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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Manzil Qarib hai , salam how logoon per jo Azadi ki tarf chal diye hain


The road to Islamabad a march towards freedom from Badsha..hat

Aek Azad mulk main container nahi lagta only in Badshathat

Manzil Qarib hai , salam how logoon per jo Azadi ki tarf chal diye hain


The road to Islamabad a march towards freedom from Badsha..hat

Aek Azad mulk main container nahi lagta only in Badshathat

No matter which side you are on in this issue. Calling the current leadership 'baadshahat' or 'monarchy' is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. It's funny and gets laughs among people but at its core, it is absolutely retarded thing to say.

I know IK is trying to tie this to the events in Libya and Egypt but cmon man...
Badshahat to hai

3 Times in power and then his brother in line

Then his sister

Then his daughter

Badshahat to hai

Democracy main to every 3 -4 year there is "New leadership" in real democracy

We have Badshahat !!!!

Only a BADSHAH is afraid of public and uses bullet and containers to protect his Mahal


Badshah ko kiss baat ka Khuf hai ????

His rich life style , public needs to see their King and the luxury he enjoys in Islamabad

Badshahat to hai

3 Times in power and then his brother in line

Then his sister

Then his daughter

Badshahat to hai
So PPP is a baadshahat as well?

You are going to compare this to 42 years straight by Gaddafi and 32 years straight by Mubarak. Get your head out of your ***.
43 year tak wait nahi ho go , ye badshah to gire ga takht se

If Badshah is so confident of his followers and truth of his election why put containers on the Highways ??? Badshahsalamat
Badshahat to hai

3 Times in power and then his brother in line

Then his sister

Then his daughter

Badshahat to hai

Democracy main to every 3 -4 year there is "New leadership" in real democracy

We have Badshahat !!!!

Only a BADSHAH is afraid of public and uses bullet and containers to protect his Mahal


Badshah ko kiss baat ka Khuf hai ????

His rich life style , public needs to see their King and the luxury he enjoys in Islamabad


Just wait a bit. There is bound to be quid pro quo. When it does happen, we shall see how PTI handles it.

Dynastic politics should not be a big concern right now. Just look at India. If democratic traditions are strong, dynasts do not last.

For the last two months, the biggest problem is power politics in garb of principles using a lot of shady rhetoric.
@Chak Bamu another one note it hatred and promotion of violence.

He is psycho, what can I say. I do not approve of his posts. For your information that is Shahmir Kashmir. He does not mind abusing people. I ignore him like I ignore Zarvan. You must know Zarvan calls for mass murder of Hindus, right? But he is in your camp, because he thinks Ghazwa Hind chances are better with IK than NS, not because he supports the system of 'kufr' that is democracy. I should know, I was unfortunate enough to debate with him.

In any case, I shall delete that post if it offends you.
Badshahat to hai

3 Times in power and then his brother in line

Then his sister

Then his daughter

Badshahat to hai

Democracy main to every 3 -4 year there is "New leadership" in real democracy

We have Badshahat !!!!

Only a BADSHAH is afraid of public and uses bullet and containers to protect his Mahal


Badshah ko kiss baat ka Khuf hai ????

His rich life style , public needs to see their King and the luxury he enjoys in Islamabad


If i ever become PM then i shall have better house then Nawaz. Unless you want your PM to live in slums?

Look at T Khan life style, despite that he only pays around 2 lakh income tax. T Khan khud itna bara tax chor hai, guy have no crediblity left.

He is psycho, what can I say. I do not approve of his posts. For your information that is Shahmir Kashmir. He does not mind abusing people. I ignore him like I ignore Zarvan. You must know Zarvan calls for mass murder of Hindus, right? But he is in your camp, because he thinks Ghazwa Hind chances are better with IK than NS, not because he supports the system of 'kufr' that is democracy. I should know, I was unfortunate enough to debate with him.

In any case, I shall delete that post if it offends you.

Lol Chack you are best mod around
I happen to think Hamid Mir is a great patriot. I can argue the point if you wish; should not be difficult since you seem to think that PSed pictures somehow prove your point.
Oh my God, you can discuss with some else i don't even want to hear his name, I think you also like mir shakeel. Sorry cant hear, will leave this forum.
Inquilab march is bigger than azadi march .............

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