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Putin Could Soon Bring The U.S. Economy To Its Knees With One Simple Action Read more at h

The US already has an Arms embargo on China, still ongoing. :lol:

BTW didn't America just molest one of your diplomats not too long ago?

The arms embargo is crap, not that I don't agree with it in principle. Just in practice it hasn't worked, indirectly anyways. China has still found ways to get its hands on US military equipment from drones to missiles, either from sales or battlefield losses. We might not sell directly to China, but that matters little when our stuff still gets into your hands. To be fair though we manage to get Chinese and Russian equipment from "other sources" so I'm not going to be too critical of you guys.
The arms embargo is crap, not that I don't agree with it in principle. Just in practice it hasn't worked, indirectly anyways. China has still found ways to get its hands on US military equipment from drones to missiles, either from sales or battlefield losses. We might not sell directly to China, but that matters little when our stuff still gets into your hands. To be fair though we manage to get Chinese and Russian equipment from "other sources" so I'm not going to be too critical of you guys.

Yes, the Israeli government for example rerouted a lot of American military tech towards us.

Plus, many American allies are also our allies (such as Pakistan). So it's not too hard to get our hands on that stuff.
The US already has an Arms embargo on China, still ongoing. :lol:

Didn't America just molest one of your diplomats not too long ago?
lol..typical Chinese moron...who is talking abt arms embargo here? ...see the subject...

regarding diplomat event, if u r not so dump, u must ve read the reaction from india! ...and I dont understand what it has to do with the economic sanctions being enforced by the US on other nations?
Yes, the Israeli government for example rerouted a lot of American military tech towards us.

Plus, many American allies are also our allies (such as Pakistan). So it's not too hard to get our hands on that stuff.

Yep, add Taiwan to that list too. We might not sell them out best gear either, but our help does go into their equipment, and into Chinese hands. Still, and like I pointed out, its a two player game and we find ways to get a hold of your stuff too. FN-6s (not the most recent or up-to-date) in Syria may have ended up in US hands and other gear owned by our allies and Chinese customers will get evaluated. It's a two way street and just the reality of international politics.
lol..typical Chinese moron...who is talking abt arms embargo here? ...see the subject...

regarding diplomat event, if u r not so dump, u must ve read the reaction from india! ...and I dont understand what it has to do with the economic sanctions being enforced by the US on other nations?

Use your brain, an Arms embargo is a type of Sanction. :lol:

You asked me about sanctions, well an Arms embargo is a type of Sanction.

International sanctions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Use your brain, an Arms embargo is a type of Sanction. :lol:

You asked me about sanctions, well an Arms embargo is a type of Sanction.

what else i can expect from brain farted idiot like u...why r u running away to answer possible economic sanction on china by US :lol:...I dont ve whole nite like u ...as I dont make money by posting feel good china posts...:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.

lol..typical Chinese moron...who is talking abt arms embargo here? ...see the subject...

regarding diplomat event, if u r not so dump, u must ve read the reaction from india! ...and I dont understand what it has to do with the economic sanctions being enforced by the US on other nations?

@Admin - if the debate is going on between two, one of them ve access to mark post negative of other, he can freely use it? is this all about your stupid negative rating and monkeys like CD are using them?
what else i can expect from brain farted idiot like u...why r u running away to answer possible economic sanction on china by US :lol:...I dont ve whole nite like u ...as I dont make money by posting feel good china posts...:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.:lol:.

So you're just upset that the USA put economic sanctions on you, but not on us? :rofl:
lol..so back to ur trolling days...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: .why dont u just answer if US put economic sanctions on US!

I'm not sure you're thinking straight, how can the US put economic sanctions on the US? :P

w@Admin - if the debate is going on between two, one of them ve access to mark post negative of other, he can freely use it? is this all about your stupid negative rating and monkeys like CD are using them?

Forum rules. Personal attacks get a negative rating. :wave:
I'm not sure you're thinking straight, how can the US put economic sanctions on the US? :P
ya, but US can put economic sanctions on China.. go back and read your own post I quoted first ! wasting time for cents! :crazy:
No, but neither does the yuan float freely. Rather, the Chinese are keeping it undervalued, letting it slowly and mostly steadily appreciate against the dollar. The Chinese would rather build up huge reserves of dollars - funding Obama's welfare state - rather than float the yuan freely and exposing the Chinese economy to world markets that might make some Chinese industries un-competitive, thus reducing employment and fueling popular resentment, which China's Communists fear.

This is the price China pays for crushing Tiananmen Square protests in 1989: had China embraced democracy and free markets instead the benefits the U.S. now enjoys from seigniorage - hundreds of billions of dollars! - would belong to China's own citizens.

Thanks - this was insightful.

One question about the Yuan undervaluation - wouldn't that cause rapid inflation in China? I'm surprised their inflation hovers around 6% in spite of this. I'm guessing this could have to do with excess supply of good their domestic market cannot sustain. It's also interesting they are building up dollar reserves because as their currency appreciates their reserves would simply be worth less.
Russia's GDP is 2 trillion USD. America's economy is $17.328 Trillion, with a nominal growth rate of 6.8%.

What can Russia really do ? No offense, but Russia's economy is roughly that of California's. 1 state out of 50 that make up these United States of America.

Small drops make oceans
US depends on the global demand for the dollar. The more global demand the dollar has, the higher the deficits the US can run without having its currency weaken.

It gives the US the ability to print dollars and buy its own bonds to drive down interest rates while still having low inflation. Inflation is exported to the rest of the world.

If countries start to denominate its exports in their own currencies instead of the dollar, that will cause a massive shortage of demand for the dollar and force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to reduce the supply of dollars to fight inflation in the US.

World exports amount to $18 trillion in 2013.

As countries use the dollar as payment for its exports, dollars accumulate from trade surpluses and becomes a large part of foreign exchange reserves.

This is what is usually meant by reserve currency.

The US is already fucked. Fact is US economy is white washed, it does not have 17 trln GDP, it uses same bullshit corruption into its GDP like UK does with Drugs and Prostitution and counts it into GDP not even knowing what else they count to their GDP. Chinas GDP is higher than any other country, also US dies immidiatley when petrodollar is rejected in resourceful countries, that means hyperinflation and then you end up buying a loaf of bread with wheelbarrows like Germany did at the big recession. All the floating dollars are then calculated on only 310 mln people instead of on over 4 bln people.

US economic size is overinflated due to its currency having artificial demand as its a reserve currency.

Normally the value of a currency depends on the current account balance. If you run trade deficits, your currency weakens to bring your trade into balance.

As your currency weakens, the size of your economy shrinks.

But since the dollar has such massive demand globally, the US can run massive current account deficits without having to worry about the dollar weakening vs other currencies.

The exports of other countries essentially become American exports since those countries use dollars as payment for its exports. This is why the dollar has such demand and America can go into big twin deficits with low interest rates, low inflation and strong currency.

Dollar is the foundation which the American empire is built. Without it, the American empire will shrivel up like a dead monkey's pen*s.
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In BRICS, there is no one to compete with US on innovation and technology for business and industrial use. China doesn't use its own operating system and neither do Russia, Brazil or India.

Take the simple case of an iPhone. Look at how one American innovation feeds off the entire value chain, and bring money to them. None of the BRICS nations have anything close to this. Even Chinese and Russian phone makers use Android which is American (Indian phone makers don't figure here because they use Chinese OEMs). Beidu and Yandex are search engines in their respective countries but they aren't half as powerful as what a Google is.

This simple case of innovation is what powers their economy and global dominance. Military is only secondary and more of a show-piece. Rationally speaking, it would take at least 5 decades of constant frontal assault against US economy by BRICS to actually even make them grunt once.

What powers USA is not their military, but the minds.

They are simply a much larger version of Israel where technology, research, advancement and science uses economics and gimmicks of finance to control the global monetary system with military only as a tertiary arm to enforce it.

There is a common stereotype that says Americans are fat and dumb; but the minds behind their economic, financial and military might are the same minds that originated in all other countries. These minds were squashed, suppressed and constrained in their home countries, while Americans invited them and welcomed their different thinking.

While Putin is the only world leader that can stand head-to-head with American behemoth, bringing US economy to its knees would be a himalayan task. Russia has to be able to innovate, market, influence and make its products more accessible. Like USA made English a 'fashion' and acceptable around the world, Russia has to make Russian fashionable and accepted and also advance in R&D enough to offer better substitute to anything that US offers.

Same thing applicable for other BRICS countries.

Barring innovation in China, Russia and Brazil to some extent, there is nothing concrete in either India or South Africa. We have some of the smartest IT minds but have failed to make a substitute for Microsoft or Mac.

The impediments that stop us, is what keeps USA going.

I am not saying that they are infallible, but for that, one has to have a really powerful will to compete at that level.

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