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Morocco to acquire Israeli spy satellite worth $1 bln- media

Israel is only Pakistan "enemy" because we made it so. Israelis got nothing against us otherwise. Let Muhajirs worry about their ethnic/cultural commonality across the border.
Haven't you seen the Netanyahu video of few years ago in which he named Iran and Pakistan as the two threats. I couldn't find it, but here is another.
The word Muhajir is nonsense. Muhajirs are Hindustani and they are not ethnically close to Punjabi, Kashmiri, and Sindhi as you are. There are millions of your ethnic kin and cousins across the border with whom you are at war because the British set you up.
Today's Biden can barely talk and walk but wants to cling to power - an insatiable hunger for power is dangerous too. And, Trump thinks he is the chosen one to bring in the Rapture and Armeggeddon for the sake of Israel and Jesus. What happened to sane leaders.
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