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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

hahaha Lahoriites reporting its not even 1 lac, looks like KPK patwaris gonna do the real magic

PTI antics have caused it harm in Punjab

election kerwalo abhi bhi to PTI phir haar jaye ge

first kick out jamaatis like ejaz chaudhry and other lota idiots then u can hope to have some ground in Punjab
hahaha Lahoriites reporting its not even 1 lac, looks like KPK patwaris gonna do the real magic

PTI antics have caused it harm in Punjab

election kerwalo abhi bhi to PTI phir haar jaye ge

first kick out jamaatis like ejaz chaudhry and other lota idiots then u can hope to have some ground in Punjab
You were expecting entire Lahore to proceed to Islamabad?

Lahore is just the beginning, big crowds will join the march from several cities and towns. People from all provinces of country are trying to join the march. This is massive mobilization, only foolish are underestimating it. When the crowd will gather in Islamabad, then everybody will notice the real strength of mobilization. This is a mobilization of such a magnitude that government is utterly trapped and it will have to give major concessions to save itself.

It is important to understand the ground realities behind mobilization of this scale, people are not happy with current situation of the country and are expecting relief. But relief is not coming under leadership of tried and tested political parties such as PPPP and PML(N). Wide-spread corruption at governmental and political levels have made livelihood expensive and difficult for the masses, and placed the country under antics of IMF. PML(N) didn't learn any lesson from the past and did not realize that people were getting fed up from lack of performance of PPPP under Zardari. The bubble was building up and expected to burst at some point, question was when. PML(N) provided the necessary platform for this bubble to burst with mistakes and lack of vision. The bubble eventually burst and results are now apparent.
Last edited:
Earliest: Friday
Maximum: Saturday

Mobilization is so big that it will take time to reach and settle in Islamabad.
So you're convinced those demands are constitutional? Are those demands justified?

It is the right of any citizen make any demand of the government. Certainly, IK can raise any demand he wishes, as a citizen and as an MNA. For example, asking the PM to resign is perfectly constitutional. However, such demands may or may not be acceptable or reasonable, or may need a proper and legal pathway to be implemented. The Court has erred in declaring the demands unconstitutional, and has failed in its duty to prescribe the proper pathways which such demands have to meet the legal standards and procedures as set forth in the Constitution and relevant body of law. It may appear to be a fine point, but the law and its interpretation must be precise and accurate if it is to be effective.

Pathetic reporting... Dawn is reporting short order, one we are discussing. Takes weeks to issue detailed/full verdict.

I certainly hope that the full text of the order makes more sense than what has been reported.

very biased and political decision by the courts. this is what Iftikhar chaudhary has given to judicial system.

I am trying to understand these bizarre steps by the Honorable Court myself.
Isl kub pohnchey gey?:undecided::unsure:
If Helicopters continue to throw mini dragon teeth , I think they will take 10 days. They should immediately get this machinery

If Helicopters continue to throw mini dragon teeth , I think they will take 10 days. They should immediately get this machinery

yeah heard it too...so cheap of them to do that!

no but seriously what's the expected time? its taking so much time to even leave Lahore!
It is the right of any citizen make any demand of the government. Certainly, IK can raise any demand he wishes, as a citizen and as an MNA. For example, asking the PM to resign is perfectly constitutional. However, such demands may or may not be acceptable or reasonable, or may need a proper and legal pathway to be implemented. The Court has erred in declaring the demands unconstitutional, and has failed in its duty to prescribe the proper pathways which such demands have to meet the legal standards and procedures as set forth in the Constitution and relevant body of law. It may appear to be a fine point, but the law and its interpretation must be precise and accurate if it is to be effective.

Absolutely, since everybody enjoys fundamental rights so it's perfectly alright and legit to hold long march and raise demands like these. Thank God court didn't restrain IK and TUQ, at least this is good in the judgement.

However, such demands may or may not be acceptable or reasonable, or may need a proper and legal pathway to be implemented

This is interesting, really interesting. Lets assume the demands are reasonable/accepted (In fact demands are reasonable and well accepted as you have stated it yourself and I have agreed it too). Demands may need a proper and a legal pathway, this statement of yours also means that it's quite possible that it may not need a proper and a legal pathway (legally the usage of may is interpreted in two altogether different ways, when you say may you also may not). My question to you sir is, if these legit demands are implemented through some illegal pathway, would you consider any ulterior change legit? If yes then let's finish it here and move on. And if no then this is exactly what the court had referred to.

I am going to save the highlighted part of your post for my record. Rest of the contents of your post have been elaborated many times, you don't seem to be getting what I have been explaining again and over again.

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