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Pullout of Mamata sets India at danger

I was talking about the dalit converting to christianity or those who have not converted yet.. not any upper caste people. Can you deny the fact US evangelicals has no plan to establish a christian state in south asia... their primary intention to convert the entire hindus of India and to make it a christian state... alternative option is also there.

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

Good for them and also for bangladesh... ;)

It is weak people like you who are afraid of their own shadow.

It is a laugh that Indian Christians will go for slavery on reasons of religion.

You may sell yourselves, but not us!

That is why you gloat over some silly Sheik coming to your country.

That is why you take pride in claiming that you are as good as the Arab steed.

No Christian claims that they are Europeans or having descent from some white nation!

Religion comes second. Our nation always remain first, always and every time!

That is the difference that you cannot fathom or accept since you are sold to the Arabs for your imaginary lineage!

Live in your false dream!

While you crave a foreign descent of Arabia, they spurn you as dirt!

Check the threads here on this very forum!

Be a man and be proud of what you are and not chase imaginary descent, not that to be an Arab is anything worth the candle!
Dalits are 150 Millions and not 350 Million and anyway they are like any other Hindus. Who told you they are converting in Christianity ? In Last 64 years, Only 1% Dalits had converted that also in Buddhism. We consider BR Ambedkar Buddhism as Hinduism only, if you are aware. Do you about Great Ashoka ? Christan population was 2.5% in 1947 today @ 2.4%. Muslim population increased by 4% due to Illegal Immigration and highest TFR. No one is converting in Islam in India. Whatever conversation happened from Hinduism to Islam was in Mughal period that also Forcefully. Still, Hinduism Survived with 1 Billion Population. Even, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism are also same like Hinduism as their ancestors and culture were born here.

Muslims are 25% Only and not 30% :hitwall:. Out of 25%, 50% are Illegal Bangladeshi and living in Slums in 1% total area as for them Indian Slum is equal to Bangladesh Dhaka :cheesy:. All illegal Bangladeshi immigrants will be deported back in future. Be sure on that. Wait for few years. Why the hell you have right to talk about Indian Muslim. I have many Muslim friends who hate Bangladesh more than me. Talk on facts and stop building castle on air because you are making fun of yourself by posting such hilarious possibility.

I will not go in to crap of the illegal bangladeshi migrants... if there are really so many illegal bangladeshis are out there all across india.. it will make our job easy...

Anyway... lets see what the christian missionaries plan for india...

Christian Aggression - Assault on India
Worry about the plans for BD.

Salvation will arrive soon!

Christ will Save the Sinners!

Unfortunately BD is such an insignificant country that none has done a research!
I think we did mistake in 1971. Bangladesh was better with Pakistan. Only Pakistan can treat them better. At least, we knew that they are our enemy and we could have taken any step. Now, They are really Pain in A$$. I literally started hating Bangladesh more than Pakistan. I am tired of hearing their wet dream which don't even any leg or hand. If this will happen, then that will happen. Even, I don't laugh any more. One of my friend is in Assam Rifles, They say the correct thing about them.

Bangladesh should stop population explosion, develop their nation. But what they talk ?
1)Assam will be part of BD 2) When China and Pakistan will attack India @ same time then @ same time N-E People will revolt and @ same time will try to be with Bangladesh.

They even don't know Gurkha Regiment and Assam Rifles mainly comes from N-E which can beat any enemy till pulp. There should not be any doubt why many Indians support RSS, Swami, BJP stand on Bangladesh. ASSU need to take some step in Assam. I heard, it is possible in future.

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------

I will not go in to crap of the illegal bangladeshi migrants... if there are really so many illegal bangladeshis are out there all across india.. it will make our job easy...

Anyway... lets see what the christian missionaries plan for india...

Christian Aggression - Assault on India

talk about facts and not any Anti-Indian blog. I can make 10 such blog for Anti-Bangladesh.
This is the real number of christians in India... it is 6% now at least not 2.4% as government source claim...


N tiki what sort of salvation!!!

When it comes, you will realise it!

We are Indians and do not claim foreign descent.

You all claim proudly your imaginary foreign descent and not being what you really are!

Insecure people dream connections elsewhere since they are not worth even to talk about and so they clutch straws!

and everyone is a Sheik or direct descendant!

Proud people, right?
I think we did mistake in 1971. Bangladesh was better with Pakistan. Only Pakistan can treat them better. At least, we knew that they are our enemy and we could have taken any step. Now, They are really Pain in A$$. I literally started hating Bangladesh more than Pakistan. I am tired of hearing their wet dream which don't even any leg or hand. If this will happen, then that will happen. Even, I don't laugh any more. One of my friend is in Assam Rifles, They say the correct thing about them.

Bangladesh should stop population explosion, develop their nation. But what they talk ?
1)Assam will be part of BD 2) When China and Pakistan will attack India @ same time then @ same time N-E People will revolt and @ same time will try to be with Bangladesh.

They even don't know Gurkha Regiment and Assam Rifles mainly comes from N-E which can beat any enemy till pulp. There should not be any doubt why many Indians support RSS, Swami, BJP stand on Bangladesh. ASSU need to take some step in Assam. I heard, it is possible in future.

---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------

talk about facts and not any Anti-Indian blog. I can make 10 such blog for Anti-Bangladesh.

Thats a pro indian blog... and documenting the christian aggression...not the other way around... you do not know to what extend this christian missionaries has become bigoted... n it is not new but a continuation of old phenomena..
This is the real number of christians in India... it is 6% now at least not 2.4% as government source claim...


N tiki what sort of salvation!!!

I am saying post any Evidence and not any blog by any Tom Dick harry. Current population is 2.4%. Even if Christians will be 99%, Then also won't make any difference. I failed to understand why Bangladeshi people think like that? We are Indian 1st. Do you know Indian Defence Minister is Christian who just deployed 2 squadron of MKI in Assam ?

you should concentrate more on your population explosion and by next century, your many parts will be under water.

Thats a pro indian blog... and documenting the christian aggression...not the other way around... you do not know to what extend this christian missionaries has become bigoted... n it is not new but a continuation of old phenomena..

Let India becomes Christian majority and let Christians become 99%, we don't have any problem. Still, We will be Indian. Isn't it ? Even so many Indians living in Christian country like Canada and doing very well, if you aware. I was born as an Indian and will die as Indian and my religion is my personal choice and doesn't make any difference towards my nationality and patriotism. :)
Whatever be the reason, A mere chief minister of India walking out on talks being led the heads of states in a foreign country is an insult to everbody involved.Mrs. Mamata Banerjee isn't 10 to throw tantrums and hissy fits,she is free to do all that in West Bengal and not in Bangladesh.She should apologize for insulting Bangladesh as well as the Indian political system.Even the United States doesn't pull off such arrogance.Shame on her
Let there be any religious invasion.

You cannot take away India from within an Indian, irrespective of his or her religion!
I am saying post any Evidence and not any blog by any Tom Dick harry. Current population is 2.4%. Even if Christians will be 99%, Then also won't make any difference. I failed to understand why Bangladeshi people think like that? We are Indian 1st. Do you know Indian Defence Minister is Christian who just deployed 2 squadron of MKI in Assam ?

you should concentrate more on your population explosion and by next century, your many parts will be under water.

Let India becomes Christian majority and let Christians become 99%, we don't have any problem. Still, We will be Indian. Isn't it ? Even so many Indians living in Christian country like Canada and doing very well, if you aware.

You did not get my point did you???? The missionaries are converting dalits by saying you will escape discrimination and prejudice of hinduism by converting to christianity...

N these dalits are full of hate in their heart towards hinduism... N you can not deny the possibility of demanding separate state by them... can you... to what extant you can say with confidence these dalits and dalit converts will remain stick to india... in every country throughout the history at the end tried to disconnect from the oppresor country or people.

See the bbc report why the dalits are converting...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Dalits in conversion ceremony

The Dalits - once known as Untouchables - hope to escape the prejudice and discrimination they often face.

Dalits face a new threat from India's Hindus
Let there be any religious invasion.

You cannot take away India from within an Indian, irrespective of his or her religion!

Yah,that just doesn't cut it anymore claiming "Oh we are Indians and this is our way of doing things". I recall the words of G W Bush "the soft bigotry of low expectations" and it applies to us in more ways than one. Either grow up or get out of the way.
You did not get my point did you???? The missionaries are converting dalits by saying you will escape discrimination and prejudice of hinduism by converting to christianity...

N these dalits are full of hate in their heart towards hinduism... N you can not deny the possibility of demanding separate state by them... can you... to what extant you can say with confidence these dalits and dalit converts will remain stick to india... in every country throughout the history at the end tried to disconnect from the oppresor country or people.

See the bbc report why the dalits are converting...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Dalits in conversion ceremony

The Dalits - once known as Untouchables - hope to escape the prejudice and discrimination they often face.

Dalits face a new threat from India's Hindus

I already said 1% converted in last 64 years and 90% of them converted into B.R. Ambedkar Buddhism ideology. They are still like Hindus. Now i am tired to explain which you will never able to understand.

I am saying let every Indian converts into Christian. Let Christian becomes 99% in India. Still, I will be Indian and nothing going to change. I was born as an Indian and i will die as an Indian. My religion is my personal choice but my Nationality is most important. Why don't you understand this simple fact ? Indians are Indians 1st that includes every religion. We learnt that only since childhood, we will be always Indian in any case.
I already said 1% converted in last 64 years and 90% of them converted into B.R. Ambedkar Buddhism ideology. They are still like Hindus. Now i am tired to explain which you will never able to understand.

I am saying let every Indian converts into Christian. Let Christian becomes 99% in India. Still, I will be Indian and nothing going to change. I was born as an Indian and i will die as an Indian. My religion is my personal choice but my Nationality is most important. Why don't you understand this simple fact ? Indians are Indians 1st that includes every religion. We have been taught like that, we will be always Indian in any case.

It may apply to other religion but the case of dalits are different... they are converting not for salvation or change of spirit but for hate towards hinduism.. This is the case that we will have to see where it leads india...
It may apply to other religion but the case of dalits are different... they are converting not for salvation or change of spirit but for hate towards hinduism.. This is the case that we will have to see where it leads india...

Either you are confused or don't know what you are saying.

1st of all, Not more than 1% of total conversation happened in last 64 years. By the way Hinduism still exist after 5,000 years and 300 years of aggressive Muslim Invasion and conversion into Islam. Isn't this strange that Hinduism still survived from worst phase to modern 21st century ? keep thinking!!

But even if you want to believe for self-satisfaction, Then what ?

Why Dalit ? Why not All Rajput to Jats every 1 Billion Hindus converts into Christianity. Then also we will be Indians. Isn't it ? I don't think it's too hard to understand. Indian is nationality and not religion.
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