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Punjab govt refuses to give surplus wheat to PTI-led KP


Jan 20, 2011
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Punjab refuses to give surplus wheat to PTI-led KP | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia


The Punjab government has refused to give wheat to PTI-governed Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, despite having a million tonnes of wheat in surplus, Pakistan Today has learnt.

The KP government in a letter written to Punjab’s Food Department requested for import of 400,000 tonnes of wheat to meet the shortage. However, the provincial regime in Punjab outright refused to give the favour to the province.

Insiders said Punjab was the major wheat producer in the country, while the crop in KP and Sindh was almost negligible, implying that the country’s largest province was actually the bread basket for the entire country. Sources in the government confided that Punjab had currently 4 million tonnes of wheat in surplus, while officials estimate the annual consumption of around three million tonnes in the most-populated province.

“The situation is pretty normal. We have ample stock for our needs and there is no fear of a shortage this year or the next,” Food Secretary Aslam Kamboh told Pakistan Today.

Even in the Wednesday’s session of the Punjab Assembly, the opposition, mostly consisting of PTI MPAs, pressed upon the government for giving wheat to KP, however, the government showed no signs of budging from its stance.

Senior officials also maintained there was no legal embargo on inter-provincial trade and provinces were free to trade commodities.

The Food Directorate, however, said the Punjab government did not refuse to sell them wheat. “We rather showed them the right path. PASSCO is actually the government agency responsible for procuring wheat from surplus areas and providing it to deficit provinces. We have only asked them to purchase it from PASSCO.”

Food Director Capt (r) Usman said TORs of PASSCO clearly mentioned that it was its job to address wheat shortage.

Adviser to KP CM on Food Qalandar Lodhi said KP wrote a letter to the Punjab government requesting for wheat supply, who asked them [the KPK government] to contact PASSCO.

“Now the first tranche of the supply of 100,000 tonnes of wheat from PASSCO is on its way,” Lodhi said. However, he said the KPK government requested Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to waive off Rs 1.5 billion incidental charges on wheat, but the PM “regretted”.

“The PM, however, gave 150,000 tonnes of wheat in grant to the world bank’s food programme at a time when our province was in a crisis situation. The PM is the PM of all provinces, whichever party is ruling. We have decided to once again request the PM to make it a grant to ease the situation of people in the KP,” he added.

Food Secretary Aslam Kamboh, however, said the Punjab government had to cater to a huge population besides 900 flour mills across the province, and a shortage would result in unemployment and unrest.
- See more at: Punjab refuses to give surplus wheat to PTI-led KP | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
Makes perfect sense since Punjab had massive floods and a huge area of our farmland has been destroyed. Not sure how we are going to have wheat in surplus. If anything, there will be a slight shortage.
Punjab refuses to give surplus wheat to PTI-led KP | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia


The Punjab government has refused to give wheat to PTI-governed Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, despite having a million tonnes of wheat in surplus, Pakistan Today has learnt.

The KP government in a letter written to Punjab’s Food Department requested for import of 400,000 tonnes of wheat to meet the shortage. However, the provincial regime in Punjab outright refused to give the favour to the province.

Insiders said Punjab was the major wheat producer in the country, while the crop in KP and Sindh was almost negligible, implying that the country’s largest province was actually the bread basket for the entire country. Sources in the government confided that Punjab had currently 4 million tonnes of wheat in surplus, while officials estimate the annual consumption of around three million tonnes in the most-populated province.

“The situation is pretty normal. We have ample stock for our needs and there is no fear of a shortage this year or the next,” Food Secretary Aslam Kamboh told Pakistan Today.

Even in the Wednesday’s session of the Punjab Assembly, the opposition, mostly consisting of PTI MPAs, pressed upon the government for giving wheat to KP, however, the government showed no signs of budging from its stance.

Senior officials also maintained there was no legal embargo on inter-provincial trade and provinces were free to trade commodities.

The Food Directorate, however, said the Punjab government did not refuse to sell them wheat. “We rather showed them the right path. PASSCO is actually the government agency responsible for procuring wheat from surplus areas and providing it to deficit provinces. We have only asked them to purchase it from PASSCO.”

Food Director Capt (r) Usman said TORs of PASSCO clearly mentioned that it was its job to address wheat shortage.

Adviser to KP CM on Food Qalandar Lodhi said KP wrote a letter to the Punjab government requesting for wheat supply, who asked them [the KPK government] to contact PASSCO.

“Now the first tranche of the supply of 100,000 tonnes of wheat from PASSCO is on its way,” Lodhi said. However, he said the KPK government requested Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to waive off Rs 1.5 billion incidental charges on wheat, but the PM “regretted”.

“The PM, however, gave 150,000 tonnes of wheat in grant to the world bank’s food programme at a time when our province was in a crisis situation. The PM is the PM of all provinces, whichever party is ruling. We have decided to once again request the PM to make it a grant to ease the situation of people in the KP,” he added.

Food Secretary Aslam Kamboh, however, said the Punjab government had to cater to a huge population besides 900 flour mills across the province, and a shortage would result in unemployment and unrest.
- See more at: Punjab refuses to give surplus wheat to PTI-led KP | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

The Food Directorate, however, said the Punjab government did not refuse to sell them wheat. “We rather showed them the right path. PASSCO is actually the government agency responsible for procuring wheat from surplus areas and providing it to deficit provinces. We have only asked them to purchase it from PASSCO.”

Food Director Capt (r) Usman said TORs of PASSCO clearly mentioned that it was its job to address wheat shortage.
here you go you narrow minded person. Such a phoser.....
Makes perfect sense since Punjab had massive floods and a huge area of our farmland has been destroyed. Not sure how we are going to have wheat in surplus. If anything, there will be a slight shortage.

Punjab has 4 million tons of wheat while annual consumption in Punjab is 3 million tons, that means 1 million ton of surplus wheat, KPK only asked for 0.4 tons, not even half of the surplus wheat, but punjab govt declined the wheat to kpk who has shortage of wheat in the first place while Nawaz is donating the wheat to world bank and our own peoples demands are not fulfilled. Hypocrites!
Makes perfect sense since Punjab had massive floods and a huge area of our farmland has been destroyed. Not sure how we are going to have wheat in surplus. If anything, there will be a slight shortage.
Its not like that. PASCO actually purchases wheat and essential commodities from the farmers accross Pakistan and then stores it. Punjab government has a commodity department of her own but their storage capacity is limited. PASCCO is entrusted with maintaining the buffer stock for maintaining prices stable across country.
Within the ambit of its mission, functions assigned to PASSCO are:-

Procurement of Wheat and, when called upon, other agriculture commodities.
Implementation of Government policy of Support Price for wheat, paddy, gram, potato, onion and any other specified agricultural commodity.
Storage of wheat and its release to deficit provinces/regions and Defense Forces throughout the year on the direction of Federal Government.
Maintenance of Strategic Reserves as per policy spelled out by Federal Government.
Curtailing the Role of Middlemen.
Price Stabilization by intervention in local market, on the instructions of Federal Government.
Undertake imports/exports, on instructions of Federal Government.
Construction of modern storage facilities to minimize storage losses.
Collaboration with Agribusiness Agencies.
Punjab has 4 million tons of wheat while annual consumption in Punjab is 3 million tons, that means 1 million ton of surplus wheat, KPK only asked for 0.4 tons, not even half of the surplus wheat, but punjab govt declined the wheat to kpk who has shortage of wheat in the first place while Nawaz is donating the wheat to world bank and our own peoples demands are not fulfilled. Hypocrites!

I dont know the complete story but you need to look at both sides of the coin. We cant just call punjab govt hypocrites because they refused to allocate a part of wheat surplus to kpk. In my books, if i hold an ownership of something, it is up to me to decide what I want to do with it. There is no other way. And I am sure you'd do the same
I dont know the complete story but you need to look at both sides of the coin. We cant just call punjab govt hypocrites because they refused to allocate a part of wheat surplus to kpk. In my books, if i hold an ownership of something, it is up to me to decide what I want to do with it. There is no other way. And I am sure you'd do the same
Again its nothing to do with that, the reason why KPK administration may have reached out to Punjab Administration is that they may have wanted to buy the wheat of the market for avoiding incidental charges of PASSCO. However, the incidental charges are the storage costs and administration expenses of PASSCO
In 2011, the corporation provided 132,000 metric tonnes (MT) of wheat to G-B and till August this year, 72,900 MT had been provided on the support price plus incidental charges (charges to meet Passco’s daily expenses). Although the G-B government has not paid dues since 2007, Passco did not discontinue the supply of wheat to the region because it was directed by the ministry of national food security and research to do so.
According to the official, the corporation is bound to provide procured wheat to buyers on a no-profit, no loss basis. At present, the corporation has calculated a price of Rs6,000 per ten bags (each weighing 100 kilogrammes) in order to meet their incidental costs, including salaries and storage arrangements.
Verge of bankruptcy: G-B govt
Whats unclear here is that whether KPK government have utilized the national qouta allocation of PASSCO or not?
Punjab has 4 million tons of wheat while annual consumption in Punjab is 3 million tons, that means 1 million ton of surplus wheat, KPK only asked for 0.4 tons, not even half of the surplus wheat, but punjab govt declined the wheat to kpk who has shortage of wheat in the first place while Nawaz is donating the wheat to world bank and our own peoples demands are not fulfilled. Hypocrites!

punjab gets its gas from sindh, electricity from KPK

imagine if these provinces start stopping those gas and electricity

they will start saying that punjab ke saath zyadti ho rahi he and crying and whining

its like they have inherited all other's stuff and they can pick and choose their stuff to give to others
punjab gets its gas from sindh, electricity from KPK

imagine if these provinces start stopping those gas and electricity

they will start saying that punjab ke saath zyadti ho rahi he and crying and whining

its like they have inherited all other's stuff and they can pick and choose their stuff to give to others

ahhhh we cant stop the supply. And then someone yesterday was saying "why people have issue with Punjab" :)))

anyway wheat prices have gone up in Punjab too and its the only tool they always use against KPK for punishing govts other than their's
punjab gets its gas from sindh, electricity from KPK

imagine if these provinces start stopping those gas and electricity

they will start saying that punjab ke saath zyadti ho rahi he and crying and whining

its like they have inherited all other's stuff and they can pick and choose their stuff to give to others

News says that we have PASCO for this purpose than why KPK govt. is asking Punjab govt. ? They should follow SOPs, isn't it?

When there is shortage in Punjab, they beg Sindh for wheat, sindh gave them wheat and other commodities in Past but now they are turning their back on KPK because of political rivalry.

News says that we have PASCO for this purpose than why KPK govt. is asking Punjab govt. ? They should follow SOPs, isn't it?

PASCO dont have required amount of wheat that KPK needs, Punjab is keeping the surplus wheat, If they gave wheat to PASCo, KPK have this problem.
When there is shortage in Punjab, they beg Sindh for wheat, sindh gave them wheat and other commodities in Past but now they are turning their back on KPK because of political rivalry.

PASCO dont have required amount of wheat that KPK needs, Punjab is keeping the surplus wheat, If they gave wheat to PASCo, KPK have this problem.

Sanaullah said that for provision of cheap flour, the Punjab govt allocated 12 billion rupees for subsidy in Punjab.

If they have surplus why such a huge amount for subsidy then??
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