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Putin to Ahmadinejad :Russia supports Iran's right to civil nuclear energy

Wow - once again you are talking complete nonsense. Firstly you dont want Iran to have nuclear weapons because the Zionists would kick your ****. Secondly who the hell are you to decide "its for peaceful reasons"? Are you the spokesman for the USA government because if you are i bet they are cringing with your senseless responses.
Again, again it's mentioned that Israel can do whatever it wants to protect herself. They can attack and occupy any lands they want, just because they feel a tiny little threat to their security. They can do whatever they want to do because they're protected by Uncle Sam.

If everyone where to leave Israel alone... everything will be ok...

With all the military power we have you think we would sit there and take a punch?
Our Interest is for both Iraq and Afghanistan to blossom and not become a safe heaven for Terrorist.

Since early MANKIND there has always been war and death and destruction in the middle east. World Peace cannot come soon enough if everyone just thinks outside the box for a moment... Stop believing what you watch or read... it's all propaganda and BS.

Stop talking nonsense. You systematically raped and destroyed Iraq. Your nation made up stories about WMD to kill thousands of innocent civilians in that nation just for the sake of oil. Your nation (that you are pretending to belong to) have shown to be a bunch of liars. The propaganda and BS comes clearly from the US. The stench is unbearable - now be a good boy and stick to the topic and stop derailing the thread. Its about Russia and Iran ties getting stronger. Putin is doing a great job backing Iran.
Our Interest is for both Iraq and Afghanistan to blossom and not become a safe heaven for Terrorist.

Since early MANKIND there has always been war and death and destruction in the middle east. World Peace cannot come soon enough if everyone just thinks outside the box for a moment... Stop believing what you watch or read... it's all propaganda and BS.
since Parthiaد people lived there, there was hundred years of peace. do you mean being of USA by early mankind?
For many years now Iran has supported both Hamas and Hezbollah who continue to this very day launch RPG Missiles to Israel.. Now that Iran has the ability to Have a Nuclear Weapon does not sit well with NOT ONLY US but the WHOLE MIDDLE EAST.

We fully want Iran to have nuclear power but we want to see in person that its for peaceful reasons.. It also does not help that we continue to see all the hatred for Israel.

I don't quite understand what your trying to say... but let me tell you that Saudi and other MAJOR Gulf Nations have made this point clear to us, that with a nuclear bomb it would become more aggressive and irresponsible.

This is something you don't hear in the Media

Israel is occupying Lebanese land , so we believe they have the right to defend themselves , by the way there is no proof that we supported Hamas militarily . you can't find any Iranian weapon in their arsenal all they have are the things that they made themselves .

about what you don't understand , let make it clear for you . country no. 1 is Iran and how Iran acted , the country no. 2 is Israel and how she acted .

about your concerns about some countries in middle east going nuclear , why you didn't had that concerns when Israel went nuclear? by the way your concerns is mute as Iran never wanted to build nukes and all the reports say so . in essence you are saying that Iran can't have peaceful nuclear technology because Israel says so and in future Iran may decide to build a nuke ? well honestly we don't give a damn about what Israel think and if the second part is of concern then why not dismantle NPT and say only China , Russia , France , England and Uncle Sam are entitled to any sort of nuclear technology , isn't it would be great as by doing so we bar other nations from space and for the future we con also monopolize space , well you knew if you want great amount of energy in space the only way is nuclear energy.

For many years now Iran has supported both Hamas and Hezbollah who continue to this very day launch RPG Missiles to Israel.. Now that Iran has the ability to Have a Nuclear Weapon does not sit well with NOT ONLY US but the WHOLE MIDDLE EAST.

We fully want Iran to have nuclear power but we want to see in person that its for peaceful reasons.. It also does not help that we continue to see all the hatred for Israel.

I don't quite understand what your trying to say... but let me tell you that Saudi and other MAJOR Gulf Nations have made this point clear to us, that with a nuclear bomb it would become more aggressive and irresponsible.

This is something you don't hear in the Media

Israel is occupying Lebanese land , so we believe they have the right to defend themselves , by the way there is no proof that we supported Hamas militarily . you can't find any Iranian weapon in their arsenal all they have are the things that they made themselves .

about what you don't understand , let make it clear for you . country no. 1 is Iran and how Iran acted , the country no. 2 is Israel and how she acted .

about your concerns about some countries in middle east going nuclear , why you didn't had that concerns when Israel went nuclear? by the way your concerns is mute as Iran never wanted to build nukes and all the reports say so . in essence you are saying that Iran can't have peaceful nuclear technology because Israel says so and in future Iran may decide to build a nuke ? well honestly we don't give a damn about what Israel think and if the second part is of concern then why not dismantle NPT and say only China , Russia , France , England and Uncle Sam are entitled to any sort of nuclear technology , isn't it would be great as by doing so we bar other nations from space and for the future we con also monopolize space , well you knew if you want great amount of energy in space the only way is nuclear energy.
If everyone where to leave Israel alone... everything will be ok...

With all the military power we have you think we would sit there and take a punch?

Why are you off topic? This thread is not about Israel - its about Russia backing Irans nuclear development.
Btw If Israel would leave everyone else alone and stop stealing land - "everything will be ok..." (superb English from an "American"....
Our Interest is for both Iraq and Afghanistan to blossom and not become a safe heaven for Terrorist.

Since early MANKIND there has always been war and death and destruction in the middle east. World Peace cannot come soon enough if everyone just thinks outside the box for a moment... Stop believing what you watch or read... it's all propaganda and BS.

since early mankind Europe and the rest of the world were always at war and death and destruction .
please don't forget that American and European were the one who were behind 95% of wars in middle east . don't forget what was pope solution for Spain and Portuguese war ( be a good boy and don't fight in Europe let me divide the world half for you and the other half for you) . don't forget in both world war Europe exported their wars to the rest of the world and they start attacking neutral countries to make their bridge of victory .
don't forget no country attacked more countries since WW2 than USA ........ oh and dont forget that Holocaust was handiwork of European not middle eastern (all European from Ukraine to Spain and for that they even had the blessing from Pope , Hitler and his cronies only were executor of the will of the mighty civilized Europe )

I wonder what your solution for those little facts .

Our Interest is for both Iraq and Afghanistan to blossom and not become a safe heaven for Terrorist.

Since early MANKIND there has always been war and death and destruction in the middle east. World Peace cannot come soon enough if everyone just thinks outside the box for a moment... Stop believing what you watch or read... it's all propaganda and BS.

since early mankind Europe and the rest of the world were always at war and death and destruction .
please don't forget that American and European were the one who were behind 95% of wars in middle east . don't forget what was pope solution for Spain and Portuguese war ( be a good boy and don't fight in Europe let me divide the world half for you and the other half for you) . don't forget in both world war Europe exported their wars to the rest of the world and they start attacking neutral countries to make their bridge of victory .
don't forget no country attacked more countries since WW2 than USA ........ oh and dont forget that Holocaust was handiwork of European not middle eastern (all European from Ukraine to Spain and for that they even had the blessing from Pope , Hitler and his cronies only were executor of the will of the mighty civilized Europe )

I wonder what your solution for those little facts .

We all know what the intent and desires are of the USA -Lately even their propaganda arm namely the western press are unable to hide their intent and goals. For some (obvious) reason the thought of Russia backing Iran in their quest to protect itself burns a hole in their head - Long live Iran Russian friendship....

We all know what the intent and desires are of the USA -Lately even their propaganda arm namely the western press are unable to hide their intent and goals. For some (obvious) reason the thought of Russia backing Iran in their quest to protect itself burns a hole in their head - Long live Iran Russian friendship....

Funny how Russia has always terrorized Iran before we came into the mix.

Be careful who your friends are because they will back stab you if your not looking.
Be careful who your friends are because they will back stab you if your not looking.

I know exactly what you mean mate - look how the US are treating Pakistan at the moment - When they need you they "pretend to be your best friend". When they dont they stab you in the back. So so true the Americans are back stabbers - and sometimes stab you in the front too!!
I know exactly what you mean mate - look how the US are treating Pakistan at the moment - When they need you they "pretend to be your best friend". When they dont they stab you in the back. So so true the Americans are back stabbers - and sometimes stab you in the front too!!

We didn't pretend to be Pakistan's friend... we loved Pakistan even sold F16s and helped when AID was needed in the FLOODS of 2010.

It's to bad Pakistan stabbed us in the back by hiding OBL, even jailing a good Doctor that helped us find OBL.
If Putin really supports Iran, then why did Russia support the sanctions on Iran?

Russia wanted to get into the WTO without western support they couldn't.

Russia is now a WTO member so they can have a more free policy regarding iran also with putin in power again.
If Putin really supports Iran, then why did Russia support the sanctions on Iran?

It is a good question. Why did Russia support the sanctions on Iran?

I don't think they supported the oil sanctions. The EU passed the sanctions with majority vote I think.

They've never supported the harsh UN sanctions though, neither has China. They do support the smaller sanctions though and that's because they have to. I guess they don't feel confident enough to piss off the US completely yet.
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