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Putin could invade Ukraine within a week, Nato chief warns


Mar 31, 2014
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LONDON: Russia has all the forces it needs on the border to invade Ukraine within the next three to five days, Nato's top military commander has warned. The supreme allied commander in Europe and the US air force General Philip Breedlove described the situation at the border as "incredibly concerning".

He said Nato had spotted signs of movement by a very small part of the Russian force overnight but there was no indication it was returning to barracks.

"This is a very large, very capable and very ready force" Breedlove told Wall Street Journal.

The Russian force has aircraft and helicopter support as well as field hospitals and electronic warfare capabilities — "the entire suite that would be required to successfully have an incursion into Ukraine should the decision be made," Breedlove warned.

"We think it is ready to go and we think it could accomplish its objectives in between three and five days if directed to make the actions," he said.

Russia could have several potential objectives, including pushing beyond Crimea to Ukraine's Black Sea port of Odessa or even threatening to connect to Transdniestria, the mainly Russian-speaking, separatist region of Moldova that lies to the west of Ukraine.

"We are going to have to look at how our alliance now is prepared for a different paradigm, a different rule set ... We will need to rethink our force posture, our force positioning, our force provisioning, readiness, etc," he added.

On Wednesday, Russia accused Nato of reverting to Cold War language by suspending all practical cooperation with Moscow the day before in protest at its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Nato also ordered military planners to draft measures to strengthen its defences and reassure nervous eastern European countries.

Breedlove said the ministers had asked him to draw up by April 15 a package of measures that would include reinforcements by land, air and sea.

"We will work on air, land and sea 'reassurances' and we will look to position those 'reassurances' across the breadth of our exposure: north, centre, and south," he said.
LONDON: Russia has all the forces it needs on the border to invade Ukraine within the next three to five days, Nato's top military commander has warned. The supreme allied commander in Europe and the US air force General Philip Breedlove described the situation at the border as "incredibly concerning".

He said Nato had spotted signs of movement by a very small part of the Russian force overnight but there was no indication it was returning to barracks.

"This is a very large, very capable and very ready force" Breedlove told Wall Street Journal.

The Russian force has aircraft and helicopter support as well as field hospitals and electronic warfare capabilities — "the entire suite that would be required to successfully have an incursion into Ukraine should the decision be made," Breedlove warned.

"We think it is ready to go and we think it could accomplish its objectives in between three and five days if directed to make the actions," he said.

Russia could have several potential objectives, including pushing beyond Crimea to Ukraine's Black Sea port of Odessa or even threatening to connect to Transdniestria, the mainly Russian-speaking, separatist region of Moldova that lies to the west of Ukraine.

"We are going to have to look at how our alliance now is prepared for a different paradigm, a different rule set ... We will need to rethink our force posture, our force positioning, our force provisioning, readiness, etc," he added.

On Wednesday, Russia accused Nato of reverting to Cold War language by suspending all practical cooperation with Moscow the day before in protest at its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

Nato also ordered military planners to draft measures to strengthen its defences and reassure nervous eastern European countries.

Breedlove said the ministers had asked him to draw up by April 15 a package of measures that would include reinforcements by land, air and sea.

"We will work on air, land and sea 'reassurances' and we will look to position those 'reassurances' across the breadth of our exposure: north, centre, and south," he said.
What is Russian motive here.. It just can't be reunifying with crimea alone!!
this could escalate into a big mess in Asia
Seeing as how over 10 million east Ukrainians speak Russian as native language, a Russian invasion coupled with a strong Russian uprising in east Ukraine should easily enable Russia to annex the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk oblasts.
Seeing as how over 10 million east Ukrainians speak Russian as native language, a Russian invasion coupled with a strong Russian uprising in east Ukraine should easily enable Russia to annex the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk oblasts.
10 millions ethnic Russian. And about 15-20 millions Russian-speaking.
But this article is - nonsense. Russian troops will enter only in case of ethnic cleansing. Note - if it was West, not Russia, they would have provoked a conflict, show shocking images on TV and the president with cristally honest eyes gave the order to send troops.
Russian troops will enter only in case of ethnic cleansing.
So the Spetznaz must be sent in first for a day or two of street theater before Russian forces invade en masse.

Perhaps Putin has forgotten that invading a fellow Slavic nation carries a severe price: demoralization of the troops. That's what happened in 1968, you know. The Czechs never fired a shot and the Soviet troops soon realized that they had done a really bad thing. The original invading forces were transferred to the Chinese border and their replacements confined to military camps. All further Soviet attempts to use armed force to keep the Evil Empire together ultimately failed - including the last one, in Moscow itself, when the "most loyal" troops refused to defend the regime.
So the Spetznaz must be sent in first for a day or two of street theater before Russian forces invade en masse.

Perhaps Putin has forgotten that invading a fellow Slavic nation carries a severe price: demoralization of the troops. That's what happened in 1968, you know. The Czechs never fired a shot and the Soviet troops soon realized that they had done a really bad thing. The original invading forces were transferred to the Chinese border and their replacements confined to military camps. All further Soviet attempts to use armed force to keep the Evil Empire together ultimately failed - including the last one, in Moscow itself, when the "most loyal" troops refused to defend the regime.
If Junta start killing Russians in the south and east of Ukraine - Russian army will enter. And I assure you, Ukrainians and Russians will meet Russian Army as liberators, not as conquerors.
"Thanks" to Gorbachev Russians today - the most numerous divided nation in Europe. This situation need to be corrected.
If Junta start killing Russians in the south and east of Ukraine - Russian army will enter. And I assure you, Ukrainians and Russians will meet Russian Army as liberators, not as conquerors.
More theatre.

"Thanks" to Gorbachev Russians today - the most numerous divided nation in Europe. This situation need to be corrected.
Except that Russia gave its most solemn promises to its "brotherly" neighbors and the world that it would never do so. So the question is, does Putin and people like yourself want a return to a Russia surrounded by enemies or not?

It's the same mistake the German Emperor made (to annex Alsace in 1870) that Bismarck cautioned against and the world still suffers for it to this day - Russia included.
More theatre.

Except that Russia gave its most solemn promises to its "brotherly" neighbors and the world that it would never do so. So the question is, does Putin and people like yourself want a return to a Russia surrounded by enemies or not?

It's the same mistake the German Emperor made (to annex Alsace in 1870) that Bismarck cautioned against and the world still suffers for it to this day - Russia included.
West promised Russia that NATO will not expand eastward - where those promises now?
Russian and Ukrainians - not "brotherly nations", in fact we are just two tribes of single nation. Historic Russian lands will be united anyway. If the West intervene in this process, then there will be blood. If West not - then it will be peaceful reunification.
What will be Nato's move if they know this?
West promised Russia that NATO will not expand eastward - where those promises now?
Phony story.

Russian and Ukrainians - not "brotherly nations", in fact we are just two tribes of single nation.
Had the Ukrainians wished to remain part of Russia they would never have seized their opportunity to establish a separate state a generation ago.

Historic Russian lands will be united anyway. If the West intervene in this process, then there will be blood. If West not - then it will be peaceful reunification.
That's code, saying that if the Ukrainians resist being absorbed, Russia will blame the West. Is the Cold War mentality so attractive to you?
I want to hear something like this from american hippis " invading ukrain is too mainstream now, Mr.Putin try to do something different " lol. :rofl:
Phony story.
Had the Ukrainians wished to remain part of Russia they would never have seized their opportunity to establish a separate state a generation ago.
That's code, saying that if the Ukrainians resist being absorbed, Russia will blame the West. Is the Cold War mentality so attractive to you?
Independent Ukraine - a sort of joke or anecdote. Even the word "украина" - means " peripherals", "frontier land", "boderlands". In the Middle Ages lands to the north- east of Moscow were called "ukraine". There was Ryazanian ukraine , Vladimirian ukraine, later - Siberian ukraine .
" Independence of Ukraine " - 100% Western , anti-Russian project. But this process is reversible . If the Nazis seized power in Kiev will cross the line and start ethnic cleansing - Russia liberate the south and east of Ukraine from Kiev's occupation authorities . By the way - this region has never had any relationship to Ukraine ( Little Russia ) and was called " New Russia ." The Bolsheviks renamed " Little Russia " in " Ukraine " and attached New Russia to Soviet Ukraine as a gift. In 1954, also as a gift to the Soviet Ukraine Crimea was given.
Independent Ukraine - it's as if the 13 colonies , the 13 first states would proclaim independence from the U.S. .
" Independence of Ukraine " - 100% Western , anti-Russian project.
Not at all! Indeed, U.S. President George Bush tried to discourage it. The Ukrainians told him to f--k off. Remember, even the Soviets acknowledged that Ukraine was distinct from Russia; that's why Ukraine had its own delegate to the United Nations, separate from the U.S.S.R., from the very first days of the organization.

Pissing off your fellow Slavs is going to lead to trouble, Vostok. "Brotherly" love only goes so far: their feelings towards "Great Russians" will change from endearing to resent and hatred.

Your Ukrainian brothers feel betrayed. They want their brothers to withdraw. It will then be chalked up to confusion, so peaceful and unmolested withdrawal will be seen as the restoration of brotherly relations.

Don't even think of continuing the invasion. Unilaterally return the seized ships and military bases to Ukrainian control as a sign of goodwill. Progress can continue forward from there. Russia, not Europe, holds the keys to Ukraine's economy; give the country a little time to itself and it will return of its own accord to Russia's orbit.
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