic, which can build space rockets, nuclear power plants, aircraft carriers.
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Putin sure up the game on Obama's face and left him little room to maneuver. Resistance forces already booted Ukrainian out in many places. Only thing US and EU can do is harping more on worthless "sanction" that coming back to bite them. With winter approaching and over $5billion Ukraine owe to Russia, US and EU muscle flexing is heading for disaster. US may will able to force EU act along its instructed line but EU knows complying US demand coming at great cost to them. EU farmers already claiming damage from cash starved EU for Russian sanction impact.

Lets not forget, in order for Ukraine to join EU, EU and US undertook regime change game. Hoping once regime change occurs Russians will be silenced with shock and awe. Winter was not even in picture of US and EU game plan. One can imagine Germany was expected to foot the bill and now lets see how long they willing to do that.
CHELYABINSK, August 31, /ITAR-TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin in his statement was not referring to giving statehood to Novorossia, only to inclusive talks inside Ukraine, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday.

After Putin’s words in an interview to Russia’s TV Channel One were misinterpreted, Peskov told reporters that “the interpretations, suggesting that the president was referring to eastern Ukraine’s statehood, are wrong, which becomes clear after reading his statement.”

ITAR-TASS: Russia - Russian president says nothing of giving statehood to Novorossia - Kremlin spokesman

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