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Putin to Ahmadinejad :Russia supports Iran's right to civil nuclear energy

No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.
LOL...you funny, no hard proof?!
Anyway, Iranian program is dancing between civilian and military. That's what the Iranians want, they want a program that can quickly turn to weapons in case they get attacked by Israel or the US.
In any case, the reason why no one want's Iranian bomb is not to protect Israel, but rather to prevent a nuclear arms race in the ME that includes SA & Egypt. That will be the real nightmare scenario for Israel.
No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.

USA does !? you forget Japan in WW2 !?
That sentence speaks volumes.

What's wrong, should everybody be under your control :lol:

Get over it, the world is changing. No full spectrum dominance for you my friend. Forget it.

No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.
More Yank delusions.
No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.
With all due respect, who are you to judge who is responsible and who is not? So Israel is responsible, the one who attacked Egypt in 1956 and 1967, the one who almost nuked Egypt in 1973 war, the one who is still illegally occupying Golan Heights, Sheba farms, West Bank and East Jerusalem? That's the country to be trusted?
Oh and btw, you might wanna remember that North Korea acquired nukes to counter US threats.
Anyway, Iranian program is dancing between civilian and military. That's what the Iranians want, they want a program that can quickly turn to weapons in case they get attacked by Israel or the US.
In any case, the reason why no one want's Iranian bomb is not to protect Israel, but rather to prevent a nuclear arms race in the ME that includes SA & Egypt. That will be the real nightmare scenario for Israel
I totally agree with you on that point.
Iran is going to disappoint Russia when it tests a nuke.
No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.

why exactly we should not threaten Israel? everytime they gathered they plot to kill us and they did go look for iran famine 90years ago
or for example they celebrate killing 77000 Iranian every year and call it Purim !
plus we wont wait and see them killing Palestinian i don't care what other people think about us its our duty to save the world from this cancer( for second time last time was not so successful )
i have no doubt they already ploting how to destroy us no matter what

if anything is weird for anyone you can ask it took a days to find out about all these its not in history books its in iran in (Shiraz and other cities) plus every wise iranian should know where exactly this responsibility came from.
USA does !? you forget Japan in WW2 !?

It takes 2 to surrender. Japan was warned already before. And even after the first bomb Japan though we didn't have enough. That was their thinking. It wasn't because they lost a city, but that we don't have more to destroy their cities.
Iran is going to disappoint Russia when it tests a nuke.
we are no savages like US we can talk we have logic we wont force people to our decisions. or kill others and kick them out of their land . simply we are not like you and we wont produce nuke . but if you use nuke against us im sure you will be destroyed by people like you.
Ulysses, you also seem to forget that Israel every now and then threatens to strike Iran because they feel a threat to their security. What kind of thing is that? They are allowed by Uncle Sam to preemptively strike any nation on the Earth if they feel a tiny little threat to their security, as if they really bought the Earth and enslaved the people of the Earth. Is that a responsible nation to have nukes?
It takes 2 to surrender. Japan was warned already before. And even after the first bomb Japan though we didn't have enough. That was their thinking. It wasn't because they lost a city, but that we don't have more to destroy their cities.
again it wont change the fact that you ARE savage.did Indigenous people attack your land? did you have any land before US
did Vietnamese attacked you?
or japan ,did it used nuke against u or did they kill millions of you?

your logic is stupid you Anglo Saxons belong to stone ages not here.
we are no savages like US we can talk we have logic we wont force people to our decisions. or kill others and kick them out of their land . simply we are not like you and we wont produce nuke . but if you use nuke against us im sure you will be destroyed by people like you.

When you are referring people like you I think you mean you Iranians? I'm ignoring the rest of the paragraph about savages and so on because I know a little bit of your history.

again it wont change the fact that you ARE savage.did Indigenous people attack your land? did you have any land before US
did Vietnamese attacked you?
or japan ,did it used nuke against u or did they kill millions of you?

your logic is stupid you Anglo Saxons belong to stone ages not here.

LOL you need to understand our culture and history before you start accusing us of different race from the rest of the world when in fact empires were carved and Native-Americans were wiped by other empires before America was even born. I'm sure as heck ain't anglo-saxon and most are not from there, this is a nation of immigrants. You be surprised. And to talk about how innocent North Vietnam is or Japan is, lets not go there because people here on the forums are not going to defend you on that topic.
No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.

well here is some question for you .
have Iran threatened to attack Israel , without the precondition of being attacked by Israel first ?
what was the condition that Israel put for attacking Iran , can you repeat it for the rest of us?

now some question about being responsible , You believe Israel is responsible and Iran is not responsible well I put forward two different country and want you to tell me which one is more responsible.

1- its a country which is the only country that have been attacked with weapons of mass destruction against its cities and civillians since WW2 and while according to international laws was allowed to retaliate with such weapons decided not to do so .

2- Its a country that several time preemptively attacked its neighbors , and still today occupy neighboring countries ,and its air-force on daily base violate sovereignty of its neighbor . its a country that is have no moral problem of using White phosphorous and Cluster ammunition against civilians

now tell me country no. 1 is a responsible country or country no. 2 ?
We also support Iran's right to civil nuclear use, but they are making weapons out of it

So you allow Israel to have nukes?? Is that not duplicity?

No hard proof, but it does not help when Iran continues to threaten Israel and her neighbors.

Iran is not responsible enough to acquire nuclear weapons... neither is North Korea... North Korea is a different situation.

Why are you blind to Israeli belligerence?
With all due respect, who are you to judge who is responsible and who is not? So Israel is responsible?

I understand your point of view.. But things where very different back then...

Israel had to do what was necessary to protect herself... I'm happy to hear that Egypt will still honor Israel's peace treaty.
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