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Featured Putin offers ‘blank cheque’ to Pakistan

Imaginary victory?... ok like Indians can actually think they can shoot down a F16🤔
Suddenly Abhinandan appears behind the pir panjal mountains and he surprised to see the waiting F-16 and he informed the IAF AWACs about the ambush which saved many IAF jets... :rofl:
Ayashi. The idea of settlement abroad in these countries. They cant do the same in Russia or China.
Only to be treated like some 3rd class citizen and end up being a cashier at some gas station or some desi grocery store.
How much CAATSA can hurt Pakistan??
Most of Pakistan defence set up is U.S, Chinese and European.
First time on this forum I actually agree with a bhangee for once. Pakistani generals/politicians played such games with America that in the end of the day they left the nation with their loot and the country in tatters.

A smarter strategy after 9/11 would have been to make a special security agreement, where Pakistan would be able to station thousands of its own troops in afghanistan, while also getting billions in aid to go into infrastructure/education/healthcare. A

t the same time allowing major trade concessions with the US/West ie duty free exports or even subsidized exports as we had in the 80s. Instead the nation was sold out for a few F-16s with nothing to show. Hell even Bangladesh has far better trade concessions with the west today.

Musharaf was a world class idiot. He refused to even negotiate better terms with them. Bush would have been willing to give him almost anything he wanted. Now today Pakistanis blame the US/West for any tom dick harry going wrong in their country. When they refuse to look inwards at themselves.
Dear Forum Member it was US who started double game first .... I would give you only 2 examples from early days of Afghan war.

First Incidents of US double Game

Pakistan allowed biggest landing in history of US marine after Vietnam war on its shores Pasni city in Baluchistan to facilitate the purpose of Capturing Kabul, Kandahar [the original base of Taliban] and for the capture of Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora.

But instead of achieving any of the stated objectives US forces deliberately delayed all operations.

- US forces wilfully delayed to entered in Kandahar which was nearest city from Pakistan border with Afghanistan in Baluchistan Province.

- Never entered in Kabul till the time Northern Alliance not only captured it but established All Northern Alliance Supervisory body for Kabul supported by Indian army advisers

- Rather to go after Osama when his presence of confirmed by multiple sources in Tora Bora, they haired a local Third or fourth tier Militant leader of Northern Alliance to capture Osama who after taking bribe from Osama bin Laden provided save passage/ escape route to him.

Second Double Game

There was an agreed b/w US and Pakistan that Kabul will be captured and control only by US forces, but not only US allowed fall of Kabul to Northern Alliance and its Indian Military advisers but allowed to be administrated by them as well.

Even when US announce its own administration for Kabul it was filled with Northern Alliance members.

So even IF [I still have my doubts] Pakistan also participated in this double game and manage to outsmart the successive US administrations than it should not be blamed for the failures of US in Afghanistan ....

It was US itself who manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory i Afghanistan .... we gave them Afghanistan on Plater.

It might be surprise for many that idea of Special Economic Zones in CPEC projects is not a new idea, it was in fact first offered to US to either setup Special Economic Zones or at least allowed Tax free imports from those purposed SEZ to US to reduce the economic impacts of Afghan War on Pakistan's economy but US never agreed to this idea.

So my dear reality is different then Propaganda
Putin offers ‘blank cheque’ to Pakistan
If you [Pakistan] are interested in corridors, defence or any cooperation, Russia stands ready, says Russian president
Kamran Yousaf| April 11, 2021

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Vladimir Putin and Imran Khan pose for a photo. PHOTO: AFP/FILE


When Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Islamabad last week after a gap of nine years, he had delivered an "important" message to the Pakistani leadership. The message was from President Vladimir Putin.
"I came with a message from my president that tell Pakistan we are open for any cooperation, whatever Pakistan needs Russia is ready for it," Lavrov was quoted by a senior Pakistani official, who attended the closed door meeting between the Russian foreign minister and Pakistani authorities, as saying.
"In other words, the Russian president offered us a blank cheque," said the official, who requested not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.
The official revealed that Putin had conveyed to Pakistan through his top diplomat that Moscow would help Islamabad in any manner. "If you're interested in gas pipelines, corridors, defence or any other cooperation, Russia stands ready for it," the official quoted FM Lavrov as saying when asked what he meant by "blank cheque".

Pakistan and Russia are already working on the North-South gas pipeline project. The two sides had entered into the agreement in 2015 to lay a pipeline from Karachi to Lahore. The project is estimated to cost $2 billion.
The work on the pipeline could not kick off because of possible American sanctions. The two sides, however, recently agreed to approve a new structure that would pave the way for the start of the work.
Russia is also keen to revive the Pakistan Steel Mills, which it originally built. Similarly, Moscow has interest in hydroelectric projects. Overall, Russia is thought to be willing to make $8 billion investment in different areas.
"It is now up to us to follow up this successful visit," the official said.
russian fm is being received by his pakistani counterpart upon arriving at the foreign office photo twitter smqureshipti

When asked the possibility of Pakistan acquiring Russian air defence systems, the official said he could not talk about the specifics but Russia had shown willingness to expand the cooperation with Pakistan.
At the joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart, the Russian foreign minister had said Moscow was ready to supply Pakistan with "special military equipment" to enhance its anti-terrorists potential. He, however, did not provide further details.
Relations between Pakistan and Russia have undergone transformation in recent years thanks to the new alignments and strategic realities.
The rapprochement between the former Cold War rivals began in 2011 when Pakistan's relationship with the US hit the rock bottom. At that time, a decision was taken to bring a strategic shift in Pakistan’s foreign policy. The shift envisaged reaching out to Russia as part of Pakistan’s efforts to diversify its foreign policy options.
The two countries initially worked quietly to find common ground. The years-long efforts had resulted in the Russian decision to send its troops to Pakistan for the first time in history for joint exercises in 2016. Moscow even overruled the Indian objections over holding joint drills with Pakistan.
Since then, the two countries have been regularly holding these exercises and they are looking to further deepen that cooperation.
Pakistan is hoping that Russian President Vladimir Putin would visit the country, something that would complete the Pak-Russia ties from being Cold War foes to friends.
In contrast, Russian ties with once its solid ally India are heading in the opposite direction. The two still have good relationship but the usual warmth they expressed earlier have been missing.
It was rare that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not give audience to a visiting Russian foreign minister. Russia is concerned that Indian tilt towards the US would pose threat to its interests.
It was because of these reasons, Lavrov, both in New Delhi and Islamabad, indirectly objected to the grouping of US, India, Japan and Australia.
These developments are bringing countries such as Russia, China and Pakistan together.
@Horus @waz @The Eagle @HRK @SQ8 @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Jungibaaz @ghazi52 @Verve @koolio @Areesh @Zibago @Path-Finder
We all voted pti selected pm imran khan Karobari thabqa bharbaad kardia lock down laga laga kar jabke karobari logo pe pabandia or sarkari logo ke mazay ayashia ghar pe unko thankhuwa karobari marjai unke paiso pe ye sarkari thabqa thankhwa dar ayashi be or badmashi be kare unhee par jis muashre ma zulam ho khabi tharaqi nai kar sakta.. after 3 years dharnaaz of imran khan pm pti it looks like imran pti just came to take revenge from nawaz sharif nothing else and he is completely hopeless and have no control over any thing except to shut mouths of poor nation who have no right to do any thing except to favour wrong doings of pti foreign imposed policies economy getting collapsed rich getting rich poor getting poor people expected him to bring justice in courts every where today every case have a price rate no relief people doing suicides, respect given to all religions except Sunni majority one,Sngpl gas department corruption on top gas meter in nawaz government installed on 9000 today not possible in 50,000 one have to wait several years pti full of corrupt politicians if not all but many, schools (Businesses private sector middle class lower class destroyed ruined by lock downs instead of sop,s following foreign agendas of imf world bank business class who are highest tax payers are mostly punished harassed by government daily new rules expensive electricity heavy taxes with fake games of corona virus first second third fourth fifth etc etc many layers to come untill foreign funds,8 to 16 may holidays part of same wicked games getting funds imposing heavy Taxes later this debt will be paid by pakistani nation,untill every thing will be eaten by snakes crocodiles ..never pandemic diseases similar like corona in history of islam they never prolonged then 2 months bodies were auto immuned today corona become part of notorious secret missions like biological warfares business white collar people are forced to beg Taxes in Pakistan are collected like Europe people are facilitated like Uganda Rulers life styles like Arab kings sheikhs only sarkari goverment enjoying pays by working from home and they want prolong corona virus stop there pays like closing business sector corona will be finished, CSS beurocracy Molvi's establishment politician every one want to rule eat earn get more richer then other race of wealth going between zardari nawaz imran many others similar in other parts of government sectors sadly no one have ever sincerely think about country named Pakistan no justice total discrimination where is riyasate madina, no single GT road in Punjab Balochistan Kpk even Sind have been repaired or carpeted like in previous governments medicine petrol other daily house hold needs price increases daily beautiful country with nation fill of corrupt people ALLAH bless Pakistan Ameen.
The best gift given to Pakistan up to CPEC was the Soviet steel mill. That really helped Pakistan transform and opened up Pakistan's industry. Let's see if the Russians can do better than CPEC. Russian space technology manufacturing TOT should be good for us and maybe Nuke subs/Mig35s too.
The best gift given to Pakistan up to CPEC was the Soviet steel mill. That really helped Pakistan transform and opened up Pakistan's industry. Let's see if the Russians can do better than CPEC. Russian space technology manufacturing TOT should be good for us and maybe Nuke subs/Mig35s too.
Do really thing GoP and army will rusk CAATSA ?
Do really thing GoP and army will rusk CAATSA ?
It's too late for Pakistan, sanctions are coming sooner or later. US has gone all in into India and there is no room for accommodating Pakistan. With CPEC investment Pakistan has fully partnered with China. With TRIPC countries (Turkey, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and China) as an economic corridor sanctions on Pakistan will be insignificant. Best that Pakistan plans now as the Zions have started the cold war with China and Pakistan is on the opposite side whether Pakistan likes it or not, because it is a Hobson choice.

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