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Putin to visit China after skipping US

Beijing is well defended by the world's most advanced air defenses. Today's China is a global superpower. We have interests everywhere around the world. If Syria goes, Iran is next, and then after Iran is either Russia or us. So Russia and China have firmly agreed to "make a stand" in Damascus!

That is the bottom line! These indo zionazis want to give it a zionist spin but it deasn't matter what they want.

hahahahaahahah joke of the day :D
Bring it on :D more more more

It's coming, it's coming. I hope you live to see your mother india reap what it has been sowing.

That is the bottom line! These indo zionazis want to give it a zionist spin but it deasn't matter what they want.

It's coming, it's coming. I hope you live to see your mother india reap what it has been sowing.

Too big words for someone who gets his country with the help of Mother India :D
I hope you know how T-Rex vanished :D
Nice to see you changed your flag again :D bad for Pakistan :D
Yes India is ruleed by Russia :D

Russia snubs India; cancels navy, army war games - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Russia has snubbed India in the recent months by cancelling two important bilateral war games, usually held under a well-established arrangement, a senior official said on Monday. The move has raised eyebrows in the Indian defence establishment.

The Russians have called off the Indra series of navy and army war games in the recent weeks, baffling the Indian defence ministry, the official said.

Russia had late last month called off the Indra series of exercises with the Indian Navy, despite the latter's warships -- including guided missile destroyers INS Delhi, INS Ranvir and INS Ranvijay -- reaching Vladivostok, an eastern Russian port town on the Pacific Ocean.

The reason cited by Russians for the sudden decision to do away with the naval war game was the non-availability of its warships due to their expected deployment in aid of Japan after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the official said here.

But what came as a shocker for the Indians was that the Russian warships later sailed out for an exercise of their own, instead of the cited deployment in aid of Japan.

The Indian ships returned to Visakhapatnam last week without the valuable experience that would have been gained if the exercise had taken place. Indian Navy personnel instead had to contend with a face-saver of a tabletop simulation during their stay in Vladivostok, the official said.

"The reasons given by the Russian navy are absurd," the official added.

But the latest insult to injury was the calling off of an army exercise under the Indra series that was to be held in Russia in June. Moscow conveyed to New Delhi last week that it would not be able to host the exercise as the intimation for the war game was sent very recently without much time for preparation, the official said.

Since 2003, the two countries have conducted five exercises between their armies and navies under the Indra series. The latest bilateral army exercise was held in Uttarakhand last October.

The Russian moves come in the wake of India choosing two European fighter jets as the top contenders for a $10.4 billion fighter jet contract. In the process, not only Russian but also American and Swedish planes were knocked out of the competition.

After being fed-up for long with delays and non-availability of spares for its Soviet-era MiG-series fighter jets, military transports, radars and missile systems, India issued several open global tenders worth several millions of dollars for the same.

The two sides also fenced over time and cost overruns in the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier refit, for which India is now paying $2.34 billion instead of the 2004 price of $1.5 billion, which included 16 MiG-29K carrier-borne fighter jets for $526 million.

Just over six months ago, India had signed agreements with Russia for the joint development of a fifth generation fighter jet of which Indian Air Force (IAF) is likely to get about 250 to 300 planes.

In fact, the IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal PV Naik, has just returned from Russia after inspecting the progress on the fifth generation jet.

This apart, India and Russia have also inked a pact on developing a medium transport aircraft, of which IAF would get about 45 planes. Through these agreements, India is likely to invest over $10 billion in the two projects.

Russia To Allow Pakistan To Import RD-93 Aircraft Engines | India Defence

Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently signed the permission for the re-export of Russian engines RD-93 to Pakistan. RD-93 are installed on Chinese fighter jets JF-17 (also known as FC-1). Islamabad signed a contract with Beijing for 150 such jets. In total, China plans to buy around 1,000 RD-93 engines, worth $6-7 billion, from Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently signed the permission for the re-export of Russian engines RD-93 to Pakistan. RD-93 are installed on Chinese fighter jets JF-17 (also known as FC-1). Islamabad signed a contract with Beijing for 150 such jets. In total, China plans to buy around 1,000 RD-93 engines, worth $6-7 billion, from Russia.

India spoke against re-exporting RD-93 to Pakistan. However, the Russian president�s staff said that the deal with China does not harm Delhi�s interests, and explains: �India buys not just next-generation jets from Russia, but �four-plus� generation jets�.
Well, chinese ashamed that they are the largest importers of russian arms.

If not, then you have to accept that you import stuff from North Korea .... do you? :laugh:

.. because USA / Europe / Israel / Japan don't sell to China.

Still, quite a feat for China .... under all sanctions ... and still the LARGEST IMPORTER IN THE LAST DECADE.
Too big words for someone who gets his country with the help of Mother India :D
I hope you know how T-Rex vanished :D

Something tells me you've blown your top. It's not good to lose ones sanity over an argument, cool down. Don't take it personally, get some fresh air. I'm sure you'll come around.
military action from China and Russia knocking out US allies in the Middle East and East Asia will spell the end of US dollar hegemony and the end of US global influence.
just reading these words makes me feel great one day the us will pack up and leave the middle east i know it
In that case, he would have ceded power to Zyuganov, an actual communist. If you don't know what you're talking about, kindly stfu. If I wanted to read fox news talking points, I'd go their website. At least then the bs would be fresh, not some curried regurgitation.
Guess all those Russian protesters must have gone to Fox as well.
Well, chinese ashamed that they are the largest importers of russian arms.

If not, then you have to accept that you import stuff from North Korea .... do you? :laugh:

.. because USA / Europe / Israel / Japan don't sell to China.

Still, quite a feat for China .... under all sanctions ... and still the LARGEST IMPORTER IN THE LAST DECADE.

After being exposed of your lies, you still wants to continue make a fool of yourself??

You must have feel ashamed as the largest weapon importer of the world plus largest importer of Russia arms? :lol:
I hope you read the dates on the articles :D

Something tells me you've blown your top. It's not good to lose ones sanity over an argument, cool down. Don't take it personally, get some fresh air. I'm sure you'll come around.
Some good reading skills needed. Senior member :D
First check the sanity of your post then of the reply.
Plus try to get sarcasm :D it's free :D
After being exposed of your lies, you still wants to continue make a fool of yourself??

You must have feel ashamed as the largest weapon importer of the world plus largest importer of Russia arms? :lol:

Total Arms Imports (2000 to 2011):

China: USD 24.938 Billion

India: USD 20.789 Billion

Does your "IQ" permit you to figure out that China imported most arms 2000 to 2011. Got it?

Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Year --> 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL
China --> 2015 3366 2819 2207 3080 3511 3831 1474 1481 595 559 24938
India --> 911 1242 1872 2802 2227 1036 1257 2179 1810 2116 3337 20789

And the entire USD 25 Billion went to Russia because no one else sells to China
Unnecessary quarrel

Good to know .... some chinese have a bit of sense.

Unlike ChinaToday: who believes that china's biggest achievement is that Lord Putin decided to put his feet upon China !!!!

totally useless...

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