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Putin Could Soon Bring The U.S. Economy To Its Knees With One Simple Action Read more at h

Look at how quickly America switches sanctions, from Syria and Iran earlier this year, suddenly to Russia.

If they can sanction Russia, then who can't they sanction?

Basically, any country that is not an American vassal would have an interest in reducing the dollar hegemony, because frankly the only countries that are safe from American sanctions are their vassals.

India claims to have an independent foreign policy, and to be fair they were sanctioned by America too, but I doubt they can afford to piss the USA off too much now.
youre printing money and hurt your nominal GDP so why you do that? Especially japan if only Nominal counts? Russian gdp per capita is 24k vs japan 36k. Not that much of a difference left

@senheiser , as much as I would love to discourse with you on Japanese financial performance and on my government's fiscal policy, this is not the thread for that. Let's discuss that at the Japan Economy Thread in the China & East Asia Section. Let's keep this thread purely on subject matter.

See you in the Japan Economy Thread.


India will neither ally with the US or Russia militarily. Both countries are on friendly terms with us - Russia definitely more than the US, it has always been that way and we hope to keep it that way. Economic co-operation is a different story.

As far as the part with India being pissed off with the US is concerned - that's total BS. That was a corrupt diplomat who should have been tried and prosecuted for war crimes and she got away because we had a crappy govt which was willing to sensationalize issues to get its way, sacrificing international relationships. All that has changed.

I think that is the best foreign policy to have, a non-aligned foreign policy. Keep away from entangling alliances.
sadly, this house of cards is here to stay for a while

but I applaud every move Russia, China or anyone else makes is an effort to move away from the USD

not really do-able in realistic terms though, we'll all burn if the dollar goes down the toilet lol
If they can sanction Russia, then who can't they sanction?

Every country with the comparitive economic and military might of the US will play the cards to their advantage and rightly so. Russia did it with Crimea - China did it with Tibet - India with Goa etc etc.

Russia is trying to show its influence too. Coming few months will be interesting from a diplomacy standpoint.

On saying that, Russia (or any other country for that matter) cannot dream of bringing down the US anytime soon.
sadly, this house of cards is here to stay for a while

but I applaud every move Russia, China or anyone else makes is an effort to move away from the USD

not really do-able in realistic terms though, we'll all burn if the dollar goes down the toilet lol

Glad to see you are realistic and pragmatic.
india does not need to join either camp

what it needs to do is promote its own currency - of course not as world currency level

But in bilateral transactions

Rupee trade wiht iRan
ruppe rouble trade with russia for defence
rupee Yuan trade tieh china for trade transactions
Glad to see you are realistic and pragmatic.
yeah lol, I troll sometimes and you know what side of the fence I sit on big picture wise but I'm neutral overall

good bunch of people on here, I'm not like Fukuoka/Zarvan etc even though I respect their pov as well

middle path ftw etc, right ? :enjoy:
Look at how quickly America switches sanctions, from Syria and Iran earlier this year, suddenly to Russia..

Well there's a difference between a US sanction and a "ganged-up" US led sanction.

You really really really have to TRY HARD to get a ganged-up sanction led by the US.

North Korea, Iraq...well what can you say.
Cuba...no ganged up sanction.
Syria...unfavored by the US for decades...only recently gets a ganged-up sanction.
Russia...a quasi ganged-up sanction.
Iran...a quasi ganged-up sanction.
Russia to bring the U.S to it's knees :woot: can we seriously move on from this tick for tack. It's only going to hurt the whole world economy.

you got the Crimea you got a little chunk of the Ukraine what more do you want??
oil is dropping everyday could hit as low $40 dollars a barrel, sanctions are easing up on Iran and they might actually substitute Russia to supply gas to Europe.

it seems Russia is the one who would be on their knees if they aren't already.
time to normalize relations.
While a rebalancing of the world's monetary system to make it less dollar-heavy would be welcome it's more difficult than most people appreciate. To establish an international currency large reserves or debt instruments need to be held abroad in that currency. That means people have to trust the value of the currency or instruments. As long as Putin can just wave his hand to cancel or suspend the value of the Russian obligations the ruble won't be that currency. The Chinese have a chance if they become more courageous and offer more yuan-denominated loans and bonds to foreigners. The Europeans tried that route and failed due to the North/South differences in national temperament and finances. Precious metals are useful reserves but have limited utility as a medium of exchange or paper money would never have become so successful. The Chinese still have to hold on to something as a reserve and if they buy the world's gold too quickly its value will collapse once they stop.
Wait, isn't yuan pegged to the dollar?
No, but neither does the yuan float freely. Rather, the Chinese are keeping it undervalued, letting it slowly and mostly steadily appreciate against the dollar. The Chinese would rather build up huge reserves of dollars - funding Obama's welfare state - rather than float the yuan freely and exposing the Chinese economy to world markets that might make some Chinese industries un-competitive, thus reducing employment and fueling popular resentment, which China's Communists fear.

This is the price China pays for crushing Tiananmen Square protests in 1989: had China embraced democracy and free markets instead the benefits the U.S. now enjoys from seigniorage - hundreds of billions of dollars! - would belong to China's own citizens.
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Someone should remind Russian citizens that they aren't supposed to use the dollar, which since their currency is worth less than the dirt in my yard, they are flocking to as a safe haven and investment. Sure Russia could de-dollarize itself, but that wont be too much of a problem for us. Russia could bring the US economy to its knees, the US has brought the Russian economy to its knees... for the second time.
Look at how quickly America switches sanctions, from Syria and Iran earlier this year, suddenly to Russia.

If they can sanction Russia, then who can't they sanction?

Basically, any country that is not an American vassal would have an interest in reducing the dollar hegemony, because frankly the only countries that are safe from American sanctions are their vassals.

India claims to have an independent foreign policy, and to be fair they were sanctioned by America too, but I doubt they can afford to piss the USA off too much now.

we ve seasoned the US sanctions not so long ago..so not big deal for us, as long as it is not in our national interest we wont support US..But, imagine, if US enforces sanctions on China! why not? if it can do it with India, Russia then why not China ? what would be the reaction of china? (no tall claims and talks to earn cents pls :-) )
we ve seasoned the US sanctions not so long ago..so not big deal for us, as long as it is not in our national interest we wont support US..But, imagine, if US enforces sanctions on China! why not? if it can do it with India, Russia then why not China ? what would be the reaction of china? (no tall claims and talks to earn cents pls :-) )

The US already has an Arms embargo on China, still ongoing. :lol:

BTW didn't America just molest one of your diplomats not too long ago?
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