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Featured Putin offers ‘blank cheque’ to Pakistan

It is history repeating itself. Right after Pakistan became independent Russia invited Pakistan. Pakistan refused and chose America. Remember Liaquat Ali Khan? We all know what happened after becoming a lackey of the USA.

Today Russia is again extending an olive branch. What will Pakistan do? Why is it that we always need invitations from regional countries? We are always so eager and quick to make extra effort to reach out to USA.

That exactly isn't true. Contrary to the popular narrative, declassified documents from that era show that Pakistan actually wanted better relations with Russia (which was more interested in developing relations with Socialist India) and it was actually due to "cold" Russian response that Pakistan chose to join the US camp instead. Russians did invite Pakistani PM to visit Moscow but later didn't respond to Pakistani official telegrams sent to 'confirm' the invitation's acceptance.
sure a totally blank cheque.
until what time will we Pakistanis continue to beg from Kafirs and Arabs?

best aid from Russia is that it convinces India to stop using Afghani soil to foment trouble against Pakistan.
other than that there is not much hope. because Pakistani diplomatic corps is lacking and the current government is preoccupied dealing with opposition mischief.
whatever is going to be achieve on the international level will be though the one sided help from the counter party like china or Russia or Saudi Arabia.
the current government is surviving by the day due to issues of pandemic, crippling economy, political instability and lawlessness.
Imran Khan is going to be the last prime minister of Pakistan at the rate and direction we are going, May Allah Give him strength to turn the things around for better.

Khuda ney aaj tak uss qaum kee haalat .... ..... a few words of wisdom from Allama Iqbal come to mind here.
Putin offers ‘blank cheque’ to Pakistan
If you [Pakistan] are interested in corridors, defence or any cooperation, Russia stands ready, says Russian president
Kamran Yousaf| April 11, 2021

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Vladimir Putin and Imran Khan pose for a photo. PHOTO: AFP/FILE


When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Islamabad last week after a gap of nine years, he had delivered an "important" message to the Pakistani leadership. The message was from President Vladimir Putin.
"I came with a message from my president that tell Pakistan we are open for any cooperation, whatever Pakistan needs Russia is ready for it," Lavrov was quoted by a senior Pakistani official, who attended the closed door meeting between the Russian foreign minister and Pakistani authorities, as saying.
"In other words, the Russian president offered us a blank cheque," said the official, who requested not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.
The official revealed that Putin had conveyed to Pakistan through his top diplomat that Moscow would help Islamabad in any manner. "If you're interested in gas pipelines, corridors, defence or any other cooperation, Russia stands ready for it," the official quoted FM Lavrov as saying when asked what he meant by "blank cheque".

Pakistan and Russia are already working on the North-South gas pipeline project. The two sides had entered into the agreement in 2015 to lay a pipeline from Karachi to Lahore. The project is estimated to cost $2 billion.
The work on the pipeline could not kick off because of possible American sanctions. The two sides, however, recently agreed to approve a new structure that would pave the way for the start of the work.
Russia is also keen to revive the Pakistan Steel Mills, which it originally built. Similarly, Moscow has interest in hydroelectric projects. Overall, Russia is thought to be willing to make $8 billion investment in different areas.
"It is now up to us to follow up this successful visit," the official said.
russian fm is being received by his pakistani counterpart upon arriving at the foreign office photo twitter smqureshipti

When asked the possibility of Pakistan acquiring Russian air defence systems, the official said he could not talk about the specifics but Russia had shown willingness to expand the cooperation with Pakistan.
At the joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart, the Russian foreign minister had said Moscow was ready to supply Pakistan with "special military equipment" to enhance its anti-terrorists potential. He, however, did not provide further details.
Relations between Pakistan and Russia have undergone transformation in recent years thanks to the new alignments and strategic realities.
The rapprochement between the former Cold War rivals began in 2011 when Pakistan's relationship with the US hit the rock bottom. At that time, a decision was taken to bring a strategic shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The shift envisaged reaching out to Russia as part of Pakistan’s efforts to diversify its foreign policy options.
The two countries initially worked quietly to find common ground. The years-long efforts had resulted in the Russian decision to send its troops to Pakistan for the first time in history for joint exercises in 2016. Moscow even overruled the Indian objections over holding joint drills with Pakistan.
Since then, the two countries have been regularly holding these exercises and they are looking to further deepen that cooperation.
Pakistan is hoping that Russian President Vladimir Putin would visit the country, something that would complete the Pak-Russia ties from being Cold War foes to friends.
In contrast, Russian ties with once its solid ally India are heading in the opposite direction. The two still have good relationship but the usual warmth they expressed earlier have been missing.
It was rare that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not give audience to a visiting Russian foreign minister. Russia is concerned that Indian tilt towards the US would pose threat to its interests.
It was because of these reasons, Lavrov, both in New Delhi and Islamabad, indirectly objected to the grouping of US, India, Japan and Australia.
These developments are bringing countries such as Russia, China and Pakistan together.
@Horus @waz @The Eagle @HRK @SQ8 @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Jungibaaz @ghazi52 @Verve @koolio @Areesh @Zibago @Path-Finder
india right now... 😏
Keep in mind... there is no such thing as a free lunch, also keep in mind Russia is under intense sanction and willing to do anything to make a buck...
Pakistan has been giving wrong signals to Russia since 2004. Pakistan can’t be in two boats at the same time. Now PUTIN is simply asking to switch sides and be a strong supporter of China-Russia block. Ball is in Pakistan’s court, if we send right signal to Russia, we might see Putin visit to Pakistan by the end of this year.
I think it’s time to explore this option to see what benefit we can get without pissing off Uncle Sam. Let’s hope Putin come true on his promises and invest 40 billion on various energy projects including transfer of civilian nuclear technology to Pakistan to meet growing energy need.

There is no such thing as this side or that... smart nation play both sides for their benefits. This is the same mindset which got Pakistan no where after 70 years of existence. The best thing we should have done post 1947 is use both the US and USSR for our own benefit... even if the USSR invaded Afghanistan then so what? Those dogs deserve it, even after 50 years of war our nation and theirs is a hell whole. Our nation only because we directly intervened....

Who are we to be the gatekeeper of Islam when our nation itself is filled with corruption, deception, etc... if we had good relations with the USSR then they would have never wanted to touch Pakistan to begin with. You think the soviet where that dumb stupid to invade a nation of 130+ million people with nukes in the 1980s? common. Just look at how nations like India have benefitted immensely... and our generals are supposed to be geopolitical geniuses :D

I honestly have came to the point of accepting that most Pakistanis just want Pakistan to be relevant in anyway even if the logic is pathetic. Our economy is in shatters, our institutions are none existent, yet somehow we make excuses to exist for China or Russia or the US, etc...Rather than reform our mindset. What difference does it make to us in Russia vs Us, US vs. China, etc... we should benefit from both sides because at the end of the day everyone only care of themselves... that is accept us.
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It's a 'blank cheque' because its cost is sanctions from the US. So, there's the risk of losing spares and support for our F-16s and C-130s, but going to Russia may also jeopardize our trade relations with Washington. The US is one of the few markets where we maintain a trade surplus.

I don't care either way, but it's important to read the context. I don't think our side is going to do much to boost ties with the Russians. We're tied into the US via too many strings.
Pakistan cannot and will not just switch to Russian camp. It’s future is tied to doing exactly what it’s doing right now, be a part of a multilateral system with economic ties with all involved parties.
Pakistan cannot and will not just switch to Russian camp. It’s future is tied to doing exactly what it’s doing right now, be a part of a multilateral system with economic ties with all involved parties.
the problem is that america is the one that has started this "block" which has caused China & Russia to create an equivalent pole to counter the american pole. it's that america & europe mindset that is in that one sum cold war mindset. america wants Pakistan to be exclusively their sidekick, do as they say and expect nothing back. just look at how they are treating india. Pakistan has to effectively send the message to washington that multilateralism will be Pakistan's policy WITH a strategic alliance with China & Russia as the corner stone of Islamabad's foreign policy. america can benefit economically through the trade corridors of Pakistan, China & Russia through trade & investments or they can stand alone. but they will not have that cold war days luxury of the past of dictating terms to anyone in Pakistan.

having said that...I think all this with China & now Russia is happening after a clear indication by the establishment that Pakistan is on its way to becoming a one party government. Russia & China would not take such steps if there was a risk of washington lap dogs like the pee pee pee or pmln coming back to power.
I'll give my quick opinion --

1) Support regional powers within your geographical location
2) Keep out non-regional players from gather strength
3) End relentless interference in the free will of people governing their nations

I've never ever been a supporter of using outside influence to destroy your region.
I'll give my quick opinion --

1) Support regional powers within your geographical location
2) Keep out non-regional players from gather strength
3) End relentless interference in the free will of people governing their nations

I've never ever been a supporter of using outside influence to destroy your region.
Pakistan, China & Russia needs to start referring to the biden administration as the "american regime". :lol:
That’s not true. IK might want to improve relationship with Russia but our establishment is not completely sold on that idea. They are still hopeful that Pak-USA relationship will improve and they will be able get some free trips and shopping.
Yup, naturally...otherwise, where would they settle post retirement or where there kids will go for studies, where else they will buy properties if not West?. Pakistan in 73 Years of History has never witnessed decisions made keeping country's or people's interest on mind...they were always taken based on ruling/powerful individuals interests and egos......Pakistan cannot shun West.
Why is it when it comes to Russia- Pakistan, it is only Pakistan that makes all the claims and never Russia? And 10 days later everyone forgets about this.

Also why hasn't Russian FM not spoken one word about Kashmir? If he is promising moon and earth, that's the least they can do right?
Pakistan cannot and will not just switch to Russian camp. It’s future is tied to doing exactly what it’s doing right now, be a part of a multilateral system with economic ties with all involved parties.
There is no zero sun game in Geo politics I agree with you current model of policy is ideal

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